View Full Version : The History of Gamemecca: The Clans

Caged Anger
03-30-2007, 09:04 PM
MERC was started in February of 2002 in Serious Sam SE. Although the founders, SALvation and Dark Psi, played Serious Sam ever since the demo of the First Edition, deathmatch was never a mode that held much interest with us. We spent hour after hour playing the cooperative version in FE. It started almost the same way with Serious Sam SE. Co-op once again was our favorite form of play but we would always spend more time fragging each other than going through the levels. One night, when I was bored, I decided to play a little fragmatch and that's when the addiction began. After playing for a few hours straight, I convinced Dark Psi to give it a try. He had previously said that he would never play a fragmatch game because they were boring in FE. He was right, FE fragmatch sucked but SE had something different. More maps, skins, weapons, and secrets like backstabbing and hidden map tricks. I told Psi that we needed a way to let people know that we knew each other. We didn't team up in fights, but we wanted to show that people from the same team were the ones kicking ass. I suggested that we start a clan and name it MERC after the company Psi and I own, Mercario. He instantly loved the idea and made the clan tag, design, and colors. And thus, MERC was born. A few weeks later, Hellraizer, our first recruit joined. And the others followed.MERC continues to grow today. MERC will be growing into other games throughout the online world. When you least expect it, you will be fragged by a MERC...the best.|Salvation

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6766)

The Outlaws clan was founded by Chico, K-Pax, and Shogun, all of which knew each other prior to the clan forming. The name "Outlaws" was derived from the nickname "Outlaw" that K-Pax was using in Quake. Other prominant Outlaws members gradually came along including TIP, Nobody, and Sirc. Two more members joined called The Machine and Hammer, who were defecting from MERC and from that The MERCs and The Outlaws have had a longstanding rivalry.

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=27887)

The Villains were officially formed on December 13th, 2002 and are a dedicated group of Serious Sam enthusiasts. Their tags were nothing flashy, unlike other clans. The Villains devoted themselves to setting themselves apart instead through their talent and expertice in the Serious Sam deathmatches. The qualities that are required in order to join are fairness, never-complain attitude, and a love for all things Serious Sam. Within a short period of time the Villains member base grew to over 20. The current member count is now over 60, includes both a Senior and a Junior section, and is proud to have a member over 50 and a player under 10. The Villains are now the largest Serious Sam clan in existance, have a popular forum board, and host a number of servers for public play. The one area where the Villains try to set themselves apart is migrating to new games. The Villains can now be found in Unreal Tournament 2004, Call of Duty, and Painkiller. While membership is now by invitation only, The Villains are always looking for new members.

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=22774)

===Complete Finishers===
The Complete Finishers were a proud and dedicated group of Serious Sam First Encounter players founded by Bla$ter and $peed. They were widely known and respected for their ability and manner of play which was always in good taste and fairness. While The Complete Finishers changed their name to the Masters of Violence, the clan eventually returned to The Complete Finishers and continues to follow the name today. The Complete Finishers seemed to be hit harder than the other clans though, when Serious Sam began its decline and membership is now isolated to Aries, Thundarr, and X-Man. Aries continues to hold the CF presence in Serious Sam, but can more often be found playing Unreal Tournament 2004 with members of Downward Spiral.

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15840)

The Saints clan was born of three members, Hurricane, The Bone Collector, and The Ultimate Warrior. All originated from the now defunct DWF Serious Sam clan. The Saints were created because DWF had grown so large that many were unable to play during matches and tournies. The Saints expanded to include such memorable members of Gamemecca as Tik, Blackwolf, Marz, Sephiroth, and Cyborg. Sadly though the fading of Sam has also seen the departure of a number of Saints such as The Fifth Element, Cyborg, and Uncle Sam. The Saints ran their own Sam server but it has since been shut down.

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62996)

The PKS clan was founded by Vixen, Turbo, and Siren. During the time of founding, both Serious Sam and Unreal Tournament were making their debut and while Unreal Tournament was popular, PKS decided that their focus would be in Serious Sam The Second Encounter. Like all Serious Sam clans, PKS has had trouble maintaining their presence in a gaming environment that continues to grow smaller and smaller as Sam fades into the background. In 2004 - 2005 PKS collapsed due to inactivity and trouble with the PKS website. One clan member maintained his tags, NixXxen, and with the help of other members re-founded the clan in the fall of 2006. PKS continues to be active in the shriking Serious Sam community.

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=79239)

XSW was founded by Nitrostatic on December 21, 2003 as another alternative to the long standing Serious Sam clans. Like other clans, there have been highs and lows in member count which is attributed to the clan being comprised of mostly teenagers, which often come and go with time. In March of 2005 XSW saw a resurgence of member interest and Nitrostatic again took up the leader position.

Current Member List: Link (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=80257)

===Downward Spiral===
In September of 2002 Neo, Ravenous and Apollo formed a UT 2003 clan named Mad Hatters, In October, Burnthewitch, Dissectional, and Pure_Evil joined. The clan struggled at first, typical issues with servers and game mods. Then in December of 2002 Neo got together with a Serious Sam clan named DOA. DOA Sasquatch and LaSH, and MH:Neo merged the clan to form DOA:MH. We started with clan battles with The Outlaws, then moved to the ladders at Proving Grounds.

In March of 2003, the Dissectional, Burnthewitch, Pure_Evil, and Unforgiven decided it was time for the UT part to go off on its own again and Downward Spiral was formed. Later, we were joined by LaSH from DOA and Fragetti from the Outlaws to form the leadership base that drives {DS} To this day. we have several members with over 2 years of commitment to {DS}, Zell, Spawn, Goober, LaSH, PimpDaddy, Unforgiven, Dissectional and Pure Evil
Our clan prides itself on sportsmanship, brotherhood, and competition.

{DS} has the following mission:
Provide a home for motivated gamers regardless of connection speed, location or playing ability.
Cultivate superior players through internal training and self-review.
Act as an example for other clans, guilds, groups and online gaming teams.

Win battles fought against these other clans, guilds, groups or online gaming teams.|Fragetti

Current Member List: Link (http://downwardspiral.org/ds/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1311)