View Full Version : Let's discuss the admins...

04-03-2007, 09:14 PM
This will probably get me banned, but at this point, I don't care.

In order of appearance in the admins list:

1. Dark Psi - I have mixed feelings. He used to be fun, and made some very memorable posts, and we had some good times, but when I was banned he tended to trash me a bit, which was sort of cowardly. On the other hand, back when that was happening, he probably knew I would log on as an alias and fight back, so I'm really not sure what his motives where. Currently, he is gone, and shouldn't be an admin.

2. Die Hard - Love him longtime Joe. Good guy. He needs to stay out of the OT discussions though because he only posts one sentence replies. Not nasty one's mind you, he just never goes into detail. If you have something significant to say then go for it, if not, then stay in the Villains or spam threads.

3. Grimmy - Totally useless. Always has been totally useless. Has caused more problems for GM in the past then he has ever contributed to GM. There's a big story behind this, but I really don't care to go into it. Definitely shouldn't be an admin.

4. Machine - Good guy. Hasn't contributed as an admin much, but he's a good guy without a doubt.

5. Whocares - Another good guy. Like Machine, he hasn't contributed much as an admin as he doesn't like to get into conflict, but, like Machine, few here could rightfully have anything bad to say about him.

6. Pure Evil - He and I have had some problems in the past. He was the driving force in having several people post my avatar, or various nasty desecrations of my avatar, when I was banned and couldn't do anything about it. Remember that PE? You should be very proud of that. He is another one that posts one-liners in the OT discussions. His one-liners are almost always derogatory though. In fact, 90% of he posts he makes in real discussion threads are derogatory. But that's just PE. I've pretty much learned to ignore him. It's easy. Still, he's got some common sense about him, so yeah, admin status is cool.

7. SALvation - The creator of GM - for that everyone should bow in respect. He was always very level headed, and I've always considered him a friend. He has banned me in the past, but I freely admit I deserved it. More often than not he supported me, even when I was at my worst. Nothing but love for SALvation.

8. Shogun - He will always have my respect. From the very beginning he has shown himself to be level-headed, a fine human being, and an excellent clan-mate and friend. In the 5-6 years I've known him he has never wavered on this. He's been a bit "tight" in the past since he joined in with taking over GM, but he is a good leader (whether he likes to admit it or not), and some of us have been able to loosen him up a bit since GM exchanged hands. He will probably be the one to ban me for this post, but that's fine. He is the voice and ruler of GM now, just as he was the voice and ruler of the Outlaws. He may disagree with me, but leadership is thrust upon those that deserve it, and not necessarily because they desire it. He is THE admin, and deserves to be.

04-03-2007, 09:17 PM
Err......having a bad day Sirc?

04-03-2007, 09:17 PM
Err......having a bad day Sirc?

Not at all. You simply don't know me. :)

04-03-2007, 10:12 PM
Hmmm i'm not sure what even brought this on, but i'm both amused and curious where this will go.

04-03-2007, 10:16 PM
Salvation and Shogun are awesome admins

Machine, Die Hard and Whocares are awesome guys

/end contribution to topic

Gun Element
04-03-2007, 10:24 PM
Its fun reading the relationship you had with all the admins, good and bad.

(wonders what sirc thinks of me) ;) on second thought I dont think I want to know..

04-03-2007, 10:36 PM

All I have to say is that this forum used to be fun. The rules are so strict here now that the 'flavor' that made people want to return to see if there was any new 'juice' is totally gone. The big social loop is gone and it's basically just a serious on topic discussion board for the most part. It makes me want to fart. (am I allowed to say fart here?) This forum isn't nearly as popular as it used to be and it's sad to say that GM is so stuffy now that it makes it that much more unappealing. It makes me cry inside. Fun forum > Strict formality with no leniencies.

PuRe AnGeL
04-03-2007, 10:38 PM
It's good that you've made some positve comments but Sirc, seriously man you need to grow up a bit. I read all of the above and it seems to me you just decide to hate people because they were being retarded on some account. So you posted this and brought out loads of bad points about people? I think you need to chill and take some time off the I-Net. I think that you are, personally, thinking too much.

Lets review Sirc: loser.


04-03-2007, 11:06 PM
It's good that you've made some positve comments but Sirc, seriously man you need to grow up a bit. I read all of the above and it seems to me you just decide to hate people because they were being retarded on some account. So you posted this and brought out loads of bad points about people? I think you need to chill and take some time off the I-Net. I think that you are, personally, thinking too much.

Lets review Sirc: loser.


