View Full Version : Cocaine

Mad Fox
05-08-2007, 01:31 AM
Publicity stunt or just good advertising?


05-08-2007, 01:34 AM
"We like to think we have a great sense of humor," he said. "And our market, primarily folks from ages 20 to 30, they love the ideas, they love the name, they love the whole campaign. These are not drug users."

<=== 21, and COMPLETELY disagrees with this statement, and completely agrees with the FDA

05-08-2007, 02:42 AM
Prolly tastes like sh*t anyway.

05-08-2007, 02:48 AM
I'm in the air about this.

I mean, I think it's a stupid name, but at the same time I dont' really think that the government or agencies should be stepping in to stop it, either.

I mean, the government hasn't stopped me from listening to "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton...I can even hear that on open airwaves. And he's DEFINITELY talking about doing the drug, not some drug-free energy drink.

Heck, if this stuff can give someone a rush that's comparable to the drug, and some folks quit the drug for this or whatever...i got not issues with that. (although to be honest, that doesn't seem likely whatsoever)

On the other hand, how many kids will try this, like the rush, and decide they need to try out the inspiration for the name? Who knows.

I'm undecided.

05-08-2007, 02:51 AM
Prolly tastes like sh*t anyway.

Every energy drink that I've ever tried does. Heck, in my opinion, Red Bull, the biggest of them all, tastes the worst.

Doesn't matter, though, that's not the point. I'll be downing these things every hour or so on the trip to PA next month, as we're driving overnight.

these things are for pick me ups, not taste (at least, I can't see why anyone would drink them for the taste)

05-08-2007, 03:35 AM
I dont' really think that the government or agencies should be stepping in to stop it, either.

i didnt either till i read how they were marketing the product (AS the drug)

05-08-2007, 05:46 AM
You guys do realize that every single one of these "energy drinks" is simply loaded with caffeine and that's all, right? Go buy some No-Doze and wash a few tabs down with your favorite drink if you really need to. Sheesh. Everyone acts like this crap is something special. It's not. And BTW, caffeine is a drug just as much as nicotine. You can become dependent on both. Drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day for a month and then stop cold turkey and see how you feel.

05-08-2007, 10:57 AM
. You can become dependent on both. Drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day for a month and then stop cold turkey and see how you feel.

OW......Did it.......went somewhere without coffee to drink for breakfast, good lord my head was banging.

If they would have just left the Coke in Coke we wouldn't be needing these energy drinks. Or crap to put up your nose.

05-08-2007, 01:05 PM
Every energy drink that I've ever tried does. Heck, in my opinion, Red Bull, the biggest of them all, tastes the worst.
Amp has a very smooth and refreshing taste. Bawls isn't too bad either. But anything like Red Bull, Monster, Rock Star, all have way too much taurine which makes them taste like crap.

05-08-2007, 01:07 PM
You guys do realize that every single one of these "energy drinks" is simply loaded with caffeine and that's all, right? Go buy some No-Doze and wash a few tabs down with your favorite drink if you really need to. Sheesh. Everyone acts like this crap is something special. It's not. And BTW, caffeine is a drug just as much as nicotine. You can become dependent on both. Drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day for a month and then stop cold turkey and see how you feel.

I'm not disagreeing at all with that. I used to drink Mt Dew very hardcore (by the 2 liter, probably averaged 1.5 - 3 2-liters per day) and I gave pop up for lent 1 year...

It took me 3 weeks before I was able to work and such without my hands shaking. Because of my lifestyle then (up gaming til 4 or 5, up for school @ 7) it took me weeks to learn how to function again.

Since then I've switched. I'm still a pop drinker, but I drink almost nothing but diet...not great, but nearly as much caffeine as the dewskis.

05-08-2007, 01:24 PM
Amp has a very smooth and refreshing taste. Bawls isn't too bad either. But anything like Red Bull, Monster, Rock Star, all have way too much taurine which makes them taste like crap.

Haven't tried Amp. I forgot Bawls, b/c I don't generally lump it in with the rest of them, I guess b/c with every other Energy Drink I've tried, when I drink it, I always shudder for some reason (literally)...not with Bawls.

05-08-2007, 02:32 PM
Haven't tried Amp. I forgot Bawls, b/c I don't generally lump it in with the rest of them, I guess b/c with every other Energy Drink I've tried, when I drink it, I always shudder for some reason (literally)...not with Bawls.

so one could say that you love the bawls...would that be correct? :D

05-08-2007, 02:41 PM
so one could say that you love the bawls...would that be correct? :D

I certainly have an appreciation for them. As I said before, they don't make me shudder :P

05-08-2007, 02:49 PM
I have never tried any of those drinks .... these days i'm more of a Root beer junkie.

The answer the original question ... It's a cheap marketing ploy