View Full Version : Chinese Missle

Mad Fox
01-19-2007, 03:41 AM

I am worried about the continual growth of Chinese power. It is unsettling to think of the control over the world market that they have. There ideoligical base is the worrisome part. I think that eventually the lack of political freedom with curse the Chinese but until then they are a major concern.

01-19-2007, 07:44 PM
I'm a little more worried about our government than China

Caged Anger
01-19-2007, 08:19 PM

besides the fact we did the same thing back in the 80's

01-19-2007, 09:58 PM
I'm a little more worried about our government than China

your gov is good in compare to czech. today we got new goverment, 270 days after elections(we was 270 days without goverment!!!). we have got very bad goverment, however. they wont do anyhing becouse opposition will block everythink so its going to be here even bigger mess then now lol im gonna move to britain or USA as soon as possible

01-20-2007, 01:25 AM
your gov is good in compare to czech. today we got new goverment, 270 days after elections(we was 270 days without goverment!!!). we have got very bad goverment, however. they wont do anyhing becouse opposition will block everythink so its going to be here even bigger mess then now lol im gonna move to britain or USA as soon as possible

There you go, that's a perfect solution. Don't try to fix it, just leave it. :rolleyes: