View Full Version : When the time does come...

09-15-2007, 12:48 AM
...what do you think will happen? I mean death. I've believed almost all of my life that we are simply intelligent animals, and when we die, we simply cease to exist. And I'm fine with that. It's not like I'll care anyway.

I'd like to be buried in a simple pine box, or even without a box at all, somewhere out in a secluded area, and have an oak tree planted on top of me. Eventually, the tree would consume the nutrients from my body, and I would literally become the tree. I wouldn't be aware of it of course, but I like the idea.

I'd like to hear you ideas. Granted, this will no doubt spur some religious beliefs, and that's fine, as long as this doesn't get turned into a flame war. Practice tolerance please. This is a very personal subject. Respect the personal feelings of others.

09-15-2007, 01:40 AM
I've believed almost all of my life that we are simply intelligent animals, and when we die, we simply cease to exist.

I guess you didnt see the movie All dogs go to heaven. :rolleyes:

09-15-2007, 02:30 AM
I think we simply cease to exist..

but I think we will someday evolve to a point where we are able to leave our bodies BEFORE we die.

but thats 1000s of years away at least

Caged Anger
09-15-2007, 02:36 AM
So many theories about a subject I doubt we will ever know the true answer to...

Top Picks:
3) Life is like a movie "Please be kind, rewind"
2) Life is constantly ending but its only when we've had enough we choose to die



09-15-2007, 09:10 AM
I've thought about death many times , and it makes me really afraid . :(

09-15-2007, 02:42 PM
I'd like to believe there is something in the afterlife, but my gut tells me this is it, try and make the best of it.
so while your gut tells u this is it ur still trying to make the best of it.
i would call that awarness, which derives from the fact that we are spiritual beings. and no matter what ur gut says i still call that awarness.

Mad Fox
09-15-2007, 05:17 PM
I am not concerned with the afterlife. I think I need to make the best of this life.

Asian Invasian
09-15-2007, 05:59 PM
I think the more we progress as humans the smarter we get and the more we realize there is no supreme being through logic and reason. Many people would like to beleive there is a supreme being out there because of the fact that they are scared to no longer live. IMO i don't beleive in God, but how the hell did we come from nothing? No one is ever going to figure this out, faith is just blind beleiving. Many people can look at it like this: If you beleive in God and there is a God you go to heaven. If beleive in God and there is no God nothing happens. If you don't beleive in God and he does exist you go to hell. I guess its a win win situation but I can force myself agains my logic.

09-15-2007, 06:55 PM
The unconscious fractures from the conscious mind. Your question is to lengthy for me to write so I'll point to one website.


09-15-2007, 07:03 PM
Sir by creating this thread, the firstthing that came to my mind if you were ok and that I hope you are not planning anything stupid. I pray not and will add my input. Seriously though, I hope you realise how precious life is.

I do not think people should be too concerned about the after life. What I mean by that is dont worry too much about tomorrow when you have the entire day to enjoy. With that I do suggest you live that day so that tomorrow will be just as great. I believe each day is a gift. Actually I believe every second is. There was a movie about a fallen angel who fellinlove with a girl and she ended up dying when he gave up his angel status. The reason I bring this up is there was a part at the end when another angel asked him if he knew this was going to happen would he have fallen and I think his name nick cage said yes just to smell her hair it was worth it. After watching that movie I thought about what he said and it's true. The simple things in life that are more important and refreshing. You know if you ask yourself what so bad in life the truth is the only thing bad in life is the way we think. Some may say that life is full of evil but if you are not evil you will ok. Sadness is part of life also but it's a gift. It's what makes you human. Usually people make life to be so bad because of their state of mind. Wake up in the morning and feel great about everything and see how your day goes. Wake up and feel like shit and see how your day goes. As I get older I am learning to put a side things that really are not important as the thing that are.

