View Full Version : The Time Has Come!

Caged Anger
09-07-2007, 01:36 PM

It is your time to rise up! For long have you laid idle in front of your computer screens, wasting away your time when you should be pooling your resources to find the next great game!

Serious Sam brought this site together and with every passing year the game dies more and the site goes with it. If you laugh at this post, you its your loss, but I propose that we endeavor to combine our resources and make the jump to the next great coop game! (Granted, combining our brainpower maybe comes close to that of a 5 year old...*cough....Sirc)

Yea with me? :cool:

First we need to figure out what we loved about sam...

Caged Anger
09-07-2007, 10:18 PM
you know the funny thing is this post has 53 views so far and no one posts a reply...

leads one to think the majority don't care if GM exists or not...interesting

Mad Fox
09-07-2007, 11:39 PM
I like strategy

09-07-2007, 11:46 PM
i dont like the moderator view post thing, when did that come in :confused:

09-08-2007, 02:30 AM
you know the funny thing is this post has 53 views so far and no one posts a reply...

leads one to think the majority don't care if GM exists or not...interesting

nothing about sam ever came close to impressing me, and GM aint the same it used to be

Asian Invasian
09-08-2007, 02:37 AM
ok, halo 3

09-08-2007, 02:49 AM
ehh, i dont get into the halo hype, the games felt nice to play, but i didnt really feel like it was anything ground breaking, definately well above average, but not as great as people make it out to be

09-08-2007, 03:17 AM
um, the new seirous engine looks promising! :D its so similar to the latest Unreal one. very realistic. whos pC is the most powerful!?

09-08-2007, 04:09 AM
ehh, i dont get into the halo hype, the games felt nice to play, but i didnt really feel like it was anything ground breaking, definately well above average, but not as great as people make it out to be

You represent the gaming majority well because there will always be one person who says that about a game. I think it's almost become cliche that there is at least a small minority with a dissenting opinion which uses the words "hype", "ground breaking", and "above average, but not as great as people make it out to be" in the same train of thought.

When a game comes out and it receives good reviews from certain gaming sites then people like you and me come in and decide to chime in with our "Well it could have been better..." or to state it in a more explicit way "I don't care what everyone else thinks and I, as an individual and an avid gamer, have decided to take a stance on this game while allows me to both mediate my judgment and sound like I have a good opinion."

I think we all think that way at one point or another. Personally I think that the iPod is a, and I'll even quote myself for the sake of proving a point, "...great device which offers a decent array of features but fails to impress me in other areas...." I have just stated NOTHING, or at least something that's as good as an empty opinion. To me it's the same as seeing the "This movie sucked ass" threads on the IMDB forums. To me it even sounds like those people have a better idea of what they are talking about since they seem to feel very strongly about that movie.

Now I can agree that everyone states something from their own personal standpoint, but if that statement is both bold and it suspends your opinion between liking something and not liking something then you have just stated the obvious. Thus proving that you are not speaking as an individual but as the majority who thinks just like you.

I hope that made sense and it seems that when a person speaks on the behalf of the majority then they either sound like they are stating the obvious and not necessarily adding or deducting (by blatant trashing) from the subject at hand.

ANYWAY, I just like to write down my thoughts it makes me feel somehow fulfilled. To reply to the actual subject at hand I think that finding a new game for GM to get into is a good endeavor; however, it may prove to be somewhat unsuccessful. You, Caged, must realize that the community has changed and many good players and members have left so we aren't the same as we used to be. I think the GM community has shifted from being dedicated to gaming (namely serious sam) to being more dedicated to "Off Topic" discussion. If we could pick out a handful of dedicated gamers I don't think that they would be able to agree on just what game to play. Personally I wouldn't not be willing to play any MMORPG's or strategy games.

If everyone who wishes to find this magical game that will reunite GM then by all means upgrade your systems and get on the UT3 bandwagon. It's a great series and it's fast-paced just like ssam. Granted some would have advantage over the others since not all of GM has had prior UT experience but I'm sure we could work out a clan system where some could train and improve their skills while others play competitively. But so far UT2004, Quake 4, Call of Duty 2, DAoC, WoW, have failed to unite us so I can't see how another game, unless it truly catches the interest of GM, will.

09-08-2007, 04:10 AM
um, the new seirous engine looks promising! :D its so similar to the latest Unreal one. very realistic. whos pC is the most powerful!?

biggs...by far im guessing, haha

09-08-2007, 07:47 AM
biggs...by far im guessing, haha

no he uses AMD so it cant be :D j/k Bigg please dont hurt me :o

09-08-2007, 07:55 AM
Its just to bad there never was done more for the DM part of SS it would have lasted even longer if there had been more server settings
weapons and pow ups disabel/enable stuff
and even more missed is a map download feature
sadly Croteam never realised what they had going and never evolved the game further :(

09-08-2007, 03:28 PM
The community - This community was built on A game (singular) Sam and although limited to just a small, limited core group, that normally that can sustain a community 'for a while'.

"The game" aka Sam - The game was not updated and or patched in properly working versions which would continue to interest the community and more importantly new people.

New people - Without new versions of "the game" to bring new people into the community and making it grow even bigger and/or continuing to refill the spaces left by people leaving the game for various reasons, the community's numbers dwindle down to a small core group which is where we are today.

Game servers - Game servers are the hands down #1 biggest draw for a community. An example, when the Q3 servers were going we had a continuous flow of new people coming in, the server was stopped and the flow dried up.

Too blind to see the light - Much better games were offered here and for one reason or the other they never caught on or continued on.

Shooter and PC games - This one is probably the #1 thing .... Outside of the MMORPGs, interest in games for PCs are on a decline.

Consoles games - Consoles are more popular these days and the community/leadership never evolved to keep up with this trend.

Change - Over time people's interests change, their priorities change, their lives change and they move on.

Leadership - We have real lives too, our interests change, don't have the time to devote to do what we used to do, etc .... the list goes on. Some people in charge failed for one reason or the other to keep up with the times and/or they do and can't get people to follow them, they eventually they say WTF and give up trying.

Those are the reasons why "GM ain't the same it used to be".

09-08-2007, 07:24 PM
Caged, I like this thread and think it's a great topic if it relates to the reason why you created it.

First let me start off by saying I will always have the fastest and most powerful system or systems in this community. I mean that overall and if anyone ever challenged me on that I would use all I had to make my point. I just cannot allow it any other way :P !!!!!

Ok well I too would of liked to see something come out and bring a community together as SAm was once just that. I tried a few times with the last COD2 which by far is a great game.

Many points were made here that made sense. I started to thik about tit and it's true everyone has a real life and things change. I myself am here in spurts not because I don't want to come here (some times maybe) but I am dealing with a lot of new things in life such as having a wife with stage 4 cancer, restructuting the business, and raising a little girl. All of these responsibilities take over everything including arguing over a political opinion. These things do run a personas life and I am sure all adults can relate to these daily responsibilities.

So the question is what game will do what sam did? The truth is there is no game out there to do that because you can not account the reason for GM to the survival. At least not entirely. Like I said I tried this with a few games and it just did not get the support.

The answer is right in front of you. As I started thinking about it the truth is that there is no one game but if you look at this forum and see where everyone is you can figure it out. The Outlaws crew is the perfect example and with that I will explain why the answer is if you can not see it.

The outlaws and a few others have been together and going strong outside of sam for years. Why???? Because they play a game with a lot of people from GM and they communicate within that game. It may seem as if they are not part of GM but more than anyone else they are doing more than any other clan or group is in this community. That's the answer!!!! You see they have a community in a community and that is what works because they are having their fun and maintaining with those involved in the same game. Just like there are people still playing and involved within the sam community. the DS crew is involved with UT. This is the answer to the true question. You need to get involved with a game you enjoy and find others that enjoy it also. The organization will grow and you will notice that many of your posts will be involved within that org or game. It's so simple yet people are still looking for that one game to bring a once small community back to the same feeling. GM is much larger and may continue to grow. Playing any game will allow you to meet new people where you may make a few friends. Those friends will bring you to there spot or better you will bring them here where you will start a larger group that pertains to your game of choice.

There are groups here having more fun than they did in the sam days. I honestly think people need to move on and find a game they really enjoy and see how may others would try it. This is how it starts. I think the next thread that relates tothis subject should really relate to a particular game you are enjoy and currently playing and seeing of others have tried it and would they like to get together. This forum would have no problem creating another game subject that involves people. This forum no longer relates to one game and has not for years. People just need to understand that and once they do they will find it easier to be part of a community within the community. Honestly the clans here really should be pushing this or those people within the clans need to find a clan that relates to the game they enjoy to play.:thumbs:

09-09-2007, 01:20 PM
Repeating myself :cool:

