View Full Version : MY WII WII Pt2

02-12-2007, 04:04 PM
Well I finally got one. One of my clients in Manhattan picked it up for me along with a spare nunchuck set. I Must really do some good work considering he would not allow me to pay him for it. It was very nice of him.

My thoughts so far.....
Well I hooked it up and gave it a try. I was amazed on the accurace of the remotes etc. I loved the ease of hookup which took 2 minutes. It actually took longer to unbox the console. To be honest i was salivating while doing so like a kid in a candy store. What a great feeling.

So a boxed a few rounds and hit a few home runs. I was amazed and extremely happy that Nintendo has stuck to the fun factor and keeping things simple at a very reasobale price (Yeah I know I did not pay but regardless and overall this unit is very cheap compared to the competition).

That's not it.....
There was nothing like it and I wish I had the DV cam on at this time. Calling my daughter down to play and strapping the band on her wrist. Ok Jenna, just swing away.... The look on her face and the enjoyment in her eyes when she knocked out Oscar (the mii) was one of the best experiences. It was one of those moments where you kick yourself for not having the camera. She was jumping around with her hands up that she KO'd Oscar. Oh yes, that will have to live in my memory and I will always remember that. Ofcourse after a few more rounds was tired which I was happy about considering it was bedtime for her. Yes, this is an added bonus to tire the kid and avoid the hassle of getting her to bed. Ofcourse there are some bads such as the first time she lost. I am amzed how much a 4yr old hates to lose. She really took it badly and wept and did not want to play anymore. I gave her a good talking to and let her know everyone needs to lose once in awhile to get better. Sure neough she won her next bout. Overall we have been having a lot of fun with this unit.

A few days later I woke up and noticed a few aches. I felt like I got beat up. Could it be? Is it true? Yes it surely is, I have let myself go the past few years and well...yes, I am out of shaoe that virtual tennis and boxing had me sore. Ugghhh reality sucks!!!!!!!!!! WHat we were and what we are are two different things. Did I mention reality sucks? Umm yeah, so what:bawling: I am not getting any younger and I surely am feeling it.

I installed the free browser and shot over to google video to see if it worked. It does and I am impressed. I believe this unit will allow streaming which I will try converting video over to a few formats such as flash mpg, wmv and see if I can run it from a central server in the house. I want to see if I can get full screen video streamed to the unit from a local computer. At this point I am still learning about this thing and I see many possibilities with it. I think Ninteno did a great job and I do believe they deserve an award for such a fun unit. They impressed me which I did not think they would do as much as they did.

If I had to rate this thing I would give it a 10 out of 10. That rating is without even trying the new game I picked up this weekend.

I would like to hear about some of your experiences to those who have had this thing. Have you learned anything new since the last time you posted in Pt1?

I encourage every house hold to get one of these units. It is like the new board game which the average house hold does not play no longer. It really has potential of bring the fun back home.

02-12-2007, 05:12 PM
Glad to hear it! :thumbs:

I'm looking forward to getting mine pretty soon here. My car had some issues and put the wii back a few weeks, but that's OK.

I finally saw one in a store for the first time last Friday, so at least now I know that whenever I'm actually ready to get one, it'll be there, no waiting and searching.

02-12-2007, 06:29 PM
I have had mine since launch and I am really enjoying it. More recently I have been playing a lot of virtual console games and Metal Slug anthology since beating all my other games (which consist of Zelda, Elebits, Wii sports, Red Steel, Super Monkeyball, Metal Slug Anthology, and Excite Truck). Although there is one game that I could go back and do a lot more since beating, Elebits, since it contains so many additional missions past the main campaign.

One thing you might not know, is that the hitting system in Wii Sports tennis is pretty deep. You can define spin on the ball, but I don't know how to do it. I always do it by accident.

Also a lot of people have written it off, but if you are into arcade racing games, I highly recommend Excite Truck. It may seem short, but that is an illusion. The game has a ton of replay value (if you dig the game play that is) and I was playing it for hours and hours before I unlocked most of the stuff and got a little burnt out.

Die Hard
02-12-2007, 06:53 PM
Wow, sounds great!!

Gun Element
03-29-2007, 06:50 AM
I knew you would like it Bigg, seems like everyone that has gotten it has been overwhelmed by the wii.

Im guessing some of it has to do with the fact that to most people, before the release date, thought of how stupid of an idea it was. I myself was very disappointed in the direction Nintendo was going with the wii. Then as soon as you hear about how awesome it is from other people, you decide to try it out. Yes it's more fun, more exciting than anyone would've expected and so it becomes a great idea after all and our discouraging thoughts on the idea was actually the boost for the wii.

and not to mention the irony of the PS3. How everyone was expecting such a great system, waiting so long for this new revolution of gaming, and ending up with such a high expected turnout that we were disappointed.

so sad :P

05-15-2007, 03:41 PM
My question is this: is is satisfying on the same level as a console with a "traditional" controller? I mean, if you have to get sore to play it (I understand that only happens if you're outta shape) it can't use the same parts of the brain. I'm sure it could be better - but it definitely has to be different. I wanna know if it scratches the same itch to lift a finger and kill hundreds as it does to swing an arm and hit a tennis ball.