You have no idea who Sirc is, but then you probably wouldn't care. You are a total newbie here compared to me. You have no idea what has gone on at GM before your brief stay here. And before that in the Seriously forums. Silly you. You don't know what you're talking about, and yet you speak. This is not the thread for you. Spend 5-6 years with the the people that know, and then you can speak as an equal. Until then, shut up please.

04-03-2007, 11:11 PM
Its fun reading the relationship you had with all the admins, good and bad.

(wonders what sirc thinks of me) ;) on second thought I dont think I want to know..

The very first conversation we had Gun, you asked something, and I answered in like two paragraphs. I distinctly remember you replying "I didn't ask for your life's story". LOL. That was my first conversation with you back at Seriously. I had no problem with you then, and I never have since. You have always been a wicked SS player, and while you weren't always that "eloquent" back then, I've always liked you both on the servers and on the forums. :)

04-03-2007, 11:37 PM
Spend 5-6 years with the the people that know, and then you can speak as an equal. Until then, shut up please.

Nah, at that time you'll probably will go moanin' about the fact that you know them 8-9 years :rofl:

PuRe AnGeL
04-03-2007, 11:44 PM
You have no idea who Sirc is, but then you probably wouldn't care. You are a total newbie here compared to me. You have no idea what has gone on at GM before your brief stay here. And before that in the Seriously forums. Silly you. You don't know what you're talking about, and yet you speak. This is not the thread for you. Spend 5-6 years with the the people that know, and then you can speak as an equal. Until then, shut up please.

Oh gosh that was harsh =P
And i guess you wouldn't know me either. But i'll fill you in, shall i?
I'm daughter of Picard, i'm 14 years old and i've been in Villains since 03-17-2004, which is 3 years and 18 days to be correct. And yeah i don't know who Sirc is, but he's shown to me that he can be a complete idiot. =]

And if you're saying that my three years here is brief, then it really doesn't matter that you've been here that extra 3 years. So basicly we're on the same level.

So if this is not the thread for me, why bother with a come-back like 'silly you' that i'm going to reply to. You obviously don't take note in what you're saying.

04-03-2007, 11:53 PM
Sirc -

Sorry man, but if you are going to make a public thread discussing your personal opinions on people then guess what - you are going to have people respond.

And furthermore, you were "new" at one time too (Though someone who has been around for 3 years or more doesn't exactly qualify as new). I can pretty much vouch for the fact that you freely gave opinions even then.

I have no problem with you personally. Go on a rant all you want as long as you keep it clean and at least amusing.

However, realize that you are going to get rants and opinions back and they are every bit as valid as yours.

Bingo - part time admin in disguise

P.S. - Shogun Sucks :)

04-04-2007, 12:04 AM
Oh gosh that was harsh =P
And i guess you wouldn't know me either. But i'll fill you in, shall i?
I'm daughter of Picard, i'm 14 years old and i've been in Villains since 03-17-2004, which is 3 years and 18 days to be correct. And yeah i don't know who Sirc is, but he's shown to me that he can be a complete idiot. =]

And if you're saying that my three years here is brief, then it really doesn't matter that you've been here that extra 3 years. So basicly we're on the same level.

So if this is not the thread for me, why bother with a come-back like 'silly you' that i'm going to reply to. You obviously don't take note in what you're saying.

14 years old? ZAM! I bow to Picard. Very well done.

PA, at 14, you show a lot of spunk. I admire that. Don't take crap from anyone, because if you do, people will just dump a lot of crap on you.

We're not exactly on the same level, because I have a few more years on you both on the forums and in *cough* age.

You know a tiny little bit about Sirc now though. And my original post was just a completely honest and frank opinion of the admins we have (and have had) here. I speak my opinions freely, as do you. I have been involved in GM and Seriously from the beginning, but you have not. Thus, my opinions may not be the same as yours. Even if we had been around for the same amount of time, would that mean my opinions mean less?

You may dislike me as you wish. Many here do. That's fine PA. I'm far too old to feel like I need to alter my opinions to "sound nice". I suspect that some of the old timers here agree with my post, and I suspect that some don't. When you can express your opinion openly (which is a precious gift BTW), and you can take any repercussions without being hurt, then you are truly free.

Keep an open mind. Sirc really isn't all bad. And the RL person that posts as Sirc is (or at least tries to be) a much better person than you see here. Just some things for you to consider. :)

04-04-2007, 12:07 AM
Sirc -

Sorry man, but if you are going to make a public thread discussing your personal opinions on people then guess what - you are going to have people respond.

