View Full Version : My Walk with XP Pro 64bit

Caged Anger
09-03-2007, 02:00 PM
I was formatting anyway so I gave it a go. I gotta say the speed increase was incredable to me, everything that is programmed for 64 puts the 32 programs to shame. I was able to find drivers easily enough and have gone about putting everything back together. 64 bit IE is amazing, every page loads super fast and downloads stayed at a higher speed longer than before.

However, the system frequently hangs and getting updates in has been near impossible. Its a shame that 64 bit hasn't come along further as it is a great thing. I will likely uninstall just about all the programs and leave the video conversion tools (I have yet to try, but I'm willing to bet they go a lot faster now). I'll reinstall 32 bit winblows and get things back to normal.