View Full Version : And Iran Wonders Why We Are At Odds

Caged Anger
03-26-2007, 06:49 PM

Frankly they seem like they are itching for a fight

03-26-2007, 07:06 PM
Frankly I can't figure out what your avatar is supposed to be a picture of.

03-26-2007, 07:10 PM
Nitro please try to stay on topic

Die Hard
03-26-2007, 08:04 PM
The waters were in the so called 'disputed' part of the Iraq/Iran exclusion zones. Therefore, in theory we could have been in their waters?

Just hope they get out safe and soon?

Caged Anger
03-26-2007, 08:06 PM
it isn't the first time this has happened, just hope Iran decides to let it go without trouble because I hate to think what will happen if they continue to hold them prisoner

Mad Fox
03-26-2007, 08:15 PM
I would hope for diplomatic restriant in such a precarious time.

03-26-2007, 09:25 PM
Iranians and Iraqis have been squabbling over the waterway since before the creation of modern Iran and Iraq.

In 1639, the Persians and Ottomans signed an agreement dividing the territory, but without a careful land survey. Bickering continued for centuries, with Iraq claiming the entire waterway right up to the Iranian shoreline.
"The problem is that nobody knows where the border is," Potter said. "The British might have thought they were on their side, the Iranians might have thought they were on their side."

That's one boundary line dispute that I would not want to survey! I've been shot at before surveying disptued property lines, but not by an entire country with rockets, machine guns and such.
Hopefully Iran will do like they did last time. March them around to show how much in control they are and then let them go.

03-26-2007, 11:41 PM
You know this alot like the bully that takes a kids bike or lunch money. Until someone kicks his ass it just continues to happen. And Im not talking about bitch slapping them, Im talking about a boot implanted into every orifice they got. You can talk to that type of person until your blue in the fac, and frankly Im tired of using kids gloves, bribery and soft footsteps to pacify these pple. Does anybody remember when the ayatolla had his line of death in the med. sea. Where is Reagan when you need him. He didnt take shit from anybody. The US is the ultimate super power on this planet. Its time these rogue nations realized it. If if there pple get wounded or killed, F them. Better them than us.

03-27-2007, 12:14 AM
You know this alot like the bully that takes a kids bike or lunch money. Until someone kicks his ass it just continues to happen. And Im not talking about bitch slapping them, Im talking about a boot implanted into every orifice they got. You can talk to that type of person until your blue in the fac, and frankly Im tired of using kids gloves, bribery and soft footsteps to pacify these pple. Does anybody remember when the ayatolla had his line of death in the med. sea. Where is Reagan when you need him. He didnt take shit from anybody. The US is the ultimate super power on this planet. Its time these rogue nations realized it. If if there pple get wounded or killed, F them. Better them than us.

BIGG? :eek:

Anyway, it's not our (the US's) problem, it's the UK's and the UN's problem. Let them deal with it, and let's see how it goes. Chances are the soldiers will be released, eventually, after Iran is done playing with them. It's happened before with UK troops, and it will happen again, because Iran knows they can get away with it.

If it was US troops though, Iran would probably not have a naval fleet left to do that with again. We (the US) can strike them from both sides now, from both Iraq and Afghanistan, without any time wasted negotiating about fly-over rights. ;)

03-27-2007, 02:48 PM
Btw it’s the Peace Treaties Related to the Shatt-al-Arab
The first recorded treaty that involved the Shatt-al-Arab was The Peace Treaty of 1639 between the Persian and Ottoman Empires. This treaty established a border lacking in detail and conforming in large part to tribal loyalties. While this arrangement proved sufficient in most areas, this was not the case in the Shatt-al-Arab region. From the Persian perspective the waterway served as a natural border. However, the tribes on both sides were Arabs and thus the Turks viewed the entire area (both sides) as belonging to them. This led to the outbreak of hostilities in the 1800s and eventually yielded The Second Erzerum Treaty of 1847.

As for the news they suck especially CNN and many of the FOX news etc. America is dying to pick a fight against Iran to corner and eliminate any threat in the Middle East area especially if it has to do with money or investors. As for the Iranian it does pose a thread but only because they fear that the terrorism will get their hands on nuclear devices of some kind. Now here is an interesting point, what makes you think it will make a difference for them to get their hands on one anyway and if they so claim to use it for energy, and with the UN daily inspections etc that they are willing to do, so why pursue it. The news only tells you what you need to know and it leaves out many little points of views that have important arguments. It can easily or peacefully be done by accepting it and negotiating. As for the USA we have a bad history with them and you can thank our government for helping it to make matters worse in the past.

The fact is that India and Pakistan was able to get by this and as you know Pakistan is known to have terrorism etc. Point is if you look back without so much to read of what little I said compare to what it really all means and that it requires to go back a bit of history, you will find this to be pretty much silly and can be resolve with acceptance but with rules that can be established without this misunderstanding or hearing the news making up stories or not getting the facts right or accurate.
If you guys ever listen to the congressional hearing or for example Al Gore this weekend addressing the Senate. I can’t believe what I hear and these guys are picked and voted in and yet I find it disturbing how these guys ever made it in but of course I know why.

People need to listen more and prepare because new decision that will change the world are coming and it requires to pay close attention before you vote an ass-hole in please.

03-27-2007, 04:03 PM
hey! We havn't been able to straighten out Afganistan and Iraq, so wtf, why not try to add Iran to our list of places to dump American corpses?

03-27-2007, 05:07 PM
The problem is we wait for something to happen before we do anything. People acting as if we lost many lives in this war already and yes any life lost is bad but it's war and the cusualties are very small considering. Beofre anyone cries about that or seem to use it as why we should get out, consider the lives that are lost in american streets and cities. One would be amazed about that yet the concern for it is never heard of.

Being diplomatic is what America has always been. we were diplomatic with Iraq as well but all was ignored along with countries that were suppose to be our allies went against us. This world would be great if we all did things togother but it just does not happen and because America is the top leader of the bunch we are ridiculed.

Most people that talk about the war know nothing abouyt it or what is going on in the world. This war on terror has been ignored during the clinton administration and that allowed these countries to gain on their cause. When the true realization comes that there is nothing else you can do but fight back, that is what needs to be done. Being diplomatic has not solved anything but only put us in worst shape and danger. People here act as if there is never a need for war and although war is the worst option, it is the only solution. I am tired of people talking about thus war as if it was dumb. I have heard it all already. What would any of you done if it was up to you. Anyone can be a critic but what's the solution that would work? Continuing to ignore these problems does not solve anything as 9/11 should have taught that. We have lost many soldiers from these people due to terrorism also before 9/11 but those deaths are ignored. To say that we should be at war with just aphganistan is also wrong because if anyone has payed attention that it is all of these extremist countries that promote and support all these issues.

