View Full Version : Router Trouble - Linksys

Caged Anger
04-12-2007, 04:47 PM
I have a Linksys Wireless B router that needs to be reset 3-4 times a day as the net hangs and refuses to pull or connect to anything.

This got to this level when i turned the wireless signal on, although before that ti still had to be reset a few times a week. It has latest firmware installed and it seems to be a well known problem with no answers from Linksys. If anybody has some ideas, i would be grateful as the Wireless G router i have at home also has to be reset 2-3 times a week. The similar symptoms lead me to believe its a setting wrong.

04-12-2007, 05:23 PM
You have an software firewalls running on your machines? I've had problems with my router and software firewalls conflicting with each other that required several reboots of the router to regain connection back.

Death Engineer
04-12-2007, 08:08 PM
Are you downloading bit torrents? I've seen quite a bit of stuff about older routers not being able to handle the sheer number of packets the latest torrent software attempts. Thus the router just shuts down (worst case) or just restarts.

Lots of stuff on the web about this and similar issues. I assume you've already googled about this with your specific router model.

Caged Anger
04-13-2007, 12:09 AM
i have the wireless signal locked down with the strongest wpa the router offers. But this was doing it before i even had wireless turned on. Mostly i just use it for a 4 port switch as i plug my laptop and desktop in. The need for a wireless signal arose when my neighbor in the other room needed internet and the drunk roomate of his ruined the jack.

I dunno what causing it. I have Zone Alarm on both machines, no I'm not using torrent when it happens. It seems to happen when i don't use the net for a while...same with the one at home.

04-13-2007, 12:19 AM
Still have an old wired LinkSys router. No reason to change. A hard connection will always be faster and more secure.

04-13-2007, 02:36 AM
Are all your cables put together correctly?

If your router is that old, you may want to look to invest in a newer and more secure model. I usually upgrade to better router every year to protect my interests. For 100 bucks, I think it's better than spending 40-50 on software crap that don't work.

If you want to know what I honestly think is the cause of your routers problem is, someone in your area has a cordless phone or another device that is interfering with your router. I have seen it a million times and even your next door neighbor could be the culprit.

Caged Anger
04-13-2007, 01:20 PM
....*Caged looks up at his cordless phone sitting on top of his desk

.....Who the heck has a cordless phone here....i wanna murder em :P

05-15-2007, 02:27 PM
I had a very similar problem, and found that there was some widespread problems when linksys was being used with cable internet, and everyone recommended going to a Netgear router. After I returned the linksys router for another one, and the same problems occurred, I went back for a Wireless Netgear, and amazingly enough, I paid 10 bucks less and got a router that works just as well as any linksys I had ever had. In fact, I'm a Netgear fan now, and the set up was even easier.

just my .02 cents!!