View Full Version : Black List

01-17-2007, 07:55 PM
The german gouvernment plans a black list for killer games in Germany and for the European Union, because there happen some incidents, in Germany, where 2 guys were killed and some peoples were obsessed. The culprits were all guys who played killer games.

That is not ok for me, because there are millions of gamers, who play killer games. Just 'cuz of this black sheeps we must bleed. That is not fair, because you can everywhere find those black sheeps, not only in the gamer community.. That are just the old suckers who think they can save the world with forbade like this. If the psyche of someone is sick, then all could be the trigger. And just because they play killer games, the killer games are guilty, they say.

Do you think killer games are guilty for this violence?

01-17-2007, 08:03 PM
hahahaha its too funny, anyways no, killer games are too much funny.
lol kill in really life, after... hahaha

Caged Anger
01-17-2007, 09:14 PM
*article already posted by myself

but a poll about this is always good to runf rom time to time to see if opinions have changed :)

01-17-2007, 09:27 PM
Killer games are KILLER!

Die Hard
01-17-2007, 10:13 PM

see Nitro O_o

Mad Fox
01-17-2007, 11:19 PM
I am going to grain and say that they are partially responsible. In essence they portray violence in addition to literaure, television and other forms of media. Violence is everyway and games may contribute to it in some way. I really don't think that people suddenly became violent.

01-18-2007, 02:19 AM
Generalizations Stink!

01-18-2007, 02:30 AM
I really don't think that playing a violent game is enough to send you over the edge and turn you into a raging mad killer....

How many people here have been playing sam, ut, quake, plus other games for years, Have any of you actually wanted to go outside with a double barrel shotty and blow some1 away, just because you are addicted ??

It really is sad, that every element of violence that happens, gets related back to a person that plays games, How sad is that....

I play rainbow six vegas on the 360, not once have i ever had a thought of going sniping some1's ass, or bursting into a room with a frag grenade..

It's a criminals quick way out, They blame it on a game, clame they are phsycotic and then they get all the help they can from the taxpayers....


01-18-2007, 02:32 AM
I am going to grain and say that they are partially responsible. In essence they portray violence in addition to literaure, television and other forms of media. Violence is everyway and games may contribute to it in some way. I really don't think that people suddenly became violent.

Ok, You say games are partially responsible.. Why do you play sam ?

All the blood and gore, is that enough to turn you into a psychopath ?

Caged Anger
01-18-2007, 03:02 AM
"In terms of total units sold, approximately 248 million computer and video games were sold in 2004 – nearly two games for every home in America by ESA estimates. (Note: The numbers released by the ESA today do not include sales of game hardware or accessories.)"

"Interestingly, despite the disproportionate media attention paid to a few controversial titles, the NPD Group’s data indicates that only 16% of games sold last year were rated "Mature (M)," as compared to the 83% of games sold rated "Everyone (E)" or "Teen (T)" [53% rated "E" and 30% rated "T"]. Three-quarters of the top twenty selling video games were rated "E" or "T.""


Now these figures come straight from the Entertainment Software Association and if it were true that violent video games had a significant effect on those who play them, don't you think we would see a few more people going Halo on their neighbor? The facts and figures do not match the accusations.

Violent game purchases are skyrocketing, and yet you see articles all over the web taking note of how violent crimes in the USA are continuing their sharp and steady decline.


Anyone else noticing some very blatent contradictions here? Lets quit with the BS about how "oooo, it was the video games that caused Billy to shoot his teacher" and take a closer look at Billy's home life and upbringing.

This crap is for the birds and the country is going to find out very quickly that its only going to get worse unless the problem is addressed here and now.

/end rant

01-18-2007, 03:15 AM

see Nitro O_o

I wish to only kill the DUMB ****ING IDIOT who voted Yes.

Whoever you are, please drink some nuclear waste and because you obviosuly have a enormous tumor in your head that impairs your thinking processes.

01-18-2007, 03:17 AM
I love you dearly Die Hard, will you marry me? ^_^

01-18-2007, 03:18 AM
Stfu Slut Im Tryign To Make A Poiont ***git

01-18-2007, 03:18 AM
ok im sawry :(

Mad Fox
01-18-2007, 03:39 AM
Ok, You say games are partially responsible.. Why do you play sam ?

All the blood and gore, is that enough to turn you into a psychopath ?

I am just saying that they add to the violence and maybe it contributes to people's violent tendencies. BTW how did you know i was a psychopath?:rolleyes:

01-18-2007, 05:14 AM
I am curious, are they just doing this to games? If that is the case then I disagree to a point.

Yes this will be a long post....

