View Full Version : Ghosts/Spirits stories

02-20-2003, 12:55 AM
So do you beleive in it and share your freaky stories if so :) I don't have any myself but please share :D

02-20-2003, 03:17 AM
Well in all honesty i stayed in a haunted house 2 summers ago for a week.

and in all honesty stuff happened that was crazy. weird thumping in the middle of the night, lights turning on in the middle of the night, music starting up in the middle of the night, as well as banging on doors in the middle of the night.

in fact one instance my friend wanted to know what was causing the banging on the door, so he stayed right beside it and waited, when it banged and shook he quickly opened it and BAm, nothing. absolutly nothing.

oh yeah and the dog at their house often would follow things around the room with its eyes.. chasing it, but there was never any visable object to chase.

it was weird stuff. im not joking :online2long:

02-20-2003, 05:11 AM
Wow, crazy stuff raven :blink:
uhh....I once saw my cat poo.......and then it was like gone dude.........

Dangerous Dan
02-20-2003, 06:07 AM

Herbus Maximus
02-20-2003, 06:29 AM
Hello there! :wave: My wife and I have had several things happen to us over the years but recently we have been getting some wierd things showing up on film. After we had a kitchen light turn on, my wife started taking pictures. Out in the backyard she started getting pics of what people call Spirit Orbs. She then went out in the front yard and took pictures all over. This plasma was in our pine tree. And we are not certain why there is the orange mist either. In the camera view finder and just by looking around you couldn't see anything. Not certain what it is but it's freaking cool!! :w00t:

02-20-2003, 12:54 PM
Ive had one strange thing happen to me. It was a sinister laugh that came from the side of my bed near my wall
im not sure if i was dreaming or awake....it was so real :unsure:
may of been a night terror, i dont know.
it wasnt deep voice, wasnt high pitched.....sounded like a gremlin or something

And me and neo have done some dumb things involving a haunted house
theres this house off trip road about 7-8 miles away from us
well the people who lived there were murdered by there own son and then he shot himself
this was a good 15-20 years ago
the house is scary as hell and we had our doubts about going in there
i mean just driving done the road its on is scary enough because its like a 2 mile long road that dead ends with the house......and theres an abandoned train track that runs through it too
anyways me and aaron (Neo) got ballsy one day and decided to go out there around 2 in the morning and take pictures
we both stood in the spot where they had to cut carpet out of the floor because of the blood stain
took pictures
we have yet to develop them to this day.
and we did this a good 9-10 months ago or so at least
suppose we should develop the film to see if anything weird was caught by the camera

ill give aaron the link to this thread in case he wants to say something about it

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-20-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by =DOA|MH=Ravenous@Feb 20 2003, 04:54 AM
Ive had one strange thing happen to me. It was a sinister laugh that came from the side of my bed near my wall
im not sure if i was dreaming or awake....it was so real :unsure:
may of been a night terror, i dont know.
it wasnt deep voice, wasnt high pitched.....sounded like a gremlin or something

And me and neo have done some dumb things involving a haunted house
theres this house off trip road about 7-8 miles away from us
well the people who lived there were murdered by there own son and then he shot himself
this was a good 15-20 years ago
the house is scary as hell and we had our doubts about going in there
i mean just driving done the road its on is scary enough because its like a 2 mile long road that dead ends with the house......and theres an abandoned train track that runs through it too
anyways me and aaron (Neo) got ballsy one day and decided to go out there around 2 in the morning and take pictures
we both stood in the spot where they had to cut carpet out of the floor because of the blood stain
took pictures
we have yet to develop them to this day.
and we did this a good 9-10 months ago or so at least
suppose we should develop the film to see if anything weird was caught by the camera

ill give aaron the link to this thread in case he wants to say something about it
Yikes! :w00t:

You must have been born with 3 balls.

That was pretty brave of you. :jammin:

02-20-2003, 01:13 PM
you wouldnt of said that had you heard me and aaron giggle like school girls saying
"You go first.....Nooooo you go....NO dude, your idea to come out here, you go.... hehehe no man im not going, you go....FVVVCK you ....u go"
but at least we didnt hold hands walking in :w00t:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-20-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by =DOA|MH=Ravenous@Feb 20 2003, 05:13 AM
you wouldnt of said that had you heard me and aaron giggle like school girls saying
"You go first.....Nooooo you go....NO dude, your idea to come out here, you go.... hehehe no man im not going, you go....FVVVCK you ....u go"
but at least we didnt hold hands walking in :w00t:
:rofl: :rofl: :thumbs:
you're funny!!

Mr Clean
02-20-2003, 01:52 PM
I heard this voice one time.....it was real quite. It kept saying "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid....". At first I couldn't tell where it was coming from....but I kept hearing it, and the voice was getting excited as it kept saying "Don't be afraid".

