View Full Version : Anna Nicole Smith Dies

02-08-2007, 10:10 PM

Didn't her son mysteriously collapse and die too recently?

02-08-2007, 10:13 PM
Damn shame, she was pretty hot back in the day...:wub:

02-08-2007, 10:27 PM
So sad.:(

02-08-2007, 10:33 PM
It is sad what this lady had to go through and put herself through. Strange ending to a strange life, I suspect this story is far from over.

02-08-2007, 10:54 PM
Pretty funny only us older guys posting here. :D I remember that movie Skyscraper, some good scenery in that one..:woohoo:

Seriously though..she was a rolling train wreck toward the end.....

Mad Fox
02-08-2007, 11:14 PM
Proly overdosed or something. Im not surprised.

02-08-2007, 11:14 PM
Pretty funny only us older guys posting here. :D I remember that movie Skyscraper, some good scenery in that one..:woohoo:

Seriously though..she was a rolling train wreck toward the end.....
Man, that train was rolling to wreckage for 10+ years! :eek: who are you kidding, she turned into white trash!

Tribute done is dif forums though :D

02-08-2007, 11:35 PM
Sad ending to a sad life IMO, will be interesting to see what the autopsy says about her death.

He Is Legend
02-08-2007, 11:52 PM

02-09-2007, 01:29 AM
What is totally sad is the Daughter has to grow up without her mother.

02-09-2007, 01:36 AM
i too agree this story is far from over...

02-09-2007, 01:37 AM
What is totally sad is the Daughter has to grow up without her mother.

Yea..it is too bad her daughter will never know her mother in a personal relationship... she'll only know what people tell her... and honestly, it's not gonna be that great.

Mr Clean
02-09-2007, 03:44 AM
Good riddance. Maybe she'll make this year's Darwin Awards.

Mr Clean
02-09-2007, 03:45 AM
What is totally sad is the Daughter has to grow up without her mother.

I think the kid is better off now if you ask me...

02-09-2007, 10:46 AM
I agree that the story is far from being over in that it's gonna get coverage for a long time, but I honestly think it shouldn't.

From what my wife told me this morning, anna claims the father was one man, but there's another man claiming he fathered the child.

In a situation like this, I'm not sure how the child gets assigned to one or the other? Is there a paternity test that needs taking first? Even if it just gets assigned to the one that anna claimed was the father, the other guy will undoubtably try to sue for a paternity test, etc etc etc. There's media angle 1.

Media angle 2: I remember watching a thing on her not too long ago where anna said that her mother was dead to her and would never be allowed near her baby. now that she's gone, I guarentee some stupid show like "ET" or "The Insider" tries to get a story about that, maybe tries to set up a meeting, care for the child, etc.

Media angle 3: If it has anythign to do whatsoever with drugs, we're doing to hear a huge re-hash and a crapload about how she undoubtably must have had soemthing to do with her son's unfortunate passing.

It's sick to think that when someone passes away in this country, we often throw their memory to the dogs rather than just let the past be in the past and regret that a human life was lost, regardless. I can understand with bad people like Timothy McVay or something, but while she was no saint, there's not reason to spit on her grave, but I'm sure that is what's going to happen.

02-10-2007, 12:04 AM
I heard about :( and I was thinkin' to spend my whole life with ya :o

Mr Clean
02-10-2007, 04:04 AM
In a situation like this, I'm not sure how the child gets assigned to one or the other? Is there a paternity test that needs taking first? Even if it just gets assigned to the one that anna claimed was the father, the other guy will undoubtably try to sue for a paternity test, etc etc etc. There's media angle 1.

Custody goes to the man that is listed on the birth certificate, which is that lawyer Stern. The other guy will have to sue for a paternity test...

02-10-2007, 04:36 PM
i was reading this yesterday on newspaper,, she died of drug overdose same as her son. i think it was about cocaine shame.. she collapsed on floor of hotel.

Also i've read that she didn't made it to 600 millions, i think its becouse of death of her husband? whoever he is :)

02-10-2007, 05:11 PM
Custody goes to the man that is listed on the birth certificate, which is that lawyer Stern. The other guy will have to sue for a paternity test...

Ah, thanks.

02-10-2007, 05:38 PM
i was reading this yesterday on newspaper,, she died of drug overdose same as her son. i think it was about cocaine shame.. she collapsed on floor of hotel.

Also i've read that she didn't made it to 600 millions, i think its becouse of death of her husband? whoever he is :)

Actually, according to the coroner's report, while the exact cause of death won't be known for a few weeks, they've already ruled out illegal drugs. It was either Natural death, or medication-related, but cocaine would be out of the question, according to his statement.

02-11-2007, 02:59 AM
CNN and many other news still talking about it and she got more response dead then alive with her feeble career. LOL

She is no one to even think about but sorry she die young no one should have to die young.

The News has become so weak and ridicules and not even worth to watch and always opinionated in a one side too especially in united State.

02-11-2007, 03:19 AM
CNN and many other news still talking about it and she got more response dead then alive with her feeble career. LOL

She is no one to even think about but sorry she die young no one should have to die young.

The News has become so weak and ridicules and not even worth to watch and always opinionated in a one side too especially in united State.

For God's sake Sas, proof read once in a while. I know from talking with you on Teamspeak that you are an intelligent and articulate person. A lot of people here think you are a nut because of your posts. I know you're not, but most have not had the pleasure of actually speaking with you.

That being said, Anna did an amazing job of making a life for herself. Coming from a broken family in Texas, having a child at a very young age, working at places like Walmart and Red Lobster to help support herself, and then becoming a topless dancer. Fast forward to being in Playboy, and then becoming Playmate of the Year. Having her own TV show (which probably wasn't very flattering, but still). She had drive and purpose and made something of herself from nothing. How many people can say that?

02-11-2007, 03:32 AM
For God's sake Sas, proof read once in a while. I know from talking with you on Teamspeak that you are an intelligent and articulate person. A lot of people here think you are a nut because of your posts. I know you're not, but most have not had the pleasure of actually speaking with you.

That being said, Anna did an amazing job of making a life for herself. Coming from a broken family in Texas, having a child at a very young age, working at places like Walmart and Red Lobster to help support herself, and then becoming a topless dancer. Fast forward to being in Playboy, and then becoming Playmate of the Year. Having her own TV show (which probably wasn't very flattering, but still). She had drive and purpose and made something of herself from nothing. How many people can say that?

I would rather hear about Mother Terresa then to hear about Anna. :rolleyes:
Should I care what they think of me? No! it really doesn't matter to me and as far as what I say I am allowed to say what I like as long as it is by the rules of this forum.
I do not expect people to judge me and if they do then it's there choice and have not had the pleasure to meet me or speak with me.

Sirc I am only saying that they made a big deal of this and she is just another hollywood deaster and like CNN and many other channels are talking more about it then what is happening in the real world that to me is much more important.

Mr Clean
02-11-2007, 05:42 AM
For God's sake Sas, proof read once in a while. I know from talking with you on Teamspeak that you are an intelligent and articulate person. A lot of people here think you are a nut because of your posts. I know you're not, but most have not had the pleasure of actually speaking with you.

Sas may not be the best writer but his thoughts are usually pretty good. I hope people don't judge him (or anyone else for that matter) on HOW he writes, but rather WHAT he writes...

That being said, Anna did an amazing job of making a life for herself. Coming from a broken family in Texas, having a child at a very young age, working at places like Walmart and Red Lobster to help support herself, and then becoming a topless dancer. Fast forward to being in Playboy, and then becoming Playmate of the Year. Having her own TV show (which probably wasn't very flattering, but still). She had drive and purpose and made something of herself from nothing. How many people can say that?

Drive and purpose? Finding a millionaire dumb enough to marry her and amend his will was luck, nothing more. There are plenty of people just like her, with the same story and background, who don't meet Mr. Moneybags and live their life in misery.

She was used, but she knew how to use as well. No one's death should be celebrated, but it shouldn't automatically be called a tragedy either...

02-11-2007, 06:09 AM
Sas may not be the best writer but his thoughts are usually pretty good. I hope people don't judge him (or anyone else for that matter) on HOW he writes, but rather WHAT he writes...

I never was a good writer and very poor at it and at times I just type quickly which is not a good idea. hehehe

I never said I was good at it that is for sure hehehe.

Mr. Clean good to see you around been a long time.

02-11-2007, 07:40 PM
sad =/

02-12-2007, 12:37 AM
OMG a Jess sighting, see Anna does bring out all the crazes, J/K Jess.

02-12-2007, 04:22 AM
he's not kidding!

Nice 2 C Clean's avatar, even though it's not retro! :P

02-12-2007, 04:18 PM
It's sad considering we have to witness this tragedy in the media. As far as her personality, I try not to judge which is hard to do. I guess the true judge is doing that now.

Mr Clean
02-13-2007, 02:26 AM
he's not kidding!

Nice 2 C Clean's avatar, even though it's not retro! :P

Wait for it old friend :)

02-13-2007, 09:32 PM
It’s really sad when this story hits every channel almost every 5 mins and the race for the presidency is actually getting less coverage compare to Anna Nicole LOL

02-14-2007, 07:18 AM
Wait for it old friend :):thumbs:

You bet Bro! Nice to see you back, when I'm down to 2 jobs, we'll clash a bit :D