View Full Version : Imus Fired

04-13-2007, 08:25 PM
The guy is a known racist but what he said was not enough to get the boot. Sharpton and Jesse Jackson on the other hand......

sharpton and jackson never do anything wrong( Don Imus was fired for calling the Rutgers University basketball team "nappy headed hos". Sure, that was inappropriate, but did the punishment fit the crime? Maybe we should look at the two guys who pushed this issue until Imus was fired.

Jesse Jackson says it's a question of morality, and what's right and what's wrong.

Just so we're clear:

Imus Calling Black Women "nappy headed hos": Wrong.

Jesse Jackson calling Jews "Hymies" and referring to New York as "Hymietown" : Right. (Washington Post, 1984)

Imus Calling Black Women "nappy headed hos": Wrong.

Jesse Jackson having an affair and Impregnating Karin Stanford, then using rainbow coalition funds to pay her $40,000 and purchasing a $365,000 house to keep her quiet: Right

Jesse Jackson not paying child support for this child, and not visiting her: Right

Jesse Jackson Saying Duke La Crosse Rape Suspects who have been aquitted "deserved the negative attention" because they weren't acting morally by hiring a stripper: Right

I'm glad we have someone with strong moral values like Jesse Jackson to make sure nobody makes racist jokes on radio stations!

Thanks for showing us what's right and what's wrong Jesse.

And who can forget Al Sharpton, another strong moral figure who knows the power of words:

After District Attorney Steven Pagones failed to prosecute white suspects for raping a black girl (because evidence showed the story was fabricated) Al Sharpton accused Pagones Himself of raping the girl. Pagones successfully sued him for Defamation. Right

But it gets better:

Imus Calling Black Women "nappy headed hos": Wrong.

In 1995, Sharpton led a protest in Harlem against the plans of Freddy's Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned clothing store, to expand into a black neighborhood. Sharpton told the protesters, "We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business." Three months later, an armed protester forcibly entered the store and burned it down, killing himself and seven others. Right

Thanks Jesse and Al for showing us what's right and wrong. I'm glad we can finally see the light now. . Thanks guys!

04-14-2007, 01:47 AM
I agree Imus did wrong, but he shouldn't have lost his job. What is really unfair about this is that Jesse and Al (I'd like to call them some words that I would have to ban myself for using) won't get up and say a damn thing about the black rappers that use demeaning language towards women and the use of racist comments, but let a white man make a off color comment and they will be right there ready to hang his ass.

I'm going to add a poll to this thread.

BTW Biggs had posted a thread lastnight about this subject, but I moved it because the wording was pretty strong.

04-14-2007, 02:30 AM
thats the reason i posted this.

04-14-2007, 04:00 AM
Why are you comparing Imus to old history for 2 other people in totally different fields.

Imus got fired because too many advertisers pulled out. Wanna protest, stop buying GM products, they were the final nail in his coffin.

He deserved to get fired, just as I would if I made the same remarks on the air at my job.

It's accountability, period.

Comparing him to Black men for what? Do you realize that lowers you to their level?

Lastly, guess what Jackson made his racial remark and lost his bid for Presidency, and his credibility.....

04-14-2007, 04:03 AM
Why was what he said wrong? Why didn't he have a right to say it? It was an opinion.

After seeing pictures of the Rutgers team, I tend to agree with him. I was sorry to see that he caved in. If not him, then who's gonna stand up and fight for the rights of us pasty white crackers (or however it's spelled) to exercise our freedom of speech?

Who are the slaves now? :rolleyes:

04-14-2007, 04:07 AM
Why are you comparing Imus to old history for 2 other people in totally different fields.

Imus got fired because too many advertisers pulled out. Wanna protest, stop buying GM products, they were the final nail in his coffin.

He deserved to get fired, just as I would if I made the same remarks on the air at my job.

It's accountability, period.

Comparing him to Black men for what? Do you realize that lowers you to their level?

Lastly, guess what Jackson made his racial remark and lost his bid for Presidency, and his credibility.....

BULL. He was paid to do what he does, and be who he is. Firing him accomplished nothing, because who will fill his time slot now? Who will bring in the advertising now? The advertisers would have come back if they would have let him stay. If not the same ones, then others.

Caged Anger
04-14-2007, 05:14 AM
the guy is a jackass most of the time, but freedom of speech is freedom of speech. Don't like it, don't listen

He Is Legend
04-14-2007, 09:56 AM
Im glad he was fired . he looked like he was about to die anyway

im sure if you were black and heard what Imus said you'd be pretty pissed off

04-14-2007, 11:45 AM
Why was what he said wrong? Why didn't he have a right to say it? It was an opinion.

After seeing pictures of the Rutgers team, I tend to agree with him. I was sorry to see that he caved in. If not him, then who's gonna stand up and fight for the rights of us pasty white crackers (or however it's spelled) to exercise our freedom of speech?

Who are the slaves now? :rolleyes:there's no freedom of speech fool, his speech is regulated by the FCC and his sponsors. I personally don't have freedom of speech when I'm on the clock either. What am I going to do, tell the Police Chief if he doesn't like what I say to turn the scanner off.... yeah, that goes over well.

I never said he didn't have the right to post what he posted, I stated the comparison is wrong. that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to mine as much as he is to his.

http://members.cox.net/pure_e/jesse_jackson.jpg <--- maybe I should start a Nappy Headed Ho? poll? Would that make you happy? Personally, I would find it tasteless. :down:

04-14-2007, 02:51 PM
I guess the biggest thing that I don't understand is the double standard that exsist where if you are white you can't use expressions like what Imus used for fear of being labled a racist and yet there are black rappers making millions using the same words and phrases. The rule ought to apply to all.