America needs to start paying attention to what is going on in our country and also pay attention to those countries that we consider allies which arent. Countries like Russia who continue to support these nations should be delt with extremely. Countries that do not support thsi war on terror should not be considered an ally. If the world was against these extremists we would not be at war right now. Considering the reality, we and our true allies need to do what ever is needed regardless of how the rest of the world looks upon it. That is the main problem with the war in Iraq. We are to busy being nice where it looks bad that we are torturing the enemy by making them stand for a few days rather looking at how they are hacking peoples heads off. The liberals in this country along with the leading Democrats have done nothing to help either. They do nothing but undermine every thing we do. It is impossible to succeed when no one is working together. Again, do we simply just pullout and ignore the problems?

The solution is rather simple. It's ugly but simple. Well the descision is anyway if it was up to me. America needs to look out for the USA and our true allies. We need to make an example and hit hardere than we have ever hit anyone before including Japan. My stance has always been the same since day one and I believe it should of been the first stance we should of taken. Being nice and politcaly correct does not work no matter how much anyone wants to imagine. The simple thought of was that or could that have been the solution in the other world wars? It's a simple question to ask yourself but acfurate. Could anyone be diplomatic in WWI or WWII? I will say if you think there was a way I am going to simply call you an idiot.

The example to be made needs to be done quickly. Hit the enemy so hard that not only does it make them stumble but cripples them. A plan where this action is done in less than a day. This would be the wake up call to alarm the rest of the world that this shit is not ever going to need to be discussed ever again. The UN is useless and corrupt. The prolong the problems and allow the enemy to prepare. If you allow your enemy to prepare, you are a fool. The warnings were already given to Iraq and they have also been given to Iran. Look at how Iran has not complied or taken anything serious. This is because the UN is useless.

Iran should be this country this example should be made of. I would ofcourse suggest to the world that military action will be the next action if Iran does not comply. Most likely they will not and when that 1 week notice of the warning has passed, they should be nuked and everyone who lives in IRAN should be destroyed including the innocent.

The worls at this time will goe crazy considering that most of Europe uses Iran's Oil. This should of been noted before we gave the warning therfore it should of been taken serious when the warning was given. Ofcourse there are other fuel supplements that can be used, this would be the perfect time to figure those out.

Any nation that continues to be a threat to America wil also be considered as a target if we are threatened. Any nation that goes against us is an enemy and thereofr ewe should not deal with them and our allies should not either if they want to be our ally.

If we continue the way we are going now, we will be nothing in the future. The days our children will live will not be the same and the days where we can spend 5 bucks for a 16oz starbucks will be over. Ignore the true problems all you want but when the time comes, I do not want to hear a thing from the liberals and democrat scum that is responsible for it.

I beleive once Iran is completely wiped off the map, our enemiy nations will reconsider their agenda. They will have a choice to make and will need to be prepared one that choise is made as we should have our bombers ready the second their choice is made.

No more dilly dally BS and a slow start for WWIII. If it's here it's here. If we contunie to allow the enemy to be prepared we are all F'd

03-27-2007, 06:37 PM
we're F'd already Bro, just step back and look at the little picture man, you and I have done that.

Blaming Clinton, Bush Sr, Carter, Ford, whoever doesn't matter, what matters is today, tomorrow and next week, and it looks like poop doesn't it?

Our government can preach terrorism this and terrorism that, but the bottom line is just that, it's all about the $$'s :down:

Die Hard
03-27-2007, 06:59 PM
:wub: PE :wub:

03-27-2007, 08:54 PM
Here is something to consider and that is USA has undermine many things in the past and it is now catching up. As for 9/11 I truly believe it was fixed by this government to use the people in support for Afghanistan for the Oil pipe line, which btw do your homework it will explain why America is there and how important it is for these coming years for the investors. If you notice about the war in Afghanistan once they appointed a leader to take control after we went in the Oil pipe line was in motion the next day. DOH!

Do not let it fool you because it isn’t the first time our government has done this because I will bring up one other event like World War II in Pearl Harbor, which btw is true look it up. This is just a tipping stone of what is yet to come and in time as you will see in the coming years.

Biggs is right about one thing and that is be firmed but when to do so is important and it requires timing with an intelligent approach etc, but that is too difficult to do because creed.
Terrorism it will survive as long as it’s supported and not by religion fanatics but by world power nation that started this long ago and now have no control of them. Also keep it in mind that Terrorism has been around a long time.

An old saying – What goes up must come down just like the Roman Empire.

BTW United State of America became a Corp in 1868 after the Civil War. DOH!
What the hell do you think that means?
Think about it
Corporate nation worldwide this is becoming and corporate nation means money nothing more or less but with that is creed. Don’t get me wrong about America because it is a great nation but it is losing its values and respect by many nations now and we are a free nation and for the people and it needs to be exercise or reminded and a cleanup of the Capital with honest people. The new generation is aware of this but it will take time if not years to come before many will work together and build an honest government without thinking so much about their pockets but to live the way we are meant to be, Explorer’s .

03-28-2007, 01:23 AM
Iran has plenty of oil. What the hell do they need nuclear power for?

03-28-2007, 02:54 PM
According to the Brits, they were in Iraq lol


I laugh to myself at they way humans interact with each other. You humans are truly a bizarre race.

03-29-2007, 12:42 AM
According to the Brits, they were in Iraq lol


I laugh to myself at they way humans interact with each other. You humans are truly a bizarre race.

According to Iraq, they were in Iraq. According to satellite photos and GPS data, they were in Iraq. The UK troups were in Iraq waters when the Iranians took them. No one is disputing this accept the Iranians. And this is the SECOND time it's happened.

Honestly, it will happen again. The Iranians know they can mess with the UK all they want too. The UN won't stand up to the Iranians, nor will the UK. And since it's not a US matter, we pretty much can't do anything to help other than move some serious firepower into the area, which we have done now.

As I said before, if this would have happened to US troops, the ability for Iran to do this a second time would not exist. Europeans are so peaceful. Congrats for that. I just hate seeing the US having to come to your rescue, again, because you are willing to just sit and talk while an aggressive nation slices you to pieces. Mark my words, the Iranians are simply testing you before they begin to extend their power towards southern Iraq, and in the mean time they continue to develop nuclear capability.

03-29-2007, 11:58 PM
According to the Brits, they were in Iraq lol


I laugh to myself at they way humans interact with each other. You humans are truly a bizarre race.

Yup Human are truly bizarre. It's about Oil too because India and Pakistan have nuclear capabilities and yet when they started and having problems between each other no one said anything about them when they got it but like I said it's all bull shit and it's all has to do with Oil and I dare not say another reason because it will get me in trouble for saying something about a near by country who is behind this and pressuring the US because a great deal of power and influence they have in America besides Oil.

03-30-2007, 12:02 AM

I just hate seeing the US having to come to your rescue, again, because you are willing to just sit and talk while an aggressive nation slices you to pieces.

Rescue? More like if it has to do with money they will come.

03-30-2007, 01:43 AM
Rescue? More like if it has to do with money they will come.

