View Full Version : Drinking Age

10-10-2007, 12:38 AM
Notice how US is the only country in the world that has the drinking age at 21


This is why noone who is in college gives a damn about drinking even though it's illegal because the law is preposterous. Dozens of people I know have fake IDs that they got in Times Square for 80 bucks (allegedly) and they look so authentic (they even have holograms).

What do you think about the US drinking age? Better yet, does anyone know WHY it was raised from 18 for 21 about 20 years ago?

He Is Legend
10-10-2007, 01:37 AM
I say if you can die for your country at 18

your responsible enough to drink a ****ing beer

10-10-2007, 02:28 AM
omg masked profanity!#@!@# %^ /ban :)

Asian Invasian
10-10-2007, 04:49 AM
Ya we suck

10-10-2007, 07:12 AM
age 16 and with exceptions no minimum in Poland:confused:where this data came from?as far as I know you can't (:rofl:exception- in this country almost everything is impossible) get yourself any % when you r under 18...
well, I agree that 21 is too high...

10-10-2007, 02:14 PM
Doesn't bother me one bit. Then again, I grew up in a house that didn't touch the stuff. I didn't have my first drink til my wife turned 21, about 4 months ago (I'm 23) and still don't have anything but the bi-weekly/monthly mixed drink. I've yet to get a buzz.

No clue why anyone would drink Beer and/or wine. If that's an 'acquired' taste, I have no desire spending the time acquiring it.

Frankly, while I realize it doesn't work b/c it just backfires and goes underground, I couldn't care less if the stuff was prohabitioned again.

Note: That statement comes from a "I don't care what happens to alcohol" standpoint, not a freedom standpoint. By no means am I trying to get into that :rolleyes:

10-10-2007, 04:39 PM
Because Link - hehehehe

10-10-2007, 05:31 PM
superficially, as many things, that reasoning may seem just but it is definitely not

Lady Doom
10-10-2007, 05:50 PM
well 21 is not bad ..when I see young ppl (18)in poland who drinks alcohol I think they can wait 3 years yet:)

10-10-2007, 06:10 PM
drinking age here are 18 (sweden) in clubs but to buy alcohol outside the clubs are age 20 :P

10-10-2007, 06:58 PM
What do you think about the US drinking age? Better yet, does anyone know WHY it was raised from 18 for 21 about 20 years ago?

Well you asked heheheh :D

He Is Legend
10-10-2007, 08:01 PM

argue over the fact of kids dying for our country at the age of 18

then argue over how many kids are in jail for underage drinking

..retarded country

10-10-2007, 08:12 PM
You must be 16 to buy low percentage drinks in the Netherlands (beer, breezers etc.), 18 for high percentage ones. And you're allowed to drink as much as you want (or as much as your parents allow) at any age as long as ur home :D

10-10-2007, 09:34 PM
Well you asked heheheh :D

you got me! haha

10-10-2007, 09:56 PM
Ya we suck

rofl. <3

Yes 18 should be drinkin' age.

10-10-2007, 10:56 PM
you need to get to the UK, where there are kids as young as 14 sat on parks with bottles of cider. And then because they cant handle the stuff, they end up causing trouble with anyone that goes near them. A man recently lost his life here due to him going outside of his house to tell a group to move, they stabbed him. No matter what age the law says is legal to drink, people will still do whatever they want, and have no respect for anyone else.

10-10-2007, 11:45 PM
I'm on the fence about the legal drinking age, but I guess I lean more towards 21 than 18. I know when I was younger than 18 I couldn't wait until I could drink legally and go to the clubs and now that I've gotten older I can't stand the stuff and realize that I abused it strictly for the effect. It was fun drinking because you forgot about the real world crap for awhile but as soon as the effect wore off, the problems were still there only now you had to deal with them with a hangover. Not to mention the legal problems that came from it and I thank God that i'm not dead and i've not killed anyone so no thanks, make my beer a rootbeer.

10-10-2007, 11:57 PM
Not to mention the legal problems that came from it and I thank God that i'm not dead and i've not killed anyone so no thanks, make my beer a rootbeer.


He Is Legend
10-11-2007, 01:34 AM
I'm on the fence about the legal drinking age, but I guess I lean more towards 21 than 18. I know when I was younger than 18 I couldn't wait until I could drink legally and go to the clubs and now that I've gotten older I can't stand the stuff and realize that I abused it strictly for the effect. It was fun drinking because you forgot about the real world crap for awhile but as soon as the effect wore off, the problems were still there only now you had to deal with them with a hangover. Not to mention the legal problems that came from it and I thank God that i'm not dead and i've not killed anyone so no thanks, make my beer a rootbeer.

Never ever had a problem like yours

He Is Legend
10-11-2007, 01:35 AM
where there are kids as young as 14 .

