View Full Version : AMD XP3000+

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-12-2002, 06:07 PM
Gimme, gimme, gimme!

That about sums it up! LOL

09-12-2002, 06:10 PM
i wanna know theprize and what MoBo do u need :?:

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-12-2002, 06:13 PM
You will not need to upgrade your motherboard. I think it uses the new Barton core which will have twice the on chip cache as the current chips. It is still the 462 pin socketA. When the Hammer processors are reliesed you will need to upgrade your motherboard though.

I wanna Nforce2 mobo to go with my AMD 3000+! hehehe

09-12-2002, 06:19 PM
i think about upgrading after Christmas and my birthday ( a moth after christmas)

i need a new CPU and a new Vidcard and maybe a new MoBo

any suggestions?

09-12-2002, 06:23 PM
[quote:b00fbbef5f="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Gimme, gimme, gimme!

That about sums it up! LOL[/quote:b00fbbef5f]

No...No...No.......and the sum of that is [size=24:b00fbbef5f][b:b00fbbef5f]NO[/b:b00fbbef5f][/size:b00fbbef5f]

You can't have.....won't be fair.....my little 386dx 40 can't keep up.

LOL........Surely you don't need to be faster.....Is someone whooping up on you......I know it aint me........
If you do buy one......tell me how you got permission from dixie....My wife just doesn't understand....the need for speed.

09-12-2002, 06:39 PM
I have Intel and if i buy new cpu i will buy Intel :twisted:

Big Steve
09-12-2002, 07:19 PM
[quote:3bec457c0e="Scorch DOA"]I have Intel and if i buy new cpu i will buy Intel :twisted:[/quote:3bec457c0e]

Yeh I just got the p4 2.4 533...but i havn't tryed it yet..

09-12-2002, 07:34 PM
[quote:eb0cc77504="Goober DOA"][quote:eb0cc77504="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Gimme, gimme, gimme!

That about sums it up! LOL[/quote:eb0cc77504]

No...No...No.......and the sum of that is [size=24:eb0cc77504][b:eb0cc77504]NO[/b:eb0cc77504][/size:eb0cc77504]

You can't have.....won't be fair.....my little 386dx 40 can't keep up.

LOL........Surely you don't need to be faster.....Is someone whooping up on you......I know it aint me........
If you do buy one......tell me how you got permission from dixie....My wife just doesn't understand....the need for speed.[/quote:eb0cc77504]

If she played computer games she would understand. :wink:

09-12-2002, 07:37 PM
[quote:2d99095e0b="Sauron"]i think about upgrading after Christmas and my birthday ( a moth after christmas)

i need a new CPU and a new Vidcard and maybe a new MoBo

any suggestions?[/quote:2d99095e0b]

Well it's kind of hard to predict that far into the future with hardware and I don't know your spending limitations, but I would say AMD 3000+, Nvidia NV30 video card, and an Nforce2 mobo. But things could change between now and then.

09-12-2002, 07:37 PM
[quote:c8ff066d48="Sauron"]i think about upgrading after Christmas and my birthday ( a moth after christmas)

i need a new CPU and a new Vidcard and maybe a new MoBo

any suggestions?[/quote:c8ff066d48]

Well it's kind of hard to predict that far into the future with hardware and I don't know your spending limitations, but I would say AMD 3000+, Nvidia NV30 video card, and an Nforce2 mobo. But things could change between now and then.

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-12-2002, 07:43 PM
Damn, that was me that posted the above 2 comments? Forgot to log in. :oops: :lol:

09-12-2002, 07:54 PM
No limitations in money :)

and well ill ask u shortly after my birthday again :) (if u dont mind)

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-12-2002, 08:10 PM
Sounds good.

09-12-2002, 08:33 PM
it sounds like a very ..POWERFUL thing :roll:

I don't know what it is :oops:

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
09-12-2002, 10:15 PM
[quote:d34c41ad70="Goober DOA"][quote:d34c41ad70="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Gimme, gimme, gimme!