And furthermore, you were "new" at one time too (Though someone who has been around for 3 years or more doesn't exactly qualify as new). I can pretty much vouch for the fact that you freely gave opinions even then.

I have no problem with you personally. Go on a rant all you want as long as you keep it clean and at least amusing.

However, realize that you are going to get rants and opinions back and they are every bit as valid as yours.

Bingo - part time admin in disguise

P.S. - Shogun Sucks :)

I know Bingo. Trust me. I know. :)

Caged Anger
04-04-2007, 12:07 AM
:watch: :watchmovi

04-04-2007, 12:12 AM
:watch: :watchmovi

You're not allowed to have two containers of popcorn. Gimme one!

04-04-2007, 12:15 AM
You guys are a rip. I love you all. As for Sirc......:D , I think what he meant when he said you don't know Sirc he meant that this is Sirc and this is a Sirc thread period.

I will say that the past is the past though and judgement should be based on today. I have had a war with everyone here almost (Still early:P ) but I have come to like and enjoy those that I once thought I hated. Soemtimes you just got to give the other person respect them for the character they are. I usually never hold any anomosity toward anyone for pastthings. I am no angel myself but sometimes I let a topic get to me and sometimes I beleive some of you get together and post stuff to see how enraged I will get.

One thing I have learned is never judge anyone until you have the chance to actually chill with them and see what their character in real life is about. SSome would be suprised that I am an actual nice sweet guy regardless of how I feel about some topics.

As for the admin, I have no problem with any of them to be honest. Grimmy and I once had war many years ago but that's long over and we have become friends since. I have to say that I respect the admins as they respect me and understand my character or approach to things. They don't mind me barking as long as I don't bite and that's fine.

If anyone wants to talk about what can be productive that makes this place more enjoyable I will gladly jump in the conversation. :thumbs:

Caged Anger
04-04-2007, 12:15 AM
*Caged hands smaller container over

Just don't get any on the GM shag carpetting, aight? :P

04-04-2007, 12:17 AM
Damn you Sirc, I just noticed you posted before my last post.

Caged Anger
04-04-2007, 12:23 AM
I think what he meant when he said you don't know Sirc he meant that this is Sirc and this is a Sirc thread period.

uh huh....just like...

Sirc Thread 1 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=81305)
Sirc Thread 2 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=77397)
Sirc Thread 3 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/search.php?searchid=175619&pp=25&page=2)
Sirc Thread 4 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=78383)
Sirc Thread 5 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=77937)

:P :rolleyes: Personally I'm waiting for Final Final Sirc Flame Thread

04-04-2007, 12:25 AM

All I have to say is that this forum used to be fun. The rules are so strict here now that the 'flavor' that made people want to return to see if there was any new 'juice' is totally gone. The big social loop is gone and it's basically just a serious on topic discussion board for the most part. It makes me want to fart. (am I allowed to say fart here?) This forum isn't nearly as popular as it used to be and it's sad to say that GM is so stuffy now that it makes it that much more unappealing. It makes me cry inside. Fun forum > Strict formality with no leniencies.

This is surprising. I actually thought Seppy was one of the ones that DIDN'T like the forum drama. Live and learn.

The social loop crumbled when DAOC came out. Really. It killed almost everything, including TGR (which was very strong at the time) and even Outlaws (which was very strong at the time). MMORPGs kill forums. With a shooter game people play, and then post, play and then post. MMORPGs suck the life out of people, and they just play. And play. And play. There is no break in the action.

04-04-2007, 12:35 AM
sirc is slacking in his old age:thumbs: only one kid has took the bait:)

Yes, here you are. :P

04-04-2007, 12:35 AM
MMORPGs kill forums. With a shooter game people play, and then post, play and then post. MMORPGs suck the life out of people, and they just play. And play. And play. There is no break in the action.

Sirc, you know what man?

That may have been the wisest damn thing I've ever heard you say.

I hadn't thought of it that way, and oh-my-god I think I agree with you.

Damn, I just had a cold shiver run through me. :P


04-04-2007, 12:47 AM
Sirc needs to get COD2--great shooter and I see this game bring back the old school GM:thumbs: .

04-04-2007, 12:47 AM
Sirc, you know what man?

That may have been the wisest damn thing I've ever heard you say.

I hadn't thought of it that way, and oh-my-god I think I agree with you.

Damn, I just had a cold shiver run through me. :P



PuRe AnGeL
04-04-2007, 12:47 AM
14 years old? ZAM! I bow to Picard. Very well done.