At the end of the day whether it happens in the next few minutes or years from now, I will be gratefull for the life that was given to me regardless of the problems I have been faced with. Really life is great and I will look at the good things and the bad things I have done to fellow humans and reflect upon them. I belive there is life after life. I believe in god but I believe in it/him differently then many others. I believe we are all shiny lights and the more you do the brighter you will shine. Everyday we live we effect someones life. It good happen when you give the finger to someone for cutting you off or the hey how ya feeling to the clerk at the store. That what Life is all about. When I die the only concern I have is that those around me are taking care of and they all know that I loved them. Think about it, do you think the last thing you are going to think about is the person you had a fight with a day ago or someone you love and you will be leaving. My daughter is the most important thing in my life right now and I pray always that I am going to be able to see her grow. I am sad my wife will not have that chance and although I believe in God I am not a believer of miracles in such ways as I believe things in life happen for a reason. I know what is to come and I will deal with it and pray that I have strength to overcome it but what ever happens I expect it meant to be as I leave it in Gods hands.

I believe that people should think of the after life. If they believe in God or not, it helps them reflect on their life a sthey live it. I do this all of the time. I have made changes several times. Sometimes good sometimes bad. I am no saint as shocking as that may seem to you all. I believe we are all human. A question I ask many times to people is if anyone knew the truth of the after life or about God, would their life be changed and or would they live differently maybe less greedy or more loving? WOuld people like hitler or Bin Laden live different? The answer is in my belief your ticket to heaven.

09-15-2007, 07:42 PM
Yeah, it's quite a stumper of a topic for me, for many reasons.

#1) I was brought up in a very, very religious family. Both my parents are very devout Christians, and it's how I was raised. I absolutely went through what would classically be defined as a 'bible-thumping' phase. I still carry a fair amount of that with me.

#2) I have full-blooded Native American ancestry (My grandmother was born and raised on a reservation) and I very much believe I have a lot of that mindset ingrained in me when it comes to spirituality.

#3) I also have a strong "hippie" vein in me that juxtaposes nicely with the Native American viewpoint of spirituality.

So I absolutely believe in some sort of "Afterlife", I just really don't know how to put it together.

I VIVIDLY remember watching a movie in my high-school psychology class when we were discussing the human soul. This movie covered a scientist who did research on terminally-ill patients who agreed to be a part of this study. They were placed in beds that were highly accurate scales. This was an OLD movie - horn rimmed glasses era. I remember it showing when some of these people died, you DAMN sure saw the needle on the scale drop a bit. This was measuring like hundreths of an ounce, but all these scales did drop. The belief being that it was registering the soul leaving the body at the time of death.

Now if there is a soul, doesn't it stand to reason that it will go somewhere when you die?

Here's an interesting thought that we were sitting around discussing one time way back in the day when a group of us were tripping on acid....
You know how all those near-death experiences talk about the long dark tunnel with the light at the end... hearing voices calling from that light... often urging you forward...
That's a whole lot like birth, isn't it? Like a baby coming out of the birth canal... everyone huddled around the mother urging her on, etc. Heh. That was some seriously profound stuff at the time, and I still think it's an interesting concept.

There is one thing I DAMN well do know - if after I die I don't get that whole 'universal knowledge' thing where I know the answers to all of Life's questions... man I am going to be REALLY PISSED off. I want to know who killed Kennedy. I want to know where Hoffa is. I want to know if OJ did it. I want to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.

All in all, it's always an interesting topic to me. And yeah, life is precious though and you have to live every minute of it!


09-15-2007, 08:14 PM
Universe existed as does life finds a way to exist. It’s interesting to know and I believe that life is everything which includes this whole universe. When I look up to the sky at night I see living energy in planets, stars etc. This enormous universe that I know of is a part of me, and I a part of it. Who is to say how old it is when it fact it has no beginning and no ending. Death to me is similar where it fades off when the body is no longer to function but the energy or what most people believe spirit lives on in a form of no ending and no beginning. I will never understand its nature and its course.

