View Full Version : Yeah I am a video nut now!!

09-16-2007, 08:05 PM
Check this one out. It will make you think!! Watch the whole thing so you will understand it and turn up the sound.


I know I am a freak for good videos!! :)

09-16-2007, 08:27 PM
That made me cry. I know it was a Christian vid, but it also pretty much sums up what every parent goes through. It's hard letting go knowing what's out there.

Nice find.

09-17-2007, 01:38 AM
That made me cry. I know it was a Christian vid, but it also pretty much sums up what every parent goes through. It's hard letting go knowing what's out there.

Nice find.

Yep brought tears to my eyes as well!!

09-17-2007, 03:23 PM
Even though I'm not a religious person, I have to say that was an awesome vid :thumbs:

I did however take that original man as representing 'faith' and not a parent though. :hmmm:

09-17-2007, 05:21 PM
Sepra I always thought you were religous:confused: .

I was a bit lost watching the video but figured it out eventually. I guess what people find sad is that we either being the parent or the child have been there to see such struggles. I will rate the video high because you can actually look at it in many perspectives.

09-17-2007, 10:20 PM
Sepra I always thought you were religous:confused: .

Newp. But although I'm not religious, I dont deny unanswerable things whatever they may be. (if that makes any sense) Who am I to say God doesn't exist?

A peculiar story I have though, that I will share......

My husbands cousin and his wife took in a foster child when she was just under 2. She was diagnosed with cancer and was said she would be lucky if she lived past 3 and it would be a miracle if she saw 4. Once her biological mother found out Nina was ill, she didn't want her anymore and had nothing to do with her until her funeral. (pathetic I know) Jason and Amy, took her in and loved her as their own, making the many doctors visits she required, growing very attached to this vibrant little girl. Now, for the record, neither Jason or Amy practice any type if religion and Nina was just a toddler when they took her in. When Nina was getting to the point where her cancer was getting the best of her, she told Jason one morning that she had a beautiful dream. She said a man took her flying in his magic car. Her being 5, and really loving the carebears (who flew in a cloud car), Jason didn't really know what to make of it. About two weeks later, when she had a terrible lapse of sickness and in the hospital, she had noticed pamphlets that were dropped by from the hospital chapel with a picture of Jesus on it. She said to Jason softly, Do you see that picture of that man over there? That's the man who took me flying in that dream........ Nina passed shortly after. :(

Not being taught any religion in her short, innocent life, it makes you think.

09-18-2007, 02:24 AM
Newp. But although I'm not religious, I dont deny unanswerable things whatever they may be. (if that makes any sense) Who am I to say God doesn't exist?

A peculiar story I have though, that I will share......

My husbands cousin and his wife took in a foster child when she was just under 2. She was diagnosed with cancer and was said she would be lucky if she lived past 3 and it would be a miracle if she saw 4. Once her biological mother found out Nina was ill, she didn't want her anymore and had nothing to do with her until her funeral. (pathetic I know) Jason and Amy, took her in and loved her as their own, making the many doctors visits she required, growing very attached to this vibrant little girl. Now, for the record, neither Jason or Amy practice any type if religion and Nina was just a toddler when they took her in. When Nina was getting to the point where her cancer was getting the best of her, she told Jason one morning that she had a beautiful dream. She said a man took her flying in his magic car. Her being 5, and really loving the carebears (who flew in a cloud car), Jason didn't really know what to make of it. About two weeks later, when she had a terrible lapse of sickness and in the hospital, she had noticed pamphlets that were dropped by from the hospital chapel with a picture of Jesus on it. She said to Jason softly, Do you see that picture of that man over there? That's the man who took me flying in that dream........ Nina passed shortly after. :(

Not being taught any religion in her short, innocent life, it makes you think.

Awesome story!!

09-18-2007, 11:17 AM
great find my friend.

I've gone back and forth over religion over the years, seen the good and bad sides of it, but the bottom line is faith, whether it's faith in God, or just faith in yourself, good or just what's right.

Die Hard
09-18-2007, 11:37 AM
:ha: to religion but having belief in yourself is the winning ticket.

Pretty cool vid too Manson ;)