View Full Version : Pot no longer hot

02-19-2007, 05:22 PM
ONE in three young people find cannabis use unacceptable, according to research suggesting the drug is now seen as addictive and linked to health and social problems.


02-19-2007, 05:50 PM
Pity that occasional users have to deal with these engeneered scares..

is it 100% safe? of course not ... is it less damaging than alcool? damn right !!!

I dont think its getting less popular in Quebec...

02-19-2007, 06:05 PM
That study is complete BS...its not evne giving any facts at all

pot is NOT a drug and it is NOT addictive

and anything you put in your body, food or not, can be linked to physical and social problems if you try to find even the slightest correlation.

those scientists need to huff Raid and the govt officials that employed them

only danger form it is the smoke you inhale but that can be eliminated if u use a vape, bong or if u injest it in a non-insuflating method

what a dumbed down and ignorant age we live in :rolleyes:

why did you even post this drivel?

He Is Legend
02-19-2007, 08:35 PM
This thread is garbage , these articles piss me off . no truth . its untrue that pot's not "hot(lmao)"

It's a well known fact that their has been no death records caused from smoking pot . 100,000 or more die from alcohol . and any other drugs they can enject themselves with .when you show me a fact where it says pot causes death or any harmfull long term effect . ill put that shit away . but you cant . cause its not there

marijuana has been used for CENTURIES . all the crops the first few presidents had . mad tabacco . mad hemp . used for clothing . bags . anytype of clothing . also is used everyday in medical research . marijuana is used to cure or treat certain diseases

actually . Hemp itself is used everyday in this country . and many others for lots of things

look at places where pot is legal . do you see half as much crime there is there than in the USA ? . or any other country that has marijuana legal ? . HELL NO !

shit . even colorado has had a great subtraction of crimes this year . wonder why ?

and dont get me wrong . pot does have side effects . but nothing harmfull . or anything close to causing death .

but really . really read up on this "miracle" drug before you start to think its "bad"


02-19-2007, 09:28 PM
The reason I posted it Nitro is because I knew a few of you would give a great response like you did.

He Is Legend
02-19-2007, 10:19 PM
The reason I posted it Nitro is because I knew a few of you would give a great response like you did.

Nicely Done :D

02-19-2007, 10:51 PM
w00tah for the Netherlands :)

Course it ain't good for ya, but alcohol does do more damage to ur body (u'll notice the difference when you wake up the next morning). Neither did I see someone completely stoned getting agressive...

Like with all stuff on this world, enjoy but just not too much (although I'm against hard drugs except alcohol of course :P)

Mr Clean
02-21-2007, 05:04 AM
Every once in a while we get these posts at GM. Have for years. And then all the weed heads come out and try to defend their assinine habit.

Pot has never killed anyone? Ever heard of a DUI? People die everyday in America from people driving while on drugs, and since pot is by far the most commonly used drug in America even a pothead can do that math.

Is pot less dangerous than alcohol? Anyone can Google a report showing how limited alcohol consumption has positive health benefits. Any reports out there showing smoking ANYTHING in any quantity is good for you? Maybe at a Phillip-Morris website, but not from a real sceintific report.

Less crime in Colorado? First off the SAFER initiative was in Denver, not the whole state, so how you equate any crime stat to a local election is baffling. But comparing the 2004-2005 stats for the state don't show your supposed decrease anyway, so either way you spouting "facts" without actually having any.

And then there is the Dutch, the country that legalized drugs and had decreases in GNP, graduation rates, and so forth and increases in infectious diseases, suicides, unemployment, and so forth. The only real world example that can be referenced shows it to be an economic failure.

All these points and arguments you guys made, up in smoke...I'll shoot them down with a vape next time so we won't have all that harmful smoke again ROFL

He Is Legend
02-21-2007, 05:40 AM
and ? ..

yeah . alcohol "limited" consumption helps to flush out your system . or something of that sort . but who really drinks 1-2 beers every week or 2 and stops ? . seriously
marijuana is also great for people suffering from Alzheimer’s, glaucoma, severe migranes , aids , terminal cancer

would you rather be drunk and stumbly/sick. or be "high" and just chill out and relax ? some people like to come home and crack open a beer . some people like to come home and smoke . no difference . same concept. overall . alcohol has killed way many more people than marijuana has . ever will . whatever . marijuana is proven to not be addictive . alcohol has proven to be addictive . do you see my point at all ?

thats it !

02-21-2007, 05:52 AM
Ever heard of a DUI? People die everyday in America from people driving while on drugs, and since pot is by far the most commonly used drug in America even a pothead can do that math.

DUI covers all mind altering substances, including alcohol. I beg to differ with you, but alcohol is by far the most commonly used drug in America. Please provide some sort of legitimate proof when you make statements like this. I don't even have to research this. Alcohol is still by far the #1 cause of DUI deaths in America. Prove me wrong.

Is pot less dangerous than alcohol? Anyone can Google a report showing how limited alcohol consumption has positive health benefits. Any reports out there showing smoking ANYTHING in any quantity is good for you? Maybe at a Phillip-Morris website, but not from a real sceintific report.

Show me a report that shows limited pot usage is any more dangerous than limited alcohol consumption. Show me a report that spending 2 hours in a bar inhaling second hand smoke is safer than smoking a joint.

Less crime in Colorado? First off the SAFER initiative was in Denver, not the whole state, so how you equate any crime stat to a local election is baffling. But comparing the 2004-2005 stats for the state don't show your supposed decrease anyway, so either way you spouting "facts" without actually having any.

So are you.

And then there is the Dutch, the country that legalized drugs and had decreases in GNP, graduation rates, and so forth and increases in infectious diseases, suicides, unemployment, and so forth. The only real world example that can be referenced shows it to be an economic failure.

Again, show me where you are getting this information, and how it conclusively ties into smoking pot? What years did this happen between? And can the same thing be said about the US? Can the great US depression of 1929 be contributed to pot usage? The US has gone through some major economic ups and downs. Great swings in the unemployment rate. Infectious diseases? What does that have to do with pot? Can you site a single source that links pot usage with infectious disease? Or even suicide?

All these points and arguments you guys made, up in smoke...I'll shoot them down with a vape next time so we won't have all that harmful smoke again ROFL

Get a grip Clean. This post isn't about heroin, or cocaine, or opium usage. Just weed. That's all. Of course you could make the argument that pot leads to crystal meth addiction, but that would be sort of silly, wouldn't it?

I'm not a pot user, and I don't advocate it, but some people need to stop watching the 1950s "pot is the devil drug" movies and realize that occasional usage is no worse than occasional alcohol usage, and far better then regular cigarette smoking. Let's get our priorities straight here shall we? :)

He Is Legend
02-21-2007, 05:54 AM
I'm not a pot user, and I don't advocate it, but some people need to stop watching the 1950s "pot is the devil drug" movies and realize that occasional usage is no worse than occasional alcohol usage, and far better then regular cigarette smoking. Let's get our priorities straight here shall we? :)

Atleast Sirc understands

Death Engineer
02-21-2007, 06:36 AM
I, for one, agree with Mr Clean. I don't support abusing any drug whether it be alcohol, weed, or anything else. But to get your panties in a wad because more people are realizing the negative effects of pot use... I guess I should expect no less from regular smokers. ;)

In my personal experience, I haven't seen pot kill anyone. But I have seen wrecked lives due to weed's side effects (depression, lack of initiative, gateway drug, etc).

Are there legitimate uses for weed? Probably. But will far more people use that as an excuse to continue habits which in no way fall under that category? I would bet on it.

02-21-2007, 11:31 AM
I smoke everyday. I am not lazy just calm and more tolerant of people. Gateway drug.... I don' feel it is. I did coke before a smoked a joint, dropped acid be fore a smoked a joint. Hell it helps me eat properly and I am 30 and semi-retired.

