View Full Version : Space, the funeral frontier for Star Trek Scotty

04-29-2007, 03:17 PM
The ashes of the actor synonymous with the line "Beam me up, Scotty" have been blasted into space.


Beam me up Scotty--Kind of a fitting end for him.

Mad Fox
04-29-2007, 04:47 PM
I Don't think i would want my ashes in space. I 'd like to keep me all together. No cremation either

04-29-2007, 05:06 PM
I Don't think i would want my ashes in space. I 'd like to keep me all together. No cremation either

Why? It's not like you're using your body after you die...

Mad Fox
04-29-2007, 06:40 PM
Why? It's not like you're using your body after you die...

I might need it later. I'm not sure what happens after death. Better to leave things as is then to go arond fooling with the remains.

04-29-2007, 06:56 PM
I might need it later. I'm not sure what happens after death. Better to leave things as is then to go arond fooling with the remains.

Hahaha - oh yeah. You're right , you never know :D But I'm sure James Doohan would be happy (if he was so into space) :)

Mad Fox
04-29-2007, 09:05 PM
Hahaha - oh yeah. You're right , you never know :D But I'm sure James Doohan would be happy (if he was so into space) :)

I just thinking about the day I am possibly reunited with my body what happens when its ash. Someone will be sorely dissappointed:thumbs: :) :rolleyes:

04-30-2007, 02:24 AM
I might need it later. I'm not sure what happens after death. Better to leave things as is then to go arond fooling with the remains.
Well the though of my body being in the ground and rotting away is much more disturbing. And trust me when I say that after you die the chances that you will be seeing or possessing your body ever again are quite slim.

Mad Fox
04-30-2007, 03:31 AM
Well the though of my body being in the ground and rotting away is much more disturbing. And trust me when I say that after you die the chances that you will be seeing or possessing your body ever again are quite slim.

I like this body. I dont wanna give it up.

04-30-2007, 03:44 AM
I like this body. I dont wanna give it up.

How very egotistical of you.

04-30-2007, 09:05 AM
i think im gonna walk into a hospital the day i die.

Fresh spare bodie parts, anny one?

PuRe AnGeL
04-30-2007, 05:32 PM
why would you want to get your ashes beamed into space? =\ its beyond.

Personally i'm getting cremated. I hate the thought of rotting in the ground and wormies and bugs eating you and been trapped in a small space.. =0

Caged Anger
04-30-2007, 07:10 PM
I'm sorry, I'm happy for the guy and he is in his rightful burying place

but all i could picture in my head were little green guys flying past earth in a spaceship having to turn on the windshield wipers and remark
"see, this is why we don't go down there"

04-30-2007, 07:49 PM
I might need it later. I'm not sure what happens after death. Better to leave things as is then to go arond fooling with the remains.

While I couldn't personally care which way you end up going with what happens to your body, your reasoning is futile.

"I'm not sure what happens after death"...so, while you're thinking that you might need your body again, it's equally possible that if you get creamated, you reincarnate as xindividuals in the next stage, or you get a brain that's x times greater than the one you have now, where x = the number of individual, detached particles that your body is in. In that case you're no smarter in the next world if your body is intact, and billions smarter if your get cremated.

Reasoning based on the unknown makes no sense.

I personally could care less how my body is used. Feed me to some hungry crocodiles for all I care. Frankly, I prefer this. Way cheaper on my remaining relatives than the casket or the cremation process would cost, and what the heck, save some guy the cost of more croc food, too.

I thought it was cool to hear that they did this for him. Fitting, if you ask me.

04-30-2007, 08:53 PM
While I couldn't personally care which way you end up going with what happens to your body, your reasoning is futile.

"I'm not sure what happens after death"...so, while you're thinking that you might need your body again, it's equally possible that if you get creamated, you reincarnate as xindividuals in the next stage, or you get a brain that's x times greater than the one you have now, where x = the number of individual, detached particles that your body is in. In that case you're no smarter in the next world if your body is intact, and billions smarter if your get cremated.

Reasoning based on the unknown makes no sense.

I personally could care less how my body is used. Feed me to some hungry crocodiles for all I care. Frankly, I prefer this. Way cheaper on my remaining relatives than the casket or the cremation process would cost, and what the heck, save some guy the cost of more croc food, too.

I thought it was cool to hear that they did this for him. Fitting, if you ask me.
Yup exactly how I feel. :thumbs:

He Is Legend
05-01-2007, 03:35 PM
While I couldn't personally care which way you end up going with what happens to your body, your reasoning is futile.

"I'm not sure what happens after death"...so, while you're thinking that you might need your body again, it's equally possible that if you get creamated, you reincarnate as xindividuals in the next stage, or you get a brain that's x times greater than the one you have now, where x = the number of individual, detached particles that your body is in. In that case you're no smarter in the next world if your body is intact, and billions smarter if your get cremated.

Reasoning based on the unknown makes no sense.

I personally could care less how my body is used. Feed me to some hungry crocodiles for all I care. Frankly, I prefer this. Way cheaper on my remaining relatives than the casket or the cremation process would cost, and what the heck, save some guy the cost of more croc food, too.

I thought it was cool to hear that they did this for him. Fitting, if you ask me.

you said it the best :)