First off I want to say that no government should have to do anything that has to do with raising your own children. When I say children I mean any parent that has a child living in their house under the age 18. It is the complete responsibility of the parents to raise their children and make sure things are within the laws of the house based on the rules of the parents who are or suppose to be the adults. Are you under 18 and have parents unaware of everything you do? Then they are not doing their job.

Now if anyone dares to blame one thing for the kids violence today they need to stop being ignorant and look at the whole picture. Everything today is based on some sort of smut. Almost every television show/movie, almost every song being produced, most of the games today are also designed with smut intended. Ofcourse this is what sells and people are not paying attention. If you disagree this is not part of the problem with todays society then you are wrong. It's not all that is the problem but it is part of it.

As I said there is much to do with society today and the direction it is headed. A study showed that 51% of the women today are living with out a partner which means no husband or father around. This lead to only one parent doing the parenting on a daily basis not counting weekends if the father is around. As far as daily parenting, much of it is used up because unless this mother is a stay home mom and lives off of child support and alimony she has no income. Today I doubt it being possible even if that is the case and the mother is working a 9-5 job. Working a 9-5 job means getting up early and going to work and back home around 6-7. This only leaves a couple of hours of parenting left in the day before a new day starts. Usually most people are pretty beat after work and very little attention or energy is really left in anyone to do anything especially if you are the only parent. This is not the Dads fault as it is accepted in society to be married and divorced so easily. Dad's don't really get a choice in this as they do what the court forces them to do. This is now the majority considering it has passed the 50% of Women with kids being single.

Now the problem mentione above is not always the case in an unseucceful marriage or broken marriage. This sort of thing occurs in a perfectly happy family with kids. The problem is that many times both parents have to work full time jobs thus leaving the same situation with two parents.

So to put those additions to todays violence in kids today is that Family values are not being set into kids today and society does not really give the parents a break when the bills need to be paid.

The next thing I think is a problem is that kids do not earn anything they get. Mommy or daddy always buy what ever the kids want. This does not teach children any sort of responsibility or the value of a dollar. Kids have become use to this as they never have to work yet they still get. Ever wonder why you see so many illegals do the jobs nobody wants? I know when I was a kid I busted my butt for a buck. Mowed many lawns, delivered many papers, and shoveled many walks. This is just not the case today. The kids today have way too easy and with everything else going on it is hard for them to learn respect so they can respect other people, what they have, or what their parents do.

These are just some of the key problems and there are others. Although I honest feel these words fall on a world of deaf ears or eyes blinded by their own hands, their is no doubt that family value has declined in todays society which is the true blame for what people say F'd up kids. The truth is the kids are just the victims that the adults can not seem to see.

I would like to say if you are a parent that sticks to their rules and keeps their number one priority on their family, you deserve a lot of respect for doing so. In todays society it is most likely the hardest thing to do considering with all the things out there that can detor your child so easily.

If you are child with parents on your case about everything and watching or I should say paying attention to everything you do, consider yourself lucky because you will understand it later on. Give them some credit time to time and you just may already have the respect part down:thumbs:

Anyway that's what I think and feel I could not vote in the poll because I do not find it to be fair.

01-18-2007, 05:57 AM
Stfu Slut Im Tryign To Make A Poiont ***git

You need a break from the OT section, See you in a few days

01-18-2007, 02:17 PM
I Want To See You All In Prison!!

j/k :P :D

01-18-2007, 02:24 PM
Generalizations Stink!

Ha ha! That was so subtle that it almost slipped by!

Very funny, Tip :D

Caged Anger
01-18-2007, 03:28 PM
hey Biggs, proud to be a lawn mower past 5 years running :)

01-18-2007, 04:09 PM
I agree with Bigg's on the issue of kids not really caring or being aware of how hard it is to earn a living and to actually own something that is of material or of an abstract or spiritual value. Almost everything is being taken for granted; this includes everything from friendship to owning video games or a bike for the sake of example.

This does go back to parenting but I also believe that education (specifically elementary and secondary education) plays a big role in these kid's lives. I could write out my personal theory of how everything affects a person to some extent but I am not a psychology major so it would be difficult to actually back up my statements with solid evidence. But let's me be blunt and forthcoming and say that whatever these kids are being taught in school may have some parallel to their malevolent behavior. After all the kids go shooting up schools and not their homes, something is very wrong here.

As for video games I cannot honestly say that they have affected me deeply enough to even consider killing a person. I play games for their competitive online aspect and not for anything else.

Mad Fox
01-18-2007, 04:24 PM
Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt

So what is the idea behind this assault on video games. What is the idea behind video games? What is behind the idea of increase violence.