Finally I was able to tell it was coming from behind the closet door. I don't know what in the hell I was thinking, but I crept over there and opened the door. Inside....

was Sal and DL....I'm still in therapy over it..... :P

02-20-2003, 03:38 PM

02-20-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by =DOA|MH=Ravenous@Feb 20 2003, 07:54 AM
Ive had one strange thing happen to me. It was a sinister laugh that came from the side of my bed near my wall
im not sure if i was dreaming or awake....it was so real :unsure:
may of been a night terror, i dont know.
it wasnt deep voice, wasnt high pitched.....sounded like a gremlin or something
Dude I've had the same thing happen to me,

When I was in 4th grade I slept in my brothers room with him since we were playing games all night, and we were going to a theme park the next day (I was on the bed and he was on the floor u nasty minded people)
Well anyhoo, I was laying down and I woke up all of a sudden, I know I was awake, then I layed their looking at the celing wondering what time it was, then all of a sudden this evil laughter just interrupts the silence, you really couldnt hear where it was coming from but it was so loud. So I am freeking scared ****less so i sit up and I still here it,then I remember the voice sounded like it was coming from outside, but was just too clear. It was this weird old guy voice, just laughing. So then I wake up my brother and he says he heard nothing. Very scary story :(

02-20-2003, 03:52 PM
yeah, if theres one thing i remember for sure about the voice is it was soooo clear
i mean there was no mistaking it.....it was wierd to say the least.

02-20-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by =DOA|MH=Ravenous@Feb 20 2003, 10:52 AM
yeah, if theres one thing i remember for sure about the voice is it was soooo clear
i mean there was no mistaking it.....it was wierd to say the least.
Same here, I still wonder wtf it was to this day :unsure:

Mr Clean
02-20-2003, 04:05 PM
When I was a kid there were a number of old abandoned farm houses and barns a few miles down. They were old farmland that just hadn't been turned into subdivisions yet.

My pal Andy and I went into an ancient looking house one day. As we were walking around we kept hearing a clinking sound, like you hear when glass cups bump into each other. It got louder as we got closer to the basement stairs. It was pretty dark down there except for some light that came in from a couple of small windows. We slowly crept down the stairs, the old wooden steps moaning with every step. As we got maybe one or two steps from the bottom I grabbed Andy's arm, because sitting at a table near the far wall was an old man. He had a long gray beard, and was pouring something from a bottle into a glass (hence the clinking sound).

I asked Andy "Do you see that?" He said "What?" I said "That old timer sitting against the wall?" He realized what I was talking about even before I finished the last sentence, because when I looked at him his face went white.

What really freaked me out was, as we stared at him, I realized he was sitting on a chair, but I could still see the chair....then, almost like he had read my mind that I realized this was a ghost, he stopped raising his glass about halfway between the table and his mouth, and snapped his head our way and stared at us....

I didn't run back up those stairs, I FLEW up them. I didn't see this, but Andy told me later he started to grab the bottle with his other hand as we turned and bolted back upstairs. As we reached the top of the stairs we heard a loud crash like a bottle being broken.....I think he threw it at us....

We set Olympic records riding are bikes back to the nearest store.

No bull****, this happened when I was about 10.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-20-2003, 04:12 PM
And come laundry day: "Johnny, did you poop your pants again?" :rofl:

02-20-2003, 04:13 PM

Dude that is so freaky, you tell stories so good, with so much detail I can see the old guy their, with his farm hat on and his suspenders.I will come up with a theory on why he is their.

02-20-2003, 04:15 PM
OK my theory is that he was a raging alcholic who paid no attention to his family, he had a chair and a table down in the basement because that's where he came down to drink and get away from everyone. Soon his family died and he was the only one left, he was in such a state of trauma and shock when he died he could not pass on to the other world, his spirit stayed in the basement where he just drinks and drinks and drinks.

That's my theory.

02-20-2003, 04:42 PM
whoa thats freaky
ive never really heard of people actually seeing a ghost full human form and all
usually just mist and orbs.....and i have never thought mist and orbs to be ghosts at all
if you wanna see some wierd pictures and read ghost storys to accompany them i suggest you go to Artbell (http://www.artbell.com)
good site if your in the mood for freaky happenings....they have wierd pictures like yetis and tree demons
all of em look fake imo
sept maybe a select few but still....interesting specially if your in the mood

02-20-2003, 05:04 PM
Ok, i've always been a chicken and hid under the blankets (and if i'm alone I still do it till this day I might add :huh:) and this topic is freaking me out. No i've never had a creepy encounters but my mother and stepfather told me some stories about a house we used to live in when I was 8yrs old. Actually that's when I think I started being afraid of the dark. hmmm interesting. The house was over 150 years old and I guess some freaky things happened like missing things that were searched for everywhere and then months later it would be placed right in the middle of the desk or something. Ok, yes I believe in ghost. Does the mear idea make me piss myself? Do I torture myself till no end with horror movies such as Poltergeist? HELL YEAH!

02-20-2003, 05:04 PM
About 15 years ago a friend of mine drowned in Reed's Lake a couple miles from our house. He was in high school then and I was still in middle school. I stayed up late to watch the news, and they reported that he didn't drown in water, but in silt. After the news broadcast, I went up to bed.

