View Full Version : Man sues Microsoft over porn surfing history

03-06-2007, 04:07 PM
PC fails to keep suspect's Internet Explorer history secret


03-06-2007, 04:34 PM
I believe XP makes a "section" writable again when u delete a program or file... which means that the data will be standing on the HD till something is written over it.

Guess it's indeed time that MS solve this...


despites from the pronhistory (without pron no I net :P), more and more people handle their financials etc. over the I-net, so would be nice to actually erase/burn the cracksensitive history of such things.

03-06-2007, 04:58 PM
I believe XP makes a "section" writable again when u delete a program or file... which means that the data will be standing on the HD till something is written over it.

Guess it's indeed time that MS solve this...


despites from the pronhistory (without pron no I net :P), more and more people handle their financials etc. over the I-net, so would be nice to actually erase/burn the cracksensitive history of such things.

i dont know what you mean with "section", but ill tell you how are things. the your harddisk have a section(called MFT, master file table) where is held information about where are files physicaly located on hdd. there are directories, file names, last modified date, very small filles(less than 4kb i think) and more. and when you delete file, windows in order to do it fastly only clear a part of MFT, not file itself. file is only marked with "free" mark, so it physicaly exist. and then when you create new file its written on sections that are marked free. this explain many thing. for example if you grab some file in windows and put it in another folder, it moves very fastly, no matter how big this file is. but when you move it to another partition on same hdd, it takes more time becouse one partition has to physicaly read it and second to write it, becouse each partition has its own MFT.

hmm, im even not sure if i speak here about fat32 or ntfs or both, its such long time i read it

03-06-2007, 05:00 PM
and to make it short, microsoft cant simply physicaly delete files becouse it would be too slow. how fast is your harddisk? barely 50mb/s? imagine you are deleting at same speed as copying...

03-06-2007, 05:18 PM
and to make it short, microsoft cant simply physicaly delete files becouse it would be too slow. how fast is your harddisk? barely 50mb/s? imagine you are deleting at same speed as copying...

How big are logfiles? never extend a few Kb of maybe very sensitive data.

I don't think that you'll notice a diffence in time when delete or physically delete a file of a few Kb.

Maybe a nice change would be when u delete something that XP/vista etc. asks how hard the deletion should be :thumbs:.

03-06-2007, 05:19 PM
Hehe, just think about the Sam logfile... only a few hundred Kb but a lot of bitchfights have been started cuz of it :D

03-07-2007, 12:40 AM
My take on this is - this guy was wanted for something entirely different than porn. Apparently, he had no illegal porn. So why has this even come out? Who made this public? The contents of his computer that didn't pertain to the warrant should have remained sealed tight. If the guy blew the whistle on himself for this, than he's an idiot. If the FBI made the porn content on his computer public then they should be held accountable for a very serious breach of privacy.

Caged Anger
03-07-2007, 01:41 AM
I'm a privacy nut, found this program in a tiny subarticle in pcworld and have used it once on both my HDDs, no problems and the data is apparently gone :rolleyes:

If you want to keep your browser history clean, use CCleaner and set it to NSA 7 pass shredding. And for individual files you want deleted, Spybot S&D and AVG AntiSypware both come with file shredding utilities built right in that are drag and drop.

CCleaner: http://www.ccleaner.com/
Spybot S&D: (If you still don't know the URL, you need to unplug your system from the net)

Death Engineer
03-08-2007, 05:41 AM
The only secure computer is one that is unplugged from the net....and the wall. ;)