I understand it is demeaning and I think it's wrong, but why is it only wrong when a white person does it?

04-14-2007, 03:58 PM
Was what Imus said offensive? Yes.
Is thatthe big deal? No!
Should he have been fired? No!
Why? You can not pick and choose what is offensive and what is not.
Racism is on tv and the radio all the time. Watch an all black show and count how many times you hear racial comments and jokes. My argument is if there is a rule, then all should have to follow. This comes down to people wantinf equal rights as long as the scale is on their end. Because of that you will always have racism. Regardless, being PC does not prove or take away what people feel. It seems todays society is so unrealistic to truth. People like a sugar coat of things instead of looking at the truth. If someone called 50cent the N word that person would be considered a racist. But the trith is the term pretty much fits the description pretty well which is the reality. People want the right of freedom of speech except when they are offended. That's BS and totaly defeats the purpose. If it was a black person that called these girls what IMUS called them there would be no problem.

White people need to figure this out because they continue to lose more and more rights and be targets to law suits by weak and lazy groups. Any business owner knows what I am talking about when it comes down to hiring and firing a black person. There are so many rules that need to be watched because of law suits. To me it makes me feek more hate for the black race not because I am a racist but because I find it weak and lowers the standards to America. Get a grip!! Today everyone has the same chances in today society. If you are of any color and work your ass off you will get some where. If I was black I would be pissed off at the blacks that pull this crap. I would go public and bash these groups like AL S and Jesse Jackson. If any of you saw my last post regarding them you know how I feel about these two. Blacks need to start taking some sort of responsibility and speak up against those that make people them look weak. I am proud to be white but being white does not give me any special priveledge. Like the Eddie Murphey clip whne he dresses like a white person and he goes into a store and the clerk tells him to just take it. Funny but I honestly believe these blacks believe this is the case. No idon't, this is completely the way these groups embezel money from the white people and make a statement that does nothing more but get more white people to hate them more and worst makes them look pathetic.

Call it any way you want but the truth is if you are a black person and feel offended by Imus, you should be more offended the way black people act and represent the balck race. Face facts not BS. Bill Cosby said it pretty clearly and was bashed about it. The truth is Bill Cosby was right and he was only speaking up about his race. Thats what he got for saying the truth and another truth is there should be more black people doing the same thing. It would present things better instead of allowing excuses and blacks being some sort of victim to something that is not there.

Racism is there and will always be there. BIG DEAL!!!!!! Only a racists gets offended when they hear something offensive. There will always be someone to say something offensive whether its about your skin color to something different about your body. If you are fat, someone will call you fat. If you have a big nose, someone will call you a big nose. It is not possible to rid the world of insults and today any comment is just that and insult.

There should be a poll to just balck people here that asks if these groups should represent them. I know the Black friends that I ask laugh at these guys and say it is complete BS. It is what it is and my anger is not because of the comments but because of the actions against a white person which is in my book racist. Double standard my ass, let GM etc have the black community keep them in business. I will avoid all products from these rasist weak companies.

Mad Fox
04-14-2007, 04:32 PM
I think that what Imus said was an inappropriate description that should not have been used on the radio. Should he have been fired, no. Imus is known for his radical comentary, it could almost ahve been expected.

04-14-2007, 06:19 PM
Paving the way for hate crimes, America, you must be proud...

04-15-2007, 03:55 AM
When I woke up today I had some nappy hair.

04-15-2007, 01:22 PM
Most intelligent commentary I've heard on this yet...although it was lacrosse, not soccer...doh


Jason Whitlock from the Kansas City Star:

04-15-2007, 01:57 PM
I brought those to up because of the double standard they have. Imus said one thing and the went nuts. They are way worse than he is.

04-15-2007, 02:09 PM
I brought those to up because of the double standard they have. Imus said one thing and the went nuts. They are way worse than he is.

exactly..I like how Jason Whitlock refers to them as " terrorists " . And, is Jesse Jackson getting back that college tuition that he paid out for the Duke accuser ? You know damn well he will, but you won't read that in any paper !!

04-15-2007, 04:00 PM
Thanks Night for that video. I had not seen it and imo he was spot on in what he said including the terrorist labels he put on those two. I had a good laugh on that one. :D

04-15-2007, 05:52 PM
Black man calls for white genocide live on CSPAN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A751xJbumnU

04-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Paving the way for hate crimes, America, you must be proud...

What are you talking about? And who are to referring to?

Too vague. 0/10


04-15-2007, 06:30 PM
Most intelligent commentary I've heard on this yet...although it was lacrosse, not soccer...doh


Jason Whitlock from the Kansas City Star:

That was amazing. Why isn't this guy getting any press for saying this? Jackson and Sharpton are such cartoon characters and ambulance chasers. Chasing ambulances in their limos. Jason Whitlock is my new hero.

Mad Fox
04-15-2007, 06:32 PM
I can't believe that guy had the balls to say that. And did you read some of those somments. WHOA

04-15-2007, 06:37 PM
I'm still going...

You know, whites have always embraced black culture. From music to fashion to food. The day that blacks are ready to become equals, I think they'll find that they have been equals for quite some time now. It's not gonna happen anytime soon though, and Jason Whitlock was dead on right as to why it won't.

04-15-2007, 07:30 PM
post #15 noob

My method of delivery was better

04-15-2007, 07:36 PM
BRING IT ON:thumbs: