View Full Version : PArt 2 to Sirc's Thread

09-16-2007, 04:07 PM
LOL just got this and found it funny.


09-16-2007, 04:09 PM
:bawling: Oh and I am expected to die soon.

09-16-2007, 05:56 PM
that's a cool site

Real age: 2
Life expectancy: 92

looks like im fine for a few more years :)

09-16-2007, 06:04 PM
Real Age : -1,2
Life expectancy : 87

09-16-2007, 06:18 PM
that's a cool site

Real age: 2
Life expectancy: 92

looks like im fine for a few more years :)

Lies. Although I believe the 2 number. :P

I still have 20 years left. I was surprised that sleeping 9 hours as opposed to 7 or 8 actually reduces your life span. The whole time it was "Yes!" for one thing and then "Oh no!" for another. Hehe.

I just hope I go quick, and preferably without knowing it's gonna happen.

09-16-2007, 07:32 PM
That's a very bad way to go...you risk fracturing your conscious and unconscious and becoming a ghost.

09-16-2007, 08:07 PM
That's a very bad way to go...you risk fracturing your conscious and unconscious and becoming a ghost.


I asked in the other thread that people don't push their beliefs. I respect what you believe - that is your prerogative. I've already stated my belief, so talk of heaven, hell, reincarnation, ghosts, etc. are falling on deaf ears in my case.

I actually find it rather comforting to think that my consciousness will simply end when I die. No transition, no judgment, no wondering. And no hell. As I've said, I'm not pushing my beliefs, but simply stating them. If I live on after death at all, it will be in the hearts and minds of my family and friends. That's more than I could ask for.

I've actually had a pretty good life so far despite a few bumps in the road. I look at my children and wonder how they have become such amazing human beings. I'd like to think that I had a part in that. And that's what it's all about to me. They are my afterlife. I have physically and psychologically passed myself on to a new generation. And I hope to help do the same with my children's children. Being remembered is immortality.

09-17-2007, 02:48 AM
That's a very bad way to go...you risk fracturing your conscious and unconscious and becoming a ghost.

Uh and why would anyone NOT want that to happen?

09-17-2007, 02:53 AM
Uh and why would anyone NOT want that to happen?

Because you don't know you're dead! I mean, I guess it would be fun going around scaring people if you were consciously aware that you were a ghost but you simply are not aware at all! I have recently starting doing soul retrieval or whatever it's called these days where I go to haunted places and connect with the ghosts to communicate to them a simple message...to make them aware that they are in fact dead and can move on to their next incarnation or whatever else needs to be done before they're ready for that. I look at it as a very loving act and that's why I do it :)

Caged Anger
09-17-2007, 03:24 AM
hmmm....I dunno.....can I claim being happily married to my job? :P

Current age 19
Real age 6.6
Average Life Expectancy 74
My Expectancy....86.4....(WOOHOOO)
I got 24,600 days left to party.....20,000 of which will probably be looking at a computer screen blowin stuff up :thumbs:

09-17-2007, 11:30 AM
real age..36.1

dead 77.9