View Full Version : Parallel universes exist - According to Oxford scientists

Stone Cold
09-27-2007, 02:49 PM
Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as "one of the most important developments in the history of science (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22history+of%20science%22%26sid%3Dbreitba rt.com&eid=csl&tid=790e1884f&site=breitbart.com)".

The parallel universe (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22parallel+universe%22%26sid%3Dbreitbart. com&eid=csl&tid=5893cd2b6&site=breitbart.com) theory, first proposed in 1950 by the US physicist Hugh Everett, helps explain mysteries of quantum mechanics that have baffled scientists for decades, it is claimed.

In Everett's "many worlds" universe, every time a new physical possibility is explored, the universe splits. Given a number of possible alternative outcomes, each one is played out - in its own universe.

A motorist who has a near miss (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22near+miss%22%26sid%3Dbreitbart.com&eid=csl&tid=d8e928e5d&site=breitbart.com), for instance, might feel relieved at his lucky escape. But in a parallel universe, another version of the same driver will have been killed. Yet another universe will see the motorist recover after treatment in hospital. The number of alternative scenarios is endless.

It is a bizarre idea which has been dismissed as fanciful by many experts. But the new research from Oxford shows that it offers a mathematical answer to quantum conundrums that cannot be dismissed lightly - and suggests that Dr Everett, who was a Phd student at Princeton University when he came up with the theory, was on the right track.

Commenting in New Scientist magazine, Dr Andy Albrecht, a physicist at the University of California (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22University+of%20California%22%26sid%3Db reitbart.com&eid=csl&tid=7b748b832&site=breitbart.com) at Davis, said: "This work will go down as one of the most important developments in the history of science."

According to quantum mechanics (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22quantum+mechanics%22%26sid%3Dbreitbart. com&eid=csl&tid=6fabf9bb5&site=breitbart.com), nothing at the subatomic scale can really be said to exist until it is observed. Until then, particles occupy nebulous "superposition" states, in which they can have simultaneous "up" and "down" spins, or appear to be in different places at the same time.

Observation appears to "nail down" a particular state of reality, in the same way as a spinning coin can only be said to be in a "heads" or "tails" state once it is caught.

According to quantum mechanics, unobserved particles are described by "wave functions" representing a set of multiple "probable" states. When an observer makes a measurement, the particle then settles down into one of these multiple options.

The Oxford team, led by Dr David Deutsch, showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes.


Stone Cold
09-27-2007, 02:56 PM

09-27-2007, 04:47 PM
A little bit hard to understand but... Wow :eek:

09-27-2007, 05:15 PM
Nitro is a bright young man with ideas but it doesn't mean he believes in everything. He is just exploring which to me is an excellent way of expanding.

He may have believes that I do not agree but he is fair to listen and not judge anyone when it is serious.

If you going to read I feel it is best to read it at a time but remember that when reading so much information that is out there can be confusing and have you thinking a lot. That is why at times when I read I take it slow and always keeping an open mind because it helps to understand things that may not be real but it can help to expand without judgment.

09-27-2007, 05:17 PM
Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as "one of the most important developments in the history of science (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22history+of%20science%22%26sid%3Dbreitba rt.com&eid=csl&tid=790e1884f&site=breitbart.com)".

The parallel universe (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22parallel+universe%22%26sid%3Dbreitbart. com&eid=csl&tid=5893cd2b6&site=breitbart.com) theory, first proposed in 1950 by the US physicist Hugh Everett, helps explain mysteries of quantum mechanics that have baffled scientists for decades, it is claimed.

In Everett's "many worlds" universe, every time a new physical possibility is explored, the universe splits. Given a number of possible alternative outcomes, each one is played out - in its own universe.

A motorist who has a near miss (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22near+miss%22%26sid%3Dbreitbart.com&eid=csl&tid=d8e928e5d&site=breitbart.com), for instance, might feel relieved at his lucky escape. But in a parallel universe, another version of the same driver will have been killed. Yet another universe will see the motorist recover after treatment in hospital. The number of alternative scenarios is endless.

It is a bizarre idea which has been dismissed as fanciful by many experts. But the new research from Oxford shows that it offers a mathematical answer to quantum conundrums that cannot be dismissed lightly - and suggests that Dr Everett, who was a Phd student at Princeton University when he came up with the theory, was on the right track.

Commenting in New Scientist magazine, Dr Andy Albrecht, a physicist at the University of California (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22University+of%20California%22%26sid%3Db reitbart.com&eid=csl&tid=7b748b832&site=breitbart.com) at Davis, said: "This work will go down as one of the most important developments in the history of science."

According to quantum mechanics (http://get.lingospot.com/f?url=http%3A//search.breitbart.com/q%3Fs%3D%22quantum+mechanics%22%26sid%3Dbreitbart. com&eid=csl&tid=6fabf9bb5&site=breitbart.com), nothing at the subatomic scale can really be said to exist until it is observed. Until then, particles occupy nebulous "superposition" states, in which they can have simultaneous "up" and "down" spins, or appear to be in different places at the same time.

Observation appears to "nail down" a particular state of reality, in the same way as a spinning coin can only be said to be in a "heads" or "tails" state once it is caught.

According to quantum mechanics, unobserved particles are described by "wave functions" representing a set of multiple "probable" states. When an observer makes a measurement, the particle then settles down into one of these multiple options.

The Oxford team, led by Dr David Deutsch, showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes.


Btw thx for the post I will read up more on it, I like to read things on this subject. :thumbs:

10-06-2007, 06:35 AM
Ignorance is NOT bliss

*cries for humanity's lack of understanding*