View Full Version : More Aliens? sick!

Caged Anger
02-07-2007, 07:38 PM

wonder why so many of these cases are coming up lately. New crop circles, the siting over o-heir.....interesting :)

PuRe AnGeL
02-07-2007, 07:46 PM
i'm sceptic =]
coulda just been a fireball

Dangerous Dan
02-07-2007, 07:53 PM
don't worry, that was just the Earth Global defense force shooting down an invader. we're pretty well off ;)

Dangerous Dan
02-07-2007, 07:53 PM
it could also be atmospheric effects resulting from the altering atmosphere...

02-07-2007, 08:15 PM
swamp gas

Mad Fox
02-07-2007, 09:10 PM
must be bird shit

02-08-2007, 01:07 AM
swamp gas

Ahh come on Nitro you can do better than that.

02-08-2007, 01:33 AM
i'm sceptic =]
coulda just been a fireball
I think a "fireball" would be less believable than aliens.

02-08-2007, 02:41 AM
Ahh come on Nitro you can do better than that.

I'm sorry, I just felt like impersonating a completely ignorant and stupid average person who comes up with utterly stupid and rediculous statements. I'll be sure to be more informative next time...just for you baby.

Mr Clean
02-09-2007, 03:49 AM
There was something seen in the sky over Missouri and Iowa couple of weeks ago too, but it was obviously a meteorite burning up in the atmosphere.

Crop circles are man made. Don't be fooled by all that crap...

02-09-2007, 11:11 AM
By the year between 2020 and 2025 I do believe we will be making contact with a form of life. Couple of years from now we will have many devices that are being setup and made to listen throughout the universe and some believe it will make contact. Sometime ago in 1970’s we did hear some kind of sound that most scientist can not explain. A few believe we did make contact but it’s not proven and some say it could have been just passing by and then we lost the signal but one day we will and it will be the biggest story ever. Stephen Hawking believes that if we ever did make contact by meeting with them he feels that it would not be a good idea and that we should stay low. As for the UFO’s I use to follow it a lot but a lot has to do with sky reflections that the atmosphere that surrounds the earth and plays a roll besides meteoroids etc. There are more on this subject that could course reflections of some light that are shaped like flying unknown but in the mean time it’s always best to keep an open mind and learn from it because we are still learning about our atmosphere and many things that the earth has and not to mention the sun solo raid that the earth gets hit which at times course our satellites to shut down. One day we will get a solo blast from the sun and it will shut down many things but also have to be aware that if it was serious which could happen, can course major problems on earth. Btw if you guys have not notice that there is a meteoroids heading toward us but it will miss us and I mean close man. The scientist are not concern about it heading close to us in 2026 but if you know your basic homework that meteoroids do circle around back again because of the gravitation pull and it will circle back in 2029 and they do not know the direction it will head if it should hit us or not, too far ahead to forecast it.

02-09-2007, 01:50 PM
crack kills

02-09-2007, 06:18 PM
so does ignorance and stupidity

02-09-2007, 06:59 PM
crack kills

You have not been watching the latest Discovery and Science channel have you? You need to stay away from soap opera channels. heheheh

And no not on crack btw and not a nice thing to say.

We had been sending out signals for sometime now and we setting up more devices that should pretty much cover a great deal of areas in space. And yes not me who said it that we are going to make contact in the coming years ahead but it was said by a few respectable scientists.

You have no idea how lucky we are still alive with many things that can happen to earth from our solar system or universe like the Sun solo blast etc and more and yet we been so lucky on earth it’s like a miracle that we are still here and nothing major has happen except that we will kill each other or destroy it before it happens.

02-09-2007, 07:49 PM
I never specified you as a crack user now did I? :D

I watch a lot of discovery actually, have you seen Inconvenient Truth yet?

Frankly, we need to focus here first, let the diaper wearing astronauts keep macing each other and lets stop global warming :cool:

Caged Anger
02-09-2007, 08:28 PM
I am of the opinion that aliens have already come and gone many times...

and every time they come they look down and go "yep, still stupid" and leave :D

02-09-2007, 08:59 PM
I never specified you as a crack user now did I? :D

I watch a lot of discovery actually, have you seen Inconvenient Truth yet?

Frankly, we need to focus here first, let the diaper wearing astronauts keep macing each other and lets stop global warming :cool:

Inconvenient Truth saw it a while ago and it's also good to know that we do need to learn more about the universe it helps us understand the earth more and ideas to provide on earth. Remember that the earth changes only thing is that we are not helping it just making it happen sooner. 20 years from now you will see a major change on the earth climate and dreadful storms take affect and in 50 years if nothing is done soon you will see parts of Florida and Manhattan Island etc under water. Oh btw it might be sooner then we think and it maybe too late already. . . .