PA, at 14, you show a lot of spunk. I admire that. Don't take crap from anyone, because if you do, people will just dump a lot of crap on you.

We're not exactly on the same level, because I have a few more years on you both on the forums and in *cough* age.

You know a tiny little bit about Sirc now though. And my original post was just a completely honest and frank opinion of the admins we have (and have had) here. I speak my opinions freely, as do you. I have been involved in GM and Seriously from the beginning, but you have not. Thus, my opinions may not be the same as yours. Even if we had been around for the same amount of time, would that mean my opinions mean less?

You may dislike me as you wish. Many here do. That's fine PA. I'm far too old to feel like I need to alter my opinions to "sound nice". I suspect that some of the old timers here agree with my post, and I suspect that some don't. When you can express your opinion openly (which is a precious gift BTW), and you can take any repercussions without being hurt, then you are truly free.

Keep an open mind. Sirc really isn't all bad. And the RL person that posts as Sirc is (or at least tries to be) a much better person than you see here. Just some things for you to consider. :)

Why's thankyou Sirc. =] I judge as i go along, and i can see that you're not so much of an idiot now that you've replied again. I guess that what you posted was more idiotic that what you are. [yes that's a compliment]

What you said about if we both had been around the same amount of years, yes you're opinions would be much less of a shock. I probably wouldn't of even replied, tbh. I get that.

And about taking any repercussions without being hurt when you say your opinion, that has nothing to do with being free. More to do with getting what you deserve, i guess. And taking it of course.

I do consider you a much better person now that i have thought about it. I just only hope you don't judge me from being such a dumbass in this thread. xD

Sorry for calling you an idiot btw. =]

04-04-2007, 12:48 AM
This is surprising. I actually thought Seppy was one of the ones that DIDN'T like the forum drama. Live and learn.

The social loop crumbled when DAOC came out. Really. It killed almost everything, including TGR (which was very strong at the time) and even Outlaws (which was very strong at the time). MMORPGs kill forums. With a shooter game people play, and then post, play and then post. MMORPGs suck the life out of people, and they just play. And play. And play. There is no break in the action.

Preach on dude, friends don't let friends play MMORPGs. I've seen too many good peeps get sucked into the blackhole never to be heard from again.

As far as the part about the rules changing, that don't fly and I wish the site isn't more active was as simple as that. I could fix that, but that rules post is the same post the Dark Psi posted YEARS ago, with the exception of two edits and those being the part about posting in English only and the signature size part (which I have been way more than tolerant letting people slide over the maximum size limits). You can think what you want, but the rules have not changed.

I and the other Admins keep the rules here because of things like possible corporate sponsorship in the future and to keep the value of the site up. No one is going to even look at us seriously if we allow racist comments, racy pictures, bad language, etc .... We are thinking big picture, not just the here and now.

PuRe AnGeL
04-04-2007, 12:58 AM
No one is going to even look at us seriously if we allow racist comments, racy pictures, bad language, etc .... We are thinking big picture, not just the here and now.

here here.

04-04-2007, 01:19 AM
Why's thankyou Sirc. =] I judge as i go along, and i can see that you're not so much of an idiot now that you've replied again. I guess that what you posted was more idiotic that what you are. [yes that's a compliment]

What you said about if we both had been around the same amount of years, yes you're opinions would be much less of a shock. I probably wouldn't of even replied, tbh. I get that.

And about taking any repercussions without being hurt when you say your opinion, that has nothing to do with being free. More to do with getting what you deserve, i guess. And taking it of course.

I do consider you a much better person now that i have thought about it. I just only hope you don't judge me from being such a dumbass in this thread. xD

Sorry for calling you an idiot btw. =]

PA, I've never been able to hold grudges. They are way too heavy for me to carry around. This is also true in my RL, and it has thrown people off guard before. I rarely ever get truly angry at anyone in RL, and almost never on the forums. On the forums I may argue, but, well, it's the forums. Sometimes I have been honestly surprised when I find out people are still mad at me for something that happened a few days before. It's just not the way my mind works, and I'm wonder which part of their brain carries and holds the anger. Maybe I have a smaller brain than most. LOL, if we took a poll here about the size of my brain I can guess how the vote would go. :D

PA, I confronted you, and you reacted. As you should have. Good for you. No apology needed. I really don't know you at all, and so I can't judge you on anything but a specific little topic on the forums. You can't really judge me at all, except for what you see me post. And you have seen very, very few of my posts. Look at my post count! Have you ever seen me posting in one of the OT spam threads (except for today :rolleyes:)? Probably not. There is a lot you don't know about me, and there is a lot I don't know about you.