Try Nexuiz for a while. I know it's a shame you need to wait a several minutes to download the 200mb and that almost all PCs can run it cuz of the "terrible" graphics. But it's fun for sure. Awesome gaming mods, great music, still getting updated and!!!!! an auto mapdownload :D

09-09-2007, 04:20 PM
I started to thik about tit

Typical :)

09-09-2007, 06:30 PM
Typical :)


sepra wins the day

09-12-2007, 11:50 PM
So, is GM still "Where Serious Gamers Meet", or not??! I admit, I haven't been spending much time playing Sam or COD lately, or inputting my 2 cents in GM like I should... basically due to family responsibilities I've had to deal with for the past year and a half (btw, I'll be burying my mom this Friday, to whom I've found out just recently didn't have life insurance); I'm seeing many of my fellow TGR comrades leaving for whatever reason, and I feel, too, my time here is also coming to a near end, due to making a career change and dedicating more time to improving my health and well being. But as long as there's a good online game out there, I'll keep playing, whether I'm still with GM or not.... I just won't be spending as much of my spare time as I used to.

09-13-2007, 04:28 AM
mpulse, I am sorry to hear about your mom. I am curious though what life insurance has to do with it when I am sorry for your loss. Best of wishes to your family at this time and again sorry for your loss.

09-13-2007, 04:31 AM
Typical :)

Although my proof reading and typing sucks, you know me:D .

09-14-2007, 12:46 AM
(btw, I'll be burying my mom this Friday, to whom I've found out just recently didn't have life insurance)

Someone needs to call the police.

09-14-2007, 10:27 PM
mpulse, I am sorry to hear about your mom. I am curious though what life insurance has to do with it when I am sorry for your loss. Best of wishes to your family at this time and again sorry for your loss.

Sorry to hear of your loss, MPulse...

I think maybe he means the " final expenses" coverage of a policy, Biggs. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can understand where it could be an issue....:(

:wave: Hey Sirc !!!

09-14-2007, 10:58 PM
Yeah I would think that would be what he could of been referring to (I hope). No matter what there is always a way and I am just sad for his or her loss. I always have this mentality to worry about money later because I always feel no matter what things will work out the way it's intended to.

09-15-2007, 12:36 AM
:wave: Hey Sirc !!!


09-15-2007, 02:36 AM
What I meant was all the past 5 years since her husband died, my mom had assured the family that "everything is taken care of". Aside from her ahlzheimers (I hope I spelled that right), we all assumed she was telling us the truth, so no one checked on it. Well as it turns out, she didn't have insurance to cover her funeral expenses, and with me being her only son, I had to take care of it out of my own pocket. Hopefully, certain family members that my mom helped "raise" will step up and offer to help with the burial costs. Instead, I had people come up to me today shortly after the graveside ceremony and asked if my mom had "left them anything" (??!!!) This kind of greediness and self-centerness really pissed me off... so I hope I answered any questions that was generated from my first post on this thread.

solid snake295
09-15-2007, 08:51 PM
me = WOW addict :wave:
anyone else still playing? (that is, anyone that has the time to stop playing and read this post lol)

09-16-2007, 12:03 AM
What I meant was all the past 5 years since her husband died, my mom had assured the family that "everything is taken care of". Aside from her ahlzheimers (I hope I spelled that right), we all assumed she was telling us the truth, so no one checked on it. Well as it turns out, she didn't have insurance to cover her funeral expenses, and with me being her only son, I had to take care of it out of my own pocket. Hopefully, certain family members that my mom helped "raise" will step up and offer to help with the burial costs. Instead, I had people come up to me today shortly after the graveside ceremony and asked if my mom had "left them anything" (??!!!) This kind of greediness and self-centerness really pissed me off... so I hope I answered any questions that was generated from my first post on this thread.

Wow man that sucks. I can't imagine how you held back from cracking one of them. Hopefully things get easy on ya. Once again, sorry about your loss.

09-16-2007, 12:11 AM
Yep me too, i'm sorry to hear that Mpulse.

09-24-2007, 07:57 PM
Thanks, guys.... I'm moving on with my life now...

09-24-2007, 08:41 PM
Thanks, guys.... I'm moving on with my life now...

Good luck, Mpulse. Hope everything will be allright.

He Is Legend
09-25-2007, 03:36 AM
Thanks, guys.... I'm moving on with my life now...

It's all good Mpulse, keep your chin up :)

09-25-2007, 11:15 AM
So sorry to hear that:(
best wishes Mpulse!

09-25-2007, 02:44 PM
Good luck ... We will leave the door unlocked for you because you will be back, no one leaves for good.