View Full Version : Dead Soda

Caged Anger
02-06-2007, 02:16 PM

interesting read, never even knew 1/2 of those existed

ack, i remember pepsi blue vividly...that stuff was horrible :P

02-06-2007, 02:39 PM
I loved the original crystal pepsi.

Surge was good for a while, but ultimately just couldn't compete with Mt Dew.

And what? They skipped Pepsi-Cona! Before Coke did the "Coke black" stuff that is coke mixed with coffee, Pepsi did the same in the late 90s.

Coke black tastes exactly like what it should - 1/2 pop, 1/2 coffee.

Pepsi-Cona was different, though. When you drank it, it tasted like pop, then it would change and taste like coffee - never both at once. It was fantastic. My grandparents lived in NJ, where it was, and we used to buy like 10 12-packs everytime we went out.

02-07-2007, 12:17 AM
LOL, I remember a few of those, And was not a fan of any of them. Give me the original or nothing.