Everything is good. You'll get used to me and find out that I'm not always bad, assumming I don't get banned. :D

Just stay away from Wiper. Apparently his country has recently banned, erm, doing stuff with animals, so, yeah. Just watch out. ;)

04-04-2007, 01:24 AM
This is surprising. I actually thought Seppy was one of the ones that DIDN'T like the forum drama. Live and learn.

The social loop crumbled when DAOC came out. Really. It killed almost everything, including TGR (which was very strong at the time) and even Outlaws (which was very strong at the time). MMORPGs kill forums. With a shooter game people play, and then post, play and then post. MMORPGs suck the life out of people, and they just play. And play. And play. There is no break in the action.

Are you kidding me? :P Drama can be fun....

About MMO's killing forums. That is so very, very false. It couldn't be more far from the truth. Did it kill this forum? Yeah I think so, but you just generalized which is a no-no unless you have facts to back that ass up.
(PM inc on foul mouth!) For example is the ign board which not only host DAOC community boards, but many other MMO's. People with e-peens that are so huge that they drag on the e-floor frantically alt tab after every fight to stroke on the boards. The forum community is large and it's the drama that keeps it alive and keeps people coming back. It's plain and simple.

Here's one example of an @TIS post (TIS is the grp I run with-The Indecisive Syndicates). http://vnboards.ign.com/bossiney_cluster/b23059/102151137/p1/?72 (Hold on, wait. Am I not allowed to put the ign link in my post because it links you to another forum? Probably, but I'm not gonna bother to check....)

Yes, your post will get edited for masked profanity or racial slurs, but the mods are lenient about drama and dont go lock or move crazy because of it or start slapping wrists. The boards are thriving because they're fun to read and the mods allow them to be that way.

PuRe AnGeL
04-04-2007, 01:24 AM
Just stay away from Wiper. Apparently his country has recently banned, erm, doing stuff with animals, so, yeah. Just watch out. ;)

:eek: eek?!

04-04-2007, 01:46 AM
Are you kidding me? :P Drama can be fun....

About MMO's killing forums. That is so very, very false. It couldn't be more far from the truth. Did it kill this forum? Yeah I think so, but you just generalized which is a no-no unless you have facts to back that ass up.
(PM inc on foul mouth!) For example is the ign board which not only host DAOC community boards, but many other MMO's. People with e-peens that are so huge that they drag on the e-floor frantically alt tab after every fight to stroke on the boards. The forum community is large and it's the drama that keeps it alive and keeps people coming back. It's plain and simple.

Here's one example of an @TIS post (TIS is the grp I run with-The Indecisive Syndicates). http://vnboards.ign.com/bossiney_cluster/b23059/102151137/p1/?72 (Hold on, wait. Am I not allowed to put the ign link in my post because it links you to another forum? Probably, but I'm not gonna bother to check....)

Yes, your post will get edited for masked profanity or racial slurs, but the mods are lenient about drama and dont go lock or move crazy because of it or start slapping wrists. The boards are thriving because they're fun to read and the mods allow them to be that way.

That is an interesting point of view. And I've seen the WoW server forums from both the PvP and RP points of view. In WoW, I started on a PvP server, and it was true, the e-peen fights were intense and frequent. There quite frankly are far to many WoW forums for the moderators to deal with, so things are pretty much wild. It was very annoying. I started a new character on an RP server, and went to the forums, and, OMG, what a difference. Very few flame posts, because the IQ of the RP players is about 100 points above those at the PvP forums. And the average age of the RP player forums is like mid 25's-45's, as opposed to mid teens to mid-twenties for the PvP forums. But the RP forums are seriously pretty boring. However, the PvPers are fine with their forums, and the RPers are fine with their forums, and neither can tolerate the other.

What have we learned from this? Nothing. I just wanted to share it. :)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
04-04-2007, 02:18 AM
This is surprising. I actually thought Seppy was one of the ones that DIDN'T like the forum drama. Live and learn.

The social loop crumbled when DAOC came out. Really. It killed almost everything, including TGR (which was very strong at the time) and even Outlaws (which was very strong at the time). MMORPGs kill forums. With a shooter game people play, and then post, play and then post. MMORPGs suck the life out of people, and they just play. And play. And play. There is no break in the action.

For once, and I mean for just once......I totaly agree with you. What little "life" left at this forum is from the clans that still play sam.