Btw watch the Science channel it's more up to date and there are Science Magazine with lots of new discoveries.

02-09-2007, 09:21 PM
I am of the opinion that aliens have already come and gone many times...

and every time they come they look down and go "yep, still stupid" and leave :D

It was Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes that said "Maybe the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere is that none of it has tried to contact us.

02-09-2007, 09:27 PM
Some believe that the aliens started us here and been watching us evolve. heheh

He Is Legend
02-09-2007, 09:29 PM

02-09-2007, 10:07 PM
The truth is out there............(cue Xfiles music)

02-10-2007, 12:32 AM
I'm an alien too, in germany .... :D

Mr Clean
02-10-2007, 04:17 AM
It was Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes that said "Maybe the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere is that none of it has tried to contact us.

LOL what a great cartoon that was. The ones with the snowman in his front yard are the best...

Mr Clean
02-10-2007, 04:19 AM
I watch a lot of discovery actually, have you seen Inconvenient Truth yet?

Here's an inconvenient truth for you: China is building 2,300 coal fired electrical plants by 2030. But global warming is America's fault and WE are the ones that need to cut CO2 production...riiiiigggghhhhtttt....

02-10-2007, 03:59 PM
Here's an inconvenient truth for you: China is building 2,300 coal fired electrical plants by 2030. But global warming is America's fault and WE are the ones that need to cut CO2 production...riiiiigggghhhhtttt....
It's not Americas fault, geesh, I thought you knew better than that. It's everybody's responsibility to be more aware and to take efforts to preserve the environment. One of the big problems our government has is sticking its nose into other contries business without taking care of our own first. For a country as wealthy as ours, and as advanced, we don't do nearly enough to decrease pollution.

02-11-2007, 12:34 AM
Anyone ever hear of a little thing called the sun?

Guess not...

02-11-2007, 01:59 AM
For a country as wealthy as ours, and as advanced, we don't do nearly enough to decrease pollution.

Greediness and corruption in our country is our biggest problems. It will destroy us and it is happening now. This is the major problem why we are in this mess in the first place because of Greediness and corruption. You would think by now we would have learned because it is what happen to the Roman Empire etc. History plays a major roll to our future and yet it will and can repeat itself if not carefully walked in the right path because a slight turn can change the future and events in the coming years. Al Gore I respect so much because at least he is a man of science and respects other people’s belief and has to be one of the only Former Vice President and active that can possibly run for presidential now in these past couple years that keeps close tights with science and the future of technology and most importantly the study of earth and the universe. What I find so troubling is that at the time Al Gore lost against Bush and here is a man President Bush jr. only interest is to produce oil and worked on it all his life and now wants to dig in Antarctica for oil. This president was voted in by many and it’s disturbing how this guy got in officer who I feel was not qualified to be a president at all and yet many voted for him. Who will the next president be and will that president do the right thing.

The more we learn about our universe the better we can understand earth and an immense chance to protect and possibly help it to sustain longer for life that is if nature decides to end earth not just what’s inside but what is outside in our universe. Again we been very lucky and it’s a miracle that the earth is still maintaining life because the universe is a violent place with many things that can destroy the earth so easy or our solar system.

Mr Clean
02-11-2007, 05:33 AM
It's not Americas fault, geesh, I thought you knew better than that. It's everybody's responsibility to be more aware and to take efforts to preserve the environment. One of the big problems our government has is sticking its nose into other contries business without taking care of our own first. For a country as wealthy as ours, and as advanced, we don't do nearly enough to decrease pollution.

Why hamstring our economy when countries like China continue to poinson their rivers and pay their workers next to nothing and keep building factories and power plants without emission controls? Are we (except for Nitro) perfect? No. But we (except for Nitro) do a heck of a lot more than most other countries on Earth, especially when it comes to water pollution...

02-11-2007, 05:34 AM
What's this "we" stuff? Please don't include me.

02-11-2007, 05:58 AM
Why hamstring our economy when countries like China continue to poinson their rivers and pay their workers next to nothing and keep building factories and power plants without emission controls? Are we (except for Nitro) perfect? No. But we (except for Nitro) do a heck of a lot more than most other countries on Earth, especially when it comes to water pollution...
how does alternative energy hamstring the economy, it actually creates more jobs. Europe actually does more than we do, so yes, we're better than China, but worse than so many others.Yes, alternative energy hurts oil companies, but if they're lead by intelligent people, they would invest their resources in alternative energy and except a decrease in oil consumption.
While working in the furniture industry, I saw a lot of changes in the chemicals we used for finishes for environmental reasons, the the end result had little impact on our bottom line, because even though the chems cost more, the equipment manufactures developed guns that put more chem on the surface and less in the air, so we used less, and got the same finish, same cost. There are solutions....