18 is the legal drinking age

i think 14 is ILLEGAL :) .. if there were 18 year old kids running around the streets stabbing old men because their retarded .. then it'd be a problem

10-11-2007, 01:44 AM
Seriously man, in the uk we have psycho under 18's. whos parents buy them there alchohol. And take it from me, the park near me where i take my little lad every day, there are always smashed bottles, and its sick. Seriously man, there are loads of under 16's that drink here, they normally hang outside of the shops asking people to go in for them.

10-11-2007, 03:27 AM
Seriously man, in the uk we have psycho under 18's. whos parents buy them there alchohol. And take it from me, the park near me where i take my little lad every day, there are always smashed bottles, and its sick. Seriously man, there are loads of under 16's that drink here, they normally hang outside of the shops asking people to go in for them.

thats sooo true. the worst is the chavs who think they're so f-ing cool. they act as pathetic as guidos do here in new jersey.

10-11-2007, 09:43 AM
I agree in the respect to not trusting an 18 year old to drink but trusting them to fight in war. That always pissed me off but must respect the law. I think that the reasoning is to cut down on deaths to teenagers that are carekess. Being realistic, look at your friends next time you are at a party and see if you can agree to a certain point when they are extremely drunk and acting stupid. Many of us have been there so the law is there to try to prevent foolishness. It won't stop people from drinkinging but it will help prevent some deaths. Comparing to the amount of 18 yr olds drinking to joining the army youhave respect it just a little.

Now if they really wanted to stop the problem they would need to make laws to no drinking outside of your house. Bars and clubs are open and people go there to drink and not everyone is responsible. I am not a hyprocrite either and have done stupid things even after I was 18. As you get older you will see things differently and agree that things you have done in the past in no way in hell would you do the same today. This goes for arguments like why cant an 18 yr old drink.:thumbs:

10-11-2007, 09:48 AM
Seriously man, in the uk we have psycho under 18's. whos parents buy them there alchohol. And take it from me, the park near me where i take my little lad every day, there are always smashed bottles, and its sick. Seriously man, there are loads of under 16's that drink here, they normally hang outside of the shops asking people to go in for them.

same here:down:and except the alco, drugs too:( in my hood for example one guy killed his mother because he was high and she didn't wnat to give him money for video games, another stabbed a boy 50 meters from his house just because he had an idea to do it, if there would be no consequences for me I would kill da bastards with great pleasure, cut the penis off and stick it into his ass with a note "f-ck yourself".Unfortunately I don't have a license to kill:(
however I forced with my bro that kinda "ppl" not to drink and hang around my house and I admit that was pleasant, now there is quiet and nice even tho me&bro moved out.

10-11-2007, 09:59 AM
same here:down:and except the alco, drugs too:( in my hood for example one guy killed his mother because he was high and she didn't wnat to give him money for video games, another stabbed a boy 50 meters from his house just because he had an idea to do it, if there would be no consequences for me I would kill da bastards with great pleasure, cut the penis off and stick it into his ass with a note "f-ck yourself".Unfortunately I don't have a license to kill:(
however I forced with my bro that kinda "ppl" not to drink and hang around my house and I admit that was pleasant, now there is quiet and nice even tho me&bro moved out.

This happens all over. Drugs is a different topic but a serious problem. I hate them and hate the people that use them. If you want to kill them just make some drugs that will and drop little bags of the stuff in the area of these people. Works like a charm and quietly too.

10-11-2007, 12:19 PM
The three leading causes of death for 15- to 24-year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides -- alcohol is a leading factor in all three.


10-11-2007, 04:27 PM
instead of them saying they are 'leading causes' id rather see the numbers.

it could be the leading cause but only 100 ppl a year are responsible for it. obviously if something like that was the case, we'd look at the problem differently. ppl have a way to twist the facts sometimes.

Caged Anger
10-12-2007, 03:54 AM
lol, i find it amusing that all the die hard alcoholics I know suddenly lost interest the second they turned 21 and the thrill of getting caught was lost.

Put it to 16 and let them get it out of their systems before they can drive cars

10-12-2007, 05:11 AM
Well I know I will be the biggest hypocrite when my daughter gets older. The worst feeling a person can have is being a worried parent. I worry about things that are years away. I keep hearing god is punishing me for the way I was. If I can scream mercy then shouting it I am.

Really put yourself in an older person shoes. I know it's easier for me to say because I would of brushed it off also as a teen. I do think kids are much smarter today so I hope if they do go out drinking the realize it's only fun to a point but then it gets boring.

10-12-2007, 06:24 AM
instead of them saying they are 'leading causes' id rather see the numbers.

it could be the leading cause but only 100 ppl a year are responsible for it. obviously if something like that was the case, we'd look at the problem differently. ppl have a way to twist the facts sometimes.

This is not a fact it is true because I have witness it many times over the years of friends, family etc.