09-15-2007, 08:42 PM
Sir by creating this thread, the firstthing that came to my mind if you were ok and that I hope you are not planning anything stupid. I pray not and will add my input. Seriously though, I hope you realise how precious life is.

No no. I'm fine Bigg. Seriously. :)

I'm not sure what prompted me to post this. Several things came into play. Probably the main driver was a recent talk I had with my dad. He's almost 80, and he's becoming more and more aware of his own mortality as he gets older. It's interesting how he has changed his thoughts about "when the time comes" over the years. He is religious, so he believes that his soul is already taken care of, but the body he leaves behind is another matter.

At one point he was planning to be buried in the family plot next to my mom. Then he decided to donate his body to science. That one didn't thrill me too much because I wasn't sure how much "closure" there would be knowing that first year medical students were hacking away at his body in some university somewhere. Then he decided he was going to be cremated and have his ashes spread on my mom's grave. Just recently he brought up the idea of having his ashes divided up and put into four urns - one for each of his sons. All of us told him to forget that idea - no one wanted dad on the mantle, lol.

solid snake295
09-15-2007, 09:21 PM
i believe that its just like falling asleeping and never waking up, nothings going to happen, my soul isnt going to fly away into the clouds or some crap like that.
when my time comes, for my funeral, i want to be catipulted into my grave, because that would be simply awesome. if there is no afterlife, well, at least everyone will be having fun taking turns on the catipult. If there is an afterlife, i guess ill be looking down, laughing my ass off everytime they miss the grave and have to reload my corpse. hahaha

seroiusly though... could someone make sure that happens for me? :rofl:

09-16-2007, 12:25 PM
He's almost 80, and he's becoming more and more aware of his own mortality as he gets older.

Yeah, this is wierd isn't it?

My folks have been bringing things like this up more and more lately as well. They aren't as old as him so hopefully they still have a good chunk of time left and such.

However - now and then I am starting to hear things like 'Oh, well I'll make sure that it's marked down that that is to go to you'. Which always is a little wierd to me.


09-16-2007, 06:06 PM
One thing I do know, is that I fully plan on ripping off the funeral parlors. I honestly can't believe how much those swines make in pure profit. When my mom died I went with my dad to the funeral home to discuss the arrangements and select a coffin. Those guys are fricking car salesmen and they know exactly how to prey on you to guilt you into buying some enormously over-priced coffin. This was 25 years ago, and to this day I still consider them to be several notches below child molesters on the scum scale.

I'm very well insured, and I have made sure my family will lack for nothing when I go. In fact, I'm well enough insured that I have to keep one eye on my wife and I let the dog taste my food before I eat it. ROFL, just kidding. I think. ;)

The point is, I'm going to find out what the absolute cheapest way to have my body disposed of. I think it would be fun to have on of my family members go to a funeral home and pick out the most expensive casket, give the funeral director a major hard-on, and then back out at the last minute. Did I mention how much I hate funeral homes? :D

Bah, this is all very morbid, I admit. And I'm not going anywhere anytime soon (hopefully). If I have my way, I'll still be posting here 30 years from now. Yeah, sorry. :)

09-16-2007, 06:10 PM
I found some sweet deals on biodegradable coffins that seem to be the lowest-priced coffins on the market. You can buy one for as little as 560 USD

Check it out: http://www.ecocoffins.com/

09-16-2007, 06:20 PM
I found some sweet deals on biodegradable coffins that seem to be the lowest-priced coffins on the market. You can buy one for as little as 560 USD

Check it out: http://www.ecocoffins.com/

I'm not shopping yet. I'm feeling better. I think I'll take a walk...

Caged Anger
09-17-2007, 03:16 AM
First off, Bingo....that is absolutely fascinating the whole idea of the tunnel. Honestly....does anyone have any memories from their pre-1 year marker?.....such an interesting concept....fascinating.

Secondly....Snake....yes :)

Irish of Viking funeral for me!

Die Hard
09-17-2007, 08:52 AM
Careful, Folks have died while taking walks.:rofl: