View Full Version : Linux is a hoax!

03-18-2007, 06:29 AM
This is a reply to a ZDNet article. :D


03-18-2007, 03:54 PM

I run Solaris 10 (unix), Kubuntu 6.10 (linux) and Windows XP (shit os). Each of them has their good and bad points but Unix and Linux are much better than Windows in basically everything except for games. If Windows didn't have this obscene monopoly over the computer industry, the world would have been a better place. Once can only dream...

03-18-2007, 05:31 PM
Nitro, stop being a follower...

If Microsoft did not do what it did with Windows the world would not be as productive. Someone would have been king an in this case it's Microsoft. Look at linux, it has so many distros it will never be complete.

03-18-2007, 06:08 PM
I'm sorry, I just am tired of the flaws in Mircosoft's operating systems, even though you are right, they did contribute much to IT. I just don't think I can take any more subpar performance and qualities from their OS. For example, Solaris has military-grade security whereas Microsoft's "security" if you can even call it that, is laughable.

03-18-2007, 06:20 PM
I assure you military grade is something you nor I get to see. If you get enough people aiming at you something will hit.

Now what makes a difference is a company being able to fix in a good enough time to avoid this. Open source is great but it's sloppy at times and not user friendly. User friendly being that our parents can do it.

This is why I laugh at mac heads that claim their os is better. Their os does nothing compared to Microsoft. You can build a linux box to chk mail do everthing else and that would not make it better then the alternative. I can chk mail and browse internet on my Wii, does that make it a great OS? Thats's just my point.

A true test would be getting a group to hack each OS and see who opens up easier. Then do the test 3 months down the road again and see if it still works.

03-18-2007, 06:22 PM
Solaris adds military security: http://uk.builder.com/developer/0,39026995,39116462,00.htm

03-18-2007, 06:29 PM
Bah, you both are missing the humor here. This wasn't meant to be a Windows vs. Linux thread. Re-read this guy's reply. He doesn't have a clue.

Caged Anger
03-19-2007, 04:15 AM
lol, for all Microsoft's quirks and fumbles, they run a fine industry (as much as i hate to admit it)

considering the massive scale Vista is being distributed and used upon, I myself am shocked more bugs have not surfaced. For once, I am willing to say nice work to Microshit.... (even though i refuse to touch Vista, even with a 10ft pole)

03-19-2007, 06:00 AM
Once the Vista SP1 is out or the major flaws (driver problems) are fixed and once Shadowrun hits the shelves in June I will invest my money in this OS. I've tried Vista out at school and it seemed like a nice upgrade from XP, it had some neat extra features and the interface did seem a bit more user friendly. For now I will stick to XP and save up.

As for Linux, we use Solaris at my uni for my Programming in C class to write and compile programs. From what I've seen, Windows is a better alternative for me.