View Full Version : Must Read - The Wii Is a Plastic Box of Death

Caged Anger
02-07-2007, 06:20 PM


:D :rofl: :D

"To date, the remote has destroyed more than 400 television sets, 78 stereo systems, three bay windows and a monastery that was home to some exceptionally rowdy monks."

"By combining games with movement, you're breeding a generation of gamers who have no problem with standing up, waving their arms, and increasing their pulse rates. There's nothing to stop them now! In the near future we'll all be reduced to cowering in our homes, fearful that a murderous gamer gang will arrive to collect "power-ups," by which they mean our severed heads. Thanks, Nintendo. Thanks a lot."

Mad Fox
02-07-2007, 09:11 PM

02-07-2007, 09:23 PM
"The Grim Wii-per" :rofl: :rofl:

Brilliant post!!:D

02-08-2007, 12:59 AM
That was great!