View Full Version : who needs a bill of rights anyways

09-18-2007, 10:35 PM

complete garbage, i hope he does sue, and for alot, like enough to make them rename the school after him.

09-18-2007, 11:23 PM
Stun gun was not necessary but to restrain him was the right thing to do because he was resisting and you can’t do that with a police officer. When a Police officer tells you to be quiet trust me do so and wait for your chance to explain what happen but at anytime do not speak only if asked to and please do not resist an officer. You will find some Officers act violently with no respect only because they lack of intelligent, communication or diplomacy and some love the power. Policeman I feel requires to take up more courses in public relationship and community affairs. Think about it, almost anyone can pretty much be a policeman with only 60 college credits in New York City and some maybe more like state troopers require 4 years of college, but the other reason is they do not get paid much to risk there life’s on the line of duty. That guy if he is a college student with commonsense to know when to stop and make his argument instead of resisting because it is a no win situation.

09-18-2007, 11:36 PM
i agree you should resist the police, but these were campus police, who i assume don't have the same rigorous training as actual police do, and they (IMO) acted inappropriately from the start, he wasn't disrupting anyone, although his tone could've been better, and kerry WANTED to answer the question, so it wasnt offensive to him either.

09-18-2007, 11:43 PM
I do not know what warnings or other exchanges transpired between the young man and the police prior to his barging to the front of the line and their intervention.

The video doesn't show what transpired earlier so it's hard to make a definite 'informed' opinion about it, but tht says he barged to the front of the line and from what I saw the student was asked to leave, he physically resisted by flaying around and got justifiable tasered. In this day and time law enforcement officers are going to have their guards up, you never know when some idiot wants to martyr himself.

09-19-2007, 12:02 AM
Security Guard or policeman it doesn't matter he resisted and that can get you in trouble by the law.

09-19-2007, 12:28 AM
The video doesn't show what transpired earlier so it's hard to make a definite 'informed' opinion about it, but tht says he barged to the front of the line and from what I saw the student was asked to leave, he physically resisted by flaying around and got justifiable tasered. In this day and time law enforcement officers are going to have their guards up, you never know when some idiot wants to martyr himself.

Here is the full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCBcOQkUNjI

He asked why Kerry did nothing about the rigged election in 2004 and Kerry's membership in the Skull and Bones society with Bush.

He is also a 9/11 Truther

09-19-2007, 12:51 AM
Security Guard or policeman it doesn't matter he resisted and that can get you in trouble by the law.

so they electrified him a few times? were they equipped with tazers but no handcuffs? gimme a break

09-19-2007, 01:16 AM
The cops were absolutely in the right in that situation - from what I could see.

Guess what? If you resist arrest you WILL lose the fight, one way or another. They were trying to escort him out - he resisted. They tried to calm him down - he resisted. You can hear them REPEATEDLY asking the guy to put his hands behind his back - he resisted.

So guess what? YOU LOSE. Taser. Do I wish things had gone differently? Of course I do. But the bottom line is - the cops get to tell you what to do whether you like it or not. The time to get all hissy about it is AFTER the situation is over.

Like Sho said - as a cop you simply don't know what's going to happen at any given moment. Your job is to take absolute control of a situation.

Just turn things around for a moment - what if this guy WAS a freakin whackjob and his intention was to kill John Kerry for losing the election if he didn't give the proper answer. And let's just say he pulls it off. How long and loud do you think the shouting would be that someone should have done something about this? I guarantee you it would be insane. (Hello - Virginia Tech, Columbine, etc...?)

So yeah, as a cop you are utterly damned if you do, and damned if you don't. A situation comes up and they have to take control and the cheers come up that they should be investigated, sued, fired, etc. A situation comes up where they don't take control fast enough and the cheers come up that they should be investigated, sued, fired, etc.

It's a freakin crappy place to be man, and I hate to see stuff like this because all it does is mean the next time something happens, the cops will have to step back a moment and wonder how long they will be second-guessed for the decision they have to make. And that extra moment is all that's needed for people to die.

I've got NO problem with that guy getting all pissy about disagreeing with having to be removed - but the time for him to do so is AFTER everything is calmed down and under control - after he's taken outside for example. If he'd simply allowed himself to be escorted out none of this would have happened.


09-19-2007, 01:52 AM
so they electrified him a few times? were they equipped with tazers but no handcuffs? gimme a break

Let me repeat it again maybe you didn't understand what I said.

Stun gun was not necessary but to restrain him was the right thing to do because he was resisting and you can’t do that with a police officer or security guard that is his job.

09-19-2007, 02:22 AM
Ok I saw the rest of the full Video and I wish they gave him a chance to speak but just remember that they didn't show everything because he was asked to leave and he was being a pain in the as* by disrupting before hand which they did not show that part of the video.