05-15-2007, 06:44 PM
My question is this: is is satisfying on the same level as a console with a "traditional" controller? I mean, if you have to get sore to play it (I understand that only happens if you're outta shape) it can't use the same parts of the brain. I'm sure it could be better - but it definitely has to be different. I wanna know if it scratches the same itch to lift a finger and kill hundreds as it does to swing an arm and hit a tennis ball.

of course, its not the game's content thats changing really, its how you interact with the game to get the same result in a completely new and fun way to get the result your looking for

Dangerous Dan
05-16-2007, 06:04 AM
Also a lot of people have written it off, but if you are into arcade racing games, I highly recommend Excite Truck. It may seem short, but that is an illusion. The game has a ton of replay value (if you dig the game play that is) and I was playing it for hours and hours before I unlocked most of the stuff and got a little burnt out.

can't stress this enough; for me i've probably logged more hours on this than even zelda :eek:

myself and a few friends recently rented Cooking Mama, if you like Wario Ware you'll enjoy it, lol.

05-16-2007, 12:43 PM
can't stress this enough; for me i've probably logged more hours on this than even zelda :eek:

myself and a few friends recently rented Cooking Mama, if you like Wario Ware you'll enjoy it, lol.

Excite Truck has very good replay value. I have unlocked EVERYTHING, so now i dont play it so much anymore. Zelda is a great game of course, but i did only play through it 1 and a half time.

Now I am waiting for Mario Party 8, no date yet for it, probably some time in June (Europe).

05-16-2007, 07:12 PM
can't stress this enough; for me i've probably logged more hours on this than even zelda :eek:

myself and a few friends recently rented Cooking Mama, if you like Wario Ware you'll enjoy it, lol.

My wife hated it and thought it was retarded, but me and a friend from down the road played for about an hour and giggled like schoolchildren. I thought it was fun as heck.

Now my wife gets annoyed b/c I walk around saying things like "Mama will help you!" and "Try harder!" in Mama's voice :rofl:

Wario Ware is a fantastic game, too, though i beat it in an evening and it lost it's fun soon after that. I deeply enjoy having people come over and watching them play, though.

Super Paper Mario is a fantastic title. Just as good as the gamecube version, if not better.

Mario Party will be incredible.

05-23-2007, 05:26 PM
I tried the Wii over at my brother's house over the past weekend; I really loved the bowling and the tennis games. And yes, I too, am outta shape... I was huffing and puffing afetr each match, but this is the kinda game I'd buy... one that actually gets you mentally and physically involved. It could be part of your workout session, next to treadmill and sit-ups (LOL!!)

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
05-23-2007, 07:01 PM
We picked up a Wii right around Easter and it's something our family really enjoys doing together. Bowling, tennis, and boxing are our favorites at the moment. My 8 year old daughter holds the high score in bowling, and Bigg I got the biggest chuckle when you wrote about your daughter losing her boxing match. Savanna gets the same way. :P

We took our system up to my in-laws house a few weekends ago when we went for a visit. Normally we might go pick up a movie for entertainment when we go up there, and usually by 10:00pm they (the in-laws) are sound asleep in their chairs while watching the movies. Not that weekend! We were up til 1:00am both Friday and Saturday night having bowl-a-thons, and tennis matches. The in-laws absolutely loved it and actually discussed getting the system for themselves as well. They loved the ease of use and the fun factor. It's a great gaming system for the young and old!:thumbs:

05-23-2007, 11:37 PM
Hope a Super Smash Brothers will come soon....one of the best party game there is I think:wootrock:

For now: Zelda has been incredible entertaining and great for those just got in touch with this game....But I miss the complexity of the Dungeons and the really "2 linked worlds". What happened also with the "already victory to being able to enter the dungeon"-system? With TP you just knock on the door and walk in :down:

They killed it a bit by wanting to much. Rather prefer a smaller world more compressed. TP is still an awesome game but not able to drag u into it. It's loose sand which is too bad.

Ow and the system is great, controls work beyond my expectations :D

06-27-2007, 10:53 PM
I picked up my Wii almost a month ago. I actually went into Wal-Mart intending to buy Scrubs on DVD and came out with a Wii, Far Cry and Call of Duty 3. Now COD3 and FC aren't all that great but man Wii sports is fun as hell. I have since got Red Steel (its okay but frustrating at times) and Resident Evil 4 Wii edition and that game rocks. I played the hell outta the Gamecube version and I still can't enough on the Wii the aiming is so accurate. My friends love the stupid thing they always come over and play Wii sports and make Mii's of themselves. I also have the entire cast of Scrubs on my Mii channel. I can't wait for Metroid Prime 3 cause I'm itchin for an awsome FPS on this thing and so far that dept. has been average at best but I still have fun.