View Full Version : Too close to home for me.......

03-31-2007, 01:23 AM
Well, you know when watching the news and listening to all the bad things going on around you, and you think about how terrible 'said story' is but it doesn't connect or relate emotionally.....

Well, the other day a breaking news story came on all of the news stations, internet and newspapers and we all looked on it with complete devistation because it was a very familiar face. As a lot of you know I'm a riding instructor and my family is also closely involved in the 'equine circuit'. A very well known instructor/trainer who was also was my sisters coach was just jailed for child pornography. We've known him for years, he was an incredible passionate trainer and had always been a great friend to us and this absolutely sickens me.

I'm not exactly sure why I'm sharing this with you, but I'm just beside myself. You just never know..... That's the scariest thing about this. It's sad that you can't trust anyone these days and one of your close friends could just be the next criminal on television. It makes me very afraid of this crazy world.

Here's an article with a vid if anyone is interested in the story http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/11422729/detail.html

Another article with some statements from another long time friend of mine, Randy http://www.boston.com:80/news/local/articles/2007/03/29/riding_instructor_faces_sex_charges/

03-31-2007, 03:14 AM
Sep i'm not sure exactly what to say other than this stuff makes me mad as hell. We humans are a forgiving lot, we want to believe there is good in people and trust them fully, but then something like this happens and makes us crawl back in our shell.

Hopefully in time you and those others that were effected can open up again and never run into bottomfeeders like that again.

03-31-2007, 06:20 AM
You see this crap happening more and more these days .I hope you are ok Sepra ,I know how this probably can make you feel.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-31-2007, 08:12 AM
I'm sure 'Chester' will get what he deserves from the general population.

yeh, all 10 hard drives worth.......that guy is sick.

03-31-2007, 12:17 PM
its often the ppl u trust the most that is the "one" i had a teacher some years ago every loved him he was really arrange in school and on his freetime he was the coach to us girls in the class and in the younger class in a thing called Bandy ( its like ice hockey but wihtout ice i dont think u have that sport in usa we have and london i think? anyways)

to make a long story short....he always was in our dressingroom when we shower and changed cloths and i was the only one who really reacted on it felt so wrong!

i kept trying talk to the other girls in our team but they said whats so wrong with that hes our coach he dont even look just talking about blabla..

so i told my bestfriend ( she wasent on the team) who always had a feeling she dont like him and then we told my mum the result got i got kicked out of the team =S( cuz the other girls found out i told my mum) ...he really had thoose girls in his grip really awful...this was when i was around 13-14 years old) anyways..all girls was pissed on me execpt my bestfriend

then i found out the last week in school that he asked a girlmate in my class if she chould find guy for him flirt a guy up then try talk him over to get him into bed with the teacher (twisted and sick) ,,,and he have been a coach in many years and it also comes out that been with a girl since she was 13 but shes was 23 back then first time i metted her and that they had a relationship since then,,,

anyway the thing is my teacher wasent like that in beginning well he was but he didient showed it he was my teacher when i was 11-15 years old he started show more and more of himself as more we got to know him

im just so happy i got kicked out of the team the sad thing is hes still out there he just got a dot on himself in the papers since noone can really prove what he said or done cus my girlmate( dont have contact wiht her nowdays) never wanted to tell as witness ...

the last weekend in school all parents know but they didient DO anything about it no proof i still cant belive today they didient really do anything about it!!!! i forgot to tell his age he was around 50 when he was my teacher

so i just wanna say the pedofiles isent strangers its often the ppl u really know good that are that really are over intersted in ur children that really know anything about them over doing things to muhc on their freetime...

watch out!

its horrible sepra :(

03-31-2007, 12:33 PM
Having done some time myself there are a few things that don't do well in the joint.
#1 Dead beat dads
#2 Child Porn
I assure you if this dude is put in General Pop he will regret what he did.

03-31-2007, 12:40 PM
Sick pedophil :down:

03-31-2007, 06:01 PM
It's sad that you can't trust anyone these days and one of your close friends could just be the next criminal on television. It makes me very afraid of this crazy world.

It's so true Sepra you think you know someone then things like this happens, It a shame and a sad cray world out there.

03-31-2007, 06:31 PM
There is a rule in my rule book when it comes to my children. Trust no one!!!! In todays society you just do not know who you are dealing with. It takes a lot for me to become close to someone in this world where I safe enough to invite anyone into my home. Regardless one can never be 100% safe from peoples skeletons.

I hope even though you all knew this person that no one was affected by his perverse actions. I wish you and your family the best Sepra. Although I have no faith in the laws to punish these people, you can count on the other prisoners taking care of some of it.

04-02-2007, 01:01 PM
It’s disturbing to hear news like this and what bothers me is that the truth is I could not ever trust anyone with my nephews. I am so overly protected toward them that I always keep my eyes open. Children are important to me and animals. They to me are the most important thing on earth and require being monitor at all times even among friends and family members and I still trust no one. It’s a shame because as much as I love people yet I find myself vigilant with anyone I know.

04-02-2007, 02:30 PM
There is a rule in my rule book when it comes to my children. Trust no one!!!! In todays society you just do not know who you are dealing with. It takes a lot for me to become close to someone in this world where I safe enough to invite anyone into my home. Regardless one can never be 100% safe from peoples skeletons.

I hope even though you all knew this person that no one was affected by his perverse actions. I wish you and your family the best Sepra. Although I have no faith in the laws to punish these people, you can count on the other prisoners taking care of some of it.

Amen to that

PuRe AnGeL
04-02-2007, 03:33 PM
what is happening to the world? It's discusting-- the behaviour of some people.

04-03-2007, 12:29 AM
My sister heard today that the owner of Holloway Brook Farm is going to pay the $100,000 bail until Joe's mother can come up with the money to repay him. :confused: Without Joe, his barn is basically screwed now as he's left with nobody to run it, so he want's Joe back. I'm not sure if he understands that nobody is going to want to stay if he's there....... Something else that puzzles me is that the farm owner of Holloway has two young daughters. WTF is he thinking and why does he want him back at his stable?! :confused:

04-03-2007, 01:20 AM
Sepra - I'm really sorry to hear about that. It's always incredibly difficult when you hear about things like that so close to home.

And don't ever feel odd about posting things like that - we may be a message board but we are most definately a group of friends as well. :)


04-03-2007, 04:46 AM
dunno if u kno about this but its a great site to see all the sex offenders living in ur area


since i live next to nyc i have thousands of em

04-03-2007, 08:24 AM
Sepra, maybe someone will snipe him and send him to hell. I hope anyway.

Death Engineer
04-03-2007, 08:27 PM
Believe me when I say that I know the faces of each and every sex offender (especially those with children) that live within 5 miles of my house. I make a point to check up on it every once in a while.