He Is Legend
02-21-2007, 01:27 PM
I smoke everyday. I am not lazy just calm and more tolerant of people. Gateway drug.... I don' feel it is. I did coke before a smoked a joint, dropped acid be fore a smoked a joint. Hell it helps me eat properly and I am 30 and semi-retired.

i've had shrooms . i heard acids crazy !

and i really dont believe for a second that marijuana is a gateway drug

02-21-2007, 02:42 PM
this is a classic :D

. But no antique dopesploitation movie can match the present-day notoriety of Reefer Madness.

Its reputation is well earned. With all the old drug-panic films, distortion, exaggeration, and hyperbole were the name of the game, but you’ll look long and hard before you find a dope movie more hysterically alarmist, more flagrantly deceitful than Reefer Madness. Don’t believe me? Then get a load of this opening crawl:

The motion picture you are about to witness may startle you. It would not have been possible, otherwise, to sufficiently emphasize the frightful toll of the new drug menace which is destroying the youth of America in alarmingly increasing numbers. Marihuana is that drug— a violent narcotic— an unspeakable scourge— The Real Public Enemy Number One! Its first effect is sudden, violent, uncontrollable laughter; then come dangerous hallucinations— space expands— time slows down, almost stands still… fixed ideas come next, conjuring up monstrous extravagances— followed by emotional disturbances, the total inability to direct thoughts, the loss of all power to resist physical emotions… leading finally to acts of shocking violence… ending often in incurable insanity. In picturing its soul-destroying effects no attempt was made to equivocate. The scenes and incidents, while fictionalized for the purposes of this story, are based upon actual research into the results of Marihuana addiction. If their stark reality will make you think, will make you aware that something must be done to wipe out this ghastly menace, then this picture will not have failed in its purpose… Because the dread Marihuana may be reaching forth next for your son or daughter… or yours… or YOURS!

mushrooms is very similar to acid ...

02-21-2007, 02:52 PM
i would go so far as to say that your brain needs thc, the main active chemical in cannibis. humans have understood this for tens of thousands of years before propaganda existed.

cannibis is a miracle plant..yes, God Himself gave this wonderful and fantastic plant ot mankind. how many plants can you name that have both male and female plant types. it cures so many diseases, i dont even know where to begin to name them. and of course, the people who are against it, are people who either never had it, had some, but it was laced with dust or coke, or have been listening to too much dea propaganda.

get educated, and find out the truth: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis.shtml

you confused types have never won and will never win your false claims of weed being dr. evil. everyone with half a brain can see right through the bullshit. the reason its illegal for the past 80 years is much more secretive and sinister than you think it is. its illegal for totally different reaosn than you think. do your research and find out. im not going ot do it for you, i already know the truth and im not going to write a dissertation just to prove to the half dozen people on here who still are blind to the truth

let me end by saying that cannibis is in no way shape or form more addictive than chocolate for instance. there is absolutely no physical addiction. a psychological addiction only appears in those weak-minded people who get their mind ot bleive they are addicted but they really are not. the same cannot be said for cigarrettes, which your body develops a very strong addiction to the nicotine. fat people eat more and more because they are psychologically addicted. no argument will hold up that you anti-miracle plant activists make

02-21-2007, 03:16 PM
very interesting read... very well done !


Caged Anger
02-21-2007, 03:34 PM

rofl, I've seen that movie in the internet archives

02-21-2007, 04:04 PM
In my past i've been there and back if you know what I mean ... You all can spin it anyway you want so that it justifies your wants, but anything that makes you feel other than 'normal' is not right.

I just pray that while you are sitting there in your drugged out state that you are depended upon to help save some one's life and are incapable of helping. For instance the house catches fire and you need to help your family get out, but you have got your buzz on and the flames look cool so you fire up another one. Lets say somehow you manage to get out alive while the others do not, I hope you can live with yourself.

Yeah I know my little scenario sounds stupid to you so go ahead and laugh, we will see how funny it is to you when it happens.

02-21-2007, 04:14 PM
Every once in a while we get these posts at GM. Have for years. And then all the weed heads come out and try to defend their assinine habit.

Pot has never killed anyone? Ever heard of a DUI? People die everyday in America from people driving while on drugs, and since pot is by far the most commonly used drug in America even a pothead can do that math.

Is pot less dangerous than alcohol? Anyone can Google a report showing how limited alcohol consumption has positive health benefits. Any reports out there showing smoking ANYTHING in any quantity is good for you? Maybe at a Phillip-Morris website, but not from a real sceintific report.

Less crime in Colorado? First off the SAFER initiative was in Denver, not the whole state, so how you equate any crime stat to a local election is baffling. But comparing the 2004-2005 stats for the state don't show your supposed decrease anyway, so either way you spouting "facts" without actually having any.

And then there is the Dutch, the country that legalized drugs and had decreases in GNP, graduation rates, and so forth and increases in infectious diseases, suicides, unemployment, and so forth. The only real world example that can be referenced shows it to be an economic failure.

All these points and arguments you guys made, up in smoke...I'll shoot them down with a vape next time so we won't have all that harmful smoke again ROFL

As with alcohol it isn't allowed to drive when you smoked something.

And for alcohol itself... it's pure poison for the body and officially harddrugs. We just generally accepted it cuz it's been there since mankind. And the major difference between alcohol and cannabis is that your body won't get addicted to cannabis. So even if you smoked serveral years multiple joints a day you can still stop immediatly without getting healtproblems or negative sideeffects

Also the Netherlands didn't legalise drug, it's allowed to smoke softdrugs, which keeps it controlable, criminals won't earn that much with it, not creating criminals in prison cuz they smoked a joint (hello USA :rolleyes: ). I guess u checked the numbers on a anti-cannabis site, if you would see the true numbers u'll notice that it has a positive effect to legalise :)

Again, it definatly ain't good for your healt (neither is driving...) but try for once separate it from the true harddrugs (XTC, speed, cocaine etc.)

02-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Yeah I know my little scenario sounds stupid to you so go ahead and laugh, .

ROFL !! :D

that was a hoot!!

maybe you can explain how I can work out for 2 hours 3 times a week, burn 300 calories in 20 minutes on exercise bike at max diff, benchpress 3 series with 180 lbs ... etc all this just after a nice reefer to make it more enjoyable..

its weed, not chloroform lol :D

02-21-2007, 05:07 PM
i know osme of you probably know this but for the uneducated: http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=real+reason+why+marijuana+is+illegal&btnG=Google+Search

as well as the 10 things u should know about this glorious substance:

1 Q. What is Marijuana?

A. "Marijuana" refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis

plant [1], which contain the non-narcotic chemical THC at various

potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being

"high." The different strains of this herb produce different sensual

effects, ranging from sedative to stimulant.

2 Q. Who Uses Marijuana?

A. There is no simple profile of a typical marijuana user. It has been

used for 1000s of years for medical, social, and religious reasons

and for relaxation [2]. Several of our Presidents [3] are believed

to have smoked it. One out of every five Americans say they have

tried it. And it is still popular among artists, writers, musicians,

activists, lawyers, inventors, working people, etc.

3 Q. How Long Have People Been Using Marijuana?

A. Marijuana has been used since ancient times [4]. While field hands

and working people have often smoked the raw plant, aristocrats

historically prefer hashish [5] made from the cured flowers of the

plant. It was not seen as a problem until a calculated disinformation

[sic] campaign was launched in the 1930s [6], and the first American

laws against using it were passed [7].

4 Q. Is Marijuana Addictive?

A. No, it is not [8]. Most users are moderate consumers who smoke it

socially to relax. We now know that 10% of our population have

"addictive personalities" and they are neither more nor less

likely to overindulge in cannabis than in anything else. On a

relative scale, marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar

or chocolate but more so than anchovies. Sociologists report a general

pattern of marijuana use that peaks in the early adult years, followed

by a period of levelling off and then a gradual reduction in use [9].

5 Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana?

