View Full Version : Ok I bit and why the hell not

04-13-2007, 02:48 AM

Been feeling a bit low these days and what else to do to add some sort of spark. For this price and the price of ddr2 now I think it will be a sweet investment and improvemnt for my gaming rig. My FX55 although still a great chip will be dismissed this weekend as I change over.

For anyone else looking to upgrade or build a new rig, now is a great time considering AMD just cut their chips by half in price. Last week this dual core chip was over 400 bucks. Intels chips are faster but find a core 2 that matches the dual core x2 3.0 ghz chip and then match the price and you will agree this is a sweet deal. I am still in shock you canbuild a system with this powerful of a chip for under 500 bucks. That is amazing and for all those thinking AMD is foolish, they need to really look closer as they are looking to sell off all their stock for the new technology coming out later this year. If anyone has listened to me this past year, my points are being made now.

04-13-2007, 12:57 PM
Yup its nice to c some price cuts and that is sure a great deal :thumbs:
i noticed that Intel is gonna do some price cutting later this month also if anyone is thinking of buying Intel

04-14-2007, 04:15 PM
Intel may cut the prices on their processors but when you calculate the total cost of the platform it is much more expensive. AMD is the better choice no matter how you look at it. People need to start matching the dollar to dollar which will allow any person who does so get the faster system which is an AMD platform. I will say it again, if you are going to buy highest end, you should wait until later this year because first AMD will have their new chips out that will blow Intel away and take the crown back and if you just prefer Intel, they too will have a tweaked core.

The reason for this price cutting on AMD's side has nothing to do with their position in the market as of right now. It is pretty smart of them if you think about it. AMD is thinking long term. Many websites out there fail to see the long term plan and what direction the industry is heading. AMD is going for complete platform as Intel did years ago. They needed to do this if they want to survive in the future.

My prediction----AMD will sell out many of their AM2-939 chips along with many of their ATI chips and chipsets. They will pay for this in the market though but in the long run they will not lose. They will release a whole new generation of processors built from the core up and release new chipsets that will take advantage of it. They will also release new video cards and integrated solutions. This will be a powerful solution in every aspect that many people just can not imagine or they are a paid webiste to represent Intel. Watch how this takes place and bottom line is that Intel will be stuck with a flooded market of P4's, and core 2 duos that will not be able to produce like AMDs new chip and better their entire platform. Mark my word, the desktop, server and mobile solutions will be marked best with AMD's newer platform. Hell the current one still rocks.

Right now anyone can buy a dual core x2 6000 and a new motherboard and DDr2 for under 500 bucks. That just can not be beat and if so I would like someone to show how.

Caged Anger
04-15-2007, 04:38 AM
i wish i had your pc budget :D

04-15-2007, 05:27 AM
i wish i had your pc budget :D

As do I !!!!!!!!!!!!

04-15-2007, 06:20 AM
My budget is actually smaller than it was a few years ago. It helps to be able to get rid of the older stuff. My friends and family love visiting me because I give them anything they may need. I don't think I have a friend or family member with a weak computer system.

I also do not get out much these days. I don't party or buy things (although I need a new wardrobe) that go to waste.

04-15-2007, 08:29 AM
Yup new toys rock :)

my brother buys my rigs every second year then i buy a complete new setup tho it gets a bit expensive for me that way instead of just ugrading parts

i noticed those quad AMD is comming to the AM2 socket also i thought that they would change socket before releasing those chips good thing :)

04-15-2007, 02:10 PM
Yes the newer chips will fit into socket am2 which explains why I did not buy an expensive board. The new chips will support hyper transport 3.0 and no boards out there today do. WIll you need it? I am not sure. I do know now is a great time to pick up a cheap processor that will blow most systems away.

I will do some benchmarks later of thewly configured rig.:thumbs:

04-18-2007, 03:06 PM
strange, checking out the combo deal on the same page, i found out buying these items not as a combo, they cost less :confused:

04-19-2007, 05:20 PM
Its always good to shop around and look at what you are getting. I am amazed on the cost per performance ratio. It just makes sense if you are looking for some extra spark. What I like most is that I can run vmwqare with no hiccups which saves me time working on other stuff and not effect gaming rig.