View Full Version : My mom is finally into the technology age

05-10-2007, 11:45 PM
My mom just bought her first computer a few months ago. She’s pretty good at the point and click thing. She wants to learn Photoshop. It’s pretty cute to see this little 65-year-old lady on the internet. We both got an easy video chat app (http://www.oovoo.com/) so that we can have conversations without her having to type. She got into the online poker thing too, which I think is very cute (as long as she’s not using real money). She’s always bragging to me about how much she won, but yeah, thankfully she doesn’t play at the sites that are for money. Anyone else have older relatives on the internet?

05-11-2007, 03:21 AM
My Dad is 84. I've got him to be able to make his own documents, save them and print. Christmas this year I got him a second hand computer that is close to as fast as mine and paid for a year of DSL service for him. I get weekly calls when he gets stuck, but he is learning and starting to enjoy the Internet. I've got him checking airport schedules to see if the planes are on time before he heads to the airport. I also walked him through checking prices on a trip he is going to make this summer.

He gets stuck on what seems easy or normal for me. He just had not been using his computer enough before. The more he uses it the more he gets out of it. I like helping him and it has brought us closer together.

My Mother on the other hand has mastered solitaire but that is it.

05-11-2007, 01:25 PM
My grandparents are 80 and 83 and got their first computer two years ago. :)

My grandfather was a teacher so he's information crazy. He's got binders over binders of things he's looked up and printed out. (all in plastic sheet protectors and stuff) :P My grandmother has her casino game disks that she's addicted to. hehe They LOVE the email system and get excited when someone sends them mail. It's really cute. :D

My grandparents :wub:


05-11-2007, 02:42 PM
My grandparents are 80 and 83 and got their first computer two years ago. :)

My grandfather was a teacher so he's information crazy. He's got binders over binders of things he's looked up and printed out. (all in plastic sheet protectors and stuff) :P My grandmother has her casino game disks that she's addicted to. hehe They LOVE the email system and get excited when someone sends them mail. It's really cute. :D

My grandparents :wub:


hehe my grandma is all about the casino games too sepra, if only that were real money she was winning :P

PuRe AnGeL
05-15-2007, 07:59 PM
i don't know how old my nan is, she's like almost 70 though and has been using a pc since she was at least 60. Put it this way, she knows more about a pc than i do. She can upload all her photo's that she's took on her camera, save them to disk, play them on a dvd. =D she's good. My g'dad on the other hand.. :eek: x]