View Full Version : GZ League

10-04-2007, 12:02 PM
What do you think guys about a GZ League?

Every Clan has a game vs another Clan.
Campers,Figona,KoA,USSR,Molotow are the teams.(maybe clans from GM)
Every Clan who has many players can make two or three teams of course that every member can play at the GZ League.
I think it would be very nice.
We can make a list where you can see the frags and kills from every game.
Someone is the man for demos and screenshots.
I hope everyone is interested and 2 or 3 other guys can help me to organise
this all.

First I only want to know your opinion

PS: Sry for my sucky english-.-

10-04-2007, 12:20 PM
LOL, Hugs. :D

10-04-2007, 12:27 PM

maybe clans from GM)


so why post this on gm:confused:

I only want to see if Some Clans from GM are interested to play too.
This League would be sponsored by GZ then. (servers etc)


Limited Edition


10-04-2007, 12:50 PM
Lol. And how it would look like?

10-04-2007, 01:55 PM
Tell us more ..

10-04-2007, 02:31 PM
itll turn out to be a disaster and mostly all GZ players are 1.05 & GM mostly 1.07

10-04-2007, 02:35 PM
itll turn out to be a disaster and mostly all GZ players are 1.05 & GM mostly 1.07

Oh rly? :P

10-04-2007, 03:03 PM
okaay so an exemple:


Villains - Campers 1
Kings of Arenas 1 - Figona 2
Figona 1 - Campers 2
Limited Edition - Molotow
Campers 3 - USSR
PkS - Kings of Arenas 2

next weekend will we have other fights.

We will make a list like this (only nicer of course:D)

Kings of Arenas 30:24
Campers: 30 29


I cant say more infos at the moment.;)
But if I have more I will know it you here.;)

First I want to know which clans are interested from GM.
I think that every clan has enough players.(min. 3 players)

10-04-2007, 03:06 PM
itll turn out to be a disaster and mostly all GZ players are 1.05 & GM mostly 1.07

I think that it will be no problem cause every clan has some players who play 1.07 and 1.05 or can play both:thumbs:

10-04-2007, 03:15 PM
You can discuss private now who want to play or if the clan has enough players who want to play
You can make more teams from a Clan if you have many player who want to play. Thats no problem

10-04-2007, 03:19 PM
You should also make some rules before it's goin' to start and table or something.

10-04-2007, 03:26 PM
You should also make some rules before it's goin' to start and table or something.

yo I will do it. I only want to see first if it is okay for the GM clans. IF they would play. Is PkS ready?:thumbs:

10-04-2007, 03:43 PM
I'll talk to AI . :babe:

10-04-2007, 06:05 PM
Is PkS ready?:thumbs:


10-04-2007, 06:13 PM

you mean: You will ask PkS:thumbs: :P

I ask you all (GM Members)

10-04-2007, 07:27 PM
No I meant ask PKS. I am not the whole PKS.

10-04-2007, 07:31 PM
No I meant ask PKS. I am not the whole PKS.

I think there is one little problem why he can't ask from the whole PkS..

10-04-2007, 08:46 PM
I think there is one little problem why he can't ask from the whole PkS..

owned? :D

The Game
10-05-2007, 12:57 AM
nice idea come on GM lil' fun war ;)

10-05-2007, 06:04 AM
I think that it will be no problem cause every clan has some players who play 1.07 and 1.05 or can play both:thumbs:

Theres ppl that can play both??? :thumbs: what i meant to say theres always that lag difference & someone is going to whine bout it & blah blah blah. anyways maybe itll turn out to be something good, we'll just have to see. :)


10-05-2007, 10:33 AM
Theres ppl that can play both??? :thumbs: what i meant to say theres always that lag difference & someone is going to whine bout it & blah blah blah. anyways maybe itll turn out to be something good, we'll just have to see. :)


if will someone whine or trash he will kick for the next game.(bad for the team):thumbs:
I will post the rules later:thumbs:

Ehm Gothi you can ask in private if Grim reapers in interested.
The Same can do Rafal with PkS.
Or Die Hard with Villains.
C'mon guys!!!:wootrock:;)

10-05-2007, 03:27 PM
lets use the serious warped capture the flag mode!

Sounds good to me :D

10-05-2007, 04:08 PM
what is that?:P

10-05-2007, 04:18 PM
what is that?:P

Warped is an original Modification for the game Serious Sam The Second Encounter (PC) :P

Its a really good mod for being that old :D

10-05-2007, 04:20 PM
ups:P okay ty:D

10-05-2007, 06:23 PM
lol another tournament that would never happen:down:

sup up gothi

Perfect aim
10-05-2007, 08:28 PM
sounds good butcherz are in ;)

10-06-2007, 09:22 AM
sounds good butcherz are in ;)

Damn . :P

10-06-2007, 09:22 AM
lets use the serious warped capture the flag mode!

Yeh , would be cool . :)

10-06-2007, 07:05 PM
sounds good butcherz are in ;)

Butcherz isn't allowed:thumbs:

10-06-2007, 10:33 PM
Butcherz isn't allowed:thumbs:

why not

Perfect aim
10-07-2007, 04:06 AM
Butcherz isn't allowed:thumbs:

okay.............................................. .......i guess...........................Butcherz.......... ........are not.............in...............the.............. ..tournament.....................

seriously good luck with this hope u all have so much fun :)

10-07-2007, 03:30 PM
Yeah , Why not ?

Perfect aim
10-07-2007, 04:08 PM
oh its probably because zeb cheated so he made the assumption tat all the Butcherz cheat now. Its fine with me, its his tournament and if he doesn't want us then well thats okay with me. Just try to have fun without the butcherz ;) lol

10-07-2007, 05:15 PM
oh its probably because zeb cheated so he made the assumption tat all the Butcherz cheat now. Its fine with me, its his tournament and if he doesn't want us then well thats okay with me. Just try to have fun without the butcherz ;) lol

lol ,