View Full Version : Banned

09-24-2007, 11:37 AM
I have been banned for apparently no reason from the servers:

I give the admins 24 hours to give me a GOOD REASON or to unban me before i publish some "sowftware" which will quickly end the fun for all.

09-24-2007, 11:42 AM
follow luk3 and me, leave stupid computer games, waste of time, you won't remember any game in 3-4 years you played once dude. there excist important things like that sheet

Die Hard
09-24-2007, 11:48 AM
Well take a week ban from here too. We will not tolerate threats that involve malicious harm on this forum.

09-24-2007, 12:56 PM
what you fail to understand is the admins own or pay for these servers,if an admin doesnt want you in there server then its his choice,if you didnt like someone would you let them in your house?.your childish threats will only make you more hated that what you allready are,so grow up and act your age;) i dont know about the other servers but your banned from villains server for trashing/cheating and the fact people know your a cheat and dont like you and leave the server when ever you join:down: why should everyone else suffer because of one bad apple.

Well said Hugs , I agree ;)

09-24-2007, 12:57 PM
what you fail to understand is the admins own or pay for these servers,if an admin doesnt want you in there server then its his choice,if you didnt like someone would you let them in your house?.your childish threats will only make you more hated that what you allready are,so grow up and act your age;) i dont know about the other servers but your banned from villains server for trashing/cheating and the fact people know your a cheat and dont like you and leave the server when ever you join:down: why should everyone else suffer because of one bad apple.

Huggy for President !!! :thumbs: :P

09-24-2007, 01:48 PM
i dont know about the other servers.
i answered his topic in gz that he, like anyone else would, has been banned for trashing. but " since i dont recall trashing anyone i dont care " was the answer.
u wont get any special treatment. i've already let u know, that we usually unbann trashers after a while, and if u play ur cards right u might get lucky. u still demand an immediate unbann, which, we cannot give you.

Digital Fighter
09-24-2007, 02:03 PM

09-24-2007, 02:54 PM
I have been banned for apparently no reason from the servers:

I give the admins 24 hours to give me a GOOD REASON or to unban me before i publish some "sowftware" which will quickly end the fun for all.

He is banned from GM :eek: :thumbs:

And its a really good way to get banned by saying that you will publish "software" xD

09-24-2007, 03:02 PM
I think Zeb89 has done even more harm to the Sam community than Lysozyme did.

I wish Gamespy could globally ban him or even I wish Punkbuster existed for Sam.

09-24-2007, 03:07 PM
Thanks a bunch

CyBeR WoLf
09-24-2007, 03:54 PM
haha pwned!!!! :cool:

09-24-2007, 05:02 PM
GM rulezz...:wootrock: Zeb pwned :cool:

Figona Hatice
09-24-2007, 05:07 PM
that dude is so hilarious

I remember him sayin total crap few months ago when he wanted to teach us that health hacks were possible on public servers :P and then came back claimin he could make hacks ( that one killed me :rofl: )

I wonder if he really thought he had a chance with his hilarious threats :D

09-24-2007, 05:08 PM
Well take a week ban from here too. We will not tolerate threats that involve malicious harm on this forum.

I made it permenent. A threat to use hacks, ect. are not welcomed here.

Johnny Knoxville
09-24-2007, 05:31 PM
I have been banned for apparently no reason from the servers:

I give the admins 24 hours to give me a GOOD REASON or to unban me before i publish some "sowftware" which will quickly end the fun for all.

its ur problem ! :mad:
now its not hard to track someone like u via IP number :mad:
so will be better if u wont post anything but if u wanna be kicked up then DO IT! :cool:


09-24-2007, 06:24 PM
There is no way we can give in to someone like that because once we do, everyone will know that we can be made to back down and they can get their way. It's a crappy position to be in, but we have to have faith that he is bluffing or will come to his senses and decide not to do it.

If he does post that stuff, I will ban him from here .... permanently!

Before this thread was even posted I was asked for my advice on what I would do, that was my response.

Zeb all you have done is further alienate yourself in the SS community with this. It's time you find a new game and move on because you are no longer welcome here.

The Priest
09-24-2007, 06:43 PM
I have been banned for apparently no reason from the servers:

I give the admins 24 hours to give me a GOOD REASON or to unban me before i publish some "sowftware" which will quickly end the fun for all.
End all the fun :D you mean your fun has ended this is why your here

09-24-2007, 06:44 PM
Before this thread was even posted I was asked for my advice on what I would do, that was my response.

Zeb all you have done is further alienate yourself in the SS community with this. It's time you find a new game and move on because you are no longer welcome here.

Agree :thumbs:

09-24-2007, 07:30 PM
Before this thread was even posted I was asked for my advice on what I would do, that was my response.

Zeb all you have done is further alienate yourself in the SS community with this. It's time you find a new game and move on because you are no longer welcome here.

Personal threats are where it has gone too far and for that, you can even get prosecuted so you better not threat with destruction of property Zeb or else you will be making a new friend in prison called Bubba.

Dark Killer
09-24-2007, 09:17 PM
Well, i want 2 say this... my location is not even inside my pc, my dear Zeb (also known as a no-real-life-man), so get out of your DUSTY ROOM and get a life, also u can buy a toy for masturbating if girls run away from you ('cause your jab is too ugly :D)

09-24-2007, 10:00 PM
Good move, Admins. First of all Zeb89 was as a cheater and trasher and later he says he doesn't trash etc etc etc bla bla. Later he comes with that thread asking why he is banned. Insane guy. :down: Good move banning him.

09-24-2007, 11:46 PM
I have been banned for apparently no reason from the servers:

I give the admins 24 hours to give me a GOOD REASON or to unban me before i publish some "sowftware" which will quickly end the fun for all.

Because you are a cheating low life freak :)

09-24-2007, 11:48 PM
He didn't mention the GM server because there WAS a good reason he was banned

09-24-2007, 11:50 PM
The guy is just a total freak, and has finally gotten what has been coming to him for a while.Well, apart from a good beating.

Perfect aim
09-25-2007, 01:57 AM
u guys trash alot ;)

:P joke

Perfect aim
09-25-2007, 01:58 AM
crazy people with crazy minds with crazy rules with crazy cheater.

09-25-2007, 04:19 AM
The End