02-11-2007, 06:55 AM
When President Richard Nixon was in office and Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State) 1973 to 1977 had good relationship with China. It’s important to do so because China will become the most powerful nation. No one has been trying hard to work with them but only criticize. Since President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger there really hasn’t been any useful relationship with China. We need to work with them and many other countries because it will be necessary for our survival on this earth especially the next generation.

As for the new resource it will take time but there isn’t much time because 20 to 50 years from now many hard times are yet to come especially the earth has been changing rapidly in a alarming rate.

The question is how do we work together and push away our indifferences in order to provide what will be needed.

Mr Clean
02-11-2007, 06:06 PM
how does alternative energy hamstring the economy, it actually creates more jobs. Europe actually does more than we do, so yes, we're better than China, but worse than so many others.Yes, alternative energy hurts oil companies, but if they're lead by intelligent people, they would invest their resources in alternative energy and except a decrease in oil consumption.
While working in the furniture industry, I saw a lot of changes in the chemicals we used for finishes for environmental reasons, the the end result had little impact on our bottom line, because even though the chems cost more, the equipment manufactures developed guns that put more chem on the surface and less in the air, so we used less, and got the same finish, same cost. There are solutions....

What alternative energy? Of all the money sunk into all the different "technologies", the only one that has made any sense is wind power. I guess the Dutch had something after all back in the 1600s. Of course in a lot of places wind power is not feasible year around, usually in the summer months because the wind just isn't there. It's clean, efficient, and will be around as long as the sun. Yet people are worried about how unsightly the towers are just off the shore of their state (Massechussets) or afraid that the propeller blades will hurt birds (California) or afraid it will infringe on their money making ethanol research (any state that grows corn). Ethanol makes about as much energy when burned as it takes to make the ethanol. Solar power is a joke.

Nuclear is a good solution but everyone is afraid of it because of what MIGHT happen.

Europe's water quality is absolute crap compared to ours. Pollution is not just airborn, it's in the water and the soil too. What we make in CO2 they offset with heavy metals and toxins. China is getting so bad it's unbelievable, but what do you expect from commies?

I don't think we disagree that the environment is in trouble, but throwing money at unproven alternatives and ignoring the damage done by other nations and focusing on the wrongs of America is missing the big picture...

Caged Anger
02-11-2007, 07:18 PM
i myself find windmills myself, find them amusing and fun to look at

as for Solar power, I think its far from a joke, but requires a great deal more research to make it more worthwhile

Mr Clean
02-13-2007, 02:24 AM
i myself find windmills myself, find them amusing and fun to look at

as for Solar power, I think its far from a joke, but requires a great deal more research to make it more worthwhile

To qualify what I wrote: Solar is a joke because of the state of it's development as of now. Your comment is very accurate about the need for much more research and (hopefully) some kind of breakthrough to make it commercially viable.

Caged Anger
02-13-2007, 03:01 AM
so yea......this thread is kinda http://www.abandonia.com/forum/style_emoticons/abandonia/offtopic.gif

no problems reallly....lets just try to stick to the aliens here aight?

02-13-2007, 04:54 AM
I say we make every convict in the US run on a treadmill connected to a generator. Why should we pay to feed them and have them sit on their asses when they could be supplying power to my computer while I surf for porn?

02-13-2007, 04:10 PM
I say we make every convict in the US run on a treadmill connected to a generator. Why should we pay to feed them and have them sit on their asses when they could be supplying power to my computer while I surf for porn?

lol, Ok I will go along with that.

02-13-2007, 09:44 PM
It's possible that we have been unintentionally communicating with other civilisations since the invention of radio. Hundreds and thousands of radio and TV signals are pumped out of transmitters every single day and they don't just arrive at the receivers for which they were intended. What on earth must our little green friends think of us!

02-13-2007, 09:47 PM
SETI uses radiowaves which are THE most primitive way of cummunicating. No one with half a brain in the universe uses radiowaves for communicating.

02-13-2007, 09:51 PM

Mr Clean
02-16-2007, 01:57 AM
I say we make every convict in the US run on a treadmill connected to a generator. Why should we pay to feed them and have them sit on their asses when they could be supplying power to my computer while I surf for porn?

We should make them do porn too. Cheap electricity and cheap smut all at the same time.