View Full Version : History of Gamemecca

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 03:36 PM
I know there used to be a paragraph or two written on the orinigal gamemecca front page btu I can't find it anywhere.

If people could take a few minutes to write how Gamemecca came to be, I will be transferring it over to the GM Wiki entry

03-22-2007, 03:39 PM
archive.org might help you.

It basically goes like this:

Rodzilla was being a pain in the ass and a prick so MERCs and Outlaws decided to leave that wretched place and build a new place where they made the rules. Kind of like the Pilgrims coming from England to America.

Black Rose
03-22-2007, 03:42 PM
archive.org might help you.

It basically goes like this:

Rodzilla was being a pain in the ass and a prick so MERCs and Outlaws decided to leave that wretched place and build a new place where they made the rules. Kind of like the Pilgrims coming from England to America.

:rofl: nuff said for Wiki :rofl:

Die Hard
03-22-2007, 03:55 PM
The Brits get everywhere :D

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 04:07 PM
funny, but lets try to keep this serious as if its just goofing around, the entry will be deleted

Die Hard
03-22-2007, 04:22 PM
OK. Nitro is right though. Thats pretty much what happened.

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 04:26 PM
hmm, a need a bit mroe in depth, who the founding members were (Sal obviously) what the reason was, (that has been given, ty) and anything else from the beginning

03-22-2007, 04:37 PM
Actually the problems at Seriously forums started when the clan/multiplayer forums became more active than the offtopic/singleplayer forums. The emo OT weenies started whining that we weren't sharing in the community as a whole and were keeping to ourselves too much. Then a few of them started trolling the clan forums. That was a mistake. And the beginning of the end. Honestly, Rodzilla was sort of caught in the middle at first, but as the war with the weenies escalated Rodzilla chose to support them more and us less. When he began threatening to remove the clan forums, we left.

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 04:40 PM
excellent, in order to stick within Wiki regs, I gotta leave the specific names out, but I can work that to sound great. Thx Sirc.

Any info on Sal? (yea Sal, I'm gonna track you down about this :D) and the founding clans?

03-22-2007, 04:43 PM
Actually the problems at Seriously forums started when the clan/multiplayer forums became more active than the offtopic/singleplayer forums. The emo OT weenies started whining that we weren't sharing in the community as a whole and were keeping to ourselves too much. Then a few of them started trolling the clan forums. That was a mistake. And the beginning of the end. Honestly, Rodzilla was sort of caught in the middle at first, but as the war with the weenies escalated Rodzilla chose to support them more and us less. When he began threatening to remove the clan forums, we left.

To take up from where Sirc left off ...

SALvation and Dark Leviathan (as he was known back then before he "Tranformed to Dark Psi" in that thread) started GameMecca.net and asked Hammer and The Machine to go in with them.

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 04:46 PM
you happen to know when GM started Sho?

03-22-2007, 04:47 PM

03-22-2007, 04:50 PM
To take up from where Sirc left off ...

SALvation and Dark Leviathan (as he was known back then before he "Tranformed to Dark Psi" in that thread) started GameMecca.net and asked Hammer and The Machine to go in with them.

He started as Dark Psi, transformed into Dark Leviathan, and then changed back to Dark Psi when he realized that no one would take him seriously no matter what his name was. :P

03-22-2007, 04:53 PM
LOL oh that's right :D

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 05:05 PM

03-22-2007, 05:16 PM
You wanted history, that is history. I guess you might have had to have been there, but that was funny stuff back in the day.

This is fun discussing this stuff .... It 'might' be better if you ask questions and we will answer.

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 05:25 PM
can do, for one thing, if anybody can find that post that one on the front page of GM...I think before the entryway to GM (remember when you had to type gamemecca.net/forums ;)) I would be most grateful as the Internet archives don't show it

mehbe Sal still has a copy of the site hidden somewhere :D

03-22-2007, 06:12 PM
I could write an entire novel on A Historical View on the Drama at Gamemecca

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 07:24 PM
you would never be able to finish it, it grows with every week :D

Gun Element
03-22-2007, 07:39 PM
It feels like at one point on the seriously forums that I started this whole ordeal. Someone found out that I had 680ish posts a day as an average and posted it onto the off topic forum making fun of me and such. After that Rod, told me to stop or else he'll ban me etc.

A week after that things heated up and Sal (more like everyone) was fed up with everything. I dont know how accurate this information is, but seems right to me :P

03-22-2007, 08:03 PM
You sure did, it was all Gun's fault. :P

He made a bunch of posts in his special language that he used to speak, we used to call it "Gunese" back in the day and the OT'ers over there freaked out. :D

Gun Element
03-22-2007, 08:06 PM
You sure did, it was all Gun's fault. :P

He made a bunch of posts in his special language that he used to speak, we used to call it "Gunese" back in the day and the OT'ers over there freaked out. :D

Lol! except I don't remember the gunese language part, but thats EXTREME!

03-22-2007, 08:13 PM
The Gunese term may have been a Outlaws tag for you coined by IIRC either Sirc or Nobody because back in those days your use of the English lauguage wasn't that good like it is today. :D

You had a sidekick back then, a cohort in crime if you will, you guys were quick with the Reply button, who was that?

Caged Anger
03-22-2007, 08:16 PM
*Caged surfaces from the GM archive tunnel, a think layer of dust on a mining helmet strapped to his head

Ack...my eyes are bugging out. I landed on the CF history, the Outlaws History, the MERC history (BTW Sal, you need to update the news section fo that page :P), and a crapload of very interesting posts (go figure, there was anime talk and posts a looooong time ago, and sirc there are far too many threads concerning you and your love of the GM thong)

Sadly, I cannot seem to uncover the original GM history thread. The closest i came to it was a short intro when Clanmecca was created (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62334) If anyone else has an idea of where to find it, by all means share it

Gun Element
03-22-2007, 10:15 PM
The Gunese term may have been a Outlaws tag for you coined by IIRC either Sirc or Nobody because back in those days your use of the English lauguage wasn't that good like it is today. :D

You had a sidekick back then, a cohort in crime if you will, you guys were quick with the Reply button, who was that?

Thanks! That makes me feel pretty good about my writing considering its my weakest subject (retarded). I had a slow start on my english compared to the "normal" student knowledge of english when I was in Jr. High.

At any rate, I hope my poor english was the cause of the creation of GM. :P

Oh and I completely forgot that I forgot who your talking about. The only person that comes to mind is.... phoenix, but not sure.

Gun Element
03-22-2007, 10:35 PM
I just happen to find the thread I was talking about. It turned out more friendly from what I remember, until the end at least. :) And I swear it was around 600 posts a day, not 43. :P


03-22-2007, 10:36 PM
I think you are right, I think it was Phoenix. I remember he fell off the roof and broke his arm. IIRC it was the school's roof too.

03-22-2007, 11:00 PM
I think you are right, I think it was Phoenix. I remember he fell off the roof and broke his arm. IIRC it was the school's roof too.

He JUMPED off the roof. Deliberately.

03-22-2007, 11:05 PM
I just happen to find the thread I was talking about. It turned out more friendly from what I remember, until the end at least. :) And I swear it was around 600 posts a day, not 43. :P


Good find Gun. I had forgot about that. Yeah, those guys wore their post counts like badges of honor. And they jumped all over the fraggers for posting too much. This coming from a group that seemed to post a masturbation thread in OT once a week. Lots of honor there.

03-23-2007, 04:14 AM
such valuable history :rolleyes: :P

Ya know Caged, you asked for GM history. GM rose from the wars at Seriously. I'm not sure what you are looking for, or expecting, but GM's history is being told here. You're not exactly encouraging the people that know the early history of GM to continue to participate here with the sarcasm you are displaying.

Caged Anger
03-23-2007, 01:52 PM
lol, sorry man, I misdirected that comment

I meant to quote your jumping off the roof post :)

All the stuff you guys have given me is great. I'll piece it together to go with the wiki guidelines and if all goes well it will be published and anyone can add stuff to it. Only difficult part now is citing this stuff, lol

03-23-2007, 11:13 PM
GM is fact that Rodzilla was wrong and our small clan spammers community became to be what it is today..
today he knows he was wrong upseting the clans, since we are representing the sam community not seriously forums.. that stayed way behind.. in the days sam was active of course.

