View Full Version : This is what happens...

04-13-2007, 10:16 PM
...after you get a boo-boo. :)

Things like this make me think hard about whether the concept of "intelligent design" is really all that silly after all. Amazing. Simply amazing.

Watch the "super-speed" version of Inner Life of the Cell animation.


EDIT: Click to watch the full version.

04-13-2007, 10:54 PM
cool :confused:

Okay, lemme put it another way....

Dude! Seriously, ya gotta get stoned and watch this! It shows how your body's little healing cell guys do some righteous preparations for battle when like, ya know when you set your 40 down on a fork and it like flips up and stabs you in the forehead. Don't pay any attention to what the guy is saying cause like I think he's talking in Mexican or something. Keep watching it though cause there's these little dudes with feet and hands but, like no head, that carry around these giant Styrofoam orbs of power and shit, and there's like snot floating around on rafts and stuff. Whoa....dude!

04-14-2007, 08:46 AM
hahah that was awesome sirc. I'm studying bio, and i see a lot of these types of videos in my classes etc that related to many different cellular processes. very interesting indeed!