View Full Version : Gamemecca needs a Wikipedia Entry!

Caged Anger
03-20-2007, 04:00 PM
what do you guys think?
I was considering starting one as a wiki for GM does nto exist

Think it might be interesting if a bunch of the older types in here (yes, you know who you are) were able to spend a few moments helping to build a history and fact base for this wonderful website :)


03-20-2007, 04:06 PM
what do you guys think?
I was considering starting one as a wiki for GM does nto exist

Think it might be interesting if a bunch of the older types in here (yes, you know who you are) were able to spend a few moments helping to build a history and fact base for this wonderful website :)


I wrote the summary already:

Forum about the immense popular FPS Serious Sam Second Encounter and a great community which will provide enough drama and bitchfigths to keep it active and entertaining!

Might be fun, but don't think anyone besides those already on GM will read or search for it.

03-20-2007, 04:13 PM
I write my part:
Xeno is/was the biggest spammer :)

Mad Fox
03-20-2007, 09:29 PM
I would like to hear why somew ppl voted no

03-20-2007, 10:02 PM
i voted yes,, why not
but who's gonna do it, who got the guts? :)

03-20-2007, 10:36 PM
I voted no for 2 reasons.

1) It asks if GM "needs" on entry. Of course not. It's been functioning for over 4 years without one...clearly it doesn't need an entry.

2) I don't use Wiki, personally, and so an entry in it has no value whatsoever to me. Should someone create one, fine, that doesn't bother me in the least, but that wasn't the question.

03-20-2007, 10:39 PM
If Pathos agrees to write it, I'll vote yes. :D

03-20-2007, 11:21 PM
I voted no as well because I think the time should used for something else.

I also think and this is being honest as I always say what's on my mind that GameMecca is not the same anymore. I am sorry but this place does not feel like a real gaming community any more and it seems more like just a place to babble a blab about some things that really have nothing to do with games.

Now for anyone curious what the hell I am talking about I will say I am talking about many of the long time members that show no face anymore. I will also rebut some reasons if the reason I mention are given.

First of all as much as I like to play Sam back in th days I don't think I played or have installed on my machine for almost a year. The game is dead regardless of the die hards (not die hard) that refuse to move on. My last days of Sam ended not due to the lack of fun but the lack of respect or community that plays it. Yeah there are some good people playing the game but the majority of the players with their aliases and attacks in game just ruined the fun or experience.

Back in the days GameMecca was built not for sam but a community for a game called sam. It was great times when being in a clan competeting against other clans gave spice to visiting GM. The arguments the wars were just part of the drama but overall all would agree those times were great and most of the time fun.

Today there is no such game where we have this sort of communtiy. A game where all of us are playing and having fun together. I know many of the old time members who are some great people don't come to the off topic section anymore or communicate with the other crowd that are still full of old time members. Many have moved on to those games where you just sit and run around killing spiders and trying to level up. Some may say well nothing is being duscussed worthy of posting into but the rebut is how about posting something yourself or creating a thread about something else.

With that I believe the communtiy at GM is still strong but I beleiev energy would be better off spent getting something together where it's new and gets people gaming together the way it use to be like. I am all up for something new and would participate if others felt it would be fun. In fact I just bought COD2 to get back in the mix with some old friends I use to enjoy fragging with in Sam. Maybe COD2 is the game but I know I will try to get into it and enjoy the fun and company of the fellow GM'ers to make it more exciting to come here.

I just want make it clear that my comments is not an insult toward GM. I owe this place a lot for the great friends I met here. I am not just talking about people I chat with but have become closer that as friends we get together every year at lan parties and even visit each other in different states. It is always a pleasure having these close friends come to NY and my family go there and just have fun with our families together. I am more than gratefull that I have had the ability to meet perfect strangers and become so close that our families have become closer as if we bacame family. What more can you ask for in life? I am also gratefull for those that cared for me and my wife at a time that care and support was needed and this to me will never be forgotten until I am dead.

03-20-2007, 11:27 PM
Moving on, lots of games came out but failed. SSse is unique in all kinds of ways. And most of the people here like Sam, it's the core of the forum so no matter what other game comes out... it just won't be general anymore :)

Caged Anger
03-21-2007, 12:31 AM
hmm, I think I'm gonna write out the basics for it under my account, anyone is free to add stuff if they want to.

I have to do this because its part of an assignment for class. I just wanted to see what people thought before I did it

03-21-2007, 01:56 AM
Moving on, lots of games came out but failed. SSse is unique in all kinds of ways. And most of the people here like Sam, it's the core of the forum so no matter what other game comes out... it just won't be general anymore :)

Core of the forum my ass. You are a few years too late. What was the latest subject in the sam section?

That's what I thought:thumbs:

As far as other games failing yeah that is true but what are people playing now considering that 90% that played sam don't? Don't get me wrong either about sam. It was unique and it's a lot of fun but the majority of people that play the game need to play as an alias for a reason. It was not like that always and this is just one of the things that killed the game.

03-21-2007, 03:33 AM
With that I believe the communtiy at GM is still strong but I beleiev energy would be better off spent getting something together where it's new and gets people gaming together the way it use to be like. I am all up for something new and would participate if others felt it would be fun. In fact I just bought COD2 to get back in the mix with some old friends I use to enjoy fragging with in Sam. Maybe COD2 is the game but I know I will try to get into it and enjoy the fun and company of the fellow GM'ers to make it more exciting to come here.

Well as I said in Sepra's thread in regards to starting a new game community:

"If you are asking about the most popular then I would say Call of Duty 2 or FEAR. Some people also play Battlefield 2 or BF2042. I've tried them all and personally I still find Serious Sam the FPS that suits me best. There is also Quake 4 (but id and Raven never managed to fix several multilayer bugs and I've sold my copy on Amazon since I didn't want to play a game with so many problems, so few good servers, and so few players that I know. UT2004 is quite popular and similar to Sam in some respects and many GM members play it and it is almost bugless.

As for the best FPS, I don't think there is one out yet. Personally I am looking forward to Unreal Tournament 3, and Shadowrun. Both games will be out later this year. "

So I think that we need to wait for a little bit until UT3 comes out and the hardcore ssam players may enjoy the game more than UT2004 since it will be a bit different.

Fifth Element was kind and smart enough to start a petition over at ClanBase for a Serious Sam ladder and cup section. With over 100 player signatures we succeeded in this. Now all we have to do is wait for the nice people at CB to review mine, Fifth's, and whoever else's game supervisor application and make a decision so that we can start organizing the upcoming tourney with the help of the features that CB offers.

I don't think that ssam is dead because I still find skilled players to game with (in both 1.07 and 1.05). I think it can still be fun and if we get the tourney going, we may just be able to bring life back into the game and have skilled players competing in organized and monitored tourneys. This means no more cheating, spamming, using pups, leaving games, flaming, and aliasing. The only thing that would be left to fix is the netcode. :P

03-21-2007, 11:20 AM
No...it isn't a marketing website..it's an encyclopedia.

Caged Anger
03-21-2007, 01:02 PM
wow...Big could of wrote the wiki entry in the same time he spent on his post :P

:D agreed :thumbs:

03-21-2007, 01:28 PM
Core of the forum my ass. You are a few years too late. What was the latest subject in the sam section?

That's what I thought:thumbs:

As far as other games failing yeah that is true but what are people playing now considering that 90% that played sam don't? Don't get me wrong either about sam. It was unique and it's a lot of fun but the majority of people that play the game need to play as an alias for a reason. It was not like that always and this is just one of the things that killed the game.


Check the section, some now and then. Still see new topics appearing almost on a daily basis :). Only about fighting or not.... it's alive.

And playing alias is a choice. If you don't wanna say hi to all in the servers but just wanna grab an easy and relax game go alias. People who're playing alias cuz of some morron saying f*ck you or something like that... get a backbone. We all know that the Iq of the trashers ain't the highest in the world.

03-21-2007, 04:28 PM
Uhh no.

rancid monkey
03-21-2007, 04:42 PM
I don't see how making one could have a negative effect on GM in any way.