There are people involved now. And it's no longer a military situation. Iran has clearly stated that they will not release the woman soldier because of the UK's "behavior" in supporting sanctions. That was a mistake by the Iranian government. That makes the prisoners HOSTAGES, and they are being held because of political reasons, not military reasons.

You sound like a broken record Sas. Money, money, money. Give yourself a kick in the ass and get current. The current hostage situation has nothing to do with money. It has to do with radical elements in Iran taking UK soldiers hostage and using them as leverage against the UK's involvement in supporting the UN sanctions against Iran.

03-30-2007, 01:46 AM
but like I said it's all bull shit and it's all has to do with Oil and I dare not say another reason because it will get me in trouble for saying something about a near by country who is behind this and pressuring the US because a great deal of power and influence they have in America besides Oil.

WTF are you talking about? What country do you live in?

03-30-2007, 01:57 AM
WTF are you talking about? What country do you live in?

Nazi Amerika silly :P

03-31-2007, 01:46 AM
Sirc talking to you is like talking to a brick-wall. You don’t get it at all because your so call patriotic ways has blinded you, and you obviously don’t look through history when in fact it relates to many scenario’s that has happen today. I am not going to get into it with you because then I would have to go through a lesson of history and you would need to focus more between the lines when reading or listening to news which to me most USA news is propaganda and it is used to evade the real problem and the facts.. There is more then you think what is really going on and only the government knows but people are becoming aware of this habit that the government seems to repeat itself over and over again. 9/11 is a good example. .

03-31-2007, 01:50 AM
WTF are you talking about? What country do you live in?

This is not about USA only and again focus please.:rolleyes:

03-31-2007, 08:40 AM
Stick with your UFO conspiracies Sas. At least those are clearly unfounded and it's easy to laugh at you because no one is being hurt.

Save your 9/11 conspiracies for the websites that care. You provide no proof in anything you say. You simply spout conspiracy about anything and everything. Yes, I am a brick wall when it comes to you and your bizarre theories.

You constantly say things like "I'm not going to get into it", and "I dare not say another reason because it will get me in trouble for saying something about a near by country who is behind this and pressuring the US because a great deal of power and influence they have in America besides Oil".

You spout vague crap all of the time, and it makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about. I stay very specific about the things I have opinions on. You act like your views, whatever they are, are the "truth". The only thing you have ever said specifically is that everything is about money. You give no support to your claims, you simply hint around about stuff like there's some big secret that only you are in on.

Whatever. You have a free voice here on the forums, and you can say what you please. Despite the fact that you over-simplify everything. Much like PE does, much like DH does. War is bad. People are dying. It's all about money. It's really getting boring hearing you guys spout this crap over and over without really showing any understanding about the complexities of the situation.

Of course, I could try to explain this to you all in detail, but it would be like talking to a brick wall. :P

03-31-2007, 07:00 PM
There are always conspiracy theories and one should not dedicate all of their belief into it. You know it is possible but ignoring the true problems is a bad move. Speaking of history, there are theroies that we set up Pearl Harbor and allowed Japan to invade but the true problem was what Japan was doing in the world at that time. People need to remember we are a free society and there are so many kinds of people here. This hurts us but that is what America is all about which allows us to take a hit before action is taken.

When I hear thatthis war is all about oil or money I get sick to my stomach because if that was teh case we would of been drilling in alsaka already which ahas enough oil for America that we would not need to buy the crap from the nations that hate us. We America could be solely independant from the worls if we had to be and that is the truth. Being who we are is what makes us so great of a nation. Anyone who claims America to be just taking over the world is just numb in thr brain. We already control it enough that makes the argument mute. We america have the power to do anything we want. Can it cause wars? Ofcourse it can and it does. The problem is that people have in their head that when we are interfering it is consodered to just benifit America whenthe truth is it benifits the whole world. We want all nations to follow a typical protocol and we will trade and create an economy for nations allowing diplomacy and freedom. Today these things are looked at as American way and that is just stupid and shows that any nation to comment like that is really our enemy.

We are number one and that is the truth. People hate that but what other nations deserves it? Being number 1 does not exclude any super power in the world which people fail to recognize as if we are preventing any super power. Ask yourself what country you would rather be the most powerful and have them trully run the way things go in the world. Would you accept China or Russia? Germany? Japan?

If you all notice if anyone read some of the comments from the article that there are people in the UK that actually side with Iran. Although I can not speak for the UK because I am American, this happens in American news as well and people side with the enemiy and bash there own country. The truth is that many of those people are most likely terrorists or actually Iranian or some other pig nation that is against the true cause. This is how war is done and not always with weapons. Psycological warfare is probably one of the most fierced weapons to use in any war. This is why I get so mad when I here some liberal or democrat or anyone for that matter bashing or going against what we are trying to do. It is trully treason in my book and everyone that does so is not using one of their constituitional rights but helping the enemy. Their is a penalty for treason adn it should be applied.

Everyone talks about Iraq as if we have failed. We did not fail regarless of what the media says. It takes a little paying attention to what is going on to realize that the entire regime of saddam is gone. They are dead. We are not fighting them no longer so if you think we are you need to stick with comic books.

Everyone thinks this war is simple but it was never expected to be. Bush said from day one this was not going to be easy or fast but the ignorant who bash bush asd day different do so for an agenda and not the cause. These people need to be brought up on charges for treasin and executed for doing so. All Democrats in office now are guilty. I hope Nancy pelosi gets blown up after she is anal raped by some Syrian when she goes there. For all you idiots that voted her in and all of these other morons, you deserve what you get when the time comes because of your ignorance.

Bottom line is that there is too much ignorance and not enough sense to recognize reality. This is WWIII and there is no diplomatic way of fixing it just like there was no way of being diplomatic way of ending the previous wars.

End them like we ended Japan but worst!!!!!!!! Anything less is just a mistake.

Die Hard
03-31-2007, 07:10 PM
talking of brick walls......

Mad Fox
03-31-2007, 08:10 PM
Die Hard could you explain the mood in Britain?

04-01-2007, 12:23 AM
Die Hard could you explain the mood in Britain?

:hmmm: Bad weather? :dunno:


04-01-2007, 11:43 AM
Hehe yeah USA doing really great....

http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ just hit the refresh button a few times ;)

Kinda broke at this point, I think it's time the USA looks at itself with a bit more reality since money is power and they just seem to have less of it every second ;)

04-01-2007, 02:32 PM
Hehe yeah USA doing really great....

http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ just hit the refresh button a few times ;)

Kinda broke at this point, I think it's time the USA looks at itself with a bit more reality since money is power and they just seem to have less of it every second ;)

Our national debt means absolutely nothing, and never has. It doesn't affect one single US citizen, and it never has and it never will. Roughly 80% of our debt is owed to overselves (Federal Reserve, etc.). Roughly 20% is owed to foreign governments. The check's in the mail, lol. It's good to be the superpower. :P

04-01-2007, 02:46 PM
Our national debt means absolutely nothing, and never has. It doesn't affect one single US citizen, and it never has and it never will. Roughly 80% of our debt is owed to overselves (Federal Reserve, etc.). Roughly 20% is owed to foreign governments. The check's in the mail, lol. It's good to be the superpower. :P

Gouverments debt will be paid by the citizens...