Later that night I thought that I had heard someone calling my name, and when I woke up, I swear I saw him standing in my room. I screamed like a banshee. My sister said that she saw him as she ran into my room, but she was even younger.

Still creeps me out.

My dad died in August, and my little nephew was running around my sisters place talking about him one day. Kate (my sister) asked him what he was talking about, and he said that he saw "Peppy" (his name for my Dad) and they talked a little bit up in his room. That freaks me out too, but that is something I would expect my Dad to do.. :P

02-20-2003, 05:13 PM
Ok thinking about that damn house and the word "torture" in the same post. You wanna hear torture? The house was freakin huge and I slept on the second floor by myself I might add. Because the house was so large it had two seperate full sized attics. One door was down the hall from my bedroom and the other door to the upper attic stairs.........guess where.........my bedroom! Torture......complete torture. Not to mention I had a damn picture window in my room without a shade. NO LIE. I used to hate my bedroom.

02-20-2003, 05:32 PM
This site has some weird stories


Mr Clean
02-20-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Snip3r@Feb 20 2003, 10:15 AM
OK my theory is that he was a raging alcholic who paid no attention to his family, he had a chair and a table down in the basement because that's where he came down to drink and get away from everyone. Soon his family died and he was the only one left, he was in such a state of trauma and shock when he died he could not pass on to the other world, his spirit stayed in the basement where he just drinks and drinks and drinks.

That's my theory.
That's a pretty good theory actually...

I've heard that natural stone foundations help channel ghost "energy" or whatever they call it and that is why older buildings (which are usually stone) have many more sightings....

02-20-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Feb 20 2003, 02:16 PM
That's a pretty good theory actually...

I've heard that natural stone foundations help channel ghost "energy" or whatever they call it and that is why older buildings (which are usually stone) have many more sightings....
I was thinking that too. Very weird sighting though...ph34r

Intense Fury
02-22-2003, 04:36 AM
ok i might have two...............

Ok i was at my Grandmas house and there is (was now) this abbanndoned house in front of her house. ok one day me and my cousin (Casey) both of us accually believed and still do belive in Spirits. ok One day we wnt over there regular skateboard tricks grinding hanrail and all of that well we got thirsty :drink: so we went accross the street to my Grandmas house and we got a Pepsi :drink: We came back out and we started talkin about this and that and we started talkin about ghosts. we looked everwhere with a little Ghost hunt we went around the house and everything ok we couldnt find any old thing to mess aroun with so we looked at the House accross the street we went inside my grandmas house and we watched tv to get the stuff out of our heads.

Everything is out of our heads. We ate dinner and then went back outside. We looked at the old abbandoned car over there. then we started lookin around we looked at the car again there was this teenaged boy standing there he looked at us and run or flew to us we were on the porch when this happened so we turned around and went inside and looked back out and it was gone.

That night when we got home my mom told me that there was a teenaged boy that dieded in the 70's back then they had funerals in your house still freaks us out till this day!!!!!!

02-22-2003, 04:48 AM
holy sheet

Intense Fury
02-22-2003, 04:49 AM
that is a good one
but true

Intense Fury
02-22-2003, 07:49 PM

Intense Fury
02-22-2003, 07:54 PM
hey Snip3r great link im goin to send my story there :jammin:

Intense Fury
02-22-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by =DOA|MH=Ravenous@Feb 20 2003, 07:54 AM
Ive had one strange thing happen to me. It was a sinister laugh that came from the side of my bed near my wall
im not sure if i was dreaming or awake....it was so real :unsure:
may of been a night terror, i dont know.
it wasnt deep voice, wasnt high pitched.....sounded like a gremlin or something

And me and neo have done some dumb things involving a haunted house
theres this house off trip road about 7-8 miles away from us
well the people who lived there were murdered by there own son and then he shot himself
this was a good 15-20 years ago
the house is scary as hell and we had our doubts about going in there
i mean just driving done the road its on is scary enough because its like a 2 mile long road that dead ends with the house......and theres an abandoned train track that runs through it too
anyways me and aaron (Neo) got ballsy one day and decided to go out there around 2 in the morning and take pictures
we both stood in the spot where they had to cut carpet out of the floor because of the blood stain
took pictures
we have yet to develop them to this day.
and we did this a good 9-10 months ago or so at least
suppose we should develop the film to see if anything weird was caught by the camera

ill give aaron the link to this thread in case he wants to say something about it
I have had that lause too man scary

Drunken Warrior
02-23-2003, 08:31 PM
I guess I won't walk around the house naked anymore :bawling:

Dang ghostly peeping Toms :bandhead:

02-23-2003, 08:48 PM

Intense Fury
02-23-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Drunken Warrior@Feb 23 2003, 03:31 PM
I guess I won't walk around the house naked anymore :bawling:

Dang ghostly peeping Toms :bandhead:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mr Clean
02-24-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Drunken Warrior@Feb 23 2003, 02:31 PM
I guess I won't walk around the house naked anymore :bawling:

Dang ghostly peeping Toms :bandhead:
This is by far and away the scariest thing I've read yet.... :P