View Full Version : Serious Sam FE Suddenly Won't Run - 2 Problems

04-24-2007, 12:55 AM
First one:

So I tried to fire up SS FE for the first time in a while today and I get an error message:

"The specific resource could not be found" and the game wouldn't load.

Uninstalled, reinstalled.

Ran fine the first time. Second time I tried to load it, same thing and it won't run again.

Any ideas?

Second problem:

Friend of mine also having sudden problems. His error:
fatal error.. cannot set display mode.. ss was unable to find display mode with hardware acceleration. make sure you install proper drivers .. for you video card as recommenedef

Again, same thing. Game ran fine, ran fine, ran fine... suddenly it won't run and gets this error.

Any ideas?


Figona Hatice
04-24-2007, 05:07 PM
Well you said it up above it's 100% a graphic card problem.

Without knowing what your system configurations are,(I'm dumb , those are below your avatar :P) here are what I would suggest to resolve this issue :

Make sure that you're running the latest drivers for your graphics cards. Also, before just downloading and installing the drivers, use something like Driver cleaner :thumbs: I know it's dumb but I also know that with the latest ATI drivers I can't set the brightness or contrast in game , I'm compelled to do it via the control panel of my graphic card. That is to say that you may have to install older drivers to play ss ( especially if recent games run fine ) but make sure you remove everything before with Driver cleaner. Those drivers setups hardly replace new files by olders on their own so Driver Cleaner Might Help.

Uninstall your drivers > Reboot in Safe Mode > use Driver Cleaner > Reboot in Normal Mode > Install new drivers > Reboot in Normal Mode = Good Luck :P