Raising by 1.82 billion a day = 664.3 billion a year divide over 240 milion citizens (including kids etc.) is 2800 dolars a year... which will come to a monthly fee of 230 dollar for each person in the USA... to make it less painfull and indeed look at the optimistic feel of it ain't debt for 4/5... still monthly 50 dollar extra taxes per person.

yeah it's nothing... :P

04-01-2007, 02:53 PM
here's something that will infuriate you but make me laugh demonicly

http://rawstory.com/showarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com% 2Fstory%2F2007%2F3%2F31%2F1828%2F16663

04-01-2007, 03:14 PM
here's something that will infuriate you but make me laugh demonicly

http://rawstory.com/showarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com% 2Fstory%2F2007%2F3%2F31%2F1828%2F16663

Infuriate? no... I-net is uncontroable and never will be controlable...

btw a nice quote from the story: "When other nations are worried, Americans, too, should be concerned. The Bush administration has demonstrated that it is unable to wield power responsibly."

04-01-2007, 03:24 PM
I-net is uncontroable and never will be controlable...

Tell that to China. :rolleyes:

04-01-2007, 05:29 PM
Hehe yeah USA doing really great....

http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ just hit the refresh button a few times ;)

Kinda broke at this point, I think it's time the USA looks at itself with a bit more reality since money is power and they just seem to have less of it every second ;)

What a apathetic site and most oif all a pathetic point? Did I say point? what is it actually you are trying to say? I really hope you do not use that as some sort of source to your delusions. Do you know we can wipe out our deficit in one year if we really wanted to? Cutting things out like foreign aid would be a great start. Or ;ets say every American had to pay 1000 dollars each. The difference is that most Americans could afford it if they had to.

What the hell does that have to do with Iran? Money? We control the worlds economy and you should pay attention to that. If ever we collapsed so would the world. If anyone believes this crap just pay attention to the algorithm or source code of teh site. Like I said it's pathetic as much as the point that was trying to be made.:down:

04-01-2007, 06:28 PM
Stick with your UFO conspiracies Sas. At least those are clearly unfounded and it's easy to laugh at you because no one is being hurt.

Save your 9/11 conspiracies for the websites that care. You provide no proof in anything you say. You simply spout conspiracy about anything and everything. Yes, I am a brick wall when it comes to you and your bizarre theories.

You constantly say things like "I'm not going to get into it", and "I dare not say another reason because it will get me in trouble for saying something about a near by country who is behind this and pressuring the US because a great deal of power and influence they have in America besides Oil".

You spout vague crap all of the time, and it makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about. I stay very specific about the things I have opinions on. You act like your views, whatever they are, are the "truth". The only thing you have ever said specifically is that everything is about money. You give no support to your claims, you simply hint around about stuff like there's some big secret that only you are in on.

Whatever. You have a free voice here on the forums, and you can say what you please. Despite the fact that you over-simplify everything. Much like PE does, much like DH does. War is bad. People are dying. It's all about money. It's really getting boring hearing you guys spout this crap over and over without really showing any understanding about the complexities of the situation.

Of course, I could try to explain this to you all in detail, but it would be like talking to a brick wall. :P

Try doing more research, but being that you play too many games you don’t have the time. :rolleyes:

04-01-2007, 08:47 PM
What a apathetic site and most oif all a pathetic point? Did I say point? what is it actually you are trying to say? I really hope you do not use that as some sort of source to your delusions. Do you know we can wipe out our deficit in one year if we really wanted to? Cutting things out like foreign aid would be a great start. Or ;ets say every American had to pay 1000 dollars each. The difference is that most Americans could afford it if they had to.

What the hell does that have to do with Iran? Money? We control the worlds economy and you should pay attention to that. If ever we collapsed so would the world. If anyone believes this crap just pay attention to the algorithm or source code of teh site. Like I said it's pathetic as much as the point that was trying to be made.:down:

Uhhh ur forgetting one minor point... to immediatly clear the debt of the USA every citizen has to pay 30.000 dollar (bless the one with kids :D ) and still the spendings and income ain't really equal :). Yes you can take it lighthearted... but if it's growing at this rate concern would be a smarter thing to do.

And for how long are soldiers willing to fight without getting paid ;). At the end it's all about money.

04-01-2007, 10:01 PM
I am aware of the deficit and it has been as large before. Big Deal, you have not shown an accurate source that relates to the American deficit. You also did not present anything regarding the deficit. You just say that it's growing and that's not news. You never mention reasons either but I am sure you are indicating that it's Bush's fault which is a common argument to the ignorant.

Now let me enlighten you on something. Spending as gone up for reasons. Ofcourse we can debate about the spending as it has always been wasted in many areas no matter who is in office. For the ignorant to think that ole George Bush is just a nut in the spending duringhis term a look at what has actually happened during it. You know things like hurricanes towers going down, floods, security etc.

It's people like you that think it's one persons fault for all the disasters. One should be grateful we are still standing with an economy as strong as it has ever been. I am not telling to like The president but making stupid comments as if he is responsible for Americas problems which is not the case regardless of the war on terror. People can debate all they want but eventually someone has to deal with it instead of ignoring a problem that will just get worst and more of a threat to America.

If you are going to post something, research it before just pulling at anything to make your argument appear in your favor. I don't mind a debate but discussing a persons opinion who will not look at anything without being bias is useless.

04-01-2007, 10:44 PM
Try doing more research, but being that you play too many games you don’t have the time. :rolleyes:

And of course you have spent all the time to do all the research, and you are an expert on everything, so when you say things like "I could take the time to explain, but I won't", you still carry great respect here.

However Sas, I have it on very good authority, and I have indeed done the research, and I assure you that it is backed by investigations from leading universities and independent laboratories around the world, and although I won't get into that, and I won't cite any specific references because, well, some people may be hurt and others may get in trouble, the conclusion is clear - you're full of it. :)

Go put your aluminum foil helmet back on. ;)

04-01-2007, 11:24 PM
There sure is an awful lot of the words 'you' and 'your' being used, I thought this was about Iran.

04-01-2007, 11:31 PM
I am aware of the deficit and it has been as large before. Big Deal, you have not shown an accurate source that relates to the American deficit. You also did not present anything regarding the deficit. You just say that it's growing and that's not news. You never mention reasons either but I am sure you are indicating that it's Bush's fault which is a common argument to the ignorant.

Now let me enlighten you on something. Spending as gone up for reasons. Ofcourse we can debate about the spending as it has always been wasted in many areas no matter who is in office. For the ignorant to think that ole George Bush is just a nut in the spending duringhis term a look at what has actually happened during it. You know things like hurricanes towers going down, floods, security etc.

