View Full Version : Scary thoughts

Mad Fox
02-22-2007, 10:34 PM


this is extremely disturbing considering they are our biggest threat besides CHINA.


Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

Mr Clean
02-23-2007, 12:12 AM
Which one, NK or Iran? They both have expressed their desire to have nukes at some point, so you pretty much have to suspect them of building them...

02-23-2007, 09:27 AM
Iran just needs to be bombed to the sand they live on. The longer we wait the harder they will be to stop. America needs to make the message clear to the world and reinform who is the super power. We should not accept countries like Russia selling weapon grades to these kinds of countries.

America need to stop being diplomatic with war. First of all you can not be diplomatic with an enemy that refuses to listen or who hates us. The correct thing to do from a strategic point is elimante Iran with a hit that will make the world undertsand. Not doing so will continue to allow countries like Rusia, China, Iran, others join together and try to destroy America. That is the truth and the writing is on the table. For once I wish we could deal with the countries that are trully our allies and be prpeared to put down those that are our enemies. In todays time all enemies like this should be eliminated.

We should also not do anything for North Korea. How many times is America going to throw money away. WHy do we bow down to help nations like North Korea. F them, kill them all. Iran and N korea want nukes? Let's givem them--Here catch...

The world is screwed up and so is America. Everyone in America is worrying about a civil war in Iraq when here at home we are also in the midst of one. As far as I am concerned if any one of these democrats is elected for president, all hell will break loose. To be honest I feel America has already been divided and with that I feel the liberals and democrats should be held for treason. They have done nothing but harm our troops and undermine those in charge. They are the true cancer in America and need to be eliminated. These groups want us to fail and have done everything to make that happen. Now these groups want run the country and no way will that be allowed to happen. Civil war in America will be needed. A new Government, and the death to those in this country that hurt it. I know I would join that army.

02-23-2007, 02:24 PM
Iran just needs to be bombed to the sand they live on. The longer we wait the harder they will be to stop. America needs to make the message clear to the world and reinform who is the super power. We should not accept countries like Russia selling weapon grades to these kinds of countries.

America need to stop being diplomatic with war. First of all you can not be diplomatic with an enemy that refuses to listen or who hates us. The correct thing to do from a strategic point is elimante Iran with a hit that will make the world undertsand. Not doing so will continue to allow countries like Rusia, China, Iran, others join together and try to destroy America. That is the truth and the writing is on the table. For once I wish we could deal with the countries that are trully our allies and be prpeared to put down those that are our enemies. In todays time all enemies like this should be eliminated.

We should also not do anything for North Korea. How many times is America going to throw money away. WHy do we bow down to help nations like North Korea. F them, kill them all. Iran and N korea want nukes? Let's givem them--Here catch...

The world is screwed up and so is America. Everyone in America is worrying about a civil war in Iraq when here at home we are also in the midst of one. As far as I am concerned if any one of these democrats is elected for president, all hell will break loose. To be honest I feel America has already been divided and with that I feel the liberals and democrats should be held for treason. They have done nothing but harm our troops and undermine those in charge. They are the true cancer in America and need to be eliminated. These groups want us to fail and have done everything to make that happen. Now these groups want run the country and no way will that be allowed to happen. Civil war in America will be needed. A new Government, and the death to those in this country that hurt it. I know I would join that army.

I am shocked saddened by the bloodlust and disregard for human life. I would not want you running any country, ever Danny.

Caged Anger
02-23-2007, 02:50 PM
Thats going more than a tad too far Biggs

Our country may have its troubles, buts its still the best one running out there, and as for Iran the only reason they are pulling this shit is because they want to have a chip in the big game, just like N. Korea. To start an all out war on yet another front would be both stupid and assanine. The USA is not the world police, its time that our actions reflected that and the rest of the world began taking care of its own problems.

Mad Fox
02-23-2007, 04:49 PM
Biggs your posts make me laugh, similiarly when I listen to Limbaugh I have the same reaction. Its funny.

But in all honesty, I think things have gotten way to out of hand. And I highly doubt that all of these nations that you mentioned want to destroy America. But what really struck me is this idea of destroying other nations. I don't think that is what you want to happen . You are advocating what you fear and that is never good. Recently, I wrote a paper about the use of nuclear weapons in the 40's and 50's as part of American Political Diplomacy andd all nuclear weapons are is a method by which nations intmidate others. They are diplomatic tools. And to deny them that is a violation of sovereignty. America didn't really want to use the A bomb on Japan but contrary to popluar belief it wasnt to save American lives it ws to intimdate the Russians.

I say regulate the prodcution of weapons. And make them accountable for their use.

Sry for mis types In a rush.

02-23-2007, 09:46 PM
"...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." - Hermann Goering (Third Reich)

Oh, how I tire of people being insanely ignorant...

02-23-2007, 10:01 PM
America didn't really want to use the A bomb on Japan but contrary to popluar belief it wasnt to save American lives it ws to intimdate the Russians.


Mad Fox
02-24-2007, 03:20 AM

American didnt want to use the A bomb on Japan to save lives. Instead it was a diplomatic tool to put the Soviets in theri place.

02-24-2007, 03:45 AM
While of course I think Bigg's feelings are on the extreme end and I don't think America is in such bad shape, there is also a fair bit of truth in what he says. Just like there is some truth in the bleeding heart liberal rubbish too.

Like most things, the truth usually seems to be somewhere in the middle.

Iran and North Korea ARE problems and sadly something does have to be done about them before it's too late. Due to the escalating ability of people to cause ever larger amounts of harm we HAVE come to a time when it's no longer feasible to give someone the benefit of the doubt and wait for them to prove they want to cause harm.

Back when waiting for someone to show thier true colors meant waiting to see if they maybe started amassing troops or they suddenly started assaulting a neighbors borders things were bad but generally not catastrophic.

Now it sadly means someone suddenly launches missles capable of killing tens of thousands of people. Or it means someone detonates a weapon capable of killing even hundreds of thousands of people and crippling large parts - or even all - of a country.

It's unfortunate, but that is the reality of the times we live in.

Now you have leaders like those in Iran who have flat out stated thier goal is to kill 1/3 of the population of the entire world and realize that there exists the capability of doing just that if they are allowed to gain it - and you have a real problem.

There is truth in what Bigg said - another reality of our times is that we are dealing with people who CANNOT be reasoned with. There isn't a goal that they want other than to see others dead. It's not a fight for freedom. It's not a fight for an ideal. Those were the fights of the past. These people simply want to see everyone else dead.

How do you try to reason with beliefs like that? Obviously, you simply cannot do so.

Therefore, fighting a war just to try to push someone back or to a surrender as the world has seen previously simply cannot work. Now add in the realization that many of these enemies are trying to get access to weapons capable of harming massive amounts of people and we are just in terrible, terrible situation.

It's very very sad, but we basically are faced with a bad situation (Countries like Iran wanting to kill us) and a worse situation (The same countries gaining nuclear weapons) and what's the solution??

I don't know, but I thank God I'm not the one forced to make those sorts of choices (The government).

Because I really only see one solution (The "bombing them down to the sand" in the words of the extreme) and even if that appears to be the only choice, I still don't like it.