View Full Version : Wife's New Rig

05-22-2007, 04:51 PM
Last November, I upgraded to dual core 939 system. That left a mobo/CPU available for my wife. Nothing special, but my Athlon XP 3200+ system beats her crappy celeron any day, and my AGP nvidia 6600 definitely wins over her integrated intel graphics!

So I've been waiting to do this, but she didn't have a case that would work - her's is a microATX. Her b-day is next weekend, though, so I decided to give in and buy her the case of her dreams:



So I set up the hardware just sitting on the desk this weekend so that I could get the new rig ready for her...except the mobo has apparently gone to the Great Parts Bin in the sky...

Ticked off, I ventured to Newegg to find out what a Socket A mobo would cost, if they even had any.

They had 2...one was 40, the other 140. I'm looking @ the 40 when I find an ad for a mobo and Athlon 64 3400+ for only 70...Hmmm, I think. Then I see an ad for a mobo and Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego core for only 105...

CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103037

MOBO: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131125

Throw in the PCIe vid card that I got 2nd hand from a buddy for $20 and my wife is looking at a rig that will play 90% of the games I play at least decently well.

Anyways, long story short...I got her a Case (w/ PSU, though it's probably crappy), Mobo, Cooling Fan(b/c the CPU comes OEM) and CPU for $198.66.

Add a decent vid card for 130 and a gig of RAM for 100 and you're looking at 430 for an entire upgrade, assuming that you've already got the peripherals...it's not top of the line, but this is a higher CPU than any of my local FPS buddies have...and they all perform well...What a deal!

Her next upgrade is going to be a gig of RAM, since she only has 512 right now...more accurately, my next upgrade is gonna be 2 gigs of RAM, and her next upgrade is going to be my current gig, I think! :D

Now all I gotta do is convince her to play something more impressive than Sims 2 :P