View Full Version : recent UT3 review

05-22-2007, 02:59 PM

guy sounds like a noob! But... the fact that they'll add PC controls for X-box and PS3 makes me wonder if the movement will be as good instead of Nurfed.

05-25-2007, 05:36 PM
It will rock
im sure just look at the previous version i think they know what they are doing (cross my fingers) :)

or else u can always go play SS3 :D

06-01-2007, 01:51 PM
Just noticed that over at IGN they have set the release day to the 3 of september :)

06-01-2007, 02:24 PM
Just noticed that over at IGN they have set the release day to the 3 of september :)

Mark Rein (VP of Epic): "We don't know when the game will be released but it won't be ready in time for September 3rd. In addition the idea that we would release the game in the US and UK several weeks apart is just plain silly."

06-01-2007, 04:46 PM
Darn well maybe next year :)

06-16-2007, 06:31 PM
I got this the other day from EBgames

Dear Customer,

You have signed up to receive release date changes for:

Unreal Tournament 2007


Old Release Date - 9/3/2007
New Release Date - 11/1/2007

Thank you for visiting EBgames.com!

NOTE: The product release date is the best estimate as to when the product will become available. These dates are subject to change at anytime. EBGames.com is in constant communication with product vendors to provide you with the most accurate release dates possible.

06-16-2007, 06:49 PM
I got this the other day from EBgames

Dear Customer,

You have signed up to receive release date changes for:

Unreal Tournament 2007


Old Release Date - 9/3/2007
New Release Date - 11/1/2007

Thank you for visiting EBgames.com!

NOTE: The product release date is the best estimate as to when the product will become available. These dates are subject to change at anytime. EBGames.com is in constant communication with product vendors to provide you with the most accurate release dates possible.

hehe so it will be there 6 months ago? :P

06-17-2007, 12:17 AM
@Mr. Wiper. The way we express our dates here in the U.S. is
month/day/year. Y'all across the pond do it day/month/year I think.

Either way, it's probably going to be Christmas before that game comes out.

07-09-2007, 09:02 PM
your thoughts on:

1) will PS3 version be comparable to PC version for gameplay ?

2) do you think it will be possible to play PC and PS3 on same server ?

3) will the mouse/KB be up to par on PS3?

08-02-2007, 07:18 AM
I think the PS3 version and high end PC version would look and play almost the same

they have been talking about that option so console owners and pc owners could play against each, but noting released about it will happen or not

well if we should trust what they say the control should be the same as pc if u got a mouse and keyboard

08-07-2007, 03:04 PM
your thoughts on:

1) will PS3 version be comparable to PC version for gameplay ?

2) do you think it will be possible to play PC and PS3 on same server ?

3) will the mouse/KB be up to par on PS3?

Here are a few answers from gamespot :

PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 supporting keyboard, mouse Before he retired from his position at Sony Computer Entertainment, Ken Kutaragi declared that the PlayStation 3 would have many PC-like functions. This week saw confirmation that owners of the console will also be able to play at least one shooter using PC gamers' weapons of choice.

In a post on his company's official forums , Epic Games vice president Mark Rein revealed that both the PC and PlayStation 3 versions of Unreal Tournament 3 will have keyboard and mouse support. That's a first for the Sony console, which does allow keyboard entry of text for non-gameplay functions.

"I checked with [programmer] Steve Polge and he said that YES we are supporting keyboard and mouse in Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3," wrote Rein. [Emphasis in the original.] "He is confident we are doing it in a way that will be balanced without feeling 'gimped' for either side. We'll also allow people to choose whether or not they want to allow mixed controller vs. keyboard/mouse games or not."

As revealed at Sony's press conference at the E3 Media & Business Summit, Unreal Tournament 3 is coming out this year for the PC and PS3 only. It will allow cross-platform play between the two platforms, which will be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of keyboard/mouse support. Said support will also offer gamers the alternative of buying a $599 console or upgrading their PC without having to sacrifice traditional shooter controls.

Rein also confirmed that nothing is confirmed about keyboard/mouse support for the Xbox 360 version of Unreal Tournament 3, which is due out next year. "Nothing new to report about 360, sorry," he wrote. "As soon as we have a better idea on 360 release timeframe and features we'll announce it but don't expect any news on it before the end of this year."