View Full Version : Help with Printer sharing

04-15-2007, 09:42 PM
Here is what I want to do. I want to share my printer with my laptop without having to connect the USB cable each time I want to use it.

Here is what I got. I have the printer (hp f380 all in one) connected to my desktop system which runs XP pro with SP2. This system is connected directly to my unternet cionnection.

My laptop is connect via a wireless router. The laptop has the printer software and such installed on it. What I want to do is print something from my laptop while the printer is connected to the desktop. As it is right now I have to plud in the usb cable to the laptop in order for it to work. Is there a way to avoid having to do this?

As usual I will gladly pay someone if they can help me out with this.


04-16-2007, 12:31 AM
A big thanks to DE for helping me out. If there is something Ican give back please let me know.

04-16-2007, 09:37 AM
Something in the future you might like Who is this:

http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1114037289494&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper&lid=8949439789B58 (http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1114037289494&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper&lid=8949439789B58)

I have one, just so I don't have to have the computer that it used to be connected to, on and at the desktop. Was pretty easy to setup, and I can print from any of the 6 computers in the house. :)

04-18-2007, 09:11 AM
WHo, setting up a share is pretty simple. Change your work group on all computers and you should see any share on the network.

Yeah Yeah, that's simple but......

If security is to be considered, I would suhhest shutting off simple file and printer sharing and do it correctly where only people with user names have the ability to access your network. Leaving one hole open will usually allow or create other holes to be seen.

A simple point. As a joke, I once connected to a friends network over his wireless network (again make sure you have security enabled on your router also). He has his printer shared and I saw it on the network. I decided to connect to it and print non stop pictures of something I found he would laigh at a few years later when I brought it up.

Plain and simple, on your computers you have you should have user accounts with password (i normally disable administrator account and create another administrator account with a different name. Each computer should have the same user accounts. I suggets going into folder options and disable simple file sharing which will make anyone on the network need to have a user account to connect to a share. This also allow you to set security settings on each share on the networking bt right clicking on the share and defining securities.

Usually when I explain this to people I often here a statement "well I have nothing on the computer that I care about". This is not a reason not to be protected. It only takes one scumbag to get in and cause a problem.

Caged Anger
04-18-2007, 02:33 PM
turning off the file sharing was easy enough to figure out, but how do you disable the standard administrator account?

04-19-2007, 05:16 PM
right click on my computer icon and choose manage. goto user settings.

Also I did not say disable file and printer sharing. Disable simple file sharing under user settings is what I suggested.