03-24-2007, 04:22 AM
I actually came up with the name when talking to Hammer from Outlaws over AIM. I mentioned I wanted to create some sort of game mecca where we could just go and talk about any game. It was actually a 50/50 chance of calling the site GameMecca or GamerMecca.

Once I started the site and opened the forums with some cheap ass free forum software (phpBB), I convinced Machine and the Outlaws to come over here. They had their own free forum site, but I knew it would only work if both of our clans did this together since we were the biggest ones back then.

We stuck with phpBB until about 100,000 posts, then went to Invision until about 250,000, and then with the commercial forum vBulletin which we still use today. So there's a quick history lesson for you.

03-24-2007, 05:10 AM
I convinced Machine and the Outlaws to come over here. They had their own free forum site, but I knew it would only work if both of our clans did this together since we were the biggest ones back then.

This is true. At that point the Mercs and Outlaws weren't best of friends. There was a lot of discussion before the Outlaws agreed to allow a Merc to run the new forums. The Outlaws kept a private forum for a little while before completely moving to GM. The deal was that SALvation and Dark Psi allow the Outlaws to have a private forum, and that they would stay out.

03-24-2007, 07:40 AM
I don't care what anyone says but Rodzilla is a complete idiot. Still to this day I want to run into him and break bones because he used is power there as if he was someone special. Some of you may still respect or like him while myself want to eat his heart and shit it out on his corpse.

Is that site still operating?>? I remember they needed money or something which at the time of that news was poetic justice for the pathetic. I never seen such a big group of idiots in my life.

I love the part where one of the fools said Seriously was strong before and will before stronger after. Again, are they still operating?

03-24-2007, 07:12 PM
I don't care what anyone says but Rodzilla is a complete idiot. Still to this day I want to run into him and break bones because he used is power there as if he was someone special. Some of you may still respect or like him while myself want to eat his heart and shit it out on his corpse.

Is that site still operating?>? I remember they needed money or something which at the time of that news was poetic justice for the pathetic. I never seen such a big group of idiots in my life.

I love the part where one of the fools said Seriously was strong before and will before stronger after. Again, are they still operating?

They're barely operating..I wouldn't mind giving a nice direct kick in Rodzilla's kahunnas

Caged Anger
03-24-2007, 07:24 PM
:rofl: I'm sad I wasn't around when this happened, sounds like it would have been good fun to watch with popcorn :)

Gun Element
03-25-2007, 05:59 AM
:rofl: I'm sad I wasn't around when this happened, sounds like it would have been good fun to watch with popcorn :)

You definitely missed a whole lot. It was something I'll never forget....:bawling:.....:confused:

03-25-2007, 07:58 AM
They're barely operating..I wouldn't mind giving a nice direct kick in Rodzilla's kahunnas

Who is this Rodzilla newb anyways? :P

Black Rose
03-25-2007, 09:38 AM
oh and btw the 12/03/2002 was a very very important date, because
your beloved Black Rose* joined GM for the first time :wootrock: :P :D

* known as Rose, Rosie, Speedy Wench, Blackie, friendly Biatch ...http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys3/angel_innocent.gif

Caged Anger
03-26-2007, 02:11 PM
aight, i tried searching but am getting nowhere so it may just be easier to ask

on what date was GM sold and to who?

BTW, GM Wiki to be released tonight, here's hoping it doesn't get rejected. Should it be rejected, I will still post what I have compiled in here.

03-26-2007, 04:29 PM
09-10-2006 (same day as it opened because that was when the agreements/contracts ran out)

SALvation sold it to Bingo, Chico, Dan2, Grimmy, NastyDawg, Terminathare and myself.

Caged Anger
03-26-2007, 06:28 PM
ty, everything is coming along well, although I have chopped out detailed info on GM's involvement in what games and simply list what we support and made them links to the wiki for the games. At a later time i can come back or as soon as its posted other people can contribute what they know.

As for the clans, I'm not going to probably end up listing anymore than the originals and the ones that have shown to have a history thread or a bunch of posts concerning the clan.