That about sums it up! LOL[/quote:d34c41ad70]

No...No...No.......and the sum of that is [size=24:d34c41ad70][b:d34c41ad70]NO[/b:d34c41ad70][/size:d34c41ad70]

You can't have.....won't be fair.....my little 386dx 40 can't keep up.

LOL........Surely you don't need to be faster.....Is someone whooping up on you......I know it aint me........
If you do buy one......tell me how you got permission from dixie....My wife just doesn't understand....the need for speed.[/quote:d34c41ad70]

You see Goober, this is how it works, Machine uses the don't ask/don't tell method. It goes a little like this:

Machine's friend is eating lunch with The Machine and I and the friend says, "Man I can't wait to see that brand new 21" monitor you just got. (I give Machine a kick underneath the table.) Machine give his friend a shut up or you are dead look. Lunch never seems to end, and finally when we are alone he says to me, "Honey, I know how much you need a new monitor because yours is going bad. So I bought this new one, and you can have my old one, and we can sell your old one... (all the time Machine is talking he has this big goofy grin on his face as if I'm really buying this. :roll: )

And then Goober I will usually say something like well, as long as you spend as much money on your daughter and I as you spend on yourself, I guess it's okay sweetie. You see the secret is I really don't mind. I just act like I do, and then he feels really guilty, and then Savanna and I get some goodies, too! :wink:

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-13-2002, 12:07 AM

Big Steve
09-13-2002, 05:48 AM
[quote="OUTLAWS Dixie Chick"][quote="Goober DOA"][quote:5c569cfe60="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Gimme, gimme, gimme!

You see Goober, this is how it works, Machine uses the don't ask/don't tell method. It goes a little like this:

Machine's friend is eating lunch with The Machine and I and the friend says, "Man I can't wait to see that brand new 21" monitor you just got. (I give Machine a kick underneath the table.) Machine give his friend a shut up or you are dead look. Lunch never seems to end, and finally when we are alone he says to me, "Honey, I know how much you need a new monitor because yours is going bad. So I bought this new one, and you can have my old one, and we can sell your old one... (all the time Machine is talking he has this big goofy grin on his face as if I'm really buying this. :roll: )

And then Goober I will usually say something like well, as long as you spend as much money on your daughter and I as you spend on yourself, I guess it's okay sweetie. You see the secret is I really don't mind. I just act like I do, and then he feels really guilty, and then Savanna and I get some goodies, too! :wink:[/quote:5c569cfe60]

LOL..Dam.. That sounds like me and my wife..

09-13-2002, 06:32 AM
Not good. "AMD delays Hammer for desktops"


09-13-2002, 09:46 AM
[quote:c9f327fd9e="OUTLAWS Dixie Chick"]

And then Goober I will usually say something like well, as long as you spend as much money on your daughter and I as you spend on yourself, I guess it's okay sweetie. You see the secret is I really don't mind. I just act like I do, and then he feels really guilty, and then Savanna and I get some goodies, too! :wink:[/quote:c9f327fd9e]

LOL.......................Very good idea.....I can't get my wife into the games...but she does like goodies................Maybe If I by her something first. It would make her feel guilty instead.

Dangerous Dan
09-13-2002, 03:28 PM
my computer sux, i'm getting a new one inthe spring though :D

09-13-2002, 10:42 PM
[quote:20df9cc282="OUTLAWS Dixie Chick"]You see Goober, this is how it works, Machine uses the don't ask/don't tell method. It goes a little like this:

Machine's friend is eating lunch with The Machine and I and the friend says, "Man I can't wait to see that brand new 21" monitor you just got. (I give Machine a kick underneath the table.) Machine give his friend a shut up or you are dead look. Lunch never seems to end, and finally when we are alone he says to me, "Honey, I know how much you need a new monitor because yours is going bad. So I bought this new one, and you can have my old one, and we can sell your old one... (all the time Machine is talking he has this big goofy grin on his face as if I'm really buying this. :roll: )

And then Goober I will usually say something like well, as long as you spend as much money on your daughter and I as you spend on yourself, I guess it's okay sweetie. You see the secret is I really don't mind. I just act like I do, and then he feels really guilty, and then Savanna and I get some goodies, too! :wink:[/quote:20df9cc282]

LOL! I love you guys! :D

09-14-2002, 02:14 PM
if my dad spend as much money on me as on himself i would be a lucky kid :lol: :P

09-15-2002, 02:45 AM
[quote:d023d98ae5="OUTLAWS Dixie Chick"][quote:d023d98ae5="Goober DOA"][quote:d023d98ae5="OUTLAWS The Machine"]Gimme, gimme, gimme!

That about sums it up! LOL[/quote:d023d98ae5]

No...No...No.......and the sum of that is [size=24:d023d98ae5][b:d023d98ae5]NO[/b:d023d98ae5][/size:d023d98ae5]

You can't have.....won't be fair.....my little 386dx 40 can't keep up.

LOL........Surely you don't need to be faster.....Is someone whooping up on you......I know it aint me........
If you do buy one......tell me how you got permission from dixie....My wife just doesn't understand....the need for speed.[/quote:d023d98ae5]

You see Goober, this is how it works, Machine uses the don't ask/don't tell method. It goes a little like this:

Machine's friend is eating lunch with The Machine and I and the friend says, "Man I can't wait to see that brand new 21" monitor you just got. (I give Machine a kick underneath the table.) Machine give his friend a shut up or you are dead look. Lunch never seems to end, and finally when we are alone he says to me, "Honey, I know how much you need a new monitor because yours is going bad. So I bought this new one, and you can have my old one, and we can sell your old one... (all the time Machine is talking he has this big goofy grin on his face as if I'm really buying this. :roll: )

And then Goober I will usually say something like well, as long as you spend as much money on your daughter and I as you spend on yourself, I guess it's okay sweetie. You see the secret is I really don't mind. I just act like I do, and then he feels really guilty, and then Savanna and I get some goodies, too! :wink:[/quote:d023d98ae5]


Dangerous Dan
09-16-2002, 04:49 AM

09-16-2002, 05:07 AM
When's the ETA on this sweet sweet piece of hardware? Im gonna upgrade my 700 athlon and i wanna put an XP 3000+ in it :P

09-16-2002, 05:38 AM
I wonder when we will reach 10 gigahertz?

09-17-2002, 03:14 AM
2004 phoenix........:)

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-17-2002, 10:21 AM
[quote:8e0e034702="MR. SLiK"]When's the ETA on this sweet sweet piece of hardware? Im gonna upgrade my 700 athlon and i wanna put an XP 3000+ in it :P[/quote:8e0e034702]

SLik. More than likely your Athlon700 is a slot processore and you will not be able to upgrade to a 3000+ without a mother board and memory upgrade as well.

09-17-2002, 08:06 PM
I am trying to limp along with mine for now,,, next year they will open up the pci bandwidth and then no more agp slot, all the bus speeds will go up way higher, usb 2.0 is fast, and the next firewire will be out, so next year looks good,,, intel has already let out the 2.8, AMD has major catching up to do,,, and AMD has crappy bus speeds,,, not like it matters when the whole system is slowed by your pci and agp ports, your systems can only run as fast as your slowest bus speed, by 2004 they will have compressed bus transfer, by 2010, a computer will be like a tv, one click its up,,, but i bet we will still have 70 year old copper lines for connects, unless you got cable then its just 30 years old, maybe a mega spectum wireless will come along,,,,, damn novel,,,, :roll: ,,,,, :wink:

09-18-2002, 08:47 AM
i want a new pc to :cry:

09-19-2002, 02:40 AM
dont we all..... :D