It's people like you that think it's one persons fault for all the disasters. One should be grateful we are still standing with an economy as strong as it has ever been. I am not telling to like The president but making stupid comments as if he is responsible for Americas problems which is not the case regardless of the war on terror. People can debate all they want but eventually someone has to deal with it instead of ignoring a problem that will just get worst and more of a threat to America.

If you are going to post something, research it before just pulling at anything to make your argument appear in your favor. I don't mind a debate but discussing a persons opinion who will not look at anything without being bias is useless.

I see you're trying to using every "argument" possible to set ur mind straight to the point you wanna have it... I never mentioned Bush and I won't let me drag into this. I only see it's getting worse every second.

In ur complete wikipedias I only see how you think (read: Wish) the USA appears to the world. Sorry to tell you and I tried before in a more lightly way... but it ain't the truth. It's good to love ur country but don't let it become funny. A lot of countries including my own feel betrayed by the USA with their so called "war on terrorism" and think that the USA is chasing their own tail.

Moreover... oil ain't the world and neither the world is oil. One thing for sure, the USA with their environment-destruction using of fossil fuel needs the middle east and the middle east needs the USA for the money. (so every mile you drive will be a new bolt to the weaponry of Iran :) ).

So my tip for you and all the other Americans: consume less energy and it will all become better.

I say Kyoto :D

Last: what is we the mighty USA?? Part of the dutch history, country stolen from the Indians, country which has also burglars etc....

At the end the USA is in the core being nothing more than an Island of Europe ;)

04-02-2007, 12:01 AM
And of course you have spent all the time to do all the research, and you are an expert on everything, so when you say things like "I could take the time to explain, but I won't", you still carry great respect here.

However Sas, I have it on very good authority, and I have indeed done the research, and I assure you that it is backed by investigations from leading universities and independent laboratories around the world, and although I won't get into that, and I won't cite any specific references because, well, some people may be hurt and others may get in trouble, the conclusion is clear - you're full of it. :)

Go put your aluminum foil helmet back on. ;)

You are my shining star, my everything. We go dancing beneath the stars...oh how magical!

04-02-2007, 02:20 AM
You make no sense therefore I refuse to talk about anything with you. Your country feels betrayed? Give me a break. As for your Island of Europe comment, you forget we won. Go read a book and stop hating the better.

04-02-2007, 03:19 AM
And of course you have spent all the time to do all the research, and you are an expert on everything, so when you say things like "I could take the time to explain, but I won't", you still carry great respect here.

However Sas, I have it on very good authority, and I have indeed done the research, and I assure you that it is backed by investigations from leading universities and independent laboratories around the world, and although I won't get into that, and I won't cite any specific references because, well, some people may be hurt and others may get in trouble, the conclusion is clear - you're full of it. :)

Go put your aluminum foil helmet back on. ;)

Now I know you are making things up and you haven't done your research because if you had you would think twice about what you been saying.
Even you would pause once you look into it deeper but your problem is that you can only focus on one side and you play too many games.
If I would post what I know I be band but if you post what you know it will be fine because many love America and so do I but there is a dark side of America that you need to wake up and see not follow with your head up your ass.
You would be the type that would vote without thinking but only if he said nice educated words in English that you would consider it to be smart. People who speak or write good English don’t mean he or she is smart SIRC like you.
This is about Iran not about us ok. I will not continue with you but will focus on the subject because it was made for it not about us.

04-02-2007, 04:04 AM
Remember you all .... Attack the opinion, not the person.

04-02-2007, 04:22 AM
If I would post what I know I be band

He did it again. :rolleyes:

Die Hard
04-02-2007, 07:57 AM
To answer Mad Fox's point: We feel a lot of anquish as realistically there is not much we or anyone else can do other than follow the diplomatic route :o

04-02-2007, 09:20 AM
According to GPS equipment, British Navy crew in the past entered Iranian waters several other times. This doesn't help but still a peaceful solution is the way to go and even if it means to be patience. One other thing at least there is some dialogue between the two countries. I truly believe this is more serious then what people are saying or thinking. This can turn out to be an ugly and can escalate between other countries and that scares me a great deal. Every time I hear the news I fear the most that is yet to come but sooner. If we continue going this direction it will not last long.

American troops need to come home because for America to be so close to Iranian doesn’t help matter. They are fearful against us because of what we did to Iraq. Don’t get me wrong it helps to facilitate but when you are too close to a country that fears you; don’t expect them to be calm. Any country that has a bad history would expect them to feel fearful or not comfortable.

As for terrorism, well expect it to be around for a long time. It has become now a part of today and the future. We can only expect to at least know how to deal with it and find other ways but this is going to last for a long, long time.

04-02-2007, 10:17 AM
You make no sense therefore I refuse to talk about anything with you. Your country feels betrayed? Give me a break. As for your Island of Europe comment, you forget we won. Go read a book and stop hating the better.

Of course it makes no sense to ya... didn't expect anything else. The books I read ain't comic books... ;)

betrayed: "as you can see here there are trucks.... and next day they are gone... our prove there are chemical weapons in Iraq".... remember?

"...forgot we won"??? "Americans" aren't the original inhabitants of America. The USA as you know nowadays have all their roots leading back too Europe. So "we" is actually USA, Europe and Africa.

04-02-2007, 10:20 AM
Back to topic....

Iran, naughty naughty country :rolleyes:

04-02-2007, 04:27 PM
Of course it makes no sense to ya... didn't expect anything else. The books I read ain't comic books... ;)

betrayed: "as you can see here there are trucks.... and next day they are gone... our prove there are chemical weapons in Iraq".... remember?

"...forgot we won"??? "Americans" aren't the original inhabitants of America. The USA as you know nowadays have all their roots leading back too Europe. So "we" is actually USA, Europe and Africa.

I did not say it does not make sense, I said you make no sense. I doubt you have a clue of what you are talking about let alone have a point to what you are saying.

As far as wmd's, you have no idea if there were any. I believe
there still is and because of the pathetic UN there was more than enough time to transport them. Now fools like you do not want to accept threats because something has not turned up.

Please let us all know what books you get your information from. You claim you read so what is the source? It appears to me you neglect to look at reality and hold on to certain parts of history to make you feel better. Regardless, America is America and we are number one regardless of what anyone says. To think differently is just plain foolish. You tell me what nation could cause every other nation to crash if their ecpnomy crashes? I mean a total depressionable state not just lower.

Please stop acting as if you know more than those in charge. You don't and you are a fool if you claim to. You can make assumptions to your bias and jealous views all you want but make one thing clear, you have not made one valid point. Plain and simple--you are ignorant.

04-02-2007, 06:41 PM
I did not say it does not make sense, I said you make no sense. I doubt you have a clue of what you are talking about let alone have a point to what you are saying.

As far as wmd's, you have no idea if there were any. I believe
there still is and because of the pathetic UN there was more than enough time to transport them. Now fools like you do not want to accept threats because something has not turned up.

Please let us all know what books you get your information from. You claim you read so what is the source? It appears to me you neglect to look at reality and hold on to certain parts of history to make you feel better. Regardless, America is America and we are number one regardless of what anyone says. To think differently is just plain foolish. You tell me what nation could cause every other nation to crash if their ecpnomy crashes? I mean a total depressionable state not just lower.

Please stop acting as if you know more than those in charge. You don't and you are a fool if you claim to. You can make assumptions to your bias and jealous views all you want but make one thing clear, you have not made one valid point. Plain and simple--you are ignorant.

In order:

- From the discussion of Iran the great and mighty USA appeared again and I made a comment about that based on a fact! (see link about the debt-clock). Of course the world would be in trouble when the economy of the USA collapsed... but the same is with Russia etc (maybe not money-wise, but just think about all the A-bombs waiting to be picked up by terrorists etc. etc.)

- Don't you think they would already be in Alaska drilling for full oil supply if that was a true alternative???

- Wmd's: even England felt betrayed... the biggest and most loyal friend of the USA. There might be some wmd in Iraq but not on the scale the USA said and that's an immediate treat. If they would have said "we're attack Irak to get rid of the dictator" I would agree, but this is just betrayal. And yes at the end threats lurks everywhere.... we must kill all... erase it...blowing it up just like in Japan ha ;)

- the book comment was sarcasm, apparently not noticed... I assume u read your post and my answer again. (is also my answer to this part from ur post :) )

- I'm not claiming anything...however... I keep on seeing you claiming that the USA is the best and that you have all the answer to the problems and so knowing better than those in charge :hmmm: (Alaska oil stuff...)

It's not just all plain simple and straight solutions even if the USA is indeed the greatest :)

04-02-2007, 10:29 PM
I'm going to say this ONE MORE TIME .... Attack the opinion, not the person! You can discuss this until you turn blue in face for all I care, but please stop the name calling. I'm just trying to head off something before it escalates. :rolleyes:

04-02-2007, 10:47 PM
I'm going to say this ONE MORE TIME .... Attack the opinion, not the person! You can discuss this until you turn blue in face for all I care, but please stop the name calling. I'm just trying to head off something before it escalates. :rolleyes:

I'm surprised you let it go like this for as long as you did. We've broken you in well, Muahahaha! :devil:

Poopy-head! :P

Seriously though, the arguments have become boringly circular. Time for Caged to start trouble in a new thread with a new topic. I'd like to explore Wiper's "European island" comment a bit further. :D

04-02-2007, 10:53 PM
I'm surprised you let it go like this for as long as you did. We've broken you in well, Muahahaha! :devil:

Poopy-head! :P

Seriously though, the arguments have become boringly circular. Time for Caged to start trouble in a new thread with a new topic. I'd like to explore Wiper's "European island" comment a bit further. :D

Bastard.... name calling me :mad:

hehe, might back-up the story :D

04-02-2007, 10:57 PM
Bastard.... name calling me :mad:

hehe, might back-up the story :D

No, I was calling Shogun a poopy-head. :P

Back-up what story? You lost me.

04-02-2007, 11:10 PM
No, I was calling Shogun a poopy-head. :P

Back-up what story? You lost me.

Not really backing up the story, more telling the "story" :o

Don't forget.... he got some powers here, so watch ur step ohh "mighty but still less powerfull than Shogun kleer " :D

Mad Fox
04-03-2007, 12:07 AM
I thought this was one of the more laughable arguements that has happened. I am glad I stayed out it was too much a waste of time to argue.

04-03-2007, 12:42 AM
I thought this was one of the more laughable arguements that has happened. I am glad I stayed out it was too much a waste of time to argue.



04-03-2007, 01:54 AM
What do we have here?


Mad Fox
04-03-2007, 02:19 AM
What do we have here?


Yeah thats about as reputable as taking it from wikipedia.

04-03-2007, 02:28 AM
What do we have here?


A link to a rag online news site?

The top 5 most popular stories:

1. I thought I was the only woman in Tarrant's life (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=446314&in_page_id=1773&ICO=TV_SHOWBIZ&ICL=TOPART)
2. Mini Brigitte: The tiny girl who became a sex bomb (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=446312&in_page_id=1773&ICO=TV_SHOWBIZ&ICL=TOPART)
3. Double whammy could send house prices plunging (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=446115&in_page_id=1770&ICO=NEWS&ICL=TOPART)
4. Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=445979&in_page_id=1770&ICO=NEWS&ICL=TOPART)
5. An unhappy marriage is the best diet (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=446282&in_page_id=1879&ICO=FEMAIL&ICL=TOPART)

LOL, come on Nitro. You have to admit that was weak. :P

04-03-2007, 03:11 AM
What makes you think I was supporting it?

Silly rabbit, read between the lines :P
I especially like this one: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=446213&in_page_id=1774

04-03-2007, 08:37 AM
Wiper you still make no sense. Your original post was regarding some website declaring an amount to our deficit. Why not take a poll and see how many people believe that website is accurate. That brings me to my original point, you ahve no clue on what the hell you are talking about.

Sasquatch--I am deeply shocked that you would honestly believe in conspiracy without facts rather than what actually happened. I am not saying it is not possible but really man, to spread it as if it is true is actually worst. I cannot understand how people can take someones consiracy theory and swear as if it is fact. I bet I can put up a documentry up on google also making it look like Sirc was responsible for the a terrorist attack. It can be done so easy as it is being done with everything today. It only goes to show how weak minded and seperated America is. People like this are ruining America and along with everything else doing so, it will be one hell of a wake up call when something bites everyone on their ass.

Please if you feel America is crooked and you think we are so bad, get the F out and move to another country. Go live with the sand rats and hopefully one day your head is being displayed on utube.

04-03-2007, 11:28 AM
hopefully one day your head is being displayed on utube.
:D that line right there made the whole thread worthwhile!!!! :D :thumbs:

04-03-2007, 12:54 PM
Wiper you still make no sense. Your original post was regarding some website declaring an amount to our deficit. Why not take a poll and see how many people believe that website is accurate. That brings me to my original point, you ahve no clue on what the hell you are talking about.

Accuracy.... when you talk about pennies, a cent makes the difference.... when you talk about billions... a cent is nothing.

How accurate you wanna have it... still talking about several thousands of dollars (estimate about 30.000 for each citizens)... but have it your way.... I personally think it's: $ 29.864,46, but it also could be $29.864,48 not totally sure about that depends on how they cut it off and which pc they use to calculate it (floating pointnumber stuff ).

Clue in rebound: Money is Power.

Please if you feel America is crooked and you think we are so bad, get the F out and move to another country. Go live with the sand rats and hopefully one day your head is being displayed on utube.

Now tell me.... when was the point you started to hate all who live in the sand and think differently than u, were you really able to create an "own world of indisputable truth" in ur mind?

People like this are ruining America and along with everything else doing so, it will be one hell of a wake up call when something bites everyone on their ass.