03-26-2007, 11:24 PM
This is great info about GM's history, Thanks Caged and all that are helping him get the history.

Caged Anger
03-27-2007, 12:42 AM
Gettin Close!

03-27-2007, 12:51 AM
Gettin Close!

Not even close. It's an epic tale that took years in the making my friend. :)

Black Rose
03-27-2007, 07:01 AM
ops wrong thread :rofl:

Caged Anger
03-27-2007, 03:03 PM
as the wiki is a work in constant progress, I need your input on this...

I was going to post the clan Tags as part of the info, but I didn't know if that was going to be liked or not as it may lead to an increase in tag forging
(then again...it may also give the appearence that some of the clans are more active :P Just Kidding!)

Yes, no, mehbe? :)

Caged Anger
03-30-2007, 09:11 PM
The History of Gamemecca is now in the Gamemecca Historical Archives forum section.

Please post your comments, questions, and suggestions

Die Hard
03-30-2007, 09:15 PM
Well done Caged :wootrock:

03-31-2007, 01:20 AM
Very Nice job Caged!!
:thumbs: :thumbs:

03-31-2007, 03:10 AM
/double highfive!

03-31-2007, 06:21 AM
Nice job Cage!!!!!!!!!

04-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Hey, at least Google managed to cache it

Caged Anger
04-02-2007, 03:57 PM
:rofl: Thx Nitro man, made my day :)

Gun Element
04-02-2007, 04:44 PM
:rofl: Google never fails

04-12-2007, 11:08 AM
To take up from where Sirc left off ...

SALvation and Dark Leviathan (as he was known back then before he "Tranformed to Dark Psi" in that thread) started GameMecca.net and asked Hammer and The Machine to go in with them.

Actually, that's not correct Shogie. I asked Sal and Psi to go in with me on a site of our own. I even started it. Remember? The original saloon was there, but it was made with an old gay forum software, and it just didn't work out :) Sal brought his skillz to the table and designed this, and THEN he asked me to go in with him...or we both decided to go in, or something, and Machine was brought in just after that.

04-12-2007, 11:11 AM
I actually came up with the name when talking to Hammer from Outlaws over AIM. I mentioned I wanted to create some sort of game mecca where we could just go and talk about any game. It was actually a 50/50 chance of calling the site GameMecca or GamerMecca.

Once I started the site and opened the forums with some cheap ass free forum software (phpBB), I convinced Machine and the Outlaws to come over here. They had their own free forum site, but I knew it would only work if both of our clans did this together since we were the biggest ones back then.

We stuck with phpBB until about 100,000 posts, then went to Invision until about 250,000, and then with the commercial forum vBulletin which we still use today. So there's a quick history lesson for you.

Yep, that's just how it went down. I remember those conversations too :) You didn't mention my great forum that I created in the interrim, which lasted what...two days? LOL Come on...I tried! LOL

04-12-2007, 11:23 AM
OK, I read in the history of the site this blurb: "Gamemecca officially opened to gamers on September 10, 2002 through the efforts of Salvation and Dark Leviathan."

That's complete bung. Sal and I were the alpha and the omega baby. Psi just happened to be Sal's bitch, so he got to ride along and Machine was my bitch so he got to ride along too!

Don't ya'll bitches forget it either.

'Nuff said.

Caged Anger
04-12-2007, 12:25 PM
Edited, thank you for your contribution

04-12-2007, 12:29 PM
Did you put the part about the bitches? That's important. They need to know their place as bitches. :)

Actually, here's the real history:

I decided that I was too good for somebody else's site, so I started GameMecca and designed it using nothing but bubble gum and popcorn. I was the underlying mastermind to it all, and I decided to take up web design and let Psi and Sal have it, and I went on to design Google.

I rule...that's all there is to it.

Got that?

Caged Anger
04-12-2007, 12:36 PM
don't push your luck :rolleyes: :P

04-12-2007, 02:15 PM
Psi just happened to be Sal's bitch,

'Nuff said.

Indeed, he was Sal's bitch. Who can forget all the homoerotic innuendo flying around...