View Full Version : 32-bit vs 64-bit vista

07-16-2007, 01:48 PM
I am getting a new computer soon with a 64-bit processor, and I was wondering if it would be best to go with the 32-bit or the 64-bit operating system.

I read about it a little bit, and the only cons i saw for the 64-bit operating system were that you can't run 16-bit applications and you can't install unsigned drivers, are there any other things I should know about?

I've already checked out all the hardware on the computer and every piece has 64-bit drivers available.

07-16-2007, 02:29 PM
In general, unless you have a specific application that can benefit from 64-bit, it's not worth it yet. I can only think of a couple games that utilize it (Far Cry and UT2k4, I believe), and even then, the benefits are minimal.

As far as normal applications, most of the time they will not use 64-bit, unless you're using server software such as SQL Server, etc.

64-bit will cause a fair amount of software issues,though. You will have software that doesn't run, etc.

Basically, you're not going to see a performance increase, and you probably will experience compatability issues.

For now, I recommend getting 32-bit.

(Villains) Fragjunky
07-16-2007, 04:59 PM
me too and i have vista 64
there are loads of compatabilty issues absloutely everything i have tried to install i have had problems with
plus u can use old xp drivers on 32 bit vista and they work fine for most things so it easier and less hair loss with vista 32 bit

08-06-2007, 11:50 AM
A 64-bit pointer could address up to 16 exabytes. 64-bit versions of Windows have currently implemented up to 16 terabytes of address space.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-06-2007, 12:31 PM
Not trying to discourage you from asking questions here......but, AMD has a forum where you can see all the good and bad things concerning the use of a 64 bit operating system.


Oh, and congrats on your future build.

08-06-2007, 02:27 PM
And if u wanna use 4 GB of RAM u need 64 bit version also