Sounds like conspiracy :hmmm:

04-03-2007, 04:01 PM
:D that line right there made the whole thread worthwhile!!!! :D :thumbs:

Go back to the shadow! The dark fire will not avail you!

Erm, I mean, go back to the spam threads! :P

04-03-2007, 04:23 PM
Go back to the shadow! The dark fire will not avail you!

Erm, I mean, go back to the spam threads! :P

:hmmm: step away from the bottle :drink:


04-03-2007, 07:40 PM
Let's say every American has to pay 30,000 dollars to clear the deficit. This is not accurate but lets say it is.

BIG DEAL!!!!!!!

30,000 is nothing.

LEt's see that equals 3 years in my propert tax, 5 yrs in all the fuel tax's, etc etc.

America can wipe the deficit clean much easier if we discontinued foreign aid etc etc.

The truth is most Americans have the ability to do anythingthey want. As dumb as they are at times, the ability to spend 2 bucks for a 20 0z water and 5 bucks for a starbucks venti mocha latte (I am guilty as well). The calculated amount of wasted money we waste could easily fix any situation. Money is power and that's why the majority of america even the lower waged families can still do things most others in other countries only dream about. The most important to realize is that there is oppurtunity in America always which is why America is number one.

04-03-2007, 07:57 PM
Let's say every American has to pay 30,000 dollars to clear the deficit. This is not accurate but lets say it is.

BIG DEAL!!!!!!!

30,000 is nothing.

LEt's see that equals 3 years in my propert tax, 5 yrs in all the fuel tax's, etc etc.

America can wipe the deficit clean much easier if we discontinued foreign aid etc etc.

The truth is most Americans have the ability to do anythingthey want. As dumb as they are at times, the ability to spend 2 bucks for a 20 0z water and 5 bucks for a starbucks venti mocha latte (I am guilty as well). The calculated amount of wasted money we waste could easily fix any situation. Money is power and that's why the majority of america even the lower waged families can still do things most others in other countries only dream about. The most important to realize is that there is oppurtunity in America always which is why America is number one.

Actually this is somewhat true. If we completely cut off aid to foreign countries (including the enormous disaster aid we provide) we could completely remove our foreign deficit in 1 year, and in 2-3 years completely remove our national deficit. And it wouldn't cost the American citizens any more in taxes. But if we ever did that the world would condemn us. Again, some of the simple-minded here continue to post out of their asses. Still, we won't stop helping those those need help, despite how much of a hit Americans take for it.

It's funny, when we go to war to help Europe, we're heroes. When we go to war and it doesn't directly help Europe (it does, but you aren't smart enough to see it), we are fiends.

Guess what, we don't give a flying shit what the tiny little impotent countries in Europe think about us. ;)

04-03-2007, 08:30 PM
All I know is that Sirc and Shogun eat each others Poopie. I have video and pictures. Ask Spike he will tell ya it's the truth.

04-03-2007, 09:09 PM
Despites all the poopie stuff... :D

Arg, 30.000 dollars is nothing ha... now imagine a family with 2 kids a wife and 1 working man (or other way around, emancipation and stuff). That means that the working person has to pay 4x 30.000 dollar, still nothing?? Another number is that 12.1% of the people is living under the pour-border (dunno how to call it). I just don't think that many Americans earn (clean of all the stuff like rent etc.) enough to pay that 30.000 dollar which grows with over a 1000 each year ;)

And @ Sirc, enough troops from other countries are present in the dangerzone. But unlike the USA we realize a rebuilt is needed...Amerika went over it as a buildozer and then saw the mess the made, strange ha that it didn't worked out :). USA did a lot of good stuff in the past which is undeniable and all are still thankfull for that, but seems like the Hero took some decades off and just keeps on pointing to results from the past.


Cutting of aid is selfish and inhuman. Btw, during the floods of Katrina etc dutch engineers came to aid your country so you peepz have a much better chance to keep dry feet the next time... all need all ^^

04-03-2007, 09:19 PM
All I know is that Sirc and Shogun eat each others Poopie. I have video and pictures. Ask Spike he will tell ya it's the truth.


Good thing I didn't read this before I posted my other thread. :P:D

04-03-2007, 09:24 PM
Cutting of aid is selfish and inhuman. Btw, during the floods of Katrina etc dutch engineers came to aid your country so you peepz have a much better chance to keep dry feet the next time... all need all ^^

LOL. Seriously Wiper. You sent a few Dutch engineers over? You came to our aid? You have no idea of the magnitude of the global aid that the US supplies. We didn't need your "aid" dude, that was just politics. We can handle our own problems just fine, thank you. It probably cost us more to house your engineers while they were here then it did for you to send them. :rolleyes:

04-03-2007, 10:20 PM
Two men can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

04-03-2007, 10:43 PM
Wiper, what makes you think you know so much about America? What country are you from?

You keep bringing up the money but you fail to read between the lines of what I am saying. The average American Citizen pays more money in taxes that you understand. Things can be changed that alter the dificit. I mentioned to you that 30,000 is not a lot over the course of a few years considering alone just for property tax I pay that in 3 yrs. If America needed to pay it off tomorrow, we would be able to do it regardless of the amount of people you mentioned being poor. Your kind always try to bring a negative in to make a point such as the 12% you said were poor. Regardless, how many people in America spend 100,000 on clothes or other stupid things. Bottom line there are more rich then poor in America and although I do not agree with the system, I am here to say you don't know anything so STFU about a country you know nothing about.

Regarding troops, even the UK should not act as if they are helping that much. I think they have less than 10,000 troops in Iraq but I think it is far less than that. Although their support is respectable considering all the other nations we saved less than 40 years ago from being wiped out the show of gratitude is fully noted from those nations and I hope if something happens to them, America will not help.

America is almost alone fighting this war on terror. Honestly we do not need help and can take on a few other nations if need be. We have the technology to cripple any other nation if it came to that. People like you and countries like you should kiss our American asses because it was our fathers and grandfathers that dies fighting for you. The problems is your kind think we expect you to kiss our ass but the truth is we Americans are just sick and tired of your ungratefulness because the jealosy of our nation did what we are doing for Iraq or better the middle east that we did for Europe. Your kind count the 3000 deaths America has lost in Iraq but forget the amount of deaths we lost when we fought for you. Yeah that makes us Americans feel good that we have allies like you all.

Worry about your country, America will survive through the good and bad but most of all succeed. You can ready to start calling us war mongers again when we start kicking Irans ass. Only an intelligent person can read the sign that the day will come soon and the sand rats will get what they have deserved for many decades. I can not wait to throw candy out to children and dance around in the streets knowing that many Iranians are being killed for being so dumb. Even the those you would call innocent deserve it as well because they are not innocent because they are cowards for not stopping their countires actions. They have no chance on winning and I hope the world watches America show the world what happens when you mess with the US. Like Saddam who use to say they would fight tooth asnd nail or that they had enough power to take us on, we destroyed their empire in less than a week. Like that midget sand rat in Iran, he will be hiding in a rat hole like the rest of their weak organizations.

And guess what? We will still have a deficit after we do so. I hope you eurpeons are stocking up on oil because we will make it a lot harder for you to get it and likely due to your lack of support agains the war on terror. Russia will be more than happy to supply it to you for a higher price.

04-03-2007, 11:20 PM
Their's only one solution to our problems.To end WAR,To end the DEFICIT,For WORLD PEACE,and to make this place a better place to live.

04-03-2007, 11:24 PM
LOL. Seriously Wiper. You sent a few Dutch engineers over? You came to our aid? You have no idea of the magnitude of the global aid that the US supplies. We didn't need your "aid" dude, that was just politics. We can handle our own problems just fine, thank you. It probably cost us more to house your engineers while they were here then it did for you to send them. :rolleyes:

Srry to say but this sounds silly, was not about the money but about the knowledge which is given/shared/provided. To explain it USA wise (NOTE: metaphorical): you get the technology to build a nuclear device. No other country knows better to handle the water than the Netherlands... we're the BEST, nr ONE, UNBEATABLE.... the hole world knows that:o

@ Bigg:

I'm from the Netherlands. A minor detail might be that the Netherlands is one of the biggest investors of the USA... so be a little more kindly plz:D

For the overall:
Again one big story about how great the USA is and that they can live at their own and that ya'll know better. Just kill them all! At this point you don't differ from those muslim-fundamentalists.

You can't reason with people who think they're God.... just keep on walking over and over against that concrete wall and you might realize at some point that it hurts and better walk around it :thumbs: (read: different way to handle things).

And explain one thing to me, you really think that the USA got so many casualties and the Dutchies not, has nothing to do with how to handle things?? Ow wait.... they're cowards, hiding in their bunkers and waiting till it's time to leave.

04-04-2007, 12:05 AM
Damn,and just to think.I always thought the Netherlands was only good for raising healthy sheep.By the way,you wouldnt have eney you wanted to sell would yah?

04-04-2007, 12:15 AM
Damn,and just to think.I always thought the Netherlands was only good for raising healthy sheep.By the way,you wouldnt have eney you wanted to sell would yah?

Nope... officially illegal by law these days :(


04-04-2007, 12:34 AM
Nope... officially illegal by law these days :(



That literally made me laugh out loud. The scary thing is that it's probably true. :D

04-04-2007, 02:49 AM
World Peace?!?! What are you smoking dude...politicians don't want world peace.

You should know that by now :P

04-04-2007, 03:31 AM
If you're serious, we'd be happy to ridicule you to the point of making you go curl up and cry in a corner. If you're joking, then....:funny:

Either way it's off topic. :P

Their's only one solution to our problems.To end WAR,To end the DEFICIT,For WORLD PEACE,and to make this place a better place to live.

04-04-2007, 03:55 AM
I'm pretty sure he was joking

04-04-2007, 12:30 PM
If he wasn't....I'll drive over to his house and beat him about the head and shoulders with a large blunt object!

04-04-2007, 02:22 PM
Iran releases the British


He released them for Easter.

What a compassionate guy ^_^

Blair and Bush are like WTF now we gots no reason to invade em grr!!

Cheney lurks in the bushes...my guess is he's having constipation


in other news, homosexuality is deadlier than smoking o.O


culled from the Almighty Google: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=RJD&q=homosexuality+deadlier+smoking&btnG=Search

04-04-2007, 03:38 PM
Lash I am going to hit you next time I see you. I think those double shifts are getting to you. If hillary clinton wins I do not know how I will react.

04-04-2007, 04:01 PM
Lash I am going to hit you next time I see you. I think those double shifts are getting to you. If hillary clinton wins I do not know how I will react.

suicide? :P

04-04-2007, 06:30 PM
I'll take Hillary over GWB any day, and that makes me sad......

04-04-2007, 06:41 PM
Americans are allowed to elect but not to select

makes me laugh at how pathetic that is...damn Jesuits!

grr I need coffee

04-04-2007, 07:07 PM
You all should know by now NOT to take me seriously.


As for the war in IRAQ,we have NO BUSNIESS being over their wright now.We have got enough problems here at home that needs to be delt with.

04-05-2007, 04:48 AM
1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past &present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good ole boys", we will never "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East, and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave.We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we will go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?

"The Statue of Liberty is no longer
saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "

The more and more I hear about people bitching about my country and our people, the more i'm starting to think like this.

04-05-2007, 09:16 AM
USA is a great country to live but it needs cleaning up with the politician starting with the president and Vice President Richard B. Cheney. This country has so much potential to do more and lead but at times creed can cause unresponsive with other countries and especially the US citizens. USA just needs to jog its memory how important it is to provide the leadership that it plays. A major roll throughout the world in the past 60 years or so and the true nature that when leading comes responsibility with criticism etc. It runs with the territory and no matter what no one will ever be pleased or satisfied. This century is the most dangerous time for us and so far we haven’t killed each other but it can happen and as long as we continue to remember history because as we all know it repeats itself but in a different form. At times to be firmed and there is a time to know when it’s right to fall back and work it out even when it makes many Americas mad or angry. It’s so important to be patience and think before doing anything that can have regrets in the long run because when a mistake happens it cannot be ignored or erased but only to rectify it and hope it’s not as deep as it could be to mend it. Our troops I love to see them come home and hate the idea of anyone being hurt or killed. The reasons of being there are not exactly what people like to hear and some choose to ignore. God bless America but I do hope that the new generation provides what is going to be needed in the coming years because it is going to be even much more difficult for them because of the mess that has been done these past years, this includes everything.

04-05-2007, 11:26 AM
Your post is PERFECT SASQUATCH! :thumbs:
USA is a great country to live but it needs cleaning up with the politician starting with the president and Vice President Richard B. Cheney. This country has so much potential to do more and lead but at times creed can cause unresponsive with other countries and especially the US citizens. USA just needs to jog its memory how important it is to provide the leadership that it plays. A major roll throughout the world in the past 60 years or so and the true nature that when leading comes responsibility with criticism etc. It runs with the territory and no matter what no one will ever be pleased or satisfied. This century is the most dangerous time for us and so far we haven’t killed each other but it can happen and as long as we continue to remember history because as we all know it repeats itself but in a different form. At times to be firmed and there is a time to know when it’s right to fall back and work it out even when it makes many Americas mad or angry. It’s so important to be patience and think before doing anything that can have regrets in the long run because when a mistake happens it cannot be ignored or erased but only to rectify it and hope it’s not as deep as it could be to mend it. Our troops I love to see them come home and hate the idea of anyone being hurt or killed. The reasons of being there are not exactly what people like to hear and some choose to ignore. God bless America but I do hope that the new generation provides what is going to be needed in the coming years because it is going to be even much more difficult for them because of the mess that has been done these past years, this includes everything.

04-05-2007, 01:26 PM
Danny, you might not like this
