View Full Version : Warhammer PvP video

09-27-2007, 05:14 PM
For anyone that's interested, here's a vid.


09-27-2007, 06:47 PM
It looks almost exactly like WoW, excpt with somewhat better special effects.

09-28-2007, 12:01 AM
It is very much like WOW but with some upgrades etc.

Kids are going to love playing this game.

09-29-2007, 01:03 AM
It is very much like WOW but with some upgrades etc.

Kids are going to love playing this game.

Imma kid. :)

Sas, you have always had such a narrow view of what can, and does, provide an enjoyable playing environment. It's as if you base every MMORPG on DOAC, and/or perhaps Guild Wars.

I was not making a negative comment when I said Warhammer looked like WoW. On the contrary, I've been playing WoW for over 2 years, and I still enjoy it. And I can remember you dismissing WoW as a kid's game because the character graphics. How very wrong you were. I have been in a few WoW guilds over the years, and they were all adult (21+) guilds. With over 8 million people playing WoW, you can pretty much find whatever sort of group of people you are looking for.

I understand that for you realistic graphics and human-looking players are important. That's fine - everyone likes what they like. But for you to say that WoW is, or Warhammer will be, a kid's game is just silly and makes you look foolish.

09-29-2007, 03:50 AM
kids I do mean that because my Nephews are looking forward to playing this game and many of their friends are too and the reason I know this is because I spend a lot of time with them and their friends in sports and that is what they been talking about. I consider them kids when they are 12 to 16 years old because of my age. Now if I would say what I think about the game I may get in trouble again for expressing my thoughts but I also understand how people feel about the game. It doesn’t catch my eye the game but I plan to open a few accounts for my nephews because they like it and they are looking forward to playing it. I also respect them for it and I do not say how bad the game looks or anything just that I plan to open a few accounts for them to have fun.

Now if you plan to dictate me in how I should have said it or how I should post, or when I should post, send me a PM please, and maybe I can accommodate you.

Now for my real comments about the game:
I think it is going to do very well and it might even have a chance to do even better then WOW in the coming months or years. WOW is a perfect example and now War Hammer very similar will prevail. Now how I feel about the game it doesn’t matter, I know the game will do well and many will play it.

Btw Sepra thanks for the post I downloaded the video because I wanted to give it a chance to look at it because the link you show me the video was a bit distorted so I downloaded and it was nice to watch it and my nephews and friends stop by to watch the video and they love it. Thank you once again sepra.

Let me also remind you that this GM forum I believe is consider an open minded people with their own thoughts that can be express but in a respectable way. I would hope that this will continue so because it is why I post here and able to express my thoughts but again in a respectable way.

09-29-2007, 04:16 AM
You may fool others, but you aren't fooling me. What I said was absolutely accurate, and I know exactly what you meant. Enough said. ;)

09-29-2007, 05:43 AM

09-29-2007, 07:10 AM
I agree we all have a kid inside of us. This game will kick off well not sure if will do as good as WOW but it is possible because of EA behind it.

I spend time with adults and all they talk about is Politics, History, Science, Broadway plays and more but not many talk about games. When I am with the kids it is refreshing to hear them talk about games and this has been talked about a lot. With my uncles we do talk a lot about graphics and 3D and at times we look into games to see the progress and how fast it is becoming real and have our own opinion without having someone taking it personally.

Games like DAOC, WOW and now War hammer coming out is a good thing and I look forward to seeing better 3D animation and more realistic wars or battles like DAOC which I find fun to play and still do but the only game I felt that caught my eye and the concept of how it was made and develop.

It is all in good and it will help for the future of games that are similar to WOW, DAOC etc and the good thing about it is, more is yet to come that will be awesome to look forward in playing in the coming years.

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-29-2007, 01:09 PM
I agree with Sas. Looks more like WoW then DAoC. Gameplay looks smooth. Graphics look dark, but that might be the way the video was made. The UI looks simple. Either not many spells, abilities, etc., or you can just have so many on 1 quickbar. Definitly looks like something I'll be trying.

09-29-2007, 06:36 PM
Imma kid. :)
I understand that for you realistic graphics and human-looking players are important. That's fine - everyone likes what they like.

Well, just to comment on this, the races in WAR so far are dwarfs, orcs, elves and human. Both side having a human race.

In comparison to DAOC you had kobold, frostalf, troll, norseman etc. Elf, lurikeen, firbolg, celt etc. Inconnu, Half Ogre, Avalonian, Highlander, Briton etc.......

Aside of Albion which has predominant human races (4), the other two realms only had one human race and the rest of the races fictional beings. (or whatever you want to call them) In all actuallity, DAOC has a greater amount of non-human type characters to play than human. WAR isnt out in left field in that department in comparison to other MMO's.

As far as realistic world graphics, WAR pretty much provides that. Yes, both WAR and WoW have orc races (but that would be like saying WAR and DAOC look the same because they have elf races), but the characters are much, much less cartoony. No fruity rainbow colored world with rainbow armor and such. :rolleyes: Jag has been playing WoW for the past 6 or so months so although I've never played WoW myself, I've overlooked much of the game. War and WoW's graphics are very different.

Because NDA is still in place, I can't really say much more, and technically you've seen a video and are able to view screenshots via herald. (although I havent looked at them in ages, the graphics may be outdated.) but those are just a few little comparisons to think about.

P.S. Yes the quality of the video was extremely poor and dark.

09-29-2007, 08:12 PM
Machine introduce me to DAOC a long time ago and I didn’t think much of it until I started to play it. I remember getting 30 gold from machine when he was level 33 at Avalon Marsh, and I was level 5 and those days that was a lot of gold. I trust many of you when you guys do reviews about games and that is why I look into it. This new game War hammer might turn out to be better than I thought and who knows I might very well be playing it a lot with my nephews. For example I never really did care for Unreal but the latest Unreal that is coming out has impress the hell outer of me because the details of the game when I saw the trailer. This is just a stepping stone of what is yet to come ahead in the future which isn’t far from here now when we begin to see more great games that will come out. It will benefit all to enjoy ourselves by having fun and getting many of us together to play.

What I love about these games is I get the chance to meet wonderful people and unusual people with different personality and believe it or not you begin to practice diplomacy and understanding of people because there isn’t an ending of learning something new about a person.

I look forward to seeing more new games to come.:thumbs:

10-01-2007, 06:05 PM
Here's the latest podcast that released two days ago.

It's an overview of the combat system and explains the tactic and morale system.

Also the video of the month theatrical trailer

10-01-2007, 08:51 PM
Thank you Sepra my nephews will be looking forward to seeing this once they stop by this weekend.

10-01-2007, 11:05 PM
Have your nephews seen any of the podcasts?

Here are a couple other good ones explaining the game.....

Podcast explaining the tiers of WAR.

Podcast explaining RvR types and the Victory Point system.

10-03-2007, 02:04 AM
Have your nephews seen any of the podcasts?

Here are a couple other good ones explaining the game.....

Podcast explaining the tiers of WAR.

Podcast explaining RvR types and the Victory Point system.

Cheers :thumbs:

11-03-2007, 06:58 PM
November vid of the month

Warhammer music. I thought this was really interesting :thumbs: