View Full Version : Goodbye GameMecca

01-27-2007, 05:00 AM
Well fellow GameMeccans, I'm afraid I have a very difficult decision to make, and I am not at all making this lightly.For the past three to four years GameMecca has been a great place to me, I enjoyed talking about some of our favorite computer game titles, and getting involved in other discussions. And, this has been, and will forever be a great place to be. However, I am no longer certain I can commit any of my free time here, so I have made the ultimate decision, to leave the GameMecca community.One of the main reasons why I am making the decision is because, I have a couple websites of my own that I need to be managing, and I haven't been doing so, and they've been kind of gathering dust, so I need to brush them off and keep them up to date for my visitors. Also, I am preparing to enter college soon, and that will severely limit my free time in favor of constant studying and hitting the books, all the good stuff, and I've got some othe real-life issues that I should be committing my time to.This site certainly has been a milestone to me though. I've been a part of two great clans here at this community, Villains and Complete Finishers, but really, all clans here are really great in their own ways, and I want to give a shoutout to them. And it has been a really wonderful time, however it is sad when you have to leave a place that is close to you.The thing that I will probably miss most about this site is the relationships I've made with many of the users, I can't name everyone, but I'd like to name some people for example. Caged Anger, he's like my brother from Massachusetts, we have a lot in common and we've had many great chats on MSN. And Shogun, has done a fine job as a site administrator, I think. And BIGGD01, I've had more disagreements with Biggs to satisfy both of us, but he is really a great person, he truly is. And to everyone else I say, thank you for letting me be part of one of the best gaming communities on the Internet, I really enjoyed it.But I hope this isn't the last time I remain in contact with you all, I hope I will still hear from some of you from time to time. I of course have MSN and anyone can add me at anytime @ dark_nitemare_2003@yahoo.com I look forward to it.And since I am making this move it is probably best if the administrators have my account removed. For one final time, goodbye, my best wishes to everyone here, I will miss you all. :wave:

01-27-2007, 05:54 AM
I find it funny how people think that they are obligated to constantly check whatever forums they are a member of and to even respond or follow up on certain topics. It's up to you whether you want to periodically check the site or let it die or find new life in several months.

I understand the reasoning behind deleting an account with 10 posts or less but with someone like you who has some obvious interests in the goings on at GM there's no need. You are punishing yourself without any motive. College doesn't take up all of your time unless you take 20 or more credit hours each and every semester in hopes of graduating early. You have alot of downtime at college and the last thing that you will want to be doing is reading books (which is easy, understanding concepts is what's hard). Instead you should try out new things and seek to build a more fulfilling social life.

I don't think that you are a hardcore gamer and you probably don't even play more than an hour when you have the free time. I may be wrong but since you have gotten an upgraded connection I didn't see you post anything relating to gaming.

Of course there are more important thing than reading forums relating to gaming,humor,politics, and technology but it's something that we all obviously enjoy doing. Why rid yourself of such a simple and cheap pleasure. It's almost like reading a newspaper you might learn a couple things or even come across something bigger than you think whether it relates to gaming, religion, politics, computers or whatever else we discuss here which is just about everything. This diversity of topics is what is keeping GM and its members alive.

Anyone who says that these forums are all about gaming is wrong. It's about serious individuals who happen to enjoy gaming.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-27-2007, 06:57 AM
Good luck and good bye, I wish you well in your future endeavors. :)

01-27-2007, 09:10 AM
Damn man you was one of the good ones too, never caused trouble or grief that I can remember. I hate to see you leave, but good luck in whatever your future holds and we will be here if and when you want to drop by.

01-27-2007, 12:34 PM
1 post shy of 3100 too, damn shame, damn shame.....

01-27-2007, 12:48 PM
goodbye dude,GL ;)

01-27-2007, 01:58 PM
do your 3,100 Post and then leave!? :o
anyway good luck and have fun in your rest of your life!

Mad Fox
01-27-2007, 02:35 PM
Wow that was like a love letter. Good bye lol see you on the outside

01-27-2007, 03:16 PM
Good for you, Master...Enjoy your college years..Focus, study and move forward..

Good luck !!! :wave:

01-27-2007, 05:21 PM
The only advice I can give is what ever you do, try to do it the best way you can and never take it for granted. I would suggest not deleting your account because one day you may have time to just stop by and see how everyone is doing and touch base with how you are doing. I know that the past 2 years for me have been hectic and I do not get to come by as much as I use to but when I get the cahnce I click on the link to good ole GM.

When it comes to people making a thread like this I use to feel the same way as Execution but I have come to learn that the reason people come here to try to say goodbye is really to get a good luck. It is human nature to get a positive push which is great and I shall do that for you along with others here who wish you good luck. I can relate and understand that you are trying to make a big change a make alterations in your priorities. I suggest never close a door but stick to your guns and make what most important to you in life today as higher priority. Youa re well liked and many will miss your appearences. Come by once in a while and let us know how school is doing, or your websites etc. It's always good to see an old face and it's always good to have positve people around to say hello.

Once again, Good Luck:thumbs:

01-27-2007, 05:41 PM
I agree with Bigg, but anyway Good luck

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-27-2007, 09:43 PM
Well said Mr Bigg, well said.

01-27-2007, 09:50 PM
Well all I have to say is good luck with your college and hope it goes great for you. The account I say keep it and when you are just overwhelmed with life and need a break or an ear to bend drop in and unload your problems to the best place to get good advice on your problems.
Good luck man

Die Hard
01-28-2007, 01:57 PM
We'll leave the light on for you.That works :)

See you around bro :wave: