View Full Version : " It's a london thing "

02-23-2007, 08:59 PM
Here follows the not entirely fictional account of Aries' visit to Die Hard's home ground.

What does one do during Spring Break?

Most GM'ers response: "Woohoo travel to a sunny party place like Ibiza or Miami and enjoy the booze and sexy bodies"

Aries: Indeed...so I went to London...notorious for its climate, to meet the *cough*sexy*cough* likes of Die Hard, leader of Villains.

I hopped over the Channel on a bird with a personality disorder: the flying machine must have imagined to be a ferry because it conveyed a feeling of sea sickness all the way (handy those puke bags on airplanes).

Upon arrival I took the fast track to the city centre in order to meet the infamous Die Hard. The meeting place wasn't clear though because the train station had morphed itself for the occasion into a labyrinth where similar exits with taxis created an illusion beyond Copperfield's powers.

After having wandered around for some time I saw a BMW 7 series parked in a very subtle manner in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Next to it I spotted the backside of a man in agitated discussing with the attendants of the trainstation. Surely I had found my host.

Die Hard certainly lived up to his title of host: on the first day he summoned an extraordinary guide to walk us through London. Our guide was a mysterious fellow with a dark hat, white beard, a voice close to sean connery's and fast moving feet that seemed to contradict his age.

As we were walking along the Thames our ears started glowing with the anecdotes revealed to us, giving us more insight into the political way of life in London nowadays and throughout history. We discovered alternative palaces of the royal family, luxury hotels hidden away from the busy roads, innyards for illegal duelling, historical artefacts lying around, famous pubs, shops that still sell traditional quality goods and churches that allow light to shine in.

The first day was concluded with a pub visit and dinner where I got to meet interesting people. The restaurant had something magical about it as well, it held the ability to transform its italian food into normal food once it reached your plate.

On the second day we set out to see some art. We made our way through the pigs of the Chinese new year and entered the National portrait gallery. There I could finally match a face to some famous names from history, literature, science and art. For example I found out that Lord Byron is in fact none other than John Galliano!!!

3rd day I went on an exploration of my own while DH was tending to his ferrari's and Bentleys. I visited the national history museum, a building with a wonderful architecture which you might also know through the videoclip 'hey boy, hey girl' from the Chemical Brothers. Inside there was an amazing collection of Dino skeletons, a room filled with minerals/gems/meteorites, an exhibition about the earth's climate, a creepy crawly room (about bugs), a collection of birds and an exhibition about human biology.

Afterwards I visited the London Aquarium, a key location in the movie 'Closer', where I watched the sharks in awe and patted a stingray. Btw I also found Nemo there :-P

4th day I came across an even more important location from the movie Closer: Postman's park...a quiet park in between two busy roads in the middle of the financial heart of the city. The park is not merely a place of rest but it also provides a sense of romance with a dark edge, it holds the Watts memorial where people are remembered that sacrificed themselves in order to save others.

Next was St. Paul's cathedral. Unfortunately the undemocratic pricing made me decide not to go in after all. I quickly found a good replacement: from the millenium bridge I could see the restored Globe theatre (a reproduction of the famous theatre where Shakespeare's plays were played). I followed the guided tour and learned why theatre was considered a breeding place for bad morals and coarse amusement (by the members of the church on the other side of the river).

Other places I visited: Trafalgar square, Oxford street, Bond street,...

It was an enjoyable trip and I want to thank Die Hard and his family for making this a wonderful experience!

02-23-2007, 09:03 PM
The British sure have a sense of humour: The Police are located on Cock lane!

02-23-2007, 09:08 PM
Pics of postman's park

02-23-2007, 09:12 PM
I found Alice Ayres!!! :woohoo:

02-23-2007, 09:17 PM
Globe theatre

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-23-2007, 09:19 PM
Thanks for sharing your story and pics Aries, sorry to hear your flight didn't go too well.

No pictures of the infamous Die Hard? :)

Oops, sorry for interupting your thread.........

02-23-2007, 09:20 PM
CF representing @ notting hill gate Tube station and @ Gatwick express

02-23-2007, 09:23 PM
Thanks for sharing your story and pics Aries, sorry to hear your flight didn't go too well.

No pictures of the infamous Die Hard? :)

Oops, sorry for interupting your thread.........

The prize question is to find DH in this pic @ covent garden market ;-)

I added a pub pic to make it a little bit easier

02-23-2007, 09:42 PM
cool stuff! i love going to england...most of the time i even get ot be there when theres no rain ^_^

02-23-2007, 09:49 PM
Very cool. Thanks not only for the wonderfully written account but the pics as well.

London is a place I really really really want to get to see one day.


02-23-2007, 10:12 PM
Very nice! :thumbs:

rancid monkey
02-23-2007, 10:59 PM
Haha, I didn't know you went to meet dad :eek: :P


02-23-2007, 11:06 PM
Very interesting, thanks for posting.

02-23-2007, 11:20 PM
Thanks Aries. I would love to visit England some day

02-24-2007, 04:22 AM
Looks like a fun trip. I love to travel and hope to visit London one day. Maybe DH will be kind enough to extend his courtesies to me as well. :P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-24-2007, 06:12 AM
The prize question is to find DH in this pic @ covent garden market ;-)

I added a pub pic to make it a little bit easier

I saw him! I saw him!! Bottom of the pic with a lovely blue shirt on....a handsome devil I might add. :)

02-25-2007, 06:59 AM
Great pics!! Thanks Aries!:thumbs:
Looked to be a great time.

Die Hard
02-25-2007, 11:39 AM
Yep, we had a blast and it was great to see Aries agian. I'm just sorry I had to work for the majority of the time. :o

Glad you enjoyed your stay man and you are welcome anytime :thumbs:

02-25-2007, 10:49 PM
On my return to Belgium, I had to go through hand luggage security checks at Gatwick Airport. There were three different security check lines

I picked the middle one and got in line. Looking ahead I noticed that people in front of my line were taking off their shoes and placing them on the conveyer belt to be checked. I was a bit surprised by this because I've never seen that on any of my previous travels (with the exception of people who wear shoes with a steel tip).

So I started checking the other two rows and noticed that we were the only one with the "shoe-removal treatment".

I loosened my laces on beforehand, but waited for the official's specific request to remove my shoes (and put them in the basket together with my hand luggage). When the official made the request, I politely asked why we were expected to take off our shoes whereas the other two rows didn't have to. The short answer was: "Random"

I must say I didn't like that answer at all. I can totally understand that for increased safety you ask people to remove their shoes and scan them...but I don't think it's right to do this at random. If you are looking out for security you should submit every passenger to it.

So after this short, unsatisfying answer I was given a dose of reality in the way security officials work:

on the other side of the security scanner, my bag was picked out by a colleague of the security official to have a further and thorough manual check...(I bet that was very random as well *sarcasm*)

As I had nothing to hide (not even my teddy that turns into a monster) I told the official to 'knock himself out' with the check. He hand-scanned my photo camera and asked if it was mine and searched through the entire content of my bag while I was putting my shoes back on. He didn't discover my teddy's monster morphing abilities though and I didn't point it out, because by now it was clear that such an informative remark might have lead to even further screening of my person and who knows what that would involve...

Since I had followed every regulation regarding hand luggage and because I had no prohibited goods, the official's search ended without result.

Anyways it was quite an experience this 'random' treatment by security officals under the veil of security

Die Hard
02-26-2007, 08:44 AM
I've had to remove my shoes and belt many times before. Mainly on entry to the USA :o

02-26-2007, 02:57 PM
Same here. It's pretty standar procedure and I don't have a problem with it. But if anyone thinks they can store significant amount of contraband in their shoes then they are mistaken.

02-26-2007, 04:24 PM
Same here. It's pretty standar procedure and I don't have a problem with it. But if anyone thinks they can store significant amount of contraband in their shoes then they are mistaken.

My point is that you can't call it a security measure if you're only applying it to one security row out of the three rows of passengers