View Full Version : Hey there Outlaws.

03-13-2007, 10:32 AM
How's everybody?

Once an Outlaw, Always an Outlaw.

I might be able to find a screenie with my outlaw tags on :)

What's everybody up to these days?

03-13-2007, 10:44 AM
Hammer! What's up man?

How've you been? Give us some updates.


OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-13-2007, 04:45 PM
Hey Hi :wave:

03-13-2007, 06:03 PM
Heya dude

03-13-2007, 06:05 PM
How's everybody?

Once an Outlaw, Always an Outlaw.

I might be able to find a screenie with my outlaw tags on :)

What's everybody up to these days?

i found one for you :)


OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
03-13-2007, 06:08 PM

03-13-2007, 07:34 PM
yo man how you been doin?

Mr Clean
03-14-2007, 01:19 AM
How's everybody?

Once an Outlaw, Always an Outlaw.

I might be able to find a screenie with my outlaw tags on :)

What's everybody up to these days?

Wait...is this Bob....or some woman acting as Bob :P

Hey man, when's the next LAN, and why do you always forget to call me?

04-12-2007, 11:43 AM
Hey...lol...I guess it would be beneficial for me to actually go back to a post that I made to read the responses. Good to hear from you guys. I started a site called BobsPlanet.net, and I hang out there most times. I took up aviation last year, and have recently bought a plane, which will be delivered to my house tomorrow :) I cannot wait to see it.

I just live life now, and try not to let age get to me too much :) I just turned 40 in December, so I guess I can't call myself at least physically, a kid anymore :)

Nitro, thanks for posting that tag. Man that brings back memories :) Lemme guess, you copied that from the top score of that game, where I was whoopin Machine and Shogie right?!?!?! :)

04-12-2007, 11:44 AM
Oh, and clean...I left TSi and my other job, and took a job as Operations Manager at Reuters. I don't have a place to LAN anymore, but am always open to somebody else hosting one :) Good to hear from you! How have you been doing?

04-12-2007, 02:16 PM
Hey...lol...I guess it would be beneficial for me to actually go back to a post that I made to read the responses. Good to hear from you guys. I started a site called BobsPlanet.net, and I hang out there most times. I took up aviation last year, and have recently bought a plane, which will be delivered to my house tomorrow :) I cannot wait to see it.

I just live life now, and try not to let age get to me too much :) I just turned 40 in December, so I guess I can't call myself at least physically, a kid anymore :)

Nitro, thanks for posting that tag. Man that brings back memories :) Lemme guess, you copied that from the top score of that game, where I was whoopin Machine and Shogie right?!?!?! :)

haha I'll have ot go check the original screenshot I have but you can keep telling yourself that's what happened :P

04-13-2007, 01:01 AM
Man it is good to hear from you I'll have to visit your site.Owning a plane has to be so awsome!!!!

04-13-2007, 05:17 AM
Oh yeah. Definitely look at the movies I made on my site. There are a couple of great flying ones.

I took up flying in June of last year. Here is the entry from my blog:

All my life I've dreamed of flying. When I was a small kid way back in the day...I used to see airplanes and dream of one day flying my own. I dreamed of being up there...free to do what I want as I soar around looking at the world. Last night, on Sunday, June 25th, 2006, I realized that dream at the age of 39 years old :) I bought an ultralight aircraft, an AeroLite 103 (AeroLite103.com) about a week ago, and decided it was time to make this dream come true. At 8:27PM the wheels of my plane lifted off the ground for the first time with me at the controls. I flew up to 312 feet and circled around the airfield and brought it in for a landing on the same end of the runway, and I can tell you from experience that it was the singular most incredible few moments of my life! I cannot begin to tell you all how cool that was! When I hit the throttle up to full, I was amazed at how much power it has! It just hammered me back into the seat as it accellerated down the runway...and lifted off in less than 100 feet. I was scared before I left the ground, but once I was in the air, my fear went away! When I turned for the first time, I saw the whole world just moving and turning below me, and it just reminded me how small everything is. How insigificant everything we do and see in life really is. Man...that was the greatest experience I have ever had. What a freakin blast! I cannot wait to do it again I lined it up and brought it in for a great landing and it was so surreal. Unbelievable!

My new plane is actually called a light sport. It's the next step up between an ultralight and your everyday Cessna. It weighs about 700 pounds empty, and gross flying weight is like 1600 pounds or something like that. It's a two seater, and cruises around 100MPH. I should be able to actually make short trips now and again.

04-13-2007, 07:15 AM
Man those things look like they would be a blast to fly around in.

Warning: Turn your speakers down if you go to that site

04-13-2007, 09:48 AM
Nice site man Awsome bikes tooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!