View Full Version : Massive Signs Deal with EA for Ad Placement

07-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Massive Signs Deal with EA for Ad Placement

By BetaNews Staff, BetaNews
July 25, 2007, 4:21 PM
Microsoft's in-game advertising subsidiary Massive said Wednesday that it had penned a deal with Electronic Arts to place its ads in several popular games. Titles included in the deal are Madden NFL 08 and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 for Xbox 360 and PC, as well as NASCAR 08, NHL 08, and SKATE for the Xbox 360.

Massive will bring dynamic ads into each of the EA titles and allow for advertisers to keep their ad presence in games fresh and relevant. "The addition of EA's leading titles to our network represents a tremendous opportunity for brands targeting the youth demographic and sends a clear message that in-game advertising has arrived as a compelling medium for marketers," Massive CEO Cory Van Arsdale remarked.


07-26-2007, 02:18 PM
You have got to be freaking kidding me!!!

I can see it now .... right in the middle of Madden they are going to spew some Pizza Hut ad or in the middle of your round of golf some Coke ad will scroll across the screen. Damn money grubbing EA is the Devil, this is BS! :mad:

07-26-2007, 04:00 PM
im surprised they arent puttin em in BF2142 actually

and sho, i thought that too, and i still hate EA, but seeing an ACTUAL ad for future weapons on the discovery channel, or intel, or pepsi, adds SOOOO much to the game and makes it feel so much more immersive. and if they're gonna do it, them not making money would just be idiotic. i actually think in game ads are a good thing so long as they dont go overboard with it, and a little off the price because of the ads would be nice, but i doubt it since businesses = Greedy money grubbing bastids

07-26-2007, 04:39 PM
If i'm reading that correctly they have the option to change ads when they want to so it is going to be downloaded to you via the .net which is going to use bandwidth. One of the things i'm getting at is that I hope it does not cause more lag because most of these games mentioned are timing based, but I guess and hope they will have that worked out and not use us as guinea pigs to test it for them. I know for a fact that EA put the screws to it's Tiger Woods fans this past season by releasing a game that was severely lacking in the beta testing department and do not want to see a repeat of that crap at $40 a lesson.

I just think it is an invasion of our lives. I/we paid for these games to get away from the real world crap, now let us enjoy them in peace.

07-26-2007, 04:41 PM
I agree with Sho. The only time I would be OK with this is if I see a signficant reduction in price. If they start making games w/ ads like 29.99, then I might hop on board. Til then, stop polluting my escape with your crap.

Good thing EA doesn't make any games that I want to buy!

07-26-2007, 05:10 PM
well, at least with BF, they cant be changed once the map is loaded, and how they did it in that game, it didnt seem like an invasion at all, since alot of the maps are based in cities or other places where they would actually have advertisments and stuff like that, and they're all on billboards, so they're in the right place as well

07-31-2007, 06:29 AM
I have said it before and will say it again---EA SUCKS!!!!!

This is why I do not watch TV. Too many commercials that waste your life away. This will fail and modsters will breach this and infect many systems. All of this and people will still be dumb enough to pay for EA sh17.

07-31-2007, 12:35 PM
I have said it before and will say it again---EA SUCKS!!!!!

This is why I do not watch TV. Too many commercials that waste your life away. This will fail and modsters will breach this and infect many systems. All of this and people will still be dumb enough to pay for EA sh17.

yea, i still hate EA and everything they touch, but with Command and Conquer and games in the Battlefield series, ill still probably buy them simply out of loyalty to the series and the original developers, DICE for BF and Westwood Studios for CnC.