OT has turned into nothting but UTube (or whatever the hell that site is called) video postings.

It's sad, really sad...and much like Sepra, it make me fart. :)

Gun Element
04-04-2007, 02:57 AM
The very first conversation we had Gun, you asked something, and I answered in like two paragraphs. I distinctly remember you replying "I didn't ask for your life's story". LOL. That was my first conversation with you back at Seriously. I had no problem with you then, and I never have since. You have always been a wicked SS player, and while you weren't always that "eloquent" back then, I've always liked you both on the servers and on the forums. :)

ahhh good times when i was a little brat with no talent for writing. Im glad to hear you say that for every time I killed you in SS I said to myself "oh gawd he's going to be mad at me." Guess those thoughts were a waste of worry.

Speaking in terms of GM, this thread is showing colors as to the feelings people have towards the forums. This might be a good intervention for GM and make it a better community...?? Who knows. All I know is that since I came back to the forums a few weeks ago, everything has been a little dry. Everyone is acting like robots or something and it's cool, to a point. Without drama in life, then you don't live. Drama is an aura that never sleeps and thanks to Sirc, GM had a life :P

My fortune cookie is done. :)

04-04-2007, 03:25 AM
Sirc, you know what man?

That may have been the wisest damn thing I've ever heard you say.

I hadn't thought of it that way, and oh-my-god I think I agree with you.

Damn, I just had a cold shiver run through me. :P


I've said enough wise things to fill a book. The problem is that 99% of the time the thoughts come to me in the bathroom while I'm taking a dump, and when I open the door my family runs away (I dunno why :rolleyes: ) or I just forget while I'm washing my hands. Life's like that. Yeah, it is.

04-04-2007, 03:56 AM
ahhh good times when i was a little brat with no talent for writing. Im glad to hear you say that for every time I killed you in SS I said to myself "oh gawd he's going to be mad at me." Guess those thoughts were a waste of worry.

Speaking in terms of GM, this thread is showing colors as to the feelings people have towards the forums. This might be a good intervention for GM and make it a better community...?? Who knows. All I know is that since I came back to the forums a few weeks ago, everything has been a little dry. Everyone is acting like robots or something and it's cool, to a point. Without drama in life, then you don't live. Drama is an aura that never sleeps and thanks to Sirc, GM had a life :P

My fortune cookie is done. :)

you forgot about my drama!

i feel unloved :(

Sal even said that, "Personally I don't care [about unbanning nitrostatic] as I almost enjoy having controversial members here."

give me one day and this place will be drama central :)

Gun Element
04-04-2007, 04:19 AM
you forgot about my drama!

i feel unloved :(

Sal even said that, "Personally I don't care [about unbanning nitrostatic] as I almost enjoy having controversial members here."

give me one day and this place will be drama central :)

Im sorry, but who are you? :P

04-04-2007, 05:54 AM
drama dram everywhere, please feed some drama.

People must be bored.

Thanks for your opinion Sirc :thumbs:

What are the other 10% of my posts? There's over 18,000 posts here by me, I'd like to know what the 1800 were that weren't derogatory so I can correct that error?

04-04-2007, 06:22 AM
SIRC is totally different in vent and I don’t take him too seriously.
But you have to admit he can start a hell of a post or thread that will have people come out of the woods and who hasn’t posted in a while. LOL

I am still laughing my ass off what Sirc said to me at this other thread or post.
By SIRC-> "Go put your aluminum foil helmet back on". LOL

Die Hard
04-04-2007, 07:55 AM
And what's this rubbish about me writing one liners?

He Is Legend
04-04-2007, 09:48 AM
haha what up SIRC !

04-04-2007, 10:59 AM

04-04-2007, 12:05 PM
I must correct you Sirc. I have done more than my fair share. Sadly the MMORPG killed me and after I stopped playing I needed to get back to what matters the most my life outside computers.

04-04-2007, 12:10 PM
rofl u cant be loved by everyone;)

but why telling it out?? i dont love everyone either but i have no needs go spit it out:P thats our world ppl :D everyone cant love eveyone

04-04-2007, 12:17 PM
sirc :P old friend if u really dont "like" the admins so much... what makes u coiming back:D??

...not to sound rude :P lol but it gets kinda funny when u still keep returning u must "love" us all in some weird way rofl for some reason u still coiming back :D rofl

04-04-2007, 01:23 PM
And what's this rubbish about me writing one liners?


Awesome! :thumbs:

04-04-2007, 03:50 PM
sirc :P old friend if u really dont "like" the admins so much... what makes u coiming back:D??

...not to sound rude :P lol but it gets kinda funny when u still keep returning u must "love" us all in some weird way rofl for some reason u still coiming back :D rofl

There is only one admin I'm not too fond of, and he is rarely around anyway. If you go back and read it again, I mostly said good things. :)

04-04-2007, 05:39 PM
I use to look forward to coming home and getting on the comp just to see what Sirc had come up with that day. Drama FTW

04-04-2007, 05:47 PM
Every person on that list has at one time done something/s back in the day to keep this place up and running, they have given of their time and or reached into the back pocket back then so in my mind they deserve some respect and owed some gratitude.

Also without Grimmy's help, I wouldn't know half of what I know now about running this place. So those 125+ "Can you .....?" PMs I get a month get done because some of that he showed/explained to me what to do.

04-04-2007, 06:37 PM
Just stay away from Wiper. Apparently his country has recently banned, erm, doing stuff with animals, so, yeah. Just watch out. ;)

Srry.... evil moment :o

04-04-2007, 09:15 PM
What did I tell guys even, Jag posted here hehehehe

Without Sirc there is no forum. hehehehe

I vote for Sirc for president! LOL

Hiya Jag!

Death Engineer
04-04-2007, 09:22 PM
I don't really think MMORPGs killed these forums. In fact, I don't think these forums are dead. They are just different. I think if you want to blame anything for these changes, you should blame time.

No one is going to play one game forever (was that absolute enough?). Well, OK, so some people can't move past the fact that Serious Sam is old now. But the reality is that when the core group of folks that brought these forums together began branching out into other games and entering new stages of life, the nature of these forums changed.

For example, I was 18 when I started playing SS, now I'm 27 with 2 toddlers. I don't have the kind of time I used to for playing games, but that's because I have the joy of spending time with my awesome kiddos.

I don't find the changes here to be a problem, but rather just a part of life. Things will change. If you're living in the past, chances are that you're missing the present.

My personal advice to everyone on these boards from the trolls that have been here 5-6 years (...aahhh ... aahhh.... ahahh chooosirc. Bless me) to the folks that signed up last week is to have fun. Video games should be fun and an enjoyable hobby; Not something to be lived for or to be held as a higher priority than your family, friends, etc. Enjoy it. When it stops being fun, find something else that is.

As far as the admins go, I can't say anything negative about any of them except that I don't get to hear from them often enough. Keep up the nice work and enjoy life.

That's my 2 cents.

04-04-2007, 09:32 PM
I don't really think MMORPGs killed these forums. In fact, I don't think these forums are dead. They are just different. I think if you want to blame anything for these changes, you should blame time.

No one is going to play one game forever (was that absolute enough?). Well, OK, so some people can't move past the fact that Serious Sam is old now. But the reality is that when the core group of folks that brought these forums together began branching out into other games and entering new stages of life, the nature of these forums changed.

For example, I was 18 when I started playing SS, now I'm 27 with 2 toddlers. I don't have the kind of time I used to for playing games, but that's because I have the joy of spending time with my awesome kiddos.

I don't find the changes here to be a problem, but rather just a part of life. Things will change. If you're living in the past, chances are that you're missing the present.

My personal advice to everyone on these boards from the trolls that have been here 5-6 years (...aahhh ... aahhh.... ahahh chooosirc. Bless me) to the folks that signed up last week is to have fun. Video games should be fun and an enjoyable hobby; Not something to be lived for or to be held as a higher priority than your family, friends, etc. Enjoy it. When it stops being fun, find something else that is.

As far as the admins go, I can't say anything negative about any of them except that I don't get to hear from them often enough. Keep up the nice work and enjoy life.

That's my 2 cents.


04-05-2007, 01:31 AM
For example, I was 18 when I started playing SS, now I'm 27 with 2 toddlers. I don't have the kind of time I used to for playing games, but that's because I have the joy of spending time with my awesome kiddos.

I'm sorry but the math doesn't add up


04-05-2007, 01:46 AM
Having children ages you quickly.

04-05-2007, 02:26 AM
w00t, i was 13 march 26 :D

Gun Element
04-05-2007, 03:34 AM
I'm sorry but the math doesn't add up


Must've been the very first Serious Sam.