What got me mad was that what Tucker said the news man which btw I hate that Bleep-Bleep because he is so obtuse and a poor excuse as* kisser. He said they should be a shame of themselves the police officer that it took so many to hold him down. Let me tell you something it isn’t easy to control a person down without hurting him and when using force can do so and that is why many was on him to prevent him in getting more hurt and to be able to hold him down. I like to see Tucker try being a Police officer or a Security Guard. That guy I really hate him so much that I feel he should be fired and stick his nose in someone else’s as*. He is the worse news caster of all time I hate him with a passion and if I ever seen him in person I would just bunch the sh*t outer him and get arrested for it which to me is worth it. I was so happy that when Jon Stewart from the Daily Show Comedy show when on CNN with Tucker and he let him have it and called him a stupid man or was it a Dum as* news man.

09-19-2007, 02:41 AM
Considering the kid was already on the ground I don't see a reason to use a taser on the kid. I respectthe law but if 6-8 officers who already have the kid down cannot get the handcuffs on him oe subdue him, they need to be fired. A weapon is a weapon and if they used it before he was lting down then I see that as ok. But that many cops on top of him and then tasering him is a joke and the school is responsible for not having proper trained officers.

I believe taser are useful but considering the deaths they have caused the past 2 years, I think they should use it only if needed. Remember the kid was lying down already.

Oh and who cares what Kerry has to say. He probably got paid 200,000 to be there. Gotta love them Democrats!!!

09-19-2007, 03:41 AM
Biggs like I said before it isn't easy without hurting that person, so they have to take it easy without coursing harm to him. I work as special Security for major Corp once in a while when they call on me and it isn't easy. Sometimes I am ask to come in for a special event and ran into a lot of celebrities with friends that are cops that work with me etc. I can take out a guy with one flip and have him cuffed in 30 seconds but if I do it I will hurt him badly. At times I need help because when a person decides to move around and begins to wiggle his hands, legs and arms wildly it’s not as easy as you think trust me. I weight 240 pounds now and I am not fat and have very quick hands and feet and I tell you it isn't easy to take on a person and cuff him without hurting him and if I do it my way he would most likely have his head cracked open with a flip. What we use is our hands and knees to control once he is down plus the other hand at the back of his neck and there is more to it btw. This isn’t a Bouncer job at a night club because it is a lot different where I work at when I am called on to make extra money. I refuse to work as a Bouncer at a club because it is nothing like what I do where I work at and it requires 7 to 9 week training and you get trained by other law enforcers not just by policeman etc. This training can be intense plus the money is good for a one day job.

09-19-2007, 03:58 AM
Honestly the way the cops handled that situation they were actually lucky. Consider what would have happened if there were some of his friends there to help him. That would of caused a huge problem that could of been avoided if done right. Though this seemed harmless there could of been a riot which would of got someone hurt.

Who am I to say why they did it but I think consodering there was so many of them and he was down already taser was not needed. They could of strapped his legs and hands and just carried himout.

Because of all of this they will be sued which will cost the state millions in court fees and the school will probably be sued also. Win or lose the tax payer has to pay for the court fees. all of this because of what?

09-19-2007, 04:07 AM
I think they did there best and honestly thank god it wasn't serious and got out of control. Also if you notice about the guy he was about 6 feet and 3 inches and weight about 260 to 275 pounds which isn't easy without hurting him and the sad thing about this is that no matter what in any situation like what happen a good lawyer can easily have it taken to court and 90% of the time will win. It's not easy to control it without a bit of force that is necessary to use. As far as the Stun gun, that to me was not needed for this guy.

09-19-2007, 04:09 PM
i think this is a better story

Wheelchair-Bound Woman Dies After Being Shocked With Taser 10 Times


09-20-2007, 04:06 AM
Trust me, when the guys I work with saw that, they said the same thing, tase him, resisting. Cut and dry. I'm sure if he got up in Kerry's grill, everyone would say where's the security.

The problem is, Americans are f-n spoiled, 20 years ago, the man would have gotten the night stick beat down and hurt for a long time. Now, he gets the 5 second taser ride and feels fine a short time after... oh yeah, baaad cops :rolleyes:

Caged Anger
09-21-2007, 03:36 AM
Its better Pure...sure...but is it great? I doubt it. I grew up on a farm with an electric fence, i don't care what they say, it still leaves a good sting.

No, this guy was a f'in moron imho, takes away the respect and support many have for true activists. At the same time though, we cannot let our fear of others in the world wishing to do us harm dictate our reactions to every situation now. To do so would truely mean the terrorists have accomplished their goals. I imagine if something happened to Kerry at that event and security did nothing we would all be up in arms about the lack of security. Likewise, as security reacted in this situation, we are now up in arms saying that they did so in an inappropriate manner.

Guess what folks, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, thats why we complain its too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. We love spring and fall because they are the moderate seasons when we get the best of both. Therefore, lets have our improved security measures but not at the cost of all the freedoms are lives are based upon.