View Full Version : Guilty Pleasure Music

02-10-2007, 01:23 AM
So what's your "Guilty Pleasure" song? Everyone has one.

You know, that song you really dig but you'd just never freaking tell your friends because it's so stupid or out of character?

I'll admit to mine lately being that 'Unwritten' song by Nastasha somethingorother. It was a bit of a hit last year and now is back in rotation since it's in some chick-flick coming out.

What's yours?


Mr Clean
02-10-2007, 04:22 AM
So what's your "Guilty Pleasure" song? Everyone has one.

You know, that song you really dig but you'd just never freaking tell your friends because it's so stupid or out of character?

I'll admit to mine lately being that 'Unwritten' song by Nastasha somethingorother. It was a bit of a hit last year and now is back in rotation since it's in some chick-flick coming out.

What's yours?


Bingo, that is the stupidiest, out-of-character thing I have ever heard :P

02-10-2007, 04:25 AM
Oh yes I also enjoy the unwritten song but not enough to sing along to it ofc. :D

02-10-2007, 05:10 AM
This song was on the chick-show Grey's Anatomy. So, that fact alone makes it embarrassing.
"Hide and Seek"- Imogene Heap.

02-10-2007, 08:04 AM
Taps sends chills down my spine will that work.

02-10-2007, 08:05 AM
Taps sends chills down my spine will that work.

02-10-2007, 01:54 PM
i agree with Term...there are a lot of disney songs that I have downloaded, but would never admit to.

I'd say mine is Ben Folds & to a less degree, Ben Folds Five. I sing along when I'm alone, and even try to hit the freakishly high notes. :P

The song that my wife and I danced to @ our wedding was "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds, and I picked it :P

02-10-2007, 03:05 PM
Sometimes I'll have a real crappy day at work and I'll listen to the opera/classical station on the ride home...Smooths out the day before I hit the driveway at home...

One song I know I listened to that I downloaded when I got home..." Ride of the Valkyries":D

Ehhh.....who knew ? :confused:

Mr Clean
02-11-2007, 05:26 AM
Sometimes I'll have a real crappy day at work and I'll listen to the opera/classical station on the ride home...Smooths out the day before I hit the driveway at home...

One song I know I listened to that I downloaded when I got home..." Ride of the Valkyries":D

Ehhh.....who knew ? :confused:

Don't feel bad, I like Pachabel's Canon sometimes to soothe the savage soul after work...