04-05-2007, 03:43 AM
Must've been the very first Serious Sam.
It still doesn't add up because the first Serious Sam was released in 2001 so that makes the entire series about 6 years old. And 18+6=24 not 27. :o

04-05-2007, 03:45 AM
People are so picky about dates or time. I think you all know what DE is trying to say you knuckle heads. heheheh

04-05-2007, 04:15 AM
we know, we're just messin :)

04-05-2007, 05:57 AM
What did I tell guys even, Jag posted here hehehehe

Without Sirc there is no forum. hehehehe

I vote for Sirc for president! LOL

Hiya Jag!

Hey Sas :)

04-05-2007, 06:16 AM
^^^ I was nice this week and let Jag out of his cage

Gun Element
04-05-2007, 06:39 AM
It still doesn't add up because the first Serious Sam was released in 2001 so that makes the entire series about 6 years old. And 18+6=24 not 27. :o

You right, he must've been a SS player before the game ever came out! Thats dedication. :P

Just messin fo sho DE.

Die Hard
04-05-2007, 08:30 AM
Leave DE alone..his forte :)I thought he was 27 :P

04-05-2007, 12:11 PM
^^^ I was nice this week and let Jag out of his cage


04-05-2007, 01:29 PM
I thought he was 27 :P


That's terrible, DH :P

Death Engineer
04-05-2007, 03:34 PM
That's what I get for writing off the cuff and not asking my wife when things really happened. ;) Apparently what I was remembering as the beginning of our relationship (I'm picturing me at my parent's house with my back to my then girlfriend getting slammed in the SS:SE Demo with Sal and DL. I think it was even while the superbowl or some major sports event was on. That was really several years later ... I think when I was 20. My apologies for my neural flatulence. <lifts cranium to let out green cloud>

04-06-2007, 02:58 AM
^^^ I was nice this week and let Jag out of his cage


04-06-2007, 04:25 AM
Sirc is Dark Psi. That is all.

Gun Element
04-06-2007, 06:10 AM
Sirc is Dark Psi. That is all.

no comment

04-06-2007, 06:11 AM
Even Sal posted. hehehehe

Hiya Sal

I say we vote for Sirc or should I say Dark Psi for president. LOL

04-06-2007, 07:52 AM
Sirc is Dark Psi. That is all.

You pathetic peon! How dare you blow my cover after years of sculpting Sirc from the primordial clay of GM. From now on I'm going to be gluing pins on the ends of my nerf darts. Muahahaha! Bow to me prey and fear me! :devil:

04-06-2007, 01:42 PM
You pathetic peon! How dare you blow my cover after years of sculpting Sirc from the primordial clay of GM. From now on I'm going to be gluing pins on the ends of my nerf darts. Muahahaha! Bow to me prey and fear me! :devil:

Freakin' Schizo !!! Kssst get out of here.... GET OUT!!!

There goes your hole rulebook about how to dramatize the multiple account... :(

but I understand that this forum has about 15 true members? :D

04-06-2007, 05:28 PM
Freakin' Schizo !!! Kssst get out of here.... GET OUT!!!

There goes your hole rulebook about how to dramatize the multiple account... :(

but I understand that this forum has about 15 true members? :D

haha that's awfully close to the truth

04-06-2007, 06:00 PM
I've never been such good friends with GM admins (mostly cause of my bro Dick Steel who they all hated :P), except Pure Evil. :) He's a great guy! ;)

Gun Element
04-06-2007, 06:13 PM
Just comes to show how nothing can be accomplished with so much hard work. I have no idea what Im talkin about and to who. oh well :P

04-06-2007, 07:25 PM
Just comes to show how nothing can be accomplished with so much hard work. I have no idea what Im talkin about and to who. oh well :P

Listen don't make me start posting pictures of you in a dress again.

Die Hard
04-06-2007, 07:58 PM
I'd pay to see those :D

04-06-2007, 08:15 PM
They are all over the serious forums.

Die Hard
04-06-2007, 09:08 PM

04-06-2007, 09:16 PM
The pictures you REALLY want to see are the ones of Whocares in the dress.

Dancing with Shogun, who is also in a dress.



04-06-2007, 09:32 PM
Don't you mean Mr. Slogun. King of speed typing.

04-07-2007, 02:12 AM
Don't you mean Mr. Slogun. King of speed typing.

LOL .... burning out a keyboard because of typing too fast is one thing that will never happen to me. :D

04-07-2007, 03:15 AM
For everybody reading MR poke took 3.678 minutes to type the above post.

Gun Element
04-07-2007, 04:08 AM
Listen don't make me start posting pictures of you in a dress again.

Did I post those? Gosh what was I thinking :o

Caged Anger
04-07-2007, 02:19 PM
incriminating photos....:rofl: