View Full Version : Truth about aimbot

03-20-2007, 02:10 AM
With the permission of Shogun I open yet another thread of this kind, I hope it will be the last one. I'm shure nearly all of you know about SGI's accusations and are sick to death of it but I ask you to pay attention to what I'm going to say. It is important to act calmly using reason and showing a little less emotion to solve this problem once and for all. As you already know "Serious Best Bot" has made known in public by Black @ngel, the SGI clan leader who says he hacked it off an "unbeatable" sam player.

I will list the facts:

1. Black @ngel did not know the meaning of the word "aimbot" before I described what it was to him in a conversation on MSN. Apparently he was very suprised and had never heard of aimbot for any game before.

2. Do you guys seriously think it possible for a newbie on the whole matter to "suddenly discover" that and aimbot exists in SS instead of some other expert (Nitro, Huggy...you name one)?

3. He says he won't reveal the identity of the cheater he found using the bot because they "made a deal". @ngels silence in exchange fpr the cheater not sueing him for hacking.(yeah right like in the movies)

4. All he does try to convince players on Gamemecca that he has "actually found an aimbot" is post 2 miserable lines and leaves the rest of the dirty work to his members (Darkiller and Shadow) knowing that the less HE said the better things will be. If he actually found something he would show a little more enthusiasm.

5. Since @ngel knew (and knows) little to nothing about the way an aimbot works made a completely IMPRACTICAL description. He says the crosshair moves all by itself while the camera stays still. A cheat of this kind would be detected in 5 seconds. If this crazy description was true the cheater could hit his enemy while aiming at the floor! So he gives us all a "noob" description of an aimbot. Anybody in their right mind know that aimbots move the visual to the center of the target. The crosshair isn't a fly buzzing about...it remains still.

6. Material proof that SBB exists provided by @ngel is currently 0, or rather a single out of focus, pitiful screenshot which only helps arouse suspition. I have anylised the image and I think it's photoshopped, the resolution is too low.

7. @ngel decided to make an ANTI SBB which he gives only to SGI members. Howhever I have managed to obtain and examine the file and as far as I can see it does NOT prevent any cheating WHATSOEVER. It just has a few predefined commands like brightness and bigger crosshair...seems like crap. Anyway a plausible theory is that @ngel did not render his patch public fearing an expert would relize it was fake. I you need to examine it yourselves I can give it to you in MSN. Btw there are a few .dll thown in but i suspect they are false.

8. Last but not least we all know very well that there is NO SUCH THING as un unbeatable player.

Question: Ok this is all right buy WHY should @ngel lie about an aimbot?

Answer: @ngel was furious when his clan lost against Figona. He was so mad he teamkilled too (thanks figona for demo downloads:) ) My personal opinion is that on hearing news from me about aimbots he got exited and decided to invent an excuse.

For there reason Black @ngel must be considered a LIAR until he proves that SBB exist by posting a clear video.

If he refuses of doesn't show up the conclusion can be only one.

You might ask why I posted this stuff...well it's a long story that shouldn't interest you in the least. Anyway I hope you have found this useful


I never ever ever (and cannot or wan't to) in public. I tweak the game and test the results in my server to see what IS and what IS NOT possible. Wiper I hope you were sarcastic about my video, honestly i didn't use any cheat.......exept of course lightbulb models.

03-20-2007, 03:34 AM
wanna get high?

03-20-2007, 04:10 AM
I OK'd this thread so he could explain some things and i'm not going to let it go on for long so if you need to reply, do so now.

Figona Hatice
03-20-2007, 08:01 AM
Dude the thing is that you're wastin your time :) I don't think anybody cares about your clan business ... :( You cheat or not man we don't even wanna know , but if you cheat damn you need to stop playing sam cuz it ain't very effective :P If you were really honest you should leave the clan ... " black angel was so mad to lose against figona that he teamkilled too " man what's that ? That ain't an example , I would leave figona straight away if Niklas did the same :thumbs: Not to brag about my clan but he shouldn't be ashamed to lose against us :(

I'm curious about this undefeatable player ;) Is he American , European ? I wish I could face him :cool:

About the health hack , I know for a fact it's not possible unless you guy play on your own server and turn off the kickonbadsync :thumbs: Prove me if I'm wrong and play on figona servers with it :)

03-20-2007, 09:27 AM
And the shit started again cos of that guy. :rolleyes:

He causes only troubles. :thumbs: Who the hell cares about your clan or that other clan. If someone of you uses an aimbot then you have to get better one cos it doesn't work properly. Please go away with threads like that one.
Nobody cares about that.

Stop ruining our game with your silly comments and info. :rolleyes:

03-20-2007, 10:41 AM
Well i dont take this so serious. If someone is using different ways of cheating, it is there own problem not mine. The skill of a player is not improving if he or she is using cheats. Mine is. (and god i am in need for it).:D

03-20-2007, 10:54 AM
About the health hack , I know for a fact it's not possible unless you guy play on your own server and turn off the kickonbadsync :thumbs: Prove me if I'm wrong and play on figona servers with it :)

Here you are wrong. Any value of the game can be changed (health, ammo, frags and deaths) and if a player enters your server as a saved game in which you hacked yourself 100000 life and 1000 frags bad syncs will NOT occur. If you think I'm lying come in my server and I will show you. You shouldn't take this explanation that bad, I just wanted things to be clear...so everybody knows who the liar is. btw SGI IS NOT my clan:down:

03-20-2007, 11:13 AM
Here you are wrong. Any value of the game can be changed (health, ammo, frags and deaths) and if a player enters your server as a saved game in which you hacked yourself 100000 life and 1000 frags bad syncs will NOT occur. If you think I'm lying come in my server and I will show you. You shouldn't take this explanation that bad, I just wanted things to be clear...so everybody knows who the liar is. btw SGI IS NOT my clan:down:

Hehe damn. I'm still wondering why you are not banned.

03-20-2007, 12:29 PM
No flame please!

03-20-2007, 12:45 PM
No flame please!

Your brain seems to be so small. :rolleyes:

The only one person who causes flames is you by posting silly shits. :thumbs:

Figona Hatice
03-20-2007, 12:46 PM
Here you are wrong. Any value of the game can be changed (health, ammo, frags and deaths) and if a player enters your server as a saved game in which you hacked yourself 100000 life and 1000 frags bad syncs will NOT occur. If you think I'm lying come in my server and I will show you. You shouldn't take this explanation that bad, I just wanted things to be clear...so everybody knows who the liar is. btw SGI IS NOT my clan:down:

I don't wanna trash you but are you out of your mind ? I SAID ITS NOT POSSIBLE UNLESSSSSSSSSS YOU PLAY ON YOUR OWN SERVER :thumbs: SO WHY DO YOU ASK ME TO JOIN YOUR SERVER ? :confused: :confused: :confused: Let's join a public server :D

03-20-2007, 12:48 PM
I don't wanna trash you but are you out of your mind ?


03-20-2007, 02:30 PM
I don't wanna trash you but are you out of your mind ? I SAID ITS NOT POSSIBLE UNLESSSSSSSSSS YOU PLAY ON YOUR OWN SERVER :thumbs: SO WHY DO YOU ASK ME TO JOIN YOUR SERVER ? :confused: :confused: :confused: Let's join a public server :D

dis is waht I wonder too :confused:
so don't take it like ALWAYS as an insult, but nobody is interested in what you are saying .. I'm not a haxX0r in sam and I don't know many things about that game, but you heard what hatice said, and huggy too, so where is the problem baby?

I don't care about aimbots, health pack etc. BUT now I know, dis is only work on the own server, so If I and the others see someday "Zeb89 - Shotty Server" in Sam or something like that don't think any good player wanna join your server:thumbs:

03-20-2007, 03:31 PM
Attack the person's point of view or opinion and not them personally.

03-20-2007, 04:02 PM
I didn't attack him, but who is gonna join his server whn all ppl know he probably use some hacks?

03-20-2007, 04:13 PM
Xeno I didn't say you did or I would have quoted you or used your name, your post just happened to be right before mine.

My post was more of a comment made for general consumption that applies to everyone.

03-20-2007, 04:13 PM
Yes I was sarcastic about the vid...

It's just that you finally found out what people told you all alone in the previous (6, 7 or dunno how many) aimbots threads. Next time listen sooner, prevents a lot of annoyance and moaning :P

03-20-2007, 04:15 PM
Xeno I didn't say you did or I would have quoted you or used your name, your post just happened to be right before mine.

My post was more of a comment made for general consumption that applies to everyone.

ok, I was wonderin' that's why I post that :thumbs:

Asian Invasian
03-20-2007, 05:46 PM
I am wondering why these worthless people are ruining GM.. anyone care to explain why you even bother to let this go?

03-20-2007, 05:51 PM
I am wondering why these worthless people are ruining GM.. anyone care to explain why you even bother to let this go?

This thread is just about done anyways, but I told you not to attack them and by calling them names that is attacking them. This is my last warning, DO NOT ATTACK THE PERSON, ATTACK THEIR OPINION!

OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-20-2007, 05:52 PM
I am wondering why these worthless people are ruining GM.. anyone care to explain why you even bother to let this go?

Ruining GM......now I know who to blame.

03-20-2007, 05:59 PM
That's it, no more threads about hacking/aimbots/cheats/etc ...., play the game the way it was intended to be played.