A. No; not one single case, not ever. THC is one of the few chemicals for

which there is no known toxic amount [10]. The federal agency NIDA says

that autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana

when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a

factor in their deaths. The chart below compares the number of deaths

attributable to selected substances in a typical year:

Tobacco...............................340,000 - 395,000

Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents).............125,000

Drug Overdose (prescription)............24,000 - 27,000

Drug Overdose (illegal)...................3,800 - 5,200

Marijuana......................................... ....0

*Source: U.S. Government Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1987

6 Q. Does Marijuana Lead to Crime and/or Hard Drugs?

A. No [11]. The only crime most marijuana users commit is that they use

marijuana. And, while many people who abuse dangerous drugs also smoke

marijuana, the old "stepping stone" theory is now discredited, since

virtually all of them started out "using" legal drugs like sugar,

coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

7 Q. Does Marijuana Make People Violent?

A. No. In fact, Federal Bureau of Narcotics director Harry Anslinger once

told Congress just the opposite - that it leads to non-violence and

pacifism [12]. If he was telling the truth (which he and key federal

agencies have not often done regarding marijuana), then re-legalizing

marijuana should be considered as one way to curb violence in our

cities. The simple fact is that marijuana does not change your basic

personality. The government says that over 20 million Americans still

smoke it, probably including some of the nicest people you know.

8 Q. How Does Marijuana Affect Your Health?

A. Smoking anything is not healthy, but marijuana is less dangerous than

tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time. This health risk can

be avoided by eating the plant instead of smoking it [13], or can be

reduced by smoking smaller amounts of stronger marijuana. There is

no proof that marijuana causes serious health or sexual problems [14]

but, like alcohol, its use by children or adolescents is discouraged.

Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable

theraputic uses - from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma to

cancer therapy, etc. [15].

9 Q. What About All Those Scary Statistics and Studies?

A. Most were prepared as scare tactics for the government by Dr. Gabriel

Nahas, and were so biased and unscientific that Nahas was fired by

the National Institute of Health [16] and finally renounced his own

studies as meaningless [17]. For one experiment, he suffocated monkeys

for five minutes at a time, using proportionately more smoke than the

average user inhales in an entire lifetime [18]. The other studies

that claim sensational health risks are also suspect, since they lack

controls and produce results which cannot be replicated or

independently verified [19].

10 Q. What Can I Do About Marijuana?

A. No independent government panel that has studied marijuana has ever

recommended jail for users [20]. Concerned persons should therefore

ask their legislators to re-legalize and tax this plant, subject to

age limits and regulations similar to those on alcohol and tobacco.

For More Information, Write:
Family Coucil on Drug Awareness
P.O. Box 71093, LA CA 90071-0093


1. The same plant, known as hemp, has an estimated 50,000 non-drug

commercial uses including paper, textiles, fuels, food and sealants,

but these uses are also banned by existing laws. Sources: Encyclopedia

Britannica, federal documents and historical records.

2. Coptic Christians, Rhastafarnians [sic], Shintos, Hinus, Buddhists,

Sufis, Essenes, Zoroastrians, Bantus, and many other sects have

traditions that consider the plant to have religious value.

3. Their personal correspondence and records reveal that U.S. Presidents

Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and others smoked hashish, as did Benjamin

Franklin and Mary Todd Lincoln. President John F. Kennedy is also

reported to have smoked marijuana to relieve his back pain. Many of

America's greatest leaders and Founding Fathers (including George

Washington) were hemp farmers. Sources: National Archives, published

4. Archeologists report that cannabis was possibly the first plant

cultivated by humans - about 8000 B.C. - and was used for linen,

paper, and garments. Source: Columbia University, _History of the

World_. It was being smoked in China and India as early as 2700 B.C.

5. Turkish smoking parlors were popular in both Europe and America. as

well as the Middle and Far East, as recently as the turn of the

6. The exhaustive Indian Hemp "Raj" Commission report (1986) by British

authorities found no reason to restrict its use. But the notorious

yellow journalist William Randolph Hearst fabricated and published

horror stories about marijuana that were eventually investigated and

shown to be lies, but not until long after the marijuana prohibition

was enacted in 1938. Source: Larry Sloman, _Reefer Madness_.

7. Laws against marijuana were passed a year after the invention of a

machine to harvest and process hemp so it could compete commercially

against businesses owned by Hearst, the DuPonts and other powerful

families. Source: Jack Herer, _The Emporor Wears No Clothes_.

8. Marijuana does not lead to physical dependency. Costa Rican Study,

1980; Jamaican Study, 1975; Nixon Blue Ribbon Report, 1972, et. al.

9. Source: Psychology Today, Newsweek, et.al.

10. Source: All univerity medical studies: UCLA, Harvard, Temple, etc.

11. Costa Rican Study, 1980; Jamaican Study, 1975; "The legal drugs for

adults, such as alcohol and tobacco...precede the use of all illicit

drugs." Source: National Academy of Sciences.

12. The FBI reports that 65-75% of criminal violence is alcohol related.

"Pacifist syndrome" testimony was given by Federal Bureau of Narcotics

Director Harry Anslinger before Congress (1948). However, the "Siler"

Study conducted by the U.S in Panama (1931) reported "no impairment"

in military personnel who smoked marijuana while off duty.

13. "The only clinically significant medical problem is that

scientifically linked to marijuana is bronchitis. Like smoking

tobacco, the treatment is the same: stop smoking." Source: Dr. Fred

Oerther, M.D.

14. Coptic study (UCLA), 1981; "There is not yet any conclusive evidence

as to whether prolonged use of marijuana causes permanent changes in

the nervous system or sustained impairment of brain function and

behavior in human beings." Source: National Academy of Sciences.

15. Source: Dr. Tod Mikuriya, _Marijuana Medical Papers_. Marijuana could

replace at least 10-20% of prescribed drugs now in use. Source: Dr.

Raphael Mechoulam. Marijuana was a major active ingredient in 40-50%

of patent medicines before its ban.

16. 1976

17. 1983

18. The U.S. Government reports that the oral dose of cannabis required to

kill a mouse is about 40,000 times the dose required to produce

symptoms of intoxication in man. Source: Lowe, _Journal of

Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics_, Oct. 1946.

19. In another famous study, Heath/Tulane (1974), wild monkeys were

brutally captured, then virtually suffocated in marijuana smoke over a

period of 90 days. Source: National Institute of Health.

20. Examples: the "LaGuardia" Committee Report (New York, 1944) and

President Richard Nixon's Blue Ribbon "Shafer" Commission (1972).


For more than 3,500 years marijuana has been one of the most widely
used drugs for oriental medicine. From 1850 to 1937 American Pharmacopeia
prescribed marijuana for more than 100 separate illnesses or diseases. From
1842 to the 1880's marijuana was one of the most used drugs in the United
States to treat the illnesses of adults and children.The American Medical
Association testified against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act. (Dr. James Woodward,
1937, before Congress). The United States Government forbid marijuana research
for 30 years from 1931 to 1961. An active ingredient of marijuana, Delta-9 THC
was isolated in 1964-1965 by Israeli scientists. More than 400 of a suspected
1,000 different ingredients of marijuana have been isolated since 1964.Recent
research (1966 through 1976) reconfirms marijuana to be the medicine of choice,
best and safest, for glaucoma, for epilepsy, for muscular spasms, for reduction
of tumors, for control of nausea in cancer chemotherapy, for emphysema,
migraine, depression, and anorexia nervosa.Eighty percent of asthmatic - more
than 15 million people are affected - could add two to four years to their
lifespans, especially children, over the benefits of presently legal and toxic
medicines, by using marijuana (UCLA 1969-1975, and Therapeutic Potential for
Marijuana, and Life Insurance Actuarial Rates, 1985).Ninety percent of glaucoma
victims can benefit from the use of marijuana. California eye doctors will tell
their patients, discreetly, to use marijuana to save their eyes. (Harvard;
UCLA; Medical College of Georgia; University of North Carolina School of
Medicine, 1975; The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; and the National Eye
Institute). Marijuana is two to three times as effective as any currently legal
medicines for reducing ocular pressure, without toxic side effects destroying
liver and kidneys, toxic effects associated with present legal glaucoma drugs.
As far as the California Marijuana Initiative can determine, no Californian
receives marijuana legally for glaucoma, even though California law (1979)
allows for medicinal use of marijuana. This provision is not implemented
because of the current Federal Natural Marijuana Prohibition, and past
California State Attorney General Deukmejians's thwarting of doctors' and
researchers' ability to acquire legal supplies of marijuana from him within the
program passed by our legislators. (L.A. Times, 1982; and Patrick
Mayers).Marijuana is also the supreme dilator of the airways, the bronchi,
opening them up to allow more oxygen into the blood. Marijuana is the best
dilator of the little air tubes of the lungs, the bronchioles. Marijuana is the
best overall bronchiole dilator. (Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana, and
studies by Taskin at UCLA from 1969 through 1983, and the U.S. Costa Rican
Studies, 1982). The original Costa rican Report was ordered suppressed by the
Reagan Administration. A copy was snuck out to the National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws. The Reagan Administration and National Institute
for Health ordered the Costa Rican Report rewritten three times, then finally
rewrote the report themselves. The N.I.H. ordered only 300 copies to be
printed. To read the suppressed original Costa Rican Report ordered by the U.S.
Government would make you cry. The extrapolations of health potentials are
extraordinary.Medical research indicates that light marijuana smoking would be
the therapy of choice for mild emphysema to allow more fresh areas of the
bronchi to open up for more oxygen transfer, and increase the quality of life
greatly for tens of millions of sufferers of emphysema. (UCLA, 1974-1975). All
research into the oxygen transfer effects caused by marijuana indicates that
chest pains, shallowness of breath, headaches, etc., which are symptomatic of
heavy smog exposure are usually alleviated entirely by the light smoking of
marijuana throughout the day. (Marijuana Pulmonary Research, Taskin, UCLA,
1969-1983). Marijuana is the best natural expectorant to void lungs of
smog.Marijuana completely alleviates most migraine headaches most of the time.
It is estimated that, if legal, marijuana would replace more than fifty percent
of Valium, Librium, Stellazine, etc. (Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana).
Marijuana is the best way presently known to dry the mouth's saliva, in
dentistry. If legal, it would replace the highly toxic Probanthine,
manufactured by Searle & Co. Marijuana is also the best relaxant and back spasm
medicine available short of morphine.Marijuana is the best herb known for
reducing malignant and benign tumors. Until 1937 virtually all fistula, corns,
and fibrosis were treated with poltices made from or treated with marijuana
extracts. (The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana and Marijuana Medical Papers,
1972).Sixty percent of epileptics can benefit from the use of marijuana. It is
considered to be the best medication for many types od epilepsy, and for most
victim's post seizure trauma.

The Marijuana seed, which is technically a fruit, is the second most
complete protein source known, after soybeans. The enzymes and endistins
contained in marijuana seed break down food nutrients to allow easier digestion
and more food value. (The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana, and three
European studies). Marijuana seed contains a higher percentage of enzymes and
amino acids than any other food, including soybeans, and like soybeans can be
made to taste like chicken, beef, tofu, etc. at five to ten per cent the cost
of soybean protein. Domestic animals could also be fed for less than 20 per
cent of current costs. (Marijuana Farmer). Marijuana can be grown very poor
soil, is an excellent rotation crop (USDA), there is no THC content in the

Marijuana may block Alzheimer's

The active ingredient in marijuana may stall decline from Alzheimer's disease, research suggests.

Scientists showed a synthetic version of the compound may reduce inflammation associated with Alzheimer's and thus help to prevent mental decline.

They hope the cannabinoid may be used to developed new drug therapies.

full Story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4286435.stm

ok, im done here :)

Mr Clean
02-22-2007, 02:49 AM
and ? ..

yeah . alcohol "limited" consumption helps to flush out your system . or something of that sort . but who really drinks 1-2 beers every week or 2 and stops ? . seriously
marijuana is also great for people suffering from Alzheimer’s, glaucoma, severe migranes , aids , terminal cancer

would you rather be drunk and stumbly/sick. or be "high" and just chill out and relax ? some people like to come home and crack open a beer . some people like to come home and smoke . no difference . same concept. overall . alcohol has killed way many more people than marijuana has . ever will . whatever . marijuana is proven to not be addictive . alcohol has proven to be addictive . do you see my point at all ?

thats it !

Will have to answer these one at a time...

From Brown University: "More and more studies are finding that marijuana has addictive properties. Both animal and human studies show physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, including irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Tolerance to marijuana also builds up rapidly. Heavy users need 8 times higher doses to get the same effects as infrequent users.

For a small percentage of people who use it, marijuana can be highly addictive. It is estimated that 10% to 14% of users will become heavily dependent. More than 120,000 people in the US seek treatment for marijuana addiction every year. Because the consequences of marijuana use can be subtle and insidious, it is more difficult to recognize signs of addiction. Cultural and societal beliefs that marijuana cannot be addictive make it less likely for people to seek help or to get support for quitting."

From the University of Maryland: "Long-term marijuana use produces changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term use of other drugs, and can cause behaviors such as uncontrollable drug craving, delinquent behavior, and aggression. Regular marijuana smokers also face some of the same problems as cigarette addicts, including daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and frequent chest colds. Because marijuana is usually smoked without a filter, the amount of carbon monoxide and tar inhaled by marijuana smokers is three to five times greater than that inhaled by tobacco smokers."

Weed IS addictive. It IS bad for you. It DOES do damage to your body and your brain. So stop trying to claim otherwise when science clearly disagrees with you.

As for medical uses of marijuana, I don't disagree the value it has in that limited role.

Mr Clean
02-22-2007, 03:20 AM
Good ol Sirc, answering questions with...more questions. That's not how the game is played, but we will indulge you this once...

DUI covers all mind altering substances, including alcohol. I beg to differ with you, but alcohol is by far the most commonly used drug in America. Please provide some sort of legitimate proof when you make statements like this. I don't even have to research this. Alcohol is still by far the #1 cause of DUI deaths in America. Prove me wrong.

Do a little research next time so I don't have to spoon feed you. If you bothered to look at how DUI is defined by most law enforcement websites they break it down into two categories: alcohol and illegal drugs. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) defines illicit drugs to include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription-type drugs used nonmedically. So when discussing DUIs my calling weed the most commonly used drug was quite accurate...

Show me a report that shows limited pot usage is any more dangerous than limited alcohol consumption. Show me a report that spending 2 hours in a bar inhaling second hand smoke is safer than smoking a joint.

See my previous post. Funny, but inhaling second-hand smoke may actually BE safer given the carcinogens in unfiltered marijuana. There are NO health benefits from weed, while most people have read about the llimited benefits that small amounts of alcohol can provide.

Again, show me where you are getting this information, and how it conclusively ties into smoking pot? What years did this happen between? And can the same thing be said about the US? Can the great US depression of 1929 be contributed to pot usage? The US has gone through some major economic ups and downs. Great swings in the unemployment rate. Infectious diseases? What does that have to do with pot? Can you site a single source that links pot usage with infectious disease? Or even suicide?

This comment was directed at whoever thought that bragging about the Dutch was a good idea. Don't forget that I was trying to answer several posts in one reply. To state (again) what the issue was, bragging about the legalizing of drugs by the Dutch is absurb given the various economic and social ills that the country has faced since then. They are the only real-world example of drug legalizing, and a good argument against doing it anywhere else. You can check any number of sites for GNP and so forth to compare stats and info from pre and post-legalizing years...

Get a grip Clean. This post isn't about heroin, or cocaine, or opium usage. Just weed. That's all. Of course you could make the argument that pot leads to crystal meth addiction, but that would be sort of silly, wouldn't it?

I'm not a pot user, and I don't advocate it, but some people need to stop watching the 1950s "pot is the devil drug" movies and realize that occasional usage is no worse than occasional alcohol usage, and far better then regular cigarette smoking. Let's get our priorities straight here shall we? :)

Maybe you will rethink your error filled ways now that you have received a dosage of science in this factless void of a thread. You have made a number of comments that have since been shown to be faulty. I hope you take from this the realization that weed may be a lesser evil than cocaine, but it is still an addictive negative that people are better off without.

Mr Clean
02-22-2007, 03:40 AM
cannibis is a miracle plant..yes, God Himself gave this wonderful and fantastic plant ot mankind. how many plants can you name that have both male and female plant types. it cures so many diseases, i dont even know where to begin to name them. and of course, the people who are against it, are people who either never had it, had some, but it was laced with dust or coke, or have been listening to too much dea propaganda.

get educated, and find out the truth: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis.shtml

you confused types have never won and will never win your false claims of weed being dr. evil. everyone with half a brain can see right through the bullshit. the reason its illegal for the past 80 years is much more secretive and sinister than you think it is. its illegal for totally different reaosn than you think. do your research and find out. im not going ot do it for you, i already know the truth and im not going to write a dissertation just to prove to the half dozen people on here who still are blind to the truth

let me end by saying that cannibis is in no way shape or form more addictive than chocolate for instance. there is absolutely no physical addiction. a psychological addiction only appears in those weak-minded people who get their mind ot bleive they are addicted but they really are not. the same cannot be said for cigarrettes, which your body develops a very strong addiction to the nicotine. fat people eat more and more because they are psychologically addicted. no argument will hold up that you anti-miracle plant activists make

See the post that Sirc is also reading about now...

Marijuana, by the way, doesn't cure any disease. If you mean it is used to treat the pain or discomfort of certain ailments, then that would be true, just as it is for morphine, or heprine, etc etc etc...

The mind that is weak is the one that refuses the knowledge that science has to offer in favor of the justification of a habit with no known positive affect on the human body and brain...

Mr Clean
02-22-2007, 03:47 AM
As with alcohol it isn't allowed to drive when you smoked something.

If this sentence doesn't make my argument about the affects of pot on the brain, nothing will...

And for alcohol itself... it's pure poison for the body and officially harddrugs. We just generally accepted it cuz it's been there since mankind. And the major difference between alcohol and cannabis is that your body won't get addicted to cannabis. So even if you smoked serveral years multiple joints a day you can still stop immediatly without getting healtproblems or negative sideeffects

Also the Netherlands didn't legalise drug, it's allowed to smoke softdrugs, which keeps it controlable, criminals won't earn that much with it, not creating criminals in prison cuz they smoked a joint (hello USA :rolleyes: ). I guess u checked the numbers on a anti-cannabis site, if you would see the true numbers u'll notice that it has a positive effect to legalise :)

Again, it definatly ain't good for your healt (neither is driving...) but try for once separate it from the true harddrugs (XTC, speed, cocaine etc.)

Already covered all of this in previous posts. Your wrong.

Caged Anger
02-22-2007, 03:52 AM
way to boost the post count buddy :)

02-22-2007, 04:09 AM
way to boost the post count buddy :)
He wanted to address each response separately hence the multiple posts. Now it's the single word or smilie posts that needlessly "boost" the postcount. Soon the GM server will be teeming with useful information and smilie characters.

02-22-2007, 06:14 AM
Good ol Sirc, answering questions with...more questions. That's not how the game is played, but we will indulge you this once...

Do a little research next time so I don't have to spoon feed you. If you bothered to look at how DUI is defined by most law enforcement websites they break it down into two categories: alcohol and illegal drugs. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) defines illicit drugs to include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription-type drugs used nonmedically. So when discussing DUIs my calling weed the most commonly used drug was quite accurate...

See my previous post. Funny, but inhaling second-hand smoke may actually BE safer given the carcinogens in unfiltered marijuana. There are NO health benefits from weed, while most people have read about the llimited benefits that small amounts of alcohol can provide.

This comment was directed at whoever thought that bragging about the Dutch was a good idea. Don't forget that I was trying to answer several posts in one reply. To state (again) what the issue was, bragging about the legalizing of drugs by the Dutch is absurb given the various economic and social ills that the country has faced since then. They are the only real-world example of drug legalizing, and a good argument against doing it anywhere else. You can check any number of sites for GNP and so forth to compare stats and info from pre and post-legalizing years...

Maybe you will rethink your error filled ways now that you have received a dosage of science in this factless void of a thread. You have made a number of comments that have since been shown to be faulty. I hope you take from this the realization that weed may be a lesser evil than cocaine, but it is still an addictive negative that people are better off without.

Ah, Mr Clean. Still set in your ways. Still spouting your personal opinions as provable proof. Do a simple Google search for DUI definition. 99.5% of the hits will say "driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs". Actually they probably all say that, but I didn't feel like reading all 1,700,000 responses. Get yourself up to date. I don't care how the NSDUH defines things. Law enforcement defines DUI as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Spoon feed me, lol. Such misguided arrogance.

No health benefits from weed? As a medicinal drug pot does in fact have numerous health and therapeutic benefits. Nitro's post listed many of them. The medicinal use of marijuana has been demonstrated over and over as being affective for many different medical disorders. Are you simply closing your eyes to this because you don't want to believe it?

You've made some outrageous claims here. Pot spreads disease. Pot contributes to the suicide rate. Pot has ruined the GNP of the Dutch and contributed to the unemployment rate and social problems. You really need to provide proof of this if you wish to receive any credibility at all. Holland is a small country, and is subject to, and less resilient to, factors that effect economic changes. To say that pot is the catalyst for Dutch economic problems, the spread of disease, and an increase in the suicide rate without providing any substantial proof is just, well, you spouting off at the mouth. As usual.

Show me which of my comments have been faulty. And don't give me crap about I can check "any number of sites". Cite your sources.

Maybe you will rethink your error filled ways now that you have received a dosage of science in this factless void of a thread.

LOL, I think you've given me a dose of BS. Science. Yeah. Mr Clean science. That ranks right up there with the Church of Scientology "science".

He Is Legend
02-22-2007, 01:09 PM
very good post nitro , sirc

yeah everyone . TAKE THAT ! hah :P

02-22-2007, 02:19 PM
Do a simple Google search for DUI definition. 99.5% of the hits will say "driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs".

And don't give me crap about I can check "any number of sites". Cite your sources.

:hmmm: He who doesn't follow his own advice...

Sorry, overall I don't wanna get involved in this debate. I just thought that was a curiosity. :)

Go back to wasting your time posting stuff that the other side reads only b/c they'd like to disagree.

02-22-2007, 02:40 PM
Nice ones Sirc and Nitro...

Most funny part is always how people think about the Netherlands, a lot of people (especially the anti-weed fundamentalists) think that we walk all day with a joint in our mouth and that we're all farmers :D

Last week there was a piece in the newspaper about it. The weed usage in the Netherlands has been stabilized for many years now and we're definitely not the biggest users in Europe. Other countries just shut their eyes and assuming that if you can't see it, it doesn't exists.

I know some will go to back to the riddle of arguments learned on high-school about how bad it is, but building on facts is more useful ;)

People are just scared for it... again

if I smoke a hole night long masses of weed I wake up the next morning with as negative side-effect: being more tired than normal.

If I drink a hole night long masses of alcohol and waking up the next morning with as negative side-effects: Headache, feeling tired, dizzy, "sick" (not willing to eat etc.), and more but you'll find out when u need to go to the toilet :D, next day still side effects

Now all reports/researches to the background my body tells me that it rather has weed :)

02-22-2007, 03:04 PM
if I smoke a hole night long masses of weed I wake up the next morning with as negative side-effect: being more tired than normal.

If I drink a hole night long masses of alcohol and waking up the next morning with as negative side-effects: Headache, feeling tired, dizzy, "sick" (not willing to eat etc.), and more but you'll find out when u need to go to the toilet :D, next day still side effects

If it helps the argument, I'm in favor of getting rid of both of them. :thumbs:

02-22-2007, 03:09 PM
Hehe, the whole world on weed :

"Bush": WhaaaazuuuuuP
"Bush": Jow dude, heard you were doing nasty things again...
"Kim Il": ^^
"Bush": Yeah I know ya only wanna use nucleairpower for all your citizens..
"Kim Il": Uhu, so what's da problem then m8... ow and passed it on you selffish smoker
"Bush": Ow srry I still had it.. here ya go dude...
"Bush": good stuff btw, where did you get it...
"Kim Il": Afganistan, your soldiers build some great plantages man!
"Bush": Thnx man, hope they give u a nice discount :cool:
"Kim Il": yeah u men are great for me....
"Bush": That rocks man, but where were we again?...
"Kim Il": Uhh..... oh yeah, what the problem is...
"Bush": U know I don't have troubles with ya :o
"Kim Il": I know homie I know...:cool:
"Bush": last night some of my colleges went for a drink after work and got a little agressive...
"Kim Il": how stupid... only makes u tired
"Bush": Yeah... just reeeelaaaax :cool:
"Kim Il": Lame people who drink alcohol...
"Bush": Aaaah what the heck, just build them :cool: just plz don't use it for nasty stuff ha... PEACE!
"Kim Il": Great, of course I won't, love my weed cheap ;) Will keep a low profile...
"Bush": would be nice, gets those drunks a bit of my back...
"Kim Il": K serious for too long now, need to get back for my election-promoting tour...
"Bush": Right u are, aren't u afraid that people will kick you off the throne cuz of years of dictatorship?
"Kim Il": nah got a great slogan "THC for all and ME" so they know I'm very relaxed now :cool: Otherwise, a little bit of a rest ain't bad for me neither.
"Bush": Ya da man!!
"Kim Il": My secretary will let ya out, give a call when you wanna play golf again homie...
"Bush": Definitely!

02-22-2007, 03:17 PM
If it helps the argument, I'm in favor of getting rid of both of them. :thumbs:

Hehe deal, but also getting rid of junkfood/chocolat etc. also. Very addictive and makes people feel happy :D

Just as long as it doesn't break your body to fast down it will be all fine, let all of us people decide for ourself what we want with as border "demolishing what is good" :thumbs:

He Is Legend
02-22-2007, 10:30 PM
did you know that marijuana doesnt get you high ?

there are these things on your brains called "cannaboids" . Cannboids just wait until THC enters the bloodstream . and the cannaboids are activated . if there were no cannboids in your brain . marijuana would be useless . my mom was telling me this the other day . she works as a medical transcriptor . really interesting . they also stimulate the blood cells . memory . your mind . your body . dont beileve me ? . look it up . just another reason why marijuana isnt shittin on alcohol . not even close .

and how did those cannaboids get there ?
hmm ;)

02-22-2007, 11:59 PM
did you know that marijuana doesnt get you high ?

there are these things on your brains called "cannaboids" . Cannboids just wait until THC enters the bloodstream . and the cannaboids are activated . if there were no cannboids in your brain . marijuana would be useless . my mom was telling me this the other day . she works as a medical transcriptor . really interesting . they also stimulate the blood cells . memory . your mind . your body . dont beileve me ? . look it up . just another reason why marijuana isnt shittin on alcohol . not even close .

and how did those cannaboids get there ?
hmm ;)

What? Are you stoned or something? Now your just making stuff up. :P

02-23-2007, 12:03 AM
:hmmm: He who doesn't follow his own advice...

Sorry, overall I don't wanna get involved in this debate. I just thought that was a curiosity. :)

Go back to wasting your time posting stuff that the other side reads only b/c they'd like to disagree.

You have a funny way of not getting involved. :rolleyes:

I said exactly what to search for on Google: "DUI definition". For those that can't manage that, here is the link...


Happy now? ;)

Mr Clean
02-23-2007, 12:18 AM
He wanted to address each response separately hence the multiple posts. Now it's the single word or smilie posts that needlessly "boost" the postcount. Soon the GM server will be teeming with useful information and smilie characters.

LOL thanks for the defense EXE, although I do have a large post count :)

Mr Clean
02-23-2007, 01:05 AM
Ah, Mr Clean. Still set in your ways. Still spouting your personal opinions as provable proof. Do a simple Google search for DUI definition. 99.5% of the hits will say "driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs". Actually they probably all say that, but I didn't feel like reading all 1,700,000 responses. Get yourself up to date. I don't care how the NSDUH defines things. Law enforcement defines DUI as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Spoon feed me, lol. Such misguided arrogance.

ROFL. You just proved my point. I said in my original post that by far the most common drug found in DUI cases is marijuana. You come back and say that alcohol is the most common "drug" in DUI cases. I explain to you that alcohol and drugs are seperated by most law enforcement agencies as well as organizations such as the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Therefore the most common "drug" can't be alcohol because alcohol is not considered a drug under DUIs. So you write above that DUIs are defined as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs...ROFL ROFL ROFL No kidding!

If you want to debate something and choose to define the argument in a way other than the accepted norm it is good manners to state such. I discussed this under the standard definition of DUI (which you yourself have even posted!) and, once again, my original statement that marijuana is by far the most common drug found in DUIs is correct. What else is new...

No health benefits from weed? As a medicinal drug pot does in fact have numerous health and therapeutic benefits. Nitro's post listed many of them. The medicinal use of marijuana has been demonstrated over and over as being affective for many different medical disorders. Are you simply closing your eyes to this because you don't want to believe it?

Weed has no health benefits, only limited therapeutic benefits. According to some reports, it does help ease the symptoms of some diseases, like pressure from glaucoma for instance. It does NOT treat the disease itself however, only symptoms. So Nitro's claim that it "cures" diseases is a fallacy. In addition, you still get all the side affects from pot when using it for medical treatment, including but not limited to: inhaling known carcinogens and hundreds of other chemicals, short term memory loss, paranoia, and some disabling of the immune system. Where is the health benefit in that?

But maybe that is why "on April 20th, 2006, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an advisory against medical marijuana stating that, "marijuana has a high potential for abuse, has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and has a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision. Furthermore, there is currently sound evidence that smoked marijuana is harmful." [3] Additionally, the smoked form of marijuana is not supported as modern medicine by the American Medical Association [4], the National Multiple Sclerosis Society [5] , the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology [6] and the American Cancer Society [7]. On June 6, 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision which supported the Federal Government's position against "medical marijuana" ".

You've made some outrageous claims here. Pot spreads disease. Pot contributes to the suicide rate. Pot has ruined the GNP of the Dutch and contributed to the unemployment rate and social problems. You really need to provide proof of this if you wish to receive any credibility at all. Holland is a small country, and is subject to, and less resilient to, factors that effect economic changes. To say that pot is the catalyst for Dutch economic problems, the spread of disease, and an increase in the suicide rate without providing any substantial proof is just, well, you spouting off at the mouth. As usual.

Then prove it wrong if you are so sure. Make sure you get one of those Dutch translaters for your PC since some of the articles will be in that language...

Show me which of my comments have been faulty. And don't give me crap about I can check "any number of sites". Cite your sources.

LOL, I think you've given me a dose of BS. Science. Yeah. Mr Clean science. That ranks right up there with the Church of Scientology "science".

I guess the FDA, a ruling from the Supreme Court, the NSDUH, Brown University, and the University of Maryland don't count as sources eh? And the AMA, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the American Cancer Society are all crackpot organizations, devoid of scientific and medical credibility...

But hey, you DID Google "DUI", so props to you...

02-23-2007, 01:27 AM
You have a funny way of not getting involved. :rolleyes:

I said exactly what to search for on Google: "DUI definition". For those that can't manage that, here is the link...


Happy now? ;)

No worries, man, I was really just tryin' to lighten up the situation a bit.

Mr Clean
02-23-2007, 01:33 AM
did you know that marijuana doesnt get you high ?

there are these things on your brains called "cannaboids" . Cannboids just wait until THC enters the bloodstream . and the cannaboids are activated . if there were no cannboids in your brain . marijuana would be useless . my mom was telling me this the other day . she works as a medical transcriptor . really interesting . they also stimulate the blood cells . memory . your mind . your body . dont beileve me ? . look it up . just another reason why marijuana isnt shittin on alcohol . not even close .

and how did those cannaboids get there ?
hmm ;)

I looked it up. Specifically I looked up cannabinoids which I believe is what you were trying to discuss. Cannabinoids are substances that can bind to cannibinoid receptors in the brain. There are literally dozens of such structures, some of which occur naturally in animals. There are also two different types of receptors.

There is a ton of chemical and biological information that goes along with all that, and you are free to delve into it further if you need help falling asleep tonight. But the one thing you need to know from all this is that weed does not activate cannabinoids in the brain but rather the cannabinoid receptors. The cannabinoids still comes from the weed, and without it you wouldn't get that high you apparently treasure so much when you smoke it.

So marijuana does deliver compounds into your brain that then alter your brain activity, so you do get high, and it IS because of the weed. Let your mom know, will ya?

02-23-2007, 01:34 AM
Heh. The honest truth is....I don't really give a shit. I post on these forums for my own amusement. And occasionally I get naughty and try to stir someone up and get them going. It's what I've always done. You've always been such an easy target, and I was thrilled to see you start posting again.

Welcome back Mr Clean. :wave:

ROFL. You just proved my point. I said in my original post that by far the most common drug found in DUI cases is marijuana. You come back and say that alcohol is the most common "drug" in DUI cases. I explain to you that alcohol and drugs are seperated by most law enforcement agencies as well as organizations such as the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Therefore the most common "drug" can't be alcohol because alcohol is not considered a drug under DUIs. So you write above that DUIs are defined as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs...ROFL ROFL ROFL No kidding!

If you want to debate something and choose to define the argument in a way other than the accepted norm it is good manners to state such. I discussed this under the standard definition of DUI (which you yourself have even posted!) and, once again, my original statement that marijuana is by far the most common drug found in DUIs is correct. What else is new...

Weed has no health benefits, only limited therapeutic benefits. According to some reports, it does help ease the symptoms of some diseases, like pressure from glaucoma for instance. It does NOT treat the disease itself however, only symptoms. So Nitro's claim that it "cures" diseases is a fallacy. In addition, you still get all the side affects from pot when using it for medical treatment, including but not limited to: inhaling known carcinogens and hundreds of other chemicals, short term memory loss, paranoia, and some disabling of the immune system. Where is the health benefit in that?

But maybe that is why "on April 20th, 2006, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an advisory against medical marijuana stating that, "marijuana has a high potential for abuse, has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and has a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision. Furthermore, there is currently sound evidence that smoked marijuana is harmful." [3] Additionally, the smoked form of marijuana is not supported as modern medicine by the American Medical Association [4], the National Multiple Sclerosis Society [5] , the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology [6] and the American Cancer Society [7]. On June 6, 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision which supported the Federal Government's position against "medical marijuana" ".

Then prove it wrong if you are so sure. Make sure you get one of those Dutch translaters for your PC since some of the articles will be in that language...

I guess the FDA, a ruling from the Supreme Court, the NSDUH, Brown University, and the University of Maryland don't count as sources eh? And the AMA, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the American Cancer Society are all crackpot organizations, devoid of scientific and medical credibility...

But hey, you DID Google "DUI", so props to you...

02-23-2007, 01:48 AM
Heh. The honest truth is....I don't really give a shit. I post on these forums for my own amusement. And occasionally I get naughty and try to stir someone up and get them going. It's what I've always done. You've always been such an easy target, and I was thrilled to see you start posting again.

Welcome back Mr Clean. :wave:

And so the truth finally comes out. However, the way you phrase it doesn't seem to make much sense. There is no way that you "don't give a sh*t" as you so quaintly put it because if you didn't then you would post as much as you do. So your amusement stems from the fact that you find pleasure in pushing people's buttons. This has proved to work quite well when trying to get banned.

I'm sure that there are much more interesting things to do in this world than smoking pot or doing any other kinds of drugs. Personally I enjoy some alcoholic beverages but I would try to avoid to drink to a point where I get sick. One should only try and do "things" in reasonable quantities and over a reasonable period of time.

02-23-2007, 01:57 AM
And so the truth finally comes out. However, the way you phrase it doesn't seem to make much sense. There is no way that you "don't give a sh*t" as you so quaintly put it because if you didn't then you would post as much as you do. So your amusement stems from the fact that you find pleasure in pushing people's buttons. This has proved to work quite well when trying to get banned.

Um, duh? Did you just recently join the forums? I've been banned more than anyone here. LOL, the truth is out! :rolleyes:

Think of it this way. People act completely differently on the internet than they do in real life. Me included. Believe it or not I'm actually a very non-confrontational person in real life. Anyone who has ever talked to me on Vent or TS knows that. I do, however, enjoy exploring how people react to certain situations on the internet. Think of me as the Hannibal Lecter of GM. :)

02-23-2007, 02:21 AM
Yes but Hannibal Lecter eats people while you annoy people. Kind of a big difference.

02-23-2007, 02:37 AM
Yes but Hannibal Lecter eats people while you annoy people. Kind of a big difference.

He meant the psychological part not the eating part :D

Although he's making himself greater than he is... :P

02-23-2007, 02:48 AM
Yes but Hannibal Lecter eats people while you annoy people. Kind of a big difference.

Am I annoying you? Listen to the lamb scream. :P

You've missed the point though. Hannibal's power was not in his lust for human flesh. It was his ability to get into people's heads.

Here's a hint: Don't let people rile you up in a gaming forum. The answer is right in front of you, but you don't see it. The more I can get you to respond, the more I win. ;)

However, despite how you may feel about this, a certain level of drama is actually good for a forum. It gets people posting. It gets discussions going. I don't continuously start flame wars. And I do in fact contribute to these forums in a "good" way, much more often than not. And the admins know this, which is why I'm still here.

I stir the pot occasionally. That's really not a bad thing.

02-23-2007, 02:54 AM
Although he's making himself greater than he is... :P

True. However, the people I tend to needle are the people that I either respect or completely abhor. Mr Clean happens to be someone I respect as an intelligent person. I actually like him. His posts are always worth the read. On the other end of the spectrum are people like Boston Shocker, who apparently have no useful purpose whatsoever. People in the middle I leave alone. :)

EDIT: Let me rephrase that. It's not that there aren't a lot of intelligent people here. I just go after the intelligent ones that have strong opinions. :)

02-23-2007, 03:16 AM
True. However, the people I tend to needle are the people that I either respect or completely abhor. Mr Clean happens to be someone I respect as an intelligent person. I actually like him. His posts are always worth the read. On the other end of the spectrum are people like Boston Shocker, who apparently have no useful purpose whatsoever. People in the middle I leave alone. :)

EDIT: Let me rephrase that. It's not that there aren't a lot of intelligent people here. I just go after the intelligent ones that have strong opinions. :)

Hehe, just "hit" on the person where ur expect the most extreme reply from. Category: "even negative publicity is at least publicity". And what is intelligence? differs for any kind of people. So smart for one so stupid for the other...

Strong opinions are great, easy to know what to attack (read: disagree with) and then just sit back and watch if they go dancing :D

And which category are u? :P

02-23-2007, 03:20 AM
Hehe, just "hit" on the person where ur expect the most extreme reply from. Category: "even negative publicity is at least publicity". And what is intelligence? differs for any kind of people. So smart for one so stupid for the other...

Strong opinions are great, easy to know what to attack (read: disagree with) and then just sit back and watch if they go dancing :D

And which category are u? :P

Who knows. But I got you going too didn't I? :P

02-23-2007, 03:33 AM
Who knows. But I got you going too didn't I? :P

Hehe, now who is pushing the buttons ha??? :D

I'm just honoured that you are replying :o

02-23-2007, 03:39 AM
The other day I saw a friends brother who is now 19 yrs old. I asked him what he was doing with himself and he is working and taking a class at a locl college. Not bad and I gave hime a pat on the back and preached to him. I asked him if he was still smoking pot and he said hell yeah. He then said that it will soon legalized. I told him every pot head has been saying or hoping for years.

Now I wont judge anyone because that is not up to me. I think as an individual I should only judge myself if I do or don't. Arguments can be made over anything so it is pointless. Truthfully if anything than can be argued is the effects of anything it may cause to someone other then themself such as if you are a person who needs to smoke pot or drink or pop pills and in some way it effects people around you then that is a problem. If you do something and it bothers nobody then that is up to you. The problem in most cases the person usually doing these things do not realise if anyone is being affected.

I will not take any argument from someone that is is under 21 though. I think it's hard to do so from someone who has yet to deal with real problems in the world such as pating their own bills and house. To say this is not to judge the young but to be realistic and say when you are doing those things arguing about and controlled sunstance will be the furthest thing from your mind.

02-23-2007, 04:15 AM
Now that is the most intelligent thing that has been said in this thread so far. :)

The other day I saw a friends brother who is now 19 yrs old. I asked him what he was doing with himself and he is working and taking a class at a locl college. Not bad and I gave hime a pat on the back and preached to him. I asked him if he was still smoking pot and he said hell yeah. He then said that it will soon legalized. I told him every pot head has been saying or hoping for years.

Now I wont judge anyone because that is not up to me. I think as an individual I should only judge myself if I do or don't. Arguments can be made over anything so it is pointless. Truthfully if anything than can be argued is the effects of anything it may cause to someone other then themself such as if you are a person who needs to smoke pot or drink or pop pills and in some way it effects people around you then that is a problem. If you do something and it bothers nobody then that is up to you. The problem in most cases the person usually doing these things do not realise if anyone is being affected.

I will not take any argument from someone that is is under 21 though. I think it's hard to do so from someone who has yet to deal with real problems in the world such as pating their own bills and house. To say this is not to judge the young but to be realistic and say when you are doing those things arguing about and controlled sunstance will be the furthest thing from your mind.

02-23-2007, 04:16 AM
EDIT: Let me rephrase that. It's not that there aren't a lot of intelligent people here. I just go after the intelligent ones that have strong opinions. :)
Strong opinions aren't always characteristic of intelligent people. My opinions may vary on different topics but I like to stand from a "neutral" point when looking at any issue. Neutrality has always been a problem and it can be very difficult to define. Not caring does not count as being neutral since if a person doesn't care then they have no need to take any standpoint on the issue and there is simply no point for them to have any view.

Being neutral, however, means that the person has some frame of reference as to what he or she is talking about and can give enough evidence from each of the opposing sides to make a "neutral" claim. A neutral claim could sound like this "Pot is not always bad because ......... however, it does have some negative effects such as ........., therefore one must consider both when deciding whether pot is good or bad." The only problem is that if everyone took a neutral attitude to everything then practically nothing would ever get done.

So people must decide between Option A and Option C or find an alternate route (Option B). Most people will simply stick to A or C and not take that which stands in between the two (B). It's not always easy thinking in "outside" terms to address a situation but that is what truly intelligent people excel at doing.

02-23-2007, 04:23 AM
Think of it this way. People act completely differently on the internet than they do in real life. Me included. Believe it or not I'm actually a very non-confrontational person in real life. Anyone who has ever talked to me on Vent or TS knows that. I do, however, enjoy exploring how people react to certain situations on the internet. Think of me as the Hannibal Lecter of GM. :)

This is very true. Everything is an act online. Real voice communication shows who a true person is. You guys don't even realize how many times I was able to fool you into thinking I was someone, even opposite sexes, and none was the wiser :rolleyes:

It's all for amusement purposes of course, like Sirc said, and a person should not be judged neccesarily with the way he or she perceives themselves online. As Sirc, I'm a very loving individual...me and Sirc would probably be the best of buddies if we were the same age and living in the same area.

He Is Legend
02-23-2007, 05:48 AM
What? Are you stoned or something? Now your just making stuff up. :P

im dead serious . look it up

Die Hard
02-23-2007, 01:55 PM
In the UK we recently downgraded dope from a class B to a class C drug. As we are a civilised society, not run by religion and of a proven intelligence; one can therefore assume that it's effects (if used in moderation) are not considered too serious!

Class A Drugs
Heroin, methadone, cocaine, Ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines (if prepared for injection) and magic mushrooms prepared for use are all Class A drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

Class B Drugs
Amphetamines (speed) and barbiturates are Class B drugs.

Class C Drugs
Cannabis, anabolic Steroids and benzodiazepines (tranquillisers such as Valium, Temazepam) are Class C drugs, as well as some mild amphetamines.

02-23-2007, 02:18 PM
Valium is class C? I've got a whole bottle of it here, legally :)

and lol @ Blake

He Is Legend
02-23-2007, 09:55 PM
ew xanax

02-23-2007, 10:04 PM
I've never really understand the use of tranquilizers as a recreational drug. Wouldn't they just make you fall asleep?

02-24-2007, 12:55 AM
I've never really understand the use of tranquilizers as a recreational drug. Wouldn't they just make you fall asleep?

I use valium to fall asleep (only when i really cant fall asleep and i really wanna get some shuteye)...works better than 5-htp/l-tryptophan

Mr Clean
03-01-2007, 02:28 AM
Heh. The honest truth is....I don't really give a shit. I post on these forums for my own amusement. And occasionally I get naughty and try to stir someone up and get them going. It's what I've always done. You've always been such an easy target, and I was thrilled to see you start posting again.

Welcome back Mr Clean. :wave:

Nice to be back, and welcome back as well :D

Mr Clean
03-01-2007, 02:33 AM
Being neutral, however, means that the person has some frame of reference as to what he or she is talking about and can give enough evidence from each of the opposing sides to make a "neutral" claim. A neutral claim could sound like this "Pot is not always bad because ......... however, it does have some negative effects such as ........., therefore one must consider both when deciding whether pot is good or bad." The only problem is that if everyone took a neutral attitude to everything then practically nothing would ever get done.

So people must decide between Option A and Option C or find an alternate route (Option B). Most people will simply stick to A or C and not take that which stands in between the two (B). It's not always easy thinking in "outside" terms to address a situation but that is what truly intelligent people excel at doing.

Sorry, had to respond to this.

Here's how I see it. When push comes to shove EVERYONE has an opinion. The bottom line is, can you defend it? If you can't enter a debate with me and give valid reasons why you feel the way you do, then why feel that way in the first place?

What truly intelligent people excel at, in my opinion, is having thought the matter through already when deciding what side they favor so that, when the time comes, they can tell you exactly why they feel that way and why you should too...

Mr Clean
03-01-2007, 02:36 AM
In the UK we recently downgraded dope from a class B to a class C drug. As we are a civilised society, not run by religion and of a proven intelligence; one can therefore assume that it's effects (if used in moderation) are not considered too serious!

Class A Drugs
Heroin, methadone, cocaine, Ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines (if prepared for injection) and magic mushrooms prepared for use are all Class A drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

Class B Drugs
Amphetamines (speed) and barbiturates are Class B drugs.

Class C Drugs
Cannabis, anabolic Steroids and benzodiazepines (tranquillisers such as Valium, Temazepam) are Class C drugs, as well as some mild amphetamines.

That's why you guys still have a queen, right? :P

Mr Clean
03-01-2007, 02:37 AM
I use valium to fall asleep (only when i really cant fall asleep and i really wanna get some shuteye)...works better than 5-htp/l-tryptophan

You are a regular chemistry set....

03-01-2007, 04:45 AM
haha im glad you're back to GM ^_^

Die Hard
03-01-2007, 09:55 AM
That's why you guys still have a queen, right? :PYes we do but unlike the nutter you have she is rendered useless :P

Mr Clean
03-02-2007, 01:42 AM
Yes we do but unlike the nutter you have she is rendered useless :P

Ah, she has gone through the change, I forgot about that :D