View Full Version : Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology

01-23-2007, 11:58 PM
TOM Cruise is the new “Christ” of Scientology, according to leaders of the cult-like religion.


01-24-2007, 12:41 AM
That's it, i'm sending in Chuck Norris

01-24-2007, 01:03 AM
Good. That means he will be crucified soon. :P

Nah I honestly like Cruise as an actor. As a person not so much. I thought that he was great in the first two Mission:Impossible films as well as in Minority Report and Collateral. His last MI movie sucked due to the director being a total idiot.

01-24-2007, 05:10 AM
Good. That means he will be crucified soon. :P

Nah I honestly like Cruise as an actor. As a person not so much. I thought that he was great in the first two Mission:Impossible films as well as in Minority Report and Collateral. His last MI movie sucked due to the director being a total idiot.

This is from a guy who told me to watch Children of Men because it was a good movie. It wasn't. They didn't spend enough time giving the background story, it was just "gee, we don't don't what happened". They didn't give any background on why Britain was so obsessed with hating and keeping out immigrants. Was Britain the last bastion of hope? It hardly seemed so. It was all very contrived in my opinion, and it required you to fill in the gaps that the movie should have made an effort fill in a bit for you. In fact it was rather contradictory when the fighting towards the end stopped while the woman passed through.

Meh, it's hard to critic a movie without spoilers. I thought the movie was actually pretty shallow conceptually.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and so this post is not entirely off topic, anyone who believes that a religion can give you supernatural powers, as Scientology claims, isn't completely in contact with reality. I think Tom Cruise has demonstrated that he is a perfect candidate for such a religion.

01-24-2007, 05:28 AM
The Church of ScienTomogy. :P
... a cult is born.

Send in Chuck Norris AND the A-Team IMMEDIATELY!!!

Die Hard
01-24-2007, 09:05 AM
This is a job for a Ninja :doh:

Mr Clean
01-25-2007, 02:08 AM
TOM Cruise is the new “Christ” of Scientology, according to leaders of the cult-like religion.


I can see it now at the next scientology convention...Ladies and Gents, here is your christ!

(Bob Seger's voice starts singing over the PA system)

01-25-2007, 03:32 AM
lol, good one Mr C

01-25-2007, 04:26 AM
:eek: holy shit! a Clean sighting! :eek:

Clean and Sirc in the same thread????


01-25-2007, 04:42 AM
This is from a guy who told me to watch Children of Men because it was a good movie. It wasn't. They didn't spend enough time giving the background story, it was just "gee, we don't don't what happened". They didn't give any background on why Britain was so obsessed with hating and keeping out immigrants. Was Britain the last bastion of hope? It hardly seemed so. It was all very contrived in my opinion, and it required you to fill in the gaps that the movie should have made an effort fill in a bit for you. In fact it was rather contradictory when the fighting towards the end stopped while the woman passed through.

Meh, it's hard to critic a movie without spoilers. I thought the movie was actually pretty shallow conceptually.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and so this post is not entirely off topic, anyone who believes that a religion can give you supernatural powers, as Scientology claims, isn't completely in contact with reality. I think Tom Cruise has demonstrated that he is a perfect candidate for such a religion.
Well that was completely off topic. I never said that Children of Men was a movie that everyone should go and see, but it was a recent film that had some very good qualities that you obviously overlooked. The entire story was based on a novel the director brought that story to life. The cinematography was top notch as was the acting and editing. Most importantly it was believable. If you are too shallow yourself to accept a somewhat contrived plot (especially in a sci-fi movie) then I don't know what to recommend, perhaps Star Wars which seems to have filled most of its story gaps. The movie hits pretty hard from beginning to near end.

Also I don't see what was so contradictory when the fighting stopped for a brief moment when the girl was passing through with the child. The people fighting obviously had not seen or heard a child in a long time so they were taken by shock and awe as the crying baby was carried through the building. It would be almost like Jesus silently walking through.

On a side note. I don't think that any religion is in contact with reality and that is the beauty of it. When a person can escape reality through something like religion it shows that he or she is capable of transcending the perceived world in search of a deeper meaning for him or herself.

Die Hard
01-25-2007, 11:05 AM
:eek: holy shit! a Clean sighting! :eek:

Clean and Sirc in the same thread????

DING!!!!OMG!!! :eek:

Mr Clean
01-27-2007, 08:47 PM
:eek: holy shit! a Clean sighting! :eek:

Clean and Sirc in the same thread????


LOL...Pure Evil is an Administrator? Now I've seen everything...

Mr Clean
01-27-2007, 08:50 PM
Well that was completely off topic. I never said that Children of Men was a movie that everyone should go and see, but it was a recent film that had some very good qualities that you obviously overlooked. The entire story was based on a novel the director brought that story to life. The cinematography was top notch as was the acting and editing. Most importantly it was believable. If you are too shallow yourself to accept a somewhat contrived plot (especially in a sci-fi movie) then I don't know what to recommend, perhaps Star Wars which seems to have filled most of its story gaps. The movie hits pretty hard from beginning to near end.

Also I don't see what was so contradictory when the fighting stopped for a brief moment when the girl was passing through with the child. The people fighting obviously had not seen or heard a child in a long time so they were taken by shock and awe as the crying baby was carried through the building. It would be almost like Jesus silently walking through.

On a side note. I don't think that any religion is in contact with reality and that is the beauty of it. When a person can escape reality through something like religion it shows that he or she is capable of transcending the perceived world in search of a deeper meaning for him or herself.

You two need to sit down, have a beer, and watch Bad Santa together...that will transcend everything :)