View Full Version : When I read this...

05-02-2007, 07:26 PM
...I couldn't help but think of BIGG. :D


05-02-2007, 07:33 PM
The result? Carson got two broken fingers and a fractured wrist during the assault. His computer and entertainment center were also totalled by his three attackers before they left. "I knew that I might be messed with in the game but I didn't really expect her husband to come looking for me," said Carson. "I couldn't have been more wrong."


05-02-2007, 07:59 PM
That dude asked for it... and he got it. 'Nuff said.

05-02-2007, 08:19 PM

05-02-2007, 08:28 PM
.... sad sad, 3 man needed for a n00b. Punch in da face would be fair enough, but broken wrist etc. what's is the name?? Tony??!

rancid monkey
05-02-2007, 09:04 PM
LOL. :rofl:


Mad Fox
05-02-2007, 09:07 PM
I guess that ppl get sensitive on the internet.

05-02-2007, 10:45 PM
That dude asked for it... and he got it. 'Nuff said.

Yep... I was thinking the same thing as i read the article.

05-02-2007, 11:39 PM
I guess that ppl get sensitive on the internet.

Um, yeah. Picture this. Your wife buys a computer game, and loves playing it, but some jerk somewhere with no life at all decides he's going to devote his time to ruining her fun, day in and day out. She asks him to stop, and he doesn't. She can't play without this other person specifically singling her out for the sole purpose of making her gaming time pure hell. In what would usually be a vain, last ditch attempt to get this guy to leave her alone, she tells him that her husband is gonna kick his ass. He calls her bluff, and posts his real address, and dares it to happen.

And so he got his ass kicked. Justice has been served.

Honestly Fox, sometimes I have to wonder about you. You act as if the internet isn't real, and doesn't allow real interaction between people. Let me ask you this - if you were being harassed by someone calling your house, or sending you letters in the mail, wouldn't you do anything about it if you could? The internet is no different other than being a different form of communication.

Mad Fox
05-03-2007, 01:18 AM
Um, yeah. Picture this. Your wife buys a computer game, and loves playing it, but some jerk somewhere with no life at all decides he's going to devote his time to ruining her fun, day in and day out. She asks him to stop, and he doesn't. She can't play without this other person specifically singling her out for the sole purpose of making her gaming time pure hell. In what would usually be a vain, last ditch attempt to get this guy to leave her alone, she tells him that her husband is gonna kick his ass. He calls her bluff, and posts his real address, and dares it to happen.

And so he got his ass kicked. Justice has been served.

Honestly Fox, sometimes I have to wonder about you. You act as if the internet isn't real, and doesn't allow real interaction between people. Let me ask you this - if you were being harassed by someone calling your house, or sending you letters in the mail, wouldn't you do anything about it if you could? The internet is no different other than being a different form of communication.

I think that the internet allows for a certain amount of annominity that convential forms of communication dont. Mail or telephone are not easily changed but stop playing on a server or joining another forum and never be heard from. I am not saying that it is right but its whole new arena.

05-03-2007, 02:55 AM
I think that the internet allows for a certain amount of annominity that convential forms of communication dont. Mail or telephone are not easily changed but stop playing on a server or joining another forum and never be heard from. I am not saying that it is right but its whole new arena.

New, and the same. Don't be so short-sighted and naive. You can mail anything from anywhere. You can phone from anywhere. There are public mailboxes and telephones everywhere. How is the internet different?

In WoW, stopping play on a server and simply moving to another is not necessarily an option, especially if you have spent months leveling. Granted, forums are easier to avoid. And you could change your phone number. And you could simply move into a new house somewhere else.

It simply depends on how you choose to handle your life. Running away is always an option for some. So how's that working out for you?

05-03-2007, 05:13 AM
since i've played WoW for a couple years, i have a couple thoughts on the matter.

1. the guy is a dick. (the harasser)
2. she COULD have saved herself the trouble quite easily by contacting a GM, eventually, he would have been banned permanently
3. the womans husband is a sad SAD man for getting THAT bent out of shape over a GAME, silly morons like that get eatin ALIVE on the WoW realms forums.

edit: for what i thought when first reading this. to the husband: "Cry more you whiney little sack of haha, you thought something bad would be here didnt ya? !!!" :P

05-03-2007, 01:22 PM
On a side note.

I bet his wife is leveling up quite nicely now.

05-03-2007, 01:30 PM
3. the womans husband is a sad SAD man for getting THAT bent out of shape over a GAME, silly morons like that get eatin ALIVE on the WoW realms forums.

While I agree that doing something like talking to a GM would have been a better solution, and personally I probably woudl have encouraged britt to just do that or change servers, or something else (OMG, the thought of britt gaming...:rofl: )

That said, there is absolutely NO responsibility for a husband than to protect his wife and/or children. If the guy felt that this fella represented a threat, he did what he had to do.

Also, it doesn't sound like the husband was actually playing WoW, just the wife, so I doubt he cares about what they say on the forum. Second, if he was acting to defend his wife, I know he doesn't care about what they say on the forums. Third, I don't know about most people, but in the time I've played WoW, I've never goen on a wow forum, so he might not even know they exist.

05-03-2007, 02:09 PM
On a side note.

I bet his wife is leveling up quite nicely now.

/ding :thumbs:

05-03-2007, 02:17 PM
Um, yeah. Picture this. Your wife buys a computer game, and loves playing it, but some jerk somewhere with no life at all decides he's going to devote his time to ruining her fun, day in and day out. She asks him to stop, and he doesn't. She can't play without this other person specifically singling her out for the sole purpose of making her gaming time pure hell. In what would usually be a vain, last ditch attempt to get this guy to leave her alone, she tells him that her husband is gonna kick his ass. He calls her bluff, and posts his real address, and dares it to happen.

And so he got his ass kicked. Justice has been served.

Honestly Fox, sometimes I have to wonder about you. You act as if the internet isn't real, and doesn't allow real interaction between people. Let me ask you this - if you were being harassed by someone calling your house, or sending you letters in the mail, wouldn't you do anything about it if you could? The internet is no different other than being a different form of communication.
have you actually read what you typed Sirc? Although what happened to the guy, I find humorous, it was dead wrong.

Die Hard
05-03-2007, 02:22 PM
Yep I agree with Pure. It was wrong do that :down:

05-03-2007, 11:18 PM
have you actually read what you typed Sirc? Although what happened to the guy, I find humorous, it was dead wrong.

There is very little justice in this world. Enjoy it when it happens.

05-04-2007, 01:15 AM
Now let this be a lesson to everybody. Taunting people behind the relative safety of the Internet may be fun, but don't be stupid enough to give out your real home address. If you do, then it's a whole new ballgame.

Well DUH!

05-04-2007, 05:13 AM
Now let this be a lesson to everybody. Taunting people behind the relative safety of the Internet may be fun, but don't be stupid enough to give out your real home address. If you do, then it's a whole new ballgame.

Well DUH!

Or make it more interesting by giving an address of a police department :D

OUTLAWS high ping camper
05-04-2007, 09:25 AM
1. I would hate to piss off Mr Bigg.
2. I would hate to find him standing on my front porch.

*side note: Mr Bigg you are welcome at my home anytime. :)

Die Hard
05-04-2007, 09:59 AM
I hear he is good at 'pounding' :D

05-08-2007, 04:17 PM
This story is being claimed as false now:


Their main arguments:

a) you can't find the story originating from a reputable source, just some gaming site

b) For the guy to repeatedly kill the woman, they'd have to be in opposing factions. If they were in opposing factions, he can't talk to her in-game.

Not sure if it is false or not